4 the tribune thimsday sept 2s 197s established 188s charles h nolan m y publisher dov bernard miined every thursday at 54 main st stouhville oof tel mh101 barre beacock i k editor i phoa mm4m s subscriptions m 00 per year u ajl grtelne manarr i wr cjjdjjimoellirt member olaolj bureau ocirculatioo canadian s-unaga- 1 simoelsewere member ol audit bureau o circulation canadian community newspapers association and ontario weekly newspapers association second class mail restoration number mm the tribune is one of the inland publishing co limited group of suburban newspapers which includes the aaxvrhitbypickenng news advertiser brampton guardian burlington post etoblcoke gazette markham economist and sun newmarketaurora era oakville beaver oshawa this week and mississauga news childish foolish threat childish and foolish is the only way we can describe the threat of people or planes to organize women to a mass sitin in front of the machinery which is expected to shortly begin working up the ground for the new airport some time ago the economist sun markham described the idea as a stupid kind of caper one which made many sym pathizers wonder why they got mixed up with the group in the first place to interfere with a federal public works project would undoubtedly bring in the law and rightly so to resort to such a stunt with the chance of violence is going much much too far any group which would resort to such tactics over an issue which has been fully decided through proper processes of democratic government certainly has no respect for law and order if every group that disagreed with a government decision look such action the country would be in chaos it would appear that the pop group has lost the argument and resorting to action akin to anarchy cannot be condoned in any way both sides have been given adequate hearing and consideration and now to refuse to accept the resulting decision of the elected government is again childish and foolish both provincial and federal governments fully agreed to the need for the project over the next ten years and cannot be intimidated by- such monstrous civil disobedience airport in doubt after the election thirty years ago this week excerpts from the tribune from sept 27 1945 demands on reeve during the year it has been demanded of the reeve of stouf f ville that he get water out of the cellars of home owners repair rough roads settle line fence disputes stop night noises curb speeders forbid the woman next door making faces at her neighbors insist on this or that person cutting their weeds stop school boys smoking settle drain disputes and sundry complaints but today a new demand came in from an alarmed westend lady demanding that the reeve take im- mediate steps to get the skunks out of town it took some time before he could ascertain who the skunks were but theireeve was greatly relieved when he learned they had white strips down the back and looked something like the innocent house cat leaving the funny part out this householder demanded action on the part of the council but she could not suggest what action would be effective or appropriate den of iniquity public alarm may well have been stirred by rev d davis in two timely sunday morning sermons when the united church pastor charged there was immoral living among the youth ofur community to a considerable degree that calls for serious attention of the older residents of the town and especially the churches mr davis declared that t churches of this community are faced with a great challenge one to which they cannot be blind centering his remarks around the religious story of absolams rebellion against his father king david the preacher challenged his congregation to do something about what he termed the inebriated teenage youth who congregated at neighborhood dance halls of excessive cigaret smoking among public school boys and outandout immorality in untold cases r last weeks provincial election makes the fate of the already doubtful pickering airport even more insecure the progressive conservative govern ment have said they or we cannot afford the road infrastructure needed for the airport and the federal response to this has been to tell the province to wait and negotiate this later this left it open for the pcs if offered significant subsidies to still give their blessings to the project the election last week changed all that though the conservatives must now depend on the good will of the new democratic party or the liberals to keep their minority government afloat the first party is vehemently opposed to the airport and the latter is contrary but in a wishywashy manner if the acrimony of the liberals and conservatives throughout he justconcluded election campaign is any indication of things to come it seems the tories will be especially dependent on the party vehemently opposed to the airport it is our guess the situation at this pomt is too unclear to hazard a prediction that even if the federal government comes up with some pretty attractive subsidies the chances of such a deal clearing the legislature are almost negligible stephen lewis would quickly lose his new found credibility with the ontario voter if he sanctioned such a compromise new building for recycling depot a new building could be just about the greatest thing since sliced bread for users of stouffvilles recycling depot councils public works committee has reportedly approved a site on the works property south of the town park for a new site for the depot building approval of the plan by council in our view will be a wise move hopefully it would provide a location large enough to house large bins as well as being dry andequipped with hydro the situation at the current market street site was beginning to get close to intolerable even as impressive totals of material for recycling were collected and sold children were getting into the bins and the leaking water was starting to make parts of the depot an lcky mess about 460 families participate in the project as well as 40 volunteers hopefully with a new building the use will become even more widespread letters to the editor new resident hits service delay dear sir 1 this letter is in response to the writeup in last weeks