the tribune thursday oct 18 1975 5 rormleyneivs cr wi meeting set for pcjt22 by eelyn milsted gormley mrs delbert baker and mr and mrs ken baker were guests on saturday at the wedding of a nephew lyonel cook and patricia laing at islington united church john campey a student at queens university in- kingston spent the holiday weekend with his parents mr and mrs geoffrey campey rev- and mrs cecil rosenberger and children spent thanksgiving weekend with friends at manitoulin island thanksgiving guests of mr and mrs david sloss included mr and mrs clarence mcdowell mr and mrs ron gooding of markham dr and mrs steven mc dowell of windsor and mr and mrs martin mcdowell of kitchener mr and mrs lloyd doner accompanied by mr and mrs clarence doner and mr and mrs willy wideman of stouffville were weekend guests of mr and mrs ron stutzman and bradley in arkport new york mr and mrs jack wright and family en joyed thanksgiving dinner sunday with grandpa and grandma alfred wright of rosemont mr and mrs clifford winger- spent the thanksgiving weekend with their soninlaw and daughter mr and mrs john gilmore and family of wainfleet gormley womens institute will meet at 2 pm wednesday oct 22 at the home of mrs ken jexfcls roll call something a consumer shcxid watch for when buying program title family and consumer affairs by mrs jeffels mr and mrs john david stapleton were married at christ church in stouffville aug 9 the bride linda is the daughter of mr and mrs o johnston moffat of stouffville and the groom is the son of mr and mrs john stapleton of don mills they are residing in oakville police order 20 cars york region the york regional police commission last week accepted the tender of aurora chrysler plymouth for 20 cars for the regional police force fleet the aurora automobile dealership tendered the lowest of eight bids at 54161 for the twenty 1976 plymouth furys aurora chrysler plymouths bid was over r less than the highest submitted by colonial chev olds in newmarket chief crawford said that aurora chrysler plymouth have guaranteed delivery of the vehicles by dec 15 when he speaks people listen hear one of canadas most respected newsmen larry henderson on each weekday at 730 am then on sunday at 545 pm he hosts the week in review a programof news and thoughtprovoking commentary on events that made headlines in toronto and around the world for the first and the last word in news its larry henderson on chfi v good music good people chfi 981 stereo fm tf building a pro j eot whynot check a- over 60000 sq ft ti r v ii dfi 1bef0re you buy to serve you better 1cv w spruce lumber construction grade 1x2x8 ft fc a piece 1x3x8 ft 2x2x8 ft 2x4x8 ft utility spruce 44 64 113 a piece 3 piece 2x2x8 16 ft 2x4x8 16 ft apiece 06 ft 10 ft poplar underlay good on one sido and is waterproof an economical smooth surface and is not putty filled wx4x4 u d 4 sheet save on 50 sheet orders only 248 sheet fir plywood only good on on ld not th m nou 1360 sheet exterior waterproof only mahogany w- 690 sheet v standard hardboard no 2 multiple uses slight defects 316 4w 2 sheet save on 50 sheet orders only 40 per sheet paint interior exterior white latex dural compare at only 495 gallon dural wet ply 119 quart dural um 00 damp or wt aar locwa roofc or loundation tor waling sail hot j crock lap outm hath- v lnatc 300 gallon 1068agahon f ah and i d m building supplies ltd jiv 7200kennedyr0ad 974000 mbukemonly v4 mlli north of steeies avenue hours mon fri 7 6 v sat 7 5 hmmmarillclmocian j- ctltilfyl k -f- lll fj assorted flavors soft drinks of hamburg or wiener buns mud medium moid cmouo ft j iga cheddar cheese 5 39 iga margarine 11b paachuen1 hc 39 jjch0ice cream style corn 14fl 0z tin a iga homogenized peanut butter 3202 jar fresh porkroasts shoulder portion butt portion butt pork chops meaty pork back ribs tjy pork tablerite fq sausage g lud jrindiesssuceo tablerite f qq side bacon si 101 129 lb ihpi iga ketchup sbtls9 for 0i royal gold process regular or nippy cheese slices 5 802 pkg table rite sliced macn cheese chicken pickles pimento dutch or bologna sandwich meats tablerite wieners 0 evaporated milk 160z tin 29 canada fancy grade mclntosh 5lb bag 75 2 produce of us honey dews produce of usa sunkist valencia s qq0 oranges is 9j cana0afancycra0e8c bartlett oqo pears j produce of caha0a pepper squash 229 djy2 ply assorted colors bathroom qboston style or regular beans withpork in tomato sauce 14 fl 02 tin free 4 oz puddings value 25 cents with any purchase of any 3 qt jug or 3 qt bag of silyerwoods milk v 17 fl 01 bit 77 57 normal 0rv icc or 011v iga shampoo ica pinic liquid detergent m1 m icait1smh plastic garbage bags 5 00ch0usi 1ztih fishp dog food or iga cat food 0 s 1 pkm0readycut i 59 macaroni or spaghetti 1 1 ac ckdcolaie chips or crime assortweni mccormicks biscuits c10verleaf solid white tuna freezer oteen frozen meai baus in tomato sauce reef icravt salisbury skajt a cravy or veal paamacian meat entrees apple 0anisk frozen sara lee coffee cake frozen birdseye cool whip iga tin lit pic pkg of ml 7 hll dz tub orange pekoe 79 tea bags iga 179 fancy woq0 s s apple sauce 3 49 iga candies ohality service and value all at stouffvilleiga 0n mon to wed 6 pm thurs fri til 9 pm sal 6 pu ffil4 vfrg