r r ss groeeriesmeafs 47 groceries meats producejorsarei4i produce for sale- 60 sales register auctions h honey for sale v v fresh new crop unpasteurized 80 cents lb in bulk bring your own containers also available in our containers various sizes j- limjen lane apiaries v king township v 18th side road i iwxfer hydro towers 7 5 fc j if 9392808 ly pick tour own corn tomatoes peppers opposite stouffville sales barn evenings and weekends j 56 schools colleges private tuition 56 schools colleges private tuition greenwood nursery school j opening september in greenwood community centre greenwood road 900am- 1130a m25years registrationday sept 21975 phohe 6838564 de s 58 business services 58 business services give your office 0at the royal treatment k camclot gleanera jyl 1 1- lik 32 he rd t f- markham ontario ac y kwweiss denture therapist 30 wellington st e vmarkham y ontario 294tfl55 60 sales register auctions t licensed auctioneer estate sales andppraisais call ernest cobden s37 5236 weekends 773 5135 evenings jtez4 55 tenders aw for sale v fli jbytender sealed tenders clearly v marked tender for building will be received by 1 the- undersigned until 430 -pm- thursday september 4111975 for the metal clad township building located at i theintersection of 47hwy f arid cnr right of y in goodwood building to be removed within 60 days from the date of acceptance of the tender v successful tenderer a musttposta s100 bondto 3v5guarantcc that the slteis left 7 v clear of all building debris highest or- any lender not 5ft necessarily excepted tjxhrg kestcr v township of uxbridge s s- j box 190 uxbridge ont- 59lost and found lost r year loldfpony v gelding browtist black and white lettering on halter r please knock answerstb fsmoky chlldrens pet reward 40-l474c- lost cat graytabby lost jn7the green river area answers to sheba reward 294 0466 lostfvicinityythline yeilowand blackubber boat childsgift reward 640 60 sales register t auctions 4 thursday evening august 21 630 isale of 1 machinery and beel caltle including fjord stn- tractor cr and pulley 3 lurrowpiow v hltchir int 3 section isprtngiooth harrow int doubledisc dion threshing s machine100 drivebelt mccormck hammer viill ncwt basswiod lumber jcj severajjires 7acres baed f 1 wheal straw jl2 young herclord and hcretord x cows with herclord calves by side iheseare good quality calves i cows are rebred 7 f year old p b- hereford bull yearling t hereford 1 heifer the properly of harry hill1 mile south of greenbank on southwest corner hwy 12 ipn47jfor parkini enter off hwy 47 lloyd wilson w j v o atkinson sal managers if r auctioneers uxbridge 416- r v v 2wi2 saturday august 2rd hnooni auction sale of household furnlture antiques u collectables sale includes gerhard helntiman piano dining room suite natural oak extension table chairs with carte seals elaborate smeboarssy veryn- oldjand go6diswen vjelialrplitloj m rockecof the rbcknbe ih dressers waskitahdsyccjour ltvcookstovekvoii camps brassifable plctureframev tv pine rilansetbogyooboc ksewpirbollersoldchalrs- iwrunkbuntrjiealesiriany 4t0bexiilinllcfljjhani rtuesday aug 26 auction sale offurniture and on piques the propertyof mrs jackie weir con 9 whit churchjwp 2 miles east of ballentrae s the aurora rd or approx 7 miles west of uxbridge 2 miles south and i mile west duncan phyffe dining room table and j chairs oak side t a bjesr telephone- tables single beds 2 oak sideehairs 2 cup board p roll- away bedm drawer fil1ingo cabinet fc bentwood chair grain cradle antique vanity seat stacking chairs km dergarten bench long tobacco stand vanity seat crock wheel barrow telephone insulators some purpleinkwetl patio lights electric fansvscatter rugs new afghan good electric clothes dryer needs repair depression cglass limoge china silver plate and i dishes mppon jazy r etc jnany other articles termscashsajeaat 12 30 reg and uarryrfohnsori auctioneers ph 705 375- 3270 2w12 saturday aug 30 77 auctionsaleof farm stock implements and furniture the property of roy grills lot 16 cone 8 mariposa twp 1 mile south ot valentia 2 miles west and mile south or 3 miessouth of little britain 1 mile east 2 t miles south and tmile west v mile south 75 head ef hereford and charolais cattle 33 cows with calves