1 m f tlietkibuxetliursdavai isit h fim vs v vrflw establislied 18rs tllarles ii nolan published evtry tburidjy m 54 mjinst stouffville out tl mm10i toronto pboo h siajlt copies mc subkriptioas umper year in cinadjsumf bewnercmcmter o audit bureau of circulation canadian community newspapers allocution and onurw weekly newspapers association second classmail resiitritioa number mm th tribune is one of the inland publishing co limited group of suburban newspapers wbicb includes the aiavwhitbypickering news adveiser brampton guardian burlinottn post elobicoke caiette mjrkhjm economist and sun newmarketauror j era oakville beaver oshjwj this week and mississauga news- -r- a rakkk beacock i advertising manager i slow stairt for campaign it was possibly to be expected that with summer holidays in full swing the upcoming provincial election would get off to a slow start whilethose in charge behind the scenes are working feverishly to prepare there is scarcely a ripple of street talk as yet with the election only a month away it would appear at this point in the campaign that this is one election that the wellworn theme time for a change will raise little fever leadership as always will be most important and while premier davis has stumbled a few times in the last four years his image as leader of- an active government still leaves him much ahead of his opponents robert nixon has still been unable to shake his nice guy image and many of his candidates are unknown quantities whether nixon could weld this group into a govern ment capable of handling the business of canadas richest province is a question the electorate will be asking stephen lewis has the handicap of leading a party always linked with labor unions which are not exactly enjoying mhe height of popularity at the moment voters in general are given to the idea that unions are presently exploiting the public a fact that places lewis in a most difficult position voters are more alarmed by inflation than by unemployment and they will tend to vote for the government which appears to offer the best chance of security against this menace this fact will give the davis government a considerable edge in the sep- tember voting orrrtee garbage problems mount in whitchurchstouffville new feltectioii must be held if the york county board of education appoints a successor to colin barrett as is likely tohappen a gross injustice will be perpetrated against the people of whitchurch stouffville r to usthedecisionis too important tobe left to the politically motivated board the people should decide the issue and with very good reason tne tribune feels the decisive win by mr barrett last fall shows that peoplcfelt stronglyaboutthe issues but his opponent john mcmurray is the only person with any real qualifications for the positionmr mcmurray was beaten soundly however i 1 as mr mcmurray correctly pointed out in a tribune story last weekhe has attended alb r vi the board meetings since his defeat while harry bowes who has declared his can didacy has been conspicuous by his absence to appoint mr mcmurray would be flying in the face of popular opinion at least as expressed at the polls last december while to appoint mrbowes would be buying a pig in a poke he has never served on the board and has never fought an election at least mr mcmurray has previous experience o in light of the importance of the position and the influence mr barrett had on the board while serving as trustee the board has no choicein our opinion but to call a by- election t to do otherwise is unthinkable sugar and spice research i stqiiffyiilef report research stouffp ville has itsown song- ehtitled history surrounds you- the song was written and performed by ken armstrong withac- f corhpanimentsv and backrups by wendy wilkes- and v bill pulcirie n- the composition will provide musical narration for scenes in their documentary all things must pass see the growing pairls of our town that grew too fast to look around the words speak for themselves the song is the sum of our feelings about our research work into stouffvilles history commented derek armstrong research stouffville member the lyricsi say it all take your time while youre still young j one hundred years have come and gone do things well that they will last j not fade away i into the past j the little trip 9 that never wfis by bill smiley isffiatifeme laldrraitli anyone wishing to indulge v their masochistic urgesshouldcall regional police and ask for information any information- s n they have carried art of theirun- around to previously unimaginable heights v it is our misfortune to be in a position that we must attempt to pry information from them on a regular basis use of theword-at- tempt is not accidental in- this case butac- j curately describes the situatipnx f r 4 it is not unusual to spend two hours on the phone speak to about a dozen different of- fieersat different detachmehtsarid still not j get one single morsel 5f useable information every i officer talked to rgivesthe t assurance he has no knowledge of the in formation wanted and he is quite confident somebody else can help x a name is