the tribune thursday sept 4 1975 sdp candidate bob lewis issues in ndp candidate robert lewis discusses some of the issues in education and his partys policies to solve some of the weaknesses in the education sj stem by bob lewis at the present time the provincial ministry of education allows or disallows construction largely on the basis of need on a regionwide level in recent years this has hurt york north in two instances badly needed additions to newmarket high school and woodbridge high school were postponed in large part because surplus space existed in schools in other com munities such as king city and aurora the provincial governments main answer to overcrowding in york north was to offer a choice between portable classrooms or busing neither alternative is desirable it is true that the provincial government reversed itself on- the woodbridge addition but it is obvious that it did so only in the face of overwhelming local pressure and the provincial election further the government has done little more than talk about the problem of community use of schools a new democratic party gcvsrsaent would give real meaning not lipservice to the in terests of community schools one of the major causes of educational unrest and higher local taxes in york county is that the provincial government maintains a complicated grant system students in york county want the same educational opportunities as exist in metro and teachers want com- parable salaries but the weighing factors at- tached to the grant system mean that the york county board receives substantially less than the metro boards on a per pupil basis a new democratic party government will examine educational spending and the grant system carefully our aim will not be to spend more but to spend more fairly and more wisely mpp will hodgson government achievements his boast york north if william hodgson brags its about the achievements of premier william davis and the accomplishments of the progressive con servative government according to a press release from mr hodgsons office during 1975 no one has fought harder for the consumer and the tax payer than the ontario progressive con servative government he said from the outset ontario fought- against increased energy costs because this can only lead to higher inflation and fewer jobs- but when ottawa jacked up oil and gas prices and then had the gall to increase the federal tax on gasoline by 10 cents a gallon ontario responded with a ninety- day price freeze at the provincial gas pumps mr hodgson listed other achievements as reduced the sales tax on consumer products reduced the sales tax on wellington st issue laid atmppsfeet york north bill hodgsons inability or unwillingness to assist 12 00 petitioners molesting the widening of wellington st west in aurora is an example of the conservative in- cumbents inef fectiveness in this riding liberal challenger margaret britnell charged this week when a spokesman for the protestors asked that tree cutting be postponed until an agreement could be reached on suchthings as replanting bill hodgson said he would seewhat he 5could doshesaid he was unable to do anything and yet only days later the consulting engineer in charge of the project arranged for a delay on his own how is it that a private consulting engineer with no political clout whatsoever can get a delay but our mpp cannot jthe mayor also said that bob hodgson york region commissioner of engineering made misleading remarks to the protestors when he assured themthat there were absolutely no plans to connect wellington street with highway 400 since- then a planning map entitled major transportation linkages potential and proposed has been placed in the regional offices in newmarket snowing an express bus route running along wellington st between highways 400 and proposed 404 building materials removed the provincial sales tax from automobiles and production machinery provided a 1500 bonus to firsttime v homebuyers guaranteed annual in come free prescription drugs extended health care and the most complete range of living accomodations in canada for our senior citizens implemented a nogrowth policy for ontario civil servants made an adt ditional 50 million available for housing in areas where home shortages exist raising ontarios total housing commitment to 575 million for 1975 boosted financial support of provincial and municipal police forces announced the governments in- tention to move on gun- control measures en forces a tough en vironmental protection program for sewage treatment aini waste re- cycling in an effort to restore arid protect our clean air and water as well as the- natural beauty of our recreational areas- direct tax reductions crop insurance subsidies and special lax measures to encourage on-going- ownership and operation of family farms mr hodgson also said that the need for a strong responsible government in ontario is now greater than ever before one which can intelligently and realistically guide and protect our future destinies it is popular today to decry the quality of education in our schools although the new democratic party believes there are serious shortcomings it also believes there are great strengths neither stephen lewis nor i wish to make a blanket con demnation of an entire system we do however wish to make some constructive criticisms the credit system is a good idea which has gone too far it is now possible for a student to take any grade 13 subject he wishes without any pre requisites whatsoever the loss of enforced pre requisites cannot help but lower standards schools must be allowed to establish and maintain realistic requirements freedom of choice has brought many benefits to students but it has also weakened the study of