8 thetoibunethuttsdayfieptulks r yfirsjg mmefegm volkswasisl porsche and audi hwy ho 7- laidlaw blvd 1 mite west of hwy 48 iv markham oht h j councilors afirree wmtomts best 3 5i a1 im s f vip tr r 2944141 2972421 eu fef r 3u durham region iture- however will have regional council has to be expanded to make agreed to l the present roocsfor three of the rossland road site in regions departments d whitby j fort a- new which have been forced to i headquarters and locate elsewhere these tffciiw r sl i t istv ws tijfri ii in spite of todays pacewe still feel that an old fashioned thank you is necessary and appropriate are f planning and development social w are happyabout il sericefcknd regional 9k a t- at last -s- weeks finance committee y rmeethjg management y- four oshawa comiitveevfwas epresentatives- sug- authorized toconsult with fgesteda study be s on the design made before deciding on for the building- a final site councillor councillor george 3m ppmcary of oshawa ashe of pickering said he 8 3 vft we realize more than ever before how much it means to have the friendship and confidence of folks like you our steady business growth over 30 years until airport ex- propriatlon was theresult of your contribution r a special thank you toali who took part in our dispersal auction sale successfully conducted by norm faulkner his staff j r t thought right location because its easily accessible uxbridges regional councillor- bill ballinger told thetribune he supports the present site because he is not in favor of spending millions of dollars on a new building when a building already exists the present struc- would be better located in an urban area serviced by public transportation councillor jack anderson told the tribune the present site is very accessible to the people of pickeringhe said he felt a new building would be totally unreasonable when we already own 15 acres with a large building on it pickerihg f iiemeri receiy ie pay boost fred ruth lewis j- altona feed supplies co ltd tpickeringa yr wages for dispat- j j yearly salary jof 1525p be m wr cent v will be paid to first class j firefighters in the town of 5- pickering if anew one- vyear contract goes through ji iy council ratified their v endof therbargaih last week- v j li twentyone fire r fighters and captains j will be covered by the confract for 1975 j aots j alarieshe said it on 4 am sut r mtdurkaitim v ajax ii- in an all- create jobs and that candidates- meeting last 19000 acresoffgoodi week- the pickering- farmingland aitrt was opposed by jisiandered-vs- j two of the three cantbe only candidate invv didates running forthe favor was liberal jdess durham west seat newman- who saiditns sva candwate jghj pilkington premature sta vko z rjercentoftlieiaircrifes m candlda that would use it are ughcsc godfrey said that it was a- enough to use downsview deluslont that- airports or other airoorts t v young plowfen perform of a first class firefighters salary to be raised to 65 per cent after six months about jive meetings oyer several months were held to- discuss the con- tract according to mayor george ashe the clin- ching argument fori the firemen was when the plows his land in the york countjjunior plowing match and coaching town of ajax firefighters d a the lloyd doner farm in gofleyithe match is designed to help awarded 15300 y plowmen they receive coacng tips from the experts don bernard michael grove son of mr and iv lloyd grove is very careful as he jhis is an open invitation to all ourv ji friendsto visit usinour new home i near barrie- t directions u north on 400 to hwy 90 west for 3 miles on the right hand side of corner intersection f clafemonl news jsest shfespi lbjcal ne bvannei oney andlonlngramsisterpf c port perry sisterinlaw claremont our we groom the grooms- of the groom larry best wishes go to man was edward hammond and -ingram- ushers were glen hammond and very gwen george ingram who were married in the united randy ingram one church at 5 pm saturday sept 6 with a the rev eldon linstead officiating gwens maid of honor was linda vernon and the bridesmaids were sister- inlaw karen hammond hundred and ten guests attended the reception and supper which was held in the legion hall another local girl who will be entering the moasethe many gifts received will be very useful as well as enhance the futurehome of gail and her husband the baptist church and sunday school- corn roast will be held 5 this friday at 730 pm at the home ofymir and mrs rankslofnthc rmcmiillehv come marricdsrthismonth js- bring- yourylawii gail louise coppins chairs f daughterof mr and mrs murray coppihs tuesday everiingsept 2f her auritmrs gary coppinsof rr 11 en tertained at a tupper vare shower for the bridetobe the next evening one of her bridesmaids peggy cameron gave a miscellaneoiisshower at her home in uxbridge and ori friday evening sept 5 there was a bathroom showcj given- by mrsfrogef moase of loney who p lives oh the farm v h is now owned by rs tom davis ther a lovely scenic stre and an enchanting h 6h the property k v the v ens in stitute wi iieeton wednesday it 17 at 2 p miat the ife of miss isable greg he theme will be on b ation and the ca woman teacher v in- the united chureh fluenced m e sundayschool will hold r thefir leeting of its corn roast atithe farm the 4ii h making of mr and mrs ellis club will mtuesday brittonmonday sept 15 sept 16 atppfh at from 7 to 8 p m in case of the home oft- murray rain it will be held in the carson the ect being churchy t last sunday af ternoon was perfect for a hike and naturalist edge pegg could not resist taking one with his wife betty- son and daughter- inlaw don and pat and brother george they met avthe home of mrs a touch titchery under the jrship of mrs sandr rson and mrs carolj ans all girls from a to 26 are welcome wednes sept 17 at 8 pm th nil be a social evenpf court lyweds whist given by the ladies auxiliary in the legion hall j i winterize your 8 home right now fuel costs you more than insulation get your home all snugged up right now getthe money from v and g weve had 86 years experience in arranging loans for just this purpose dont delay do it today get the cash from victoria and grey wcrdmj mm trust company since 188- 103ss yongest richmond hill ken meyers mortgage officer 8841107 4 h 11k- nj ao mi h ao markham fair saturday oct4 100 prn j i ra riot 4 cylinder overhead cam engine rackand pinion steering powcr discs brakes front 4ijed syncromesh transmission hatchback r2stic gas mileage contestants wanted bovsjgjstwm vli3h5mbiitk en try forms a yailablei v gerald mann fairgrounds bank of nova scotia markham iosv mp veri m3i entries to be mailed to markham fair ti box 373 markham ontj four pfuel injection system 4 waeel disc brake system steel belted radtals new iv 245 statio jon new front sus f rack and pinii transistorized new tachometd power assistec imm v i the teswrive vrfer people who think to pocket 1 j- 1 mmmkmmm sail 2972451 today 348 main s markhi m r mfir eit if youve been wailing forj the right deal on a 3570 pto hp iractoryou just found it its called the massey 350 this special offer allows your masseyferguson dealer to put you behind the wheel of any oneof five tractors at exceptionally low prices plus youll receive a special factory cash bonus from s300 up lo 350 buy a massey 275 mf 235 mf 255 or mf 265 and well send you a cheque for s350 buy an mf 135 and youll get s300 in cash s moving up in power move up to massey and pocket up lo 350 in cash to boot offer expires october 3 1975 1 t i i rumbli tractor 7salesservicerentals i oormley y38t rsn a v r i v w m tat v m r c