wants to be ati engineer train the tribune thursday august 2s ims 9 hob fretz wants to be an engineer when he grows up but unlike other boys with that idea he has actual experience riding on the engine of the freighttrain which conies to town periodically here he holds fast in his overalls and trainmans hat don bernard stouffvtlle to say that bob fretz 13 of main st e loves trains is an understatement v each day during the summer months bob can be seen at the train station in town with his grey trainmans overalls and engineers cap waiting for the freight train to arrive it all started when bob went up to the station to watch the train engineer bob hope of lindsay saw him there and asked him if he wanted a ride he regularly rides in the cab of the engine or the van caboose and recently went from stouffvule to markham and back on the train bob the son of mr and mrs eldon fretz has been interested in trains for the past year and a half he has a model train set which is presently disassembled to be rebuilt on a larger scale his ambition is to be a brakeman and work his way up to engineer ironically bob has never travelled on a passenger train and would especially like to take the polar bear express from cochrane to moosonee a trip across canada by train is also an am bition n bob is entering grade 8 at stouffville dist secondary school in september and enjoys a number of hobbies chief among these is a model garden where he tends his own plot in the backyard of his parents home the lad is also in terested in stamp collecting and enjoys riding his bicycle he delivers 44 tribune each week and also is an errand boy for an elderly neighbor but any afternoon when the train comes in youll find him around the station ready to hop aboard 16000 allocated assistants to be used three courses pfferedhere stouffville v seneca college is of fering three courses in stouffville this coming fall they will be at latcham hall the first course psychology of personality begins sept 23 and runs to dec 9 if will be offered tuesdays 915 1145 am cost is 43 v writing development is a course designed to help people communicate more effectively in writing it is underway sept 23 and concludes nov 25 cost is 36 and time is 1 15 345 pm the other course is changing family life- styles and deals with the family from an historical and contemporary poiih of view it starts thursday sept 25 and concludes nov 27 time is 1 30 330 pm cost is 25 i the king campus of seneca also offers a number if evening courses for information on times dates and registration call 8849901 york cty conditions for the engaging of lay assistants in elementary schools were approved at the aug 18 meeting of the york county board of education the sum of 16000 was included in the final draft of the 1975 budget and the matter of lay assistants for out of classroom supervisory duties was referred to the principals in each area in order of im- portarice theprincipals suggested lay assistants could be used for noon hour i supervision while students are eating supervision of loading and unloading buses yard duty supervision of noon hour extra- arrogant com tern piuous must surrender keys if before judge peter wilch who also ordered him to stay off the highways pending trial the markham man who had- several con victions for driving of- fences caused the crown attorney to say im beginning towonder what protection society has against- men like this the- crown attorney asked the court is he of f appeared in court for a mjnd d b l show cause hearing markham a markham man described by crown attorney john kerr fas arrogant and contemptuous of authority was ordered to surrender his car keys and place a 1000 bail before being released from custody pending trial here aug 27 gerald thomas 7th concession markham continue this kind of thing mr kerr told the court this kind of person is a killer on wheels completely contemptuous of authority thinking they are above the law judge wilch in or dering the accused man to surrender his car keys told the crown attorney i sympathize with the crowns feelings i curricular activities resource centre super vision aid in organizing extracurricular and enrichment activities and supervision on buses it was stressed that every teacher should have 40 minutes for lunch free from all duty but that is is neither possible or advisable to remove all out of class supervisor from teachers it was felt reasonablethat every teacher should accept supervisory duties before or after school and for from three quarters to one hour per week at- lunch hour it was agreed that all principals who could not schedule necessary supervisory duties withuv a limit of one hour per week while still giving teachers 40 minutes for lunch would be invited to apply for lay assistants to reduce the supervisory load the applications will be filled within the limits of the budget and meeting the greatest needs first j v v assistants are to- be used in the resource centre only when the need cannot be met by volunteers or staff and only with approval of the superintendent- the salary scale is to be related as closely as possible to that for crossing guards 350 to 4 per hour with a daily minimum of 6 to 7 office in town york north progressive con servative association has opened an office at 64 main st w formerly the general store- to serve as a s touf f vil le headquarters to reelect mpp william hodgson phone there is 6405885 lift a good neighbour is there for all yotir insurance needs- see stile firm insurance companies canjdian hfjdolfice scarborough v ontario jt4i5i 2j parkway ave v standard sizes 12 x 24 18 x 24 24 x 24 30x24 36 x 24 red yellow green brown charcoal ot natural cblour rtfipffyfrtyfj sidewalk slabs i f pressed slabs are durable non- j slip and permanent the precision made sizes with square and true edges fit together tightly they are easy to work with and the wide range of sizesand colours lets you design your patio to suit your needs j vj see your local gardehcentre or building supply dealer v brooklin concrete products a locations tostrv you- hsnoiy 12 brooun onl 4i66ss31i yongesineomaiket 0rt168952373 hjnay hhinunllcont7057s2m v i 1x o vou on the ontario list of voters who are we were the ontario returning officers and our job is to make it as easy aspossible for everyone who is qualified to vote by now you should have been enumerated and have in your possession your proof of enumeration 103 if not and you are qualified or will be at the time of voting you still have time to get on the list of voters a qualified voter is a canadian citizen or british subject 18 years of age or oyer who has lived in ontario for twelve months preced- ing election day september 18 so if you live in an urban area and havent been enumerated simply fill in the coupon in j this ad or give us a call at your electoral dis trict number shown and- well make arrangements to get you on the list remember anew list is compiled for each election so even if you have voted before you must be included on thenew list of voters in order to vote in the forthcoming ontario election deadline for changes or additions to the list is wednesday- september 10 at 900pm edt if you are a qualified urban voter and havent been enumerated please fill in and mail the coupon or give us a call at the appropriate number and well make arrangements to get you on the list of voters rural residents york north if you live in stouffville aurora or newmarket your returning officer is leslie hagell rr nol gormley phone 7271371 collect if neces sary if you live in a rural area and are quali- i fiedtovote its much easier if your name- vision the jist of zm voters and theres ja still time to get oh that listrhow- eveivqualified- rural voters not on the list by election day may still vote by having a friend or neighbour on the same list vouch for them on oath ir v-z-j- if you are a qualified voter and enumerated but will be absent from your polling subdivision and unable to vote at the regular or advance polls because ajyou are employed indong distance transportation b you are a member of the canadian forces on active duty c you are away attending an educational institution or you are physically handicapped and unable to attend a polling place you may vote x by proxy in your j electoral district if you wish to vote n by proxyj contact your returningofficer whose number is on your proof of enumeration form 103 5 i j 2 i i i 3 i please mail this form to arrive well before the deadline september 10 if you have not contacted our offipeby phone please complete this form and mail it to the address shown for your electoral district i i i wantto get on the list of voters iam or will beat the time of voting 18 years ofagcor over a canadian citizen or other british subjectjand a resident in ontario for the past 12 months ei- name i ll i address city phone i enclose on an attached sheet of paper the names of y other qualified voters residing in my household deadline at the office of your returning officer for reenumeration or additions and changes to the list of- voters is wednesday september- 10 at 900 pm edt if you qualify we must get you on the list so you can vote l l l l l l l l l l l i c i i i i i i r i i i thisadvertisement published by the chief election officer of ontario v oeo2a i 4f