newspaper entitled bell cant af ford to install phone i would like to ask councillor june button if she would be satisfied if she didnt have a phone i would also like to point out to councillor cathy joice that this is canada that we are living in england is the very least of our concern i would also like to say that bell canada is employing the lowest form of blackmail that is possible i my only hope in all of this mess is that there are no tragedies in this subdivision before march of 1976 for lack of telephone service in our new and rapidly growing subdivision lana roller stouffville former students r support candidate dear sir o j f we are very pleased that jennie bangay has decided to be a candidate for the position of school i board trustee for whitchurch- stouffville k wcfeel that jennieis an excellently qualified candidate for this office having had recent direct experience with the education system in whitchurchstouffville j while a student at sdss she was one of the few people who was always there when something needed to j be tdone- ami her in- telligerice concern and j just plain common sense have earned the respect of students and teachers alike j v f bible thought for the weefr from the living bible see my servant shall prosper he shall be highly exalted yet many shall be amazed when they see him yes even faroff foreign nations and their kings they shall stand dumb founded speechless in his presence for they shall see and understand what they had not been told before they shall see my ser vant beaten and bloodied so disfigured one would scarcely know it was a person standing there so shall he cleanse many nations isaiah 521315 i 5n sugar and spice notes on bills saskatchewan trip by bill smiley just a few more notes on my trip to saskatchewan if you are bored turn to the classified ads that not just a wisecrack a western publisher who runs my column said youre right up there with the classifieds when it comes to readers thanks a lot i muttered rather dourly turns out it was a compliment the classified ads are the bestread part of many weeklies anyway perhaps the nicest thing i can say about saskatchewan is that id love to go back 30 years younger and with two or three months to spend j after i got home i discovered i have a horde of cousins in saskatoon and theyre going to be sore as hell when they learn i was there for a few days and didnt call them but thats my problem and maybe ill see some of them at the great thomson family reunion at the old homestead on calumet island in the middle of the ottawa river next month t its easier to get from here to england than it is to get from here to calumet island but im going to bust a gut trying to make it my grandfather was slidemaster there in the great days of lumbering on the ottawa and most of my western kinf oik sprang originally from his stalwart loins speaking of loins i didnt see any in saskatchewan but i did see a baldheaded feagle as well as few baldheaded editors l either it was a bald eagle or a dirty great crow had just had his hair dyed blonde ks far as im concerned it was an eagle just i as that pike i caught not weighs just under 16 pounds and those western crows i spotted a vast black bird skimming through the spruce what in the name of dear heaven is that i enquired crow muttered- our laconic guide ovide rather contemptuously later i learned that these crows which look about the size of a canada goose are really ravens about three times the size of a common or eastern crow i also heard some wolves but they turned out to be young indians and the wolf calls were directed at pretty young indians of the opposite sex ovide the guide didnt i am sure realize 1 that he was named after a famous roman poet of erotic verse but he had some of the characteristics caught a real big fish last night he averred straightfaced outlining with his hands the shape of the fish which was more of a bird than a fish to my thinking lets see what other great adventures did i have oh yes i met a prairie farmer in his seventies who was up for the fishing german background solid type figured to be a gentle man and he had the most appalling string of profanity ive heard since i left the air force did you ever see a law student try to change a flat tire on a big bus nice lad had been in the mounties couldnt stand the crap of the upper echelons who are still in the victorian age had quit was going through law school and then was going back into the mounties to try to do something about it stout chap and i hope he makes it but he sure had a battle with that tire while we stood on the road and watched the perfect vs of geese starting their long trek south away up there in the northern wilds where the call of loons and the snort of a moose are to be expected i was startled went to a lodge with the rest of the gang and wound up playing shuffleboard and shooting pool with a great fire in the fireplace i felt sort of disconnected it aint cheap up there brought a rate card home with me a modern cabin runs 120 a week boat about 50 a week motel about 60 a week plus gas bait fish filleting fish freezing and food a fishing guide is about 20 a day but worth it i had all this for zilch money thanks to the government of sask and my good hosts the martins but on the other hand its not really ex pensive if shared by a group that cabin held eight people or could have and wasjcom- pletely furnished t heated v crumby cottage m ontario on an overcrowded beach with no fishing could cost as much or more back to saskatoon after a 10hour bus- ride and everybody exhausted some of those crazy intrepid westerners took off for home oh its only 280 miles got wangled into a lobster dinner when all i wanted was bed and a warn glass of milk ordering lobster m saskatoon lslike going to halifax and saying bring me a big western steak stupid missed my flight home called the old trouble n strife who was expecting me that night 1200 miles away cost me 13 woke up in the morning with a heavy chest cold and a feverish feeling that id been off to another planet for a week but i wouldnt have missed it for the world its not every day you 3ee a bald- headed eagle jennies excellent academic record her concern her sense of responbilityand