31 motor cars for sate nu pontiac hmdynun jsil m tint tonkas xj mta tell iottx s12m unainmta cii dm mo- 34a snow vehicles 34- motorcycles for sale j v r 0 3s0 yamaha w75 3s00 miles excellent condition licenced and certified ben offer m575u 34a snow vehicles take a good look 5 skidoo 76 at keswick sports i safes service 4763461 514 queenswoy s keswick boats and marine supplies oat motor trailer bs000 apply alter 400 pm across from texaco garage on hwy 48 at port bolster j3 farm items for sale wanted 39t- farm items for sale wanted for sale 2 new farrowing crates feed and water bowls included large pig feeder phone 8881247 potato diooer wan- tedbuy rent or borrow 640- 3077 brown custom farming combining plowing discing cultivating 6402196 farm service oead horses or and rippled cattle 1 1 picked up promptly callwoodville 7054392421 radio dispatched trucks for better service ed peconisons ltd i woodville ont licence no 33c ik 34tf 20 farm machinery tractor mf 35 diesel in igood condition plow 4 iurrow 14 trip beam john 33eere sedore snow blower reasonable call 8527332 for sale snow blower jord model519 2 years old phone 8875347 or sale disc harrows 3 fejll 640115 i livestock for sale uco claremont 4492112 complete leed service horse feed home farm hardware we buy 8 sell leed grains 1itf hay and straw wanted any qualityany quantity f powell and co ltd call 884 2518 between 730 am and 530 pm monday to friday tf34 2 or 3000 bales of hay for sale j175 or best offer call 14637352 evenings wanted one used barrel sprayer 6553067 brooklin 41 livestock for sale rabbit business automatic watering system over 600 tfrabblts cages feed cart and nesting boxes 6495145 horses and ponies board- ed call 6403834 alter 6 pm ieasy keep mare 6 years western trained tack in- cluded call 6404360 43 poultry for sale wanted rhode island red roosters 7 months ideal for breeding purposes call ernie lee 640- vat turkeys for sale 1000 each 6405360 45 gardening and supplies at weed control eroydens lawn spraying government licenced residential commercial guaranteed free estimates 2945153 tf golden f horseshoe farms horses boarded gorgeous valley riding and english hunt course horse back rldtng hay rides available- jr call 2943857 horses boarded bought and sold excellent care reasonable rates 6402795 tf18 44 building trades and household directory chair caning saw filing tool sharpening scissors and shears 184 church st n w greenbury 4w18 painting decorating ceramic tiles- repairs 47354364wi7 45- gardening and supplies evergreens sale spreading evergreens for fall planting huge selection top quality low prices open thursday friday 500 pm to dusk saturday 1000 am to 500 pm r ring wood 6404232 l want privacy cedar hedging 3lt to 1 it jcfelivered or planted wholesale or retail phone 1 6554448 tf oo you need your garden plowed if so give us a call at 8881021 we have equipment lor rotottlllng 1 leveling areas for grass seeding etc also lawn maintenance in cluding grass and weed cutting 2w17 47 groceries meats produce for sale oboyless abattoir beef pork i jby quarter or side j cut and wrapped for r your freezer jmi meats government inspected we also do custom killing and curing bus 6401343 37tf freezer orders grain fed beef pork sides or quarters custom cutting ron hilts i 6492476 jle4 beef akd pork grain fed ready for the freezer t call retsor i f 640332 r 47 groceries meats produce for sale apples choice macintosh sparton at growers prices open 7 dav a week con 9 claremontrd sideline 34 pickering twos 6402354 2w17 for sale farm tresn sides of beef grain led keith page uxbridge 852 6005 baby beef farm fresh government inspected side or whole approximate weight per side 150 to 165 pounds cut wrapped and delivered 82 cents per pound also pork is available phone case holtrust 17053573182 tf12 pick your own apples pears 175 bushel up bring your own containers 4 miles east of brougham on hwy 7 to county rd23 north to 2nd 48 pet stock and supplies kennels obedience training dally results 29 years experience german shepherds adults- puppies all ages 1 655-3303- j tf professional clipping and grooming all needs reasonable charge 2942568 tf6 53 persona is free 2 gray and wtufe kittens house trained 640- 2148 after 6 pjn ooo house for sale fits big dog or 2 medium dogs 12500 call after 6 pm 6402751 registered dooerman pinscher pups cropped docked and dewormed o00c0 each 6830922 49 miscellaneous canadian cancer society stouhville branch for information regarding patient services films call stouffville president 6402734 serviceto patients 6402624 inmemoriams 640 2826 tf21 arding i call need help with your home movies our service of editing splicing and title designs will improve your films 25 years experience reasonable rates for in formation write film designer po box 74 islington station b etomcoke ont m9c 4x9 4w1s 55 tenders 54 legal notices notice to creditors and others in the estate of edna ruth johnson