4 the tribune thursday- oct m ims wtnhxnt dox bernard editor i i i cna aaf established 18sr charles hnolan publisher pabiiilwlevcrytliursaiyati4mjiastjtoulfvuioattlm02ll barre beacock toronto phone mii4m single topiej me subscriptions um per ycer in adverusinu manager mia utttmr a atirffi bureau of circulation canadian canadatlloocliewnere mtraber oi aodli bureau oj circulation canadian community newspaper association and ontario weekly newspapers association second class maii registration number mm the tribune is one oi the inland publishing co limited group oi suburban newspapers which includes the alaxwhitbypickering news advertiser brampton guardian burlington post elobicoke caiette markham economist and sun newmarkevaurora era oakville beaver oshawa this week and mississauga news j paralysis at york region york region continued last week in its aimless and somewhat ambiguous approach to the pickering airport while the project has been cancelled it is not necessarily dead earlier this year regional council rejected a proposal by antiairport people to ask the government for a twoyear delay in the project that motion showed a major split at the council level the motion was defeated mob scene shows film show need librarian lynn robbins could hardly believe her eyes on one recent wednesday afternoon when 300 children showed up for a film show at the library only 40 spaces were available mrs robbins sensing the need made arrangement to have the films shown at latcham hall where 240 can be ac- commodated she certainly deserves credit for making arrangement for the films but isnt it disturbing that 300 youngsters in a town the size of stouff ville are starved for something to do surely there must be other activities for them to take part in however outside of organized clubs or groupsthere is nothing like a childrens film show in town obviously the need is there it is our hope that when the new plaza is built in the east end that the theatre planned as part of the complex should provide childrens films however a decision last week leaves the councils stand unclear- a recommendation from the engineering committee asking the government to reconsider the project came up for debate at the council level this time the vote was overwhelmingly against the recommendation the only person jo speak for the airport was richmond hill councillor gord rowe who by the way is chairman of the regions engineering com mittee by defeating the recommendation council has firmly refused again to take a stand on the pickering airport up to this time no assessment has been made of the social and economic impact of the airport on the region despite the fact that large areas of markham are included in the provincial governments land freeze that area lies inside the noise zone for the airport possible dislocation due to the airport and road and servicing from the have never been examined added to this vacuumof hard technical data is the failure of council to take united stand oh the matter unfortunately the airport issue is only one of many that council has failed to deal with with what could be called anything like a regionwide consensus it points up the weakness in regional government that is hard to overlook i if hopes were high that regional govern- ment would overcome narrow parochial in terests recent- decisions have demonstrated that this is not the case these interests have simply paralyzed regional council preventing any regional perspectives from being for- initiated tj news item mayor ratcliff will try to slow bloomington rd traffic at region more inspired writing needed by ted wilcox i i a ttend candidates meeting r the electfpnof trustee slated for nov- 10 should be interesting for a number of reasons v firstly itjs very unusual to have an election in an offyear lake bij service is badly needed tv th unusualcircumstances of- colin j barretts resignation made that necessary however with only the school board to focus on the electorate can have a closer look at school board candidates than in other years it is a sad fact that trustee elections run a poor second to elections for municipal council the general apathy connected with last years municipal elections where four members of council won by acclamation brought lower turnoutfortrustee elections while we welcome the announced go transit service that is to start next month linking stouffville with the toronto transit commission subway there are some glaring omissions musslemans lake and ballantrae have been completely ignored councillor becky jwedley pointed out rightly that people in mussulmans lake need bus service many have ho transportation otherwise the other group is senior citizens who are stranded in such places often they must depend oh the goodwillof people with cars to take jaunts to the city this could be c alleviated by an extended go transit service through musselmans lake and ballantrae we hope that the powers that be at the provincial level take heed this year with the school election oh its own the result could be more disastrous but it could also be greater the campaign is focused on the school board for once and that could meangreater involvement a column is a different kind of writing because it generally requires being in spired but if you dont have it you dont have it on a typcial day hundreds of harried newsmen sit down at typewriters and fran tically search their brains for some speck of j originality some thought that hasnt already beclinchedarid hackneyed into oblivion but more often than not nothing comes the reason for this is not always because the writer in question is stupid and or un- creative it goes beyond that in fact i- have developed a theory on the subject which i would like to formally present at this time the theory covers all of the mass media all the forms of communication that try to please all the people all of the time or atleast the vast majority of the people the vast majority of the time i il this includes commercial television along with publications like this one the toronto star and readersdigest what happens is this in sitting down to write something the writer is constantly worrying about those thousands of readers he is likely to offend if he takes this tack and the other thousands of readers hell alienate if he takes another tack therefore nine times but of ten he takes the safe route he doesnt say whats really on his mind he doesnt open up to you soto speak v what is writtenmay be clever readable interesting or entertaining but it seldom gets to the heart of thjngs v now that theory isnt entirely my own ive read snatches of similar ideas elsewhere the acid test for determining if something falls under what im talking about is what i willcall the who cares test and they seem to jive with my own ob to aid in that thetribune is sponsoring jservationsi f- v an allcandidates meeting tonight oct 30 at 8 pm at latcham hall the three hopefuls willbe there a good public turnout could make it a profitable evening where local tdays health school related issues and there are a number of them will be fully discussed and analyzed that is our hope at least at the end of a tv show can you stare at the tube and say who cares and mean it can you rhetorically ask how many people would be seriously harmed and how many would actually be