given and the person is con- acted but somehow he doesnt have the in- formation eithertliis happens four or five times and then the last person named turns out to be out of- the office thirty v years ago this week v h kxccrpts from the tribune from august 2v isn 41 fast enough the announcement lias been issued stating thai the 40 milcmimit would be retained for automobiles fora limited lime at least this is for the sake of keeping down the accident roll ottawa explained since there are somany unsafe mires being used surely if a0 miles willkcep downlhe accident tou vveshouid v retain hall iftctin such an announcement would wdonelothinkmhc lid- awytfromllhe war with theapsnncnestari i s aihomebcitcr rctam the 40miiaimit1iinhciimerj you are assured he will be back shortly and willimmediately v entering theoffice7 return the call j in some cases weve been waiting- six t rhonthsfor the return call from this mythical policeman t occasionally a persistent reporter will phone back after reaching this point jn the proceedings for this foolhardy soul issaved the coupde grace he is told the incident he is interested in occurred in an area under the jurisdiction of the ontario provincial police l i y i we wish durham regional police would look to their regional brothers tothejvestahd set upasimilar arrangement york regional police have one officer who handles all press inquiriesbecause he knows the police bureaucracy he can get the required information very quickly and with the least amount of disturbance to other of- fibers whom we assume could be engaged in something more constructive than driving newspaper employees berserk with frustration every midsummer for some peculiar reason my wife andl get into the same conversation we talk at some length about where wc should go for a holiday we have thisvidiculous guilty feeling that we should do what normal people doon their vacations go to a lodge rent a cottage buy a tent and go camping hire a trailer go for a trip somewhere- anything we talk about it for weeks off and on we keep referring to our little trip s perhaps we should just jump in the car and go gypsying around the country we say it sounds gdodnice and careless and fun with a new adventure just around the next curve or maybe this year well do the culture bit a week at stratford take in all the plays dabble our feet in theavon look with the eye otold theatregoers at- the stunned gawking touristsv j v rrforachangetbobk in at a posh lodge i weekjicrmealsfor the old lady to cook dress tothehiltfor dinner mingle with the fascinating subjetset or this year for once well renta cottage for two weeks damtheexpense getaway from the telephone slouch aroundin bare feet and shorts and listen to the loonspn themake t night v or for a complete change maybe well go jothe cityt check into a fancyhotel with a pool lounge around in an airconditioned jopmand goout to dinner and a good show i 7 therms only one trouble with- all these plans they require decisive action ancwe never seem to get around to either decision or activity i v jtake the posh lodge for example first theyare all clip joints secondly ithey are booked- forthe wholesummer- thirdly- we dont have the wardrofiesto dress to the hilt or anywhere else fourthly theyare full of 1 bores t food isno screaming hell gypsying arpundjn the caris fine except that you have to get out on the road with all those maniacs and drive and drive in the heat and paya ransortrfor motelrooms and eat fried food until you- begin to f eel like a frenchfry and watch a tv set offering re runs of las winters reruns the biggest adventure hfre is wondering whether the toilet will back up a couple of weeks at a cottage is ap pealing but what the heck we slouch around at home in bare feet and shorts and as far as listening to the loons at night goes you can always ask a few of your friends to drop in a few days in the city has an equal appeal i always catch a cold in the airconditioned rooms neither of us likes swimming in a pool with a of common middleclass people you have to sigh a second mortgage on your house to pay the bill and you can hardly wait to get home where the room servicers free and a great deal faster so this week with our little trip looming up like a vampire we both discovered instantaneously and with great relietthat wedjust stay home for the time being she i was really just agreeing because i thought you wahtedto get away somewhere he you mean to say that you dont want l go off in the heat and be soaked every time l you turn around and eat all those rotten frenchfries and besides the tires on the car arent so hot i was only goingbecause i thought youd like a change get away from the meals n she i cant standother peoples cooking andi hatemotel rooms and you know how hard it is to finda decent place to swim j v yeah and if wetook our golf clubs we wouldnt have room for anything else and if we didnt wed have torrent them foran arm and a leg ironically we live smack in the centre of one of the great resort areas in canada people who move here from the city cant understand why anybody wants to go away even for a day r anyway great mutual sighs