deceased all persons having claims against the estate of the above deceased late of the town of whitchurch- stouhville in the regional municipality of york who died on or about july 31 1975 are required to file proof thereof with themderslgned on or before the 30th day of october 1975 after which date ihe estate will be distributed without regard to claims not then filed dated this 11th day of september 1975 j button armstrong ness po box 220 stouffville ontario l0h1l0 solicitors for the executors 3w17 in the matter of- the estate of vera beatrice kidd late of the town of whit church stouffville in the regional municipalityof york widow deceased notice to creditors and others all persons having claims against the estate of the above named deceased late of the town of whit church stoulfvljle in the regional municipality of york who died on or about the 17th day of august 1975 are required to file proof thereof with the undersigned on or before the 24th day of october 1975 after which date the estate will be distributed without regard to claims not then filed dated this 15th day of september ad 1975 eric r button and janetstover executors button armstrong ness 6 main street east stouffville ontario solicitors for the estate 3w18 tenders clearly marked as to contents will be received- by the -un- dersigned until wednesday sep tember 24 1975 at 10 am for the supply of 20 vehicles fot the york regional police force the information to bidders general conditions and tender documents may be obtained from the undersigned at 240 propsect street newmarket ontario telephone 8951221 ext 268 brian j ward secretary york regional board of commissioners of police 55 tenders tenders will be received by the undersigned until 1000 am wednesday september 24 1975 for the supply of 94 gr 78 x 15 radial snow tires for use by the york regional police force tenders submitted must indicate 1 a price per tire including all ap plicable taxes 2 a price per tire for installation and balancing if required 3 a total purchase price for all the tires including all ap plicable jtaxes in stallation and balancing if required 4 location at which tires will be installed 5 a firm delivery date the lowest or any tender will not necessarily be ac cepted brian j ward secretary york regional board of commissioners of police 240 propspect st newmarket ontario 60 sales register auctions saturdayoct4 18ajm real estate furniture auction sale including beautiful 2 bedroom brick bungalow on large lot 168 deep this- home h only yean old hardwood floors throughout full high basement with fireplace garage tool shed this property will be sold at 12 noon sutlectto reserve bid terms 5 per cent down day of sale balance in 60 das all contents sell at 10 am including colour tv stereo antique settee and 2 chairs gingerbread clock f latback cupboard 6 chicken jcoop chairs kelvlnator refrigerator kelvlnator electric range electric ap pliances 2 trunks beds dressers washstands boston rocker shot gun pine chest of drawers 5 hp garden tiller garden tools rarpenter tools coal oil lamps dishes many ether articles the property of the estate of the late walter wagg 174 victoria or in uxbridge near public school house may be seen by appointment lloyd wilson sale manager and auctioneer 4168523524 2w18 60 sales register auctions the york county board of education request for tenders ho 214 paper supplies and exercise books sealed tenders clearly identified will be received up to 400 pm local time oct 16 1975 at the york county board of education 22 church st aurora po box 40 details and bidding instructions are available from the purchasing department donald sim chairman slg chapman director of education saturday oct 4 auction sale of farm stock implements hay straw grain and furniture the property of boroen cain lot 15 cone 4 scott twp 2v4 miles north of sandford north west of uxbridge 30 head of cattle 7 hereford and shorthorn cows milking hand uiiked 1 cow calf by side charolals heifer bred in june 13 yearlings 52 yr olds 3 pall fed calves 6 suffolk cnes good 1 sow bred june 20 9 pigs 160 lbs 1600 bales of hay 500 bales of straw approx eoo bu of mixed grain 50 bu of wheat ford tractor sedore loader cockshutt manure spreader dearborn plow qty of other machinery hay elevator ihc gas engine 6 hp small gllson gas engine 2 model t ford engines wingham cook stove superior delux cook stove cream enamel harvest table extension table and 6 chairs quebec heater brass bed hanging lamp not complete clear hanging lamp shade antique hohner accordion beds dressers washstands chesterfield and qty of other furnitutc rarm sold terms cash sale at 1200 noon furniture will sell after the machinery reg johnson auctioneer ph 705 3573270 saturday september 27th public auction sale of real good choice household furniture full dining bedroom kitchen suites electrical appliances odd antiques early canadtanas brass fireplace set book volumes various home in