by sideherefordbull and a charolais bull 2 yrs 3 cows bred 4 yearling steers john deere diesel tractor no f 11120 760hrsj with j d 1 loader and dlrt blade like new mf7 no 165 diesel tractor- with cab andmn dustrial loader 1962 mer cury ton true jas is jd 3 furrow trip beam plow mf no 10 baler m h no 35 self propelled combine 7ft case c 2 forage harvester 1 row with hay head 2 i forage wagons i t manure spreader p to excellent condition allied cultivator 26 tooth jd grain and fer- tilizerseed drill 16 disc hydraulic lift rubber tired wagon and rack 32 ft hay elevator mf side rake on rubber jd 7 ft power mower 2 grain augers full line of rnachinery 8 pc dining room suite antique china cabinet and writing desk pine chest of drawers kitchen buffet and chairs antique hall tree antique platform rocker 3 bedroom suites frig stove kitchen cabinet dishes quilts bells jfiv of other furniture farm solde f tvpri t terms cash sale at 1200 noon furniture sells first valentia jadles will servejunchres and larry tjohnson auctioneers ph 705 3573270 v monday september 1st labour day auction sale airport country r the property of alton feed suppfiescmr mrs fred- cewts teing 2 miles sootheastof stouffville 30 miles northeast of toronto on the uxbrkjgepicxerlng town line watch for signs dealer in ford- newidea honda v graytools firestone lawn boy snow cruiser bofens pioneer satoh including all new 2 new satoh tractors loader bumper weights new ford plow 3 carryall apt hitch- rear blade dozer blade ford 10 hp lawn tractors 6 2 mowers- 3 snow throwers 145 l g tractor 50 mower a dump carts 6 new idea snow blowers ransome plow amazone fertilizer spreader 3 wiscott snowmobile trailers 9 umco disc harrows 6 a used 2000 ford tractors 2 4000 ford tractors 1 3400 ford tractor with 730 loader ferguson tractor loader m h tractor 6 cyl case va with side mower waterloo tractor plow cultivator 2 beaver tractor blade cultivator plow 7 honda bikes suzuki bike triumph bike snow cruiser 1967 ford econoiine truck mf futow plows 2 dearborne 2 furrow plows 2 mowers 2 ford hay conditioners cockshutt baler case 5 ptq combine mckee harvester ford grass harvester cockshutt forage harvester rear manure loader 4 snow blowers corn planter 3 seed drills set tracks maior tipping float dual axle toro siding mower no of mowers remington mccullock pioneer chain saws all the service depart ment equipment vises work benches black decker hd impact wrench jacks chargers special honda tools drills grease pump tools all in real good con dition office equipment 3 desks metal filing t cabinets office chairs speed o print electrostatic copier typewriters w 2 in ternational timeclocks racks ncr electric cash register- wall displays curtis key cutter parts for ford- new idea satoh i tractorshonda lawn boy pioneer snow cruisers kohler motors mccullock rebuilt motors for ford 8n 9n tractors 23 x 12 in- 9n tractors 23 x 12 m dined rubber belt conveyor fire extinguishers counters 1 5 outside signs- ge2 way radio system complete plus all the new store contents garden tools lawn mowers rgray tools wrenches tv radios sewing machines paints accessories just 1001 items r dont missthis t auction sale note alb tractors equip mentare ingood condition shop tools and equipment good plus atotxofnewmer chandise closes out a 30 year business everything must be soldexpropriated lunch availablej no reserve terms cashrsale at 10 armf auction rings operatingat thc at s farmer don burd earugaushn auctioneers tnorm faulkner sales manager auctioneer 60sales register auctions 4 saturday august 23 starting uo0 a jn selling outcontents of antque shop and home the property of toista antiques located incaesarea being bi mdes east of port perry follow highway no 7a sale m etudes 2 hanging lamps w prisms oil lamps 3 brides baskets 3 biscuit barrels collection of cranberry mary gregory carnival satin peach blow crystal and canadian glass 4 pickte cruets pr of ruby lustres 7 pc toilet set perfect gingerbread and mantel clocks brass candlesticks dinmg table w pineapple legs 2 leaves gateleg table piano stool petit pt stools wardrobe vanity dresser bed occ tables chairs old ctulds rucker oak buffet bookcase student desk breakfast set trunks r ian terns dolls beddolls