aie peconjchctiqri one of the major undertakings of research stouffville was creation of an hourlong documentary for classicom cable tv here a scene is being filmed at left is camera man kini wildfong members of thegroup left to right are joeuen smith derek armstrong wendy wilkes and linda lafleur the ofy project winds up this week with much work left to be done john montgomery group unanimous project a valuable experience stouffville the research stouffville program terminates tomorrow but the work does not somebody must carry on where they leave off v nave on scratched the surface commented wendy wilkes on behalf of the group the history of stouffville is far too involved to hope for comprehensive files in one summer shedoes feel however that they have contributed their utmost towards this end the project began in may and has lasted 15 weeks but what exactly is research stouffville jj i were a group of five students ex- plained wendy and are employed under an of operations and this is sometimes a problem in deciding what to do remarked joellen smith ideally resolutions are made byunanimousvote but unfortunately this is not always the case this is the reason for having five rather than six working on the project there can be nostalemates of course we were warned of the per sonal implications of such a system but as it turns out we had no cause for worry usually all of us are in agreement over the issues and we rarely take offense if were not the members of research stouffville seem satisfied with their work and pleased for the experience for me this job has been both rewar- ft perspective tlve r i the program has involved far more than i ever anticipatedshe continued an hour documentary for classicomm a radio broadcast on cfgm a weekly column in the tribune a buggy ride and a drive in a 1923 packard touring car are hardly what one s would expect of a team researching the historyof stouffville the members of the group admit that summer employment was their original reason for joining research stouffville but claim that since then they have developed a deeper appreciation and understanding for stouffville and its inhabitants i dont really think i had that much-in- formation collected vf k copies of our files willjigotq the whit churchstouffville library museum arid historical society thoughultimately the in formation will be used to compile a book on stouffvillea history to be published in 1977 the year of stouffvilles centennial the group was provided with a grant of 5860 dollars and aside from financial advice were pretty well left on their own i dont think many people realize the full responsibility given an ofy project such as research stouffville miss wilkes continued its not merely historical research the group is a selffunctioning organization and is charged with obtaining headquarters managing financialaffairs purchasing materials- dealing -with- the media terest in stouffvilles past at the outset of the establishing contacts within the community project but id be less than honest if i said the and fulfilling the specifications of the contract oa nm hrh nnir armcfmnamnur with the department of manpower and im migration the other members of the groud are jo- ellen smith linda lafleur cjavin rae and derek armstrong and withsomuch freedom their greatest- fear was always personal conflicts- we have no executive no one in charge same now observed derek armstrongnow when i hear about such things as the railway station closing after almost a century of service and the strong possibility of it being torn down it makes me ipad after all its the oldest building in stouffville its ironical though he pointed out that we share a building with the save stouffville group theyre concerned with saving stouffvilles present while we are attempting to rescue the towns past v one thing im certain of anyway is that ill never forget research stouffville thougn most outstanding in my mind will always be our film all things mustpass he added that the documentary involved much work in our sparetime but it was worth it the film to be aired sept 3 is an hour long and of course concerns stouffvilles history and research stouffvilles attempts to preserve it r we hope it will encourage people to become more active ahcvs concerned especially now that stouffvillescentennial is nly twoy itopepeopletwill enjoy it asjrhuchias we did in making it 3- dave smith in chargeof editing the film seemed to enjoy it hefeels that all things must pass iis a ydry entertaining look at stouffvilles past and present but aside from making films and doing radio interviews what does research stouff- ville do throughout the summer we have developed several methods of investigation and have found many sources of in formation answered joellen smith weve gone through old municipal records going as far back as january 1877 back issues of the tribune from 1888 and the tweedsmuir histories of the womens institute we are continually interviewing local citizens and borrowing physical artifacts of historical interest for copy and examination- we have also corresponded with the cnr the ontario historical society bell telephone the markham and whitchiirchstouff ville museums and with the ministry of treasury economics and intergovernmental affairs ifwas hardwork she admitted but we found the citizens of stouffville very helpful and that made things easier filming highhghtssumrher the tribune going through back copies of the newspaper proved a valuable way- of com- piling compiling historical data for research stouffville pausing during a break in shooting are derek armstrong wendy wilkes and joeuen smith below kim wildfong operates the camera as wendy wilkes reads an old copy of inis vintage carjiomsms os r stouff most of us dream of someday owning a car that when parked on the street will draw an admiring crowd of car buffs such a car a 1957tbirdin show condition is owned by ron myers of stouffville sound and musicl it is not all sweetness and light possessing such a vehicle though it cost mr myers on top of the purchase price of 1200 close to 5000 to restore the car t it was- in horrible -shape- he reminisced the car has been restored with all original parts and mr myers has journeyed to the states several times in search of parts and accessories even the antennaes upholstery and cside mirror werereplaced with original stock z tf he said when he purchased it the engine was running butthe body arid in- terior were in sad shape- j v fc the convertible isequipped with a continental back end softopandihardtop he was recently offered a brand new t- bird in trade buthirhed it down 7 y- his depreciates 500 everyyearbut- mine goes up thatmuchhe smilingly hestores the carmn gravenhurstland consequently- itisseldomseensaround stouffville vtyfe jiirxiiiijii i flowers were bnfdbpuatthhdhicultufai society flower showlast weekhere acelosiagrownfbylillianbyek- shows off beautiful fine red foliage contrasting with the green leayesj v fr v ft ts don bernard vintage car that has no problem in keeping v up with todaysfast paced traffic l vlron myers condition or stouffville vs i his pride and joy a 1957 thunderblrdjlnfiowi cs john montgomeryf pjz t- j i iv 5v