terior and exterior garden lawn tools furnishings miscellaneous items etc for rm pijfrey at part lot 4 coricr4 boroughbft scar borough on mcadowvale rd north off finch ave east near new zoo sale at 1230 pm terms cash day of sale no reserve asproperty sold see posters or contact clarke prentice fai auctioneer markham 640 3686 i saturday oct 4 1 pm complete household of furniture and antiques the property of the estate of the late hazel crawford 440 queen st in port perry- lloyd wilson and wd atkinson sale managers and auctlonpprs satsept27th- remember the big auc tion salethis saturdayfor the estate of the late a- glenn thompson at 18 albert st n in stouffville- note see last weeks paper for com plete details this is an extra good sale of good items be sure to come early refresh merits 2 auction rings sale 1200 noon sharp atkinson and wilson salemgrs and auctioneer antique auction saturday sept 27 starting 1030 am at victoria square community hall located 3vi miles north of no 7 highway just west off don mills road at victoria square partial list heavily carved oak drop front desk circa 11750 early oak streatcher table circa 1710 oak roll top desk walnut secretary desk chests of drawers bookcase sideboards wash- stands china cab inets victorian chairs hanging corner cupboards occ tables and chairs mantel marble and wall clocks collectable glass in cranberry art carnival pressed victorian china toilet jugs bowls turreens jardinieres crocks pewter spelter brass copper blanket boxes lanterns mirrors oil lamps pictures frames brass and iron beds early 800 items preview 900 amprior to auction terms cash or cheque no reserve kahn auction services 9858161 licensed auctioneer estate sales and appraisals call ernest cobden 8875236 weekends 7735135 evenings tf26 saturdayoctil auction sale of used furniture and antiques the property of sunny valley -an- tiques musselmans lake n cash no reserve sale at 12 noon gauslin fi annls auc- wednesday october 1st 100pm auction sale ol farm stock 8 implements 36 head of high grade hereford cattle cockshutt 540 tractor new iront end loader cockshutt 20 tractor 1966 chev truck full line of farm implements property of the estate the late ray richmond lot 4 cone 4 bexley township in the village of corsons siding 5i miles south west of coboconk no reserve sale called to settle estate terms cash norm maclntyre sons auc- tioneers4392101 satoct11th clearing auction sate for fretz meats at claremont rr no 3j phone 4166403l25t being 10 mile neof markham hwy no 7 or 3 miles se of stouffville including a complete line of good equipments for operating a slaughter and store business property has been expropriated for the new airport also a husky liquid spreader and new husky pto pump etc etc more details later refreshments sale kpm atkinson and wilson sale mgrs and auctioneers 2w17 thursday evening sept 25 6 pm auction sale of farm lm plements including vicon fertilizer spreader pto like new 3 point hitch plow 3 point hitch cultivator feed mixer feed grinder 600 snow fence steel gates wagon water bowls water pressure system 200 gal tanks lumter 300 rubber belting 300 bales hay numerous other articles the property of wdamboise cone 4 4 miles north of sandford or va mites east of zephyr lloyd wilson and w d atkinson sate managers auctioneers 56 schools colleges private tuition western canada school of auc tioneering ltd canadas first and the only completely canadian course offered anywhere licensed under the trade schools licensing act- rsa 1970 c 366 for particulars of the next course write box 687 lacombe alberta or phone 782421 5 9w17 58 business services k w weiss denture therapist 30 wellington st e markham ontario 2946155 59 lost and found lost 2 gray horses claremont rd area 2940379 lost smoky grey female cat missing since friday in elm rd glengall area call after 500 6403614 60 sales register auctions 59 lost and found lost cat siamese neutered male small growth at back of outer ear at crease preston lake north of gormley early july still sadly k missed reward toronto 4853369 collect lost 4 hereford steers cross breed off cone 8 pickering call collect 705- 7862354 lost colue female sable 8 white wearing 1974 toronto licence tag vlclntly of goodwood answers to sandy reward 6495372 saturday oct 4 large ajctlon sale of fur niture antiques and large qty of miscellaneous arti cles the property of ken strongitharm cone 2 brock twp approx 4 miles west of sunderland and 4 miles south or h miles east of uxbridge and 5 mile north on county rd 10b oak harvest table gingerbread clock good round back rocker dumont radio and stereo with tv in the centre china cabinet an tique mahogan rocker antique settee and arm chair platform rocker 4 pc toilet set wicker rocker with prayer bench and chair leather rocker wicker settee 5 gun stock type chairs hump back trunk nest of 3 tables mahogany vanity and dresser mahogany rattan oval mirror office desks office chair