benefited if that pap had never been set down in script form to begin with 1 if so what you have justviewed probably would qualify for the title of what we call in the vernacular class atripe deviations from the norm of pap tripe and what has also been called gibberish are rare in the mass media and should be noted i was recently confronted with one of these cases when i was lent the book fear and loathing on the campaign trail by hunter s thompson a man who once ran for sheriff of aspen colorado on the freak power ticket he is also a journalist arid covered the 1972 u s presidential campaign for rolling stone magazine the book is a compilation of reports he filed and sent in weekly for publication it sould be understood l begin with jhat 1 hunter s thompson is a nut hes crazy he is also raunchy blunt arid iriildy ob- scene but the book makes fairly good in a limited sense of the word reading because in it hunter s thompson is being totally him self you know all about his hangups his habits his attitudes and his biases in one way i find his book depressing because in my view he has little of a positive nature to offer the reader but in another its a nice change you know exactly where the man stands just exactlyhowevil he really is where hes at at every momentof the day- he also does a lot of genuine reporting of the- political events around huh but it is always abundantly clear that they are the events as seen by that drunken maniac hunter s thompson the problem is that the journalism trade contains quite a number of other drunken maniacs along with shy egomaniacs and sullen anarchists but hardly any of them would admit it tothereaders the reason they dont usually is that they would lose their jobs if they began their jv with leads like this my head is not quite straight this morning these brutal tuesday nights are ruiningmy health a quote from thompson n fy hunter s thompson believes in levelling with the readers he gave this analysis of- hubert h humphrey for example humphrey is a treacherous gutless old wardheeler who should be put in a bleep bottle and sent out with the japanese current the problem with- thompson probably was that he went a bit too far in the other direction he put few restraints on himself sometimes forgetting that his jaundiced view of a topic might have been due to having stayed up the night before or some other such endeavor i still there is something about thomp- sons and others like him style of writing that deserves to be studied and to some small degree emulated one thing i agree with thompson about is his understanding of the impossibility of obliterating oneself and somehow being objective in reporting with the possible exception of things like box scores race results and stock market tabulations he wrote there is no such thing as objective journalism the phrase itself is a pompous m- contradiction in terms s this is nbtto- say that a journalist shouldnt try tobe fair ortbat he should consciously distortthe truth but if more ofthe mass media dontbegin being upfront with their values and let the chips fall where they may i fear we may all be in danger of dying of boredom a ertension is lire by david woods many people believethat hypertension has something to do with nervousness or anxiety it doesnt it simply means high blood pressure v its estimated that about 15 per cent of the adult population has high blood pressure and that means somewhere around half a million people in ontario alone contrary to popular opinion these hypertensives are not all high- powered executives under stress nor are they people who shout and scream and throw things you can have a low profile and still have a high blood pressure the important thing about hypertension is that its ar invisible disease and notonly is it unseen its- unfelt the person with an elevated pressure usually is unaware of the fact the only way to find out is from your doctor that band he puts around your arm is connected tda dial that records the pressure in a bloodvessel this allows measurement of two pressures the systolic pressure which represents the pressure developed in the arterieswhenthe heart contracts and the- diastolic pressure which- represents the pressure remaining- in the arteries when the heart relaxes a normal reading for a 35year old man might show something close to 12040 p despite the fact that f untreated hyper- tension can lead toi severe damage to such target organs as heart the- brain and the kidneys people are mighty casual about -itcv- culik one hanultonjphysician specializing in v preventive medicine- estimates that half the pedpletwith hypertension dont know- they j have it of the half that do know only half are mimflfm being treatedifofiitjand of theseonly half ip gamer ingoi tijna the trea tment consktaitlv problem but its being taken care of adequately in only one eighth of the cases possibly because the disease is invisible people tend to be too casual about it the same physician says that less than six months after medication is started to control hypertension only about 50 per cent of the patients are taking enough of it to do any good- in about 90 per cent of cases high blood pressure has no known cause we do know however that overweight people are somewhat more prone to it than are those of normal weight wealso know that the in- dividuals blood pressure will vary from time to time as a result of strenuous exercise or fear or some traumatic experience also blood pressure increases during the normal aging process- so that a reading of 140- 90 might be normal for some in their 60s but high for a yearold- in summary hypertension is coriimon easily detected and treatable untreated high blood pressure can shorten a lifespan by an estimated 16 years this is one area where you can exert a truly positive effect on your own health have your pressure checked if youre one of the three in 20 people with a high reading seek treatment arid follow your doctors advice about it faithfully emi5ieefclhe4 ends that come to to the shore seem gamer agafoareffiahg the treatment jcbnsistenuy- w absfc fswsf i v 7 t n could not sdpperlytln other words here we have an earbyon uie ptacw waterjyarionsoddsnd recreate vy- health j i i thirty yearaagotiwk excerpts from the tribune from nov 1 1945 auctioneers woes f protesting the low price of 25 cents for a full sized wooden bedstead the ancient piece of furniture was knocked down by the auctioneer ata sale in ballantrae on mondayogiving as the excuse forsucha miserable price that folks are determined these days to take no restand bra many of them are satisfied to sleep on their feet as a last resort- to raise the bid- the fluent orator declared that the old bedstead was- wortli more than 25 cents for kindling wood despite all that could be said the article was turned over to the 25 cent bidder the reporter looked from the corner of his eye to see if folks were shaking their heads but no one breathed any heavier for having missed the opportunity of buying a bedstead all wood and four feet wido for 26 cents for that would have beenendugh to wrench it- from the buyer striking resemblance j i idontlikethosephotosatallsaida customer in bill sanders gallery a- few weeksagowhy like an ape the photographer- we are told usedhissestwitaridtsaid well you should them yitvr 4 v siainvs