con scientiousness in everything she undertakes makes her an ideal candidate for the position of school board trustee we hope that the voters of whitchurch- stouffville will join us in supporting her for this position johncampey ritaprospero brian moffatt maryann hulshof ballantrae area bypassed again dear sir i was very pleased to read in your newspaper that the gotransit bus service will be commencing shortly for the stouffville- uxbridge area lwas disappointed though to realize that again the ballantrae- musselmans lake region is to be neglected we who live in this part of whitchurch- stouffville have no transportation by train or gray coach and have been hoping that when the gotransit commenced perhaps we would finally have bus service there are ap parently to be three different runs by go- transit and i dont think it is asking too much for one of these to be routed from uxbridge via highway 48 instead of highway47 there are over 1500 voters living in the area of ballantrae alone and when you con sider all the people living in mount albert pefferlaw udora etc you can see that there are thousands of potential commuters travelling this highway every day it would be very much appreciated if your newspaper can do anything at all to help us achieve this rerouting u a m lillian b goff t ballantrae viewpoint owners responsible for stray dogs by don bernard i must admit from the outset that my wife has been largely responsible for me writing this column because she has avery real concern for animals and how they are looked after and treated some weeks ago the tribune ran an editorial suggesting that higher dog tag fees and larger fines for loose dogs could solve the problem of dogs running loose in town while that is true to some extent it is also true that you cannot legislate responsibility the fact is that many people who own dogs and cats too for that matter dont take proper care nf their animals recent ex periences with dogs provides some insight into this particular problem y in the first place we have a 13month old child she is a curious youngster who finds various unsavory objects lying on the ground very appealing usually when she picks something up u goes straight to her mouth my wife has been alarmed to find dog excrement on our lawn right where our little daughter has the right to expect to be able to play freely y numerous times my wife has chased stray dogs off the property only to find them come back again a few hours later her question to me is constantly who owns the dogs that is a very good question some people must be very negligent in handling their dogs for such a large numberto be running loose in stouffville we live in the east end people in the west end have been before council with similar complaints some people might think that i am against dogcquite the contrary- dogs are wonderful pets and i might even like to own one sometime however irresponsible people get my janderlup kennel inn canine control officers for whitchurch stouffville report that during the past few months the number of patrols in this areais significantly higher than either aurora or king township why is whitchurch stouffville any different from king town ship both are relatively rural with a number of small urban areas one reason is that the stouffville bylaw on this matter is relatively weak a dog tag is only 6 per year the fine for not buying one is only 5 not only that but there is no system of stiff fines for dogs that are picked up by kennel inn patrols x without naming names or location i would like to provide one example that both horrified us and made us angry we were sitting at home in our living room one evening recently all of a sudden we heard a thud and then a squealing sound my wife was startled and said she thought a dog had been hit by a car we looked outside and just up the street a dog was on the road yelping in pain three teenagers down the street rushed up to the dog we went out to investigate and learned that the teenagers knew the owners of the dog my wife who probably has a little more spunk than i do said we should follow the boys we walked up the nearby street when we got to the house where the dog belonged the man was getting the dog into his car to take to the veteranarian he seemed quite concerned the little boy in the family was crying upset by what had happened to the little poodle the man was questioned on how the dog got away and answered vaguely that he thought a dog further over was in heat well we thought that would end the matter- but that little dog popped up only a few days later 4 fo we were at home on a sunday afternoon when we heard some children running around our house shouting i went out and asked them what they were doing at that moment the same little dog that was hit a few days earlier scurried across the road right in the traffic again the boys chasing the animal included the little youngster that had cried about the dog being hit all m all my wife and i were turned off by the negligence of these people after all it looked like a pure bred french poodle and yet it was allowed to run loose in town not even an accident could make them realize what they were doing thus not only are stray dogs causing damage to property and causing nuisance but they are also in a certain amount of danger from cars besides that the case can be made against the animals for torn garbage bags to me it only shows that people have pets without realizing what is involved it is nice to have a pet dog but people should realize that the dog must be cared for that includes keeping it properly leashed dogs can easily be exercised at the local park or in nearby fields rather just letting the animal run free the owner could take some time in the evening to walk the dog to a place where it can run without danger and let it loose for half an hour or so that is one reason that i feel that the people who own dogs should be forced to pay for canine control right now dog tag fees pay for about 66 per cent of the cost heavy fines for runaway dogs would generate enough money to pay the rest s one might find that with this kind of penalty the number of stray dogs could decline and the canine control costs would be reduced accordingly 9 fc