wooden bucket milk cans dressers large in- cubator toto tiller 6 hp all kinds of other furniture and hundreds and hundreds of articles of all kinds 1966 chev van as is 1956 v ton truck as- is 1966 mercury car as is etc farm sold terms cash sale at 1130 am sharp note furniture will seirfirst larry johnson auctioneer- ph 705 3573270 hielp you michael j h0dnett one of our representatives will be at the markwood motel 197 wellington st e markham telephone 2941431 on monday september 29th ivlittrljusinesscs including agriculture manufacturing tourism construction professional services transpoxtation wholesale and retail trades hav ob loans from idb to acquireland buildings and machinery to increase working ca to starta new business and l o purposes if you need financing for a business proposal and arc unable to obtain it elsewhere on reasonable terms and conditions perhaps idb can helpyou mmumm dmlopmmbm 4430 bathurst street downsvlew telephone 638-0623- the hubune thursday sept g 1915 is o0 sales register auctions r heronaate country auc tions presents ned wed oct 1 at 700 pm a complete collection- of jcanadtana and country furniture both reflnlsrud and in the rough inctuatng pine cupboards pine x- moires pine harvest tables pine sideboard am cup boards sets of press and bowback chairs approx 20 washstands country chests old kitchen cupboard round oak table old postmaster desk spool beds iron and brass bed credenza various rockers bowmanvllle chain very unusual glass display case iron box stove spinning wheel buggy wheels milk cans dough and blanket boxes old crocks decoys oil lamps qu of glass and china collection of avon bottles and many other unusuals over 250 good items preview all day wednesday herongate country auctions located 4 miles north of rouge hill on the altona road off no 2 hwy east metro or 4 miles eastsouth of markham terms cash or cheque no reserve kahn auction services 2944426 or 9858161 estate auction sale saturday sept 27th at 12 noon sharp in the beaverton town hall con sisting of such fine antiques as 2 hanging lamps empire bonnet chest pine cradle corner cupboard pine top table jam cupboard copper boilers wash stands gingerbread clocks gone with the wind lamp 2 flowered crocks nugget breakfast set vaseline dish others sale for the estate of mrs smythe of sutton 81 mr jack budd of orillia ont see list for detailed items this is one of a kind sale aurel renout auctioneer beaverton ont ph 7054267009 i saturday sept 27 pollards i auction barn t 2a miles east of keswick lestate sale including automatic washer 30 harvest gold gas stove as new 2 door auto refrigerator chesterfields continental beds dressers chests of drawers coffee and end tables oil space heaters electric snow blower console tv platform rockers oc casional chairs chrome suite parlour tables lamps kitchen effect etc han- dymanv tools including jieavy duty mortar mixer witltonevp motor andsmalt cement mixer qu of steel store shelving and miscv articles too numerous to mention sale time 1 pm 722- 3112 terms cash known cheque auction sale of antiques the property of heirloom antiques 1410 dundas st w whitby sat sept 27th terms cash no reserve sale 1230 pm earl gauslin 6403079 john annis 6834500 polaris for 76 now on display at bill walls bethesda 8881998 76 rupp liquid cooled on display bill walls bethesda 8881998 steak dinner dance r fridqy sept 26 7 pitii- pm stouffville legion dancing begins 9 pm 1200 per couple reserve tickets available from jackson carpet centre ivan goodie phorie leglon64017t4 fred if your car is doing this to you its time for a tuneup including exhaust system check free let our skilled staff inspect year cars exhaust system be sure you drive a safe auto every muffler we install is a genuine general motors muffler the finest quality the most reasonable price n patrick motors ltd main west stouffville 6403450 meet the missionaries september 2628 friday 800 pm rev g morehouse the story of team 1000 workers in 24 countries satunlav 300 pm doreen barrie africa 700 pm rev w h pape whats behind thelron curtain sllllday 1000 am 7 missionaries in sunday school 1100 am- rev paul roffe peru 700 pm farewellservicefor rev mrs w h pape returning to europe memorial christian church main st at stouffer st bill hodgson thanks the voters oi york north for reelecting jiim to the ontario legislature for another term and bill hodgson wishes to thank his campaigners for their hard work and enthusiasm throughout the campaign david announcement carole ciagis pleased to announce that miss carole lee is now located in the stouffville and district icredit union office at 96 main street west phone 6402097 mr david barker life insurance sales representative will service our policyholders in this area for your insurance needs call in during the- credit union office hours 1 life home auto liability x together to serve v- i giag insurance co operators insurance associations of cuelph i vv pv