shelving baby carriage sealers frames books lots of good tools hardware small appliances and many other misc items auctioneers note this sale offers many antique and collector items as antique shop and property has been sold terms cash no reserve kahn auction services port perry 985 8161 2w12 60tsales register auctions jl estate auction sale s sat aug 30 at 1200 sharp sale of fine antiques collectors items held in the town hall beaverton ont viewing 1030 day of sale partial listing furniture inc pine corner cupboard ex cond 6 panes of original glass spinning wheel pine chest of drawers ornate dining room table 6 legs hanging cabinet oak hall tree captains chair library table brass bed 3 wash stands secretary rocking chairs 2 buffets 4 pressed back chairs tea wagon many other good pes china glass inc cranberry opalesent sugar shaker cranberry to vaseline basket cobalt blue vase maple leaf creamer nugget pitcher v pickle cruet wood row syrup jug china shoe flowered cookie iar barbours goody goody peanut jarj 8 pctoilet set bennington type soap dish other good pcs not listed brass copper msc- silver biscuit iar brass bed brass candle sticks 2 sets of store sclaes brass glass electric light chime bells copper boilers copper kettles large dinner bell photographers camera col item flat irons wooden qt measure flowered crock pother crocks bottles wheels crockery cookie iar etc etc much more l clocks lights inc hanging lamp alladin lamp gone with the wind coal oil lamps others mantle clock ginger bread clock all good pes t auctioneer notes this sa lgj we worthy you c attention sale offers a real good selectionof antiques for you the collector auc t tioneer a ur el renout beaverton ont ph 705 426 7009 sau aug 23rd ix noon auction sale oc household furniture antiques and collectables- sale includes gerhard heinizman piano dmn room suite natural oak extension table 9 chairs with cane seats elaborate sideboard very old and good 2 side chairs arm chair platform rocker of the same era drum table rocking chairs bedsteads dressers washstands colour tvj cookstove oil lamps or ass table lamp cruet set quantity of china glass flatware picture frames pine blanket box tool box copper boilers old chairs wicker fernery barrel top trunk- counter scales many many others including collector items for the estates the late arthur a stcng of richmond hill to be held in lions hall centre st east richmond hill- terms cash gord orr auctioneer 133 60 sales auctions- register heronaate country auc tions every wed evening at 700 p m located 4 miles north of rouge hill on the altona road off no 2 high way or 1 mile south of whitcvale east metro featuring every week good selection of antiques line furniture glass china collectabes and the usual so iom us every wed night and participate in one of on tarios most authentic old fashioned auctions with no bids ins or reserves the true auction consignment and estate selling our specialty kahn auction services ph 294 0426 bus or 985 8161 res v tf36 saturdayaug23 auction sale of household furniture 2 full bedroom suites complete with spring filled mattress good condition 1 bedroom suite twin beds near new with spring filled mattress electric refrigerator 1 upright deep freezer viking electricr 4 burner stove electric fireplace dmmg room table and chairs 1 oval rug 7 x 12 bedroom rug 12 x 2 dishes cooking utensilc many other articles first housereast of kinghorn antiques at stop light on stouffville gormley rd va jniles southvof oak ridges property of mrs k 8racey terms cash sale 1 p alvin s farmer phone 887 5311 auctioneer gormley ont 0ner moving to scotland the above furn iture in first class condition t232 vm auction vs saturday august 23rd- 3publlcjawrtlbn rkusehoidfurnlshjngsrodd mtlques cbllecta blesapj jjji h a he esvux b rjdg eb rg a t ii su i tes d lsh vg lasswares i ut enslls iisef u0iome feffects rotoithlersrotary imowesgfchalhlsawsv is cell a ri eou sj h a rd wis re jgarderfclawn liooliitktciorj tprvaepyrtlesivnd warerrtusekcorisignrnentsiat pmtfcfauctlohlyarbw pigkwayno4lvivmhes riwmpfitoofmarkham isale ap prrtermscashl saturday august30 f auction sale of farm implements and furniture the property- if grahtburroughes- burrlrr farms kr no l klemburg nng lot 