of relief but there was still that guilty feeling that sense that we werent pulling our weight in the great holiday farce so we compromised he telfyou whatwel do well drive down to the marina aridlobkvatthe boats then well check the prices at twbof the local motels- then well drive out to the beach and look at the cottages c j r she eagerly yes and then well come home and turnon the sprinkler and ill get you- a dinner that would cost jyou14 in restaurant and tomorrow morning well play golf at the most beautiful course withursoop miles and tomorrow afternoon well sun and swim at the most beautiful beach within 00 miles he yes yes yes- and theres a terrific movie on tv tonight four stars and weve only seen it twice v who needs alittle trip anyway iauction adventure by don bernard if you are from the city asi must confess iam then auction sales have not been part of my experience since joining the tribune almost two years agoauctions and their importance in this area became afactof life- i s one of my first assignments at the tribune was to cover t auction in gormley unfortunately the auction was being held outside in noveniberthat one was certainly less than memorableexcept that my wife and o i nearly froze to death there was little of real interest for us tobuy i that father bad experince managed to deter us from attendingan auction sale for some time oh we said we would like to go- but somehow we never managed tomake it it was while living at dickson hill that we attended the auction of mr and mrs roy my wife handed me a table cloth shocked to death i asked her if she had bought it she said yes almost before myeyes she- had bid without me knowing it we managed to pick up an old vacuum cleaner in working condition with all the accesories for 2 and a wooden stool for the kitchen at the same price k j s but the carpet was our prime concern we decided not to go higher than 25 as it turned out we neednt have worried about that the bidding wentthe price didnt go higher than 13 and we had our rug the rest is history except that getting the 9x12 into our small car wasnt the easiest thing in the world in the end i took the carpet in theear and my wife walked hbine with beckah in the umbrbllerti- vl 7 at the sale both lloyd wilson and walter atkinson were busy for six hours before atkinson were busy for six hours before moyer walter atkinson andijpyd wilson evervmine w sold four hundred j rjeodle were the at that one w g fj attended t r k il was fascinated bythe patter of the auctioneers and all the humorous comments thrown in to liven up thesale the auctioneer somemember of the moyer family also made it a social occasion for us itwas therethat i first tasted the ex- citement of bidding and buying i went out on a limb and bid 50 cents for some old books as it turned outminewas the lone bid and the- books were mine being on somewhat of a tight budget wecouldnot indulge too much- a standing lamp caught pur fancy and we decided that we- would go up to 10 in the bidding as the auctioneer came closer to the lamp i could feel my stomach tighten and tension start to build all of asudden he was asking for bids and jl was nodding and before iknew it the lamp was mine for 850whilewefelt elated at our modest success we did not have occasion to go to another auction for over a yeark in the meantime t had met lloyd wilson and gotten to knowhim and his family so on aug of this year we attended the henry slack auction in town not only did the listof goods seem impressive but the opportunity to see lloyd in action also presented itself this timewe brought along beckah which v tense momentsiwe v y something worth gettingnot antiques yqii understand but items we could use athomev the first item that caught my eye was an axminster rugwitha pad something just perfect for- the basement more about that i vlater when my wifearrived we went through werethere attentionvwhen will recognize someone thecrowd and say hello orcall his of her name and keepon calling for bids v z j wellknown local figure shine davls r could be seen operating the old sewing machine that was there mr davis had been a tailor in town for many years an old victrola u attracted people- since it was in working condition the musiconan old foxtrot record couldbeheard peridocally as one person after another tried it out v postmaster gary fisher bought the victrola and a number of records he said it is in excellent condition elderly people 4 dragging huge armchairs away while men of all ages held garden tools that were selling for 1 and 2 each or in pairs l sji a couch sold for 5 while an electric stove went for 22 1amjsure someone looking for furniture and various household items would do well at such an auction h meanwhile beckah was terrorizing the place managing to pick up various pieces of- garbage off the ground and putting them in hermouthshealsomanaged hearts of just about everybodywith her an- tics at one point she stood carrying two pop cans while holding an aluminumtartdish in her mouth v u v v- vcall in all wewent home tired but happy l wellsatisfied with -our- purchases anda v pleasant saturday afternoon v o v -f- a