the basic skills there is a danger here of a backlash and the ndpdoes not want to see a return to the days when many students were locked into unsuitable programs however common sense dictates greater stress on basics and an ndp govern ment would see that it was done i have made con servation a major part of my election platform conservation is more than conserving farm land and guarding against an asphalt jungle it is conserving the character of our communities as well as their appearance education is a vital part of- any welldeveloped conservation program in short whether it is the learning needs of the student the school facility needs of our communities or the financial needs- of the county board the ndp offers a concerned and reasonable alternative to the present government ryerson j60coucdstrttoidotbdrvtarlvms8l8 evening study atryerson 1975 offers courses certificates in business administration public administration auditing t social service marketing psychology advertising photographic arts merchandising acting stehography dance industrial management english purchasing french investment library law and correctional writing administration art law office home planning administration architecture landscape chemistry metallurgy civil surveying electrical electronics mechanical production industrial engineering air conditioning quality control computer programming printing production i registration monday sept 8to thursday sept 1 1 v 900 a m 400 pm and600 8 oopm saturdays september 13 20 1000am 100pm no registrations monday sept 15 friday sepu 19 classes start week of september 22 information for further information call 5955036 new ohip office serves district residents a new oshawa ontario health insurance office is now open to serve residents physicians and other health practitioners in the following areas the regional municipalities of durham and york the counties of hallburton northumberland peterborough slmcoe and victoria the district municipality of muskoka the new oshawa districfoff ice is at bondtowers a 44 bond st west office hours oshawa ontario 8 00 am to 430 pm telephone 416 5762870 monday to friday v ministry ol health v t i hon frank s miller minister markham volkswagin porsche and audi hwy no 7 laidlaw blvd 1 mile west of hwy 48 r j markham ont j 2944141 2972421 t jls get your house when mortgage rates are low right now when mortgage rates are lower is the time for you to build or buy that home or cottage or to renovate the home you own victoria and grey has been making loans tailored to fit people likeyou since 1889 get your loan today at victoria and grey- the all ontario trust company begun in 1889 trust- company since 1889 10355 yongest richmond hill ken meyers mortgage officer 8841 1 07 open college puts acampus in your living room study a credit course over radio with cjrt fm 911 courses are open to all convenient inexpensive register now for biology 20th century man starts oct 1 the canadian novel starts jan 1 call open collegeryerson 5955273 297 victoria street toronto m5b1w1 i weve boosted 0 hear us now sam keep your dog v under control with obedience training registration sept at 73 pm 8526708 a carlsen strickland carson method the in look break through straight sets let us make your looks curley locks featuring new salon service one step ear piercing c 60 including ij 24k gold studs hair styling 87 main 6401099 can we heres what a davis government has to offer debt 1 every day the taxpayers of ontario pay 19 million in interest on the provincial debt in five years the bill davis government through wasteful spending has more than doubled the net provincial debt incurred since confederation since deficit spending is a known cause of inflation and since the provincial budget has such a profound effect on the economy asa whole the present govern ment can be held directly responsible for stimulating the price of retail goods upwards s x- i education v bill davis cannotescaperesponsibility for the plight of education the downward trend in standards began while he was minister of education and it has continued under his premiership- we have all heard the horror stories about grade 13 high school graduates who cant write grammatically correct essays or even spell the liberal party is pledged to re- instituting the basic 3 rs in our educational system local decisionmaking if wt v regional government is only one example of- the davis governments preoccupation withbureaucracy what we need is good government not more government r thejubpral party is determined to scrap the present structure of regional government and return more decisionmaking to the local levetf where it is easier for the average taxpayer to keep an eye on whats going on i integrity some media observers say that integrity should not be an issue in this campaign but when any government or its agencies abandon the sound principle of awarding contracts on the basis of competitive public tenders and instead hand out multimillion dollar projects to friends and campaign contributors we feel this must be an issue tendering reduces the costs of projects through competition saving taxpayers hard earned money should take precedence over payoffs to party supporters development the davis governments plan- to con centrate growth in the already overcrowded golden horseshoe area of ontario is pure foiiy 7 the liberal party recognizes the need to protect our towns hamlets and rich farmland from urban sprawl and therefore favours de- emphasizing growth around metro and en couraging developmentin the high unem ployment areas of eastern and northern ontario we cant afford another davis government on september 18 vote aret britnell t r v i york north s j vfev i zfyvi ffr l rvfjftix rfijriy- jjv smx