2con10 king twp nule south of nobleton turn west off highway 27 oric- imie east of nobleton turn jsouth ymiie included will e lhc turbo tractom256 ockshutt tractors j gehl mix wagon gchl2 row forge ijarvester gehl blower vagons v boxes 2 cockshut hydraulic plows cockshut hydraulic v disc cultivator corn picker i sheller corn picker grinder spreader blower 2 silo t unloaders livestock truck witff hoist 1 ton truck 2 snowmobiles arctic cats boatt trailer oak dtpmg suite fridge stove chesterfield dishes i kitchen set v dressers pots pans etc many other ar ticles too numerous to mention y k note this has been one of thev best beef cattle operations in the area and is nowjseirig closed out these implementsare in al con- d it ion so for good sound implements be sure to attend jhissale reserve terms cash sale at i pm lunch available norm faulkner and earl gauslln auc- tioneers 2wi3 auction sale thursday evening aug28thatlot24 con 9 pickering second house north of 9th con on 26 side line turn north at implement building on con9 household fur- niture tools radiamo arm aw carpenter tools new awn fertilizer spreader electric 1969 mercury hardtop car r the property of s w austonboden 1969 mcrcurymarquis 4 door hard top air conditioned and cerhlieds antique wash mand back iron kettle i oiota iu vadlal arm saw a tamments shopsmith with attachments sunbeam viop vacuum sioux 6 bench grinder work bench w vse2 meat grinder with 1 p motor snow moat i a b i et l- a w ri f m b we rv4iwt sat aug 23 pollards auction barn 2vi mi e of keswick household furniture and garage equipment licensed vdune buggy fiberglas body 1600 porsche engine excellent condition f sold as issubiect to lowveservebid 220v hd garage air compressor tire changer y battery charger v dnll isocketset hydraulic floor iack h d disc sander vibrator sander anccetylane gauge and- cutting torch spray guns small t anvil pipe wrenches j- chain hoist small parts cabinets in tenors small parts and miscellaneous articles household two door refrigerator good wringer washers oil space heater exercise machines chesterfields as new bedroom suite dining room suite continental beds dressers chests of drawers coffee and end tables por table tv berlin mantel clock old pictures and frames gateleg table wardrobe and miscellaneous household articles and collectables too numerous to mention sale time 1230 pm r terms cash or known cheque 722 3112 133 auctioneers wd atkinson stoiillville as farmer- 68 53m wfwalker markham nm 9jq bryan green milliken phone v 3974 ni christopher p stoiou stoultviile 1 326 4742 j t auction sale auction sale thursday evening august 28 at 630 pm clearing auction of household contents efc the property of mr and mrs j porter of herongate farms located 4 miles north of rouge hill on the altona rd off no 2 highway or mile southof whitevale partial hstin eludes oak round table w4 leaves 6 matching chairs and buffet oak chest of drawers pine bake table double trass bed washstand wtowel bar hall tree water fall dresser and highboy old j rockers regency side chair desk occ tables arid chairs pine blanket box cedar chest rugs mirrors assort of washbowls qu of glass v china picnic table garden chairs old wood stove refrigerator dish washer outboard motor propane stove hi fi filing cabinet metal j windows and doors sump pumps meat slicer new lumber and lots of misc items terms cash no reserve tkahn auction services 294 0426or985 8161 auction sale saturi day aug 23 11 am lengthy auction requiring 2 auc- tioneers take hwy 12 north from whitby west at taunton rd mile spinning wheel brass bed mary gregory vase cran berry glasses grandmother clockr buhseye lamp 8 pc dining room suite harvest table hall stand and many more antique and collectable items bryan green licensed auctioneer 297 4133 t saturday sept 13 cleaving auction for mrs eleanorfarr farm located on rd cone eg being 1 mile south of sharon 2 mjjes n e of j including grandfatherclock special workswa j mahogany oak pine furniture dishes glass carnival satmiamps rugs etc and etc note more detaiillater refresh- ments 2 auction rings sale at 12 oclock this is a good sale be sure to come atkinson and wilson sale mgrs and auctioneers 2w13 thursday evening september 4 630 pm auction sce including piano dining room suite brass bed 2 single beds dressers chests of drawers table chairs wicker arm chair annex stovechlids rocker dishes etc many other ar ticles the estate of the late dorothy h corbett 160 brock eastfinjjxbndge lloyd wilson wd atkinson sale managers auctioneers uxbridge 8523524 saturday august 30th auction sale of household furniture casc tractor garden tractor 2 tv sets 2 refrigerators round table oxen yoke record player cooking utensils some dishes at lot 31 con 9 pickering township on side line no 30 l mile south of altona the property of mr k cumming mr d watt moving on account of the air port sale at 100 pm terms cash alvin s farmer auctioneer 8875311 2 televisions i radio record player combination 3 kitchen tables chrome several chairs chrome bathroom pole desk pole 2 refrigerators 3 pc sec tionalchesterfield needs recovering hollywood davenport lamps 1 goose neck 1 student desk l pole records ah sizes l kitchen step stool books l wooden indoor clothes drying rack wall type electric fireplace marble effect kitchen canmster set record player sea breeze tractor case set of red wearever aluminum pans iroxen yoke antique large stainless steel tank quantity of dishes and many small articles net mentioned barn water tank snow fence 3 rolls belting pulleys truck racks jugs glass fireplace imitation restaurant bar stools 3 benches sun room kitchen table chicken nests 4 feeders trailer champion grain grinder buggy no wheels 1967 plymouth fury 3 field mower 6 garden tractor attachments large seeder large 200 gal with bildge pump garage automatic- chicken waterers pipes oil stove tank outboard motor 7w hp traffic lights moun ted approx 400 feet steel rope on spool cutter work sleigh large buzz saw many extras too numerous to list property of d watt furmfure oak sideboard oak office table chair 2 book cases hollywood sofa round table odd chairs iron bed quantity of clothing dishes lamps toys books guitar coffee table coffee pots skates mirror endi tablestv stand portable costume iewelry old 78 recordsmusic stand saturday august 30th auction sale of household furniture t case tractor garden tractor 2 tv sets 2 refrigerators 2 round tables chairs davenport student desk record player oak side board oak office table chairs old- 78 records dishes lamps cooking utensils costume jewelry tv standfmany many other articles not mentioned at lot 31 con 9 pickering township on no 30 side line 1 mile south of altona moving due to air- port the properties of k cummings d watt sale at- 100 pm alvin s farmer 5311 auctioneer ju saturdayaug30 auction sale of farm stock implements and furniture the property of roy grills lot 16 cone b mariposa twp lmile south of valenha 2 miles west and r 7 mile south or 3 miles south of little britain 1 mile east 2 miles south and 1 mile west 2mile south 75 head of hereford and charolais cattle 33 cows with calves by side hereford bull and a t charolais bull 2 yrs 3 bred 4 yearling steers mohn deere diesel tractor no 1120 760 hrs with jd loader and dirt blade like jnew mf no 165 diesel tractor with cab and in loader 1962 mer cury 2 ton true as is jd 3 furrow trip beam plow m f 1 no10 baler m h no 35 self propelled combine 7ft case c 2 forage harvester 1 row with hay head 2 forage x vwagons nh manure spreader p to excellent condition allied cultivator 26 tooth jd gram and fer- tilizcrseed drill 16 disc hydraulic lift rubber tired wagon and rack 32 ft ihay elevator mfside rakeon rubber j d 7 ft power mower 1 gram augers full l line of machinery 8 pc dining room suite antique china cabinet and writing desk pine chest of drawers kitchen buffctand chairs antique hall tree antique platform rocker 3 bedroom suites frig stove kitchen cabinet dishes qullts bells of other furniture farm sold l terms cash sale at 12 00 noon furniture sells first valentia ladies will serve lunch reg and larry johnson auctioneers ph 705 3573270 saturday sept 13 clearing auction for mrs eleanor farr farm located on 3rd cone eg k being 1 mile south of sharon or 2 miles nenof newmarket including grandfather clock special works walnut mahogany oak pine furniture dishes glass carnival satin lamps t etc and etc note more detail later refresh- ments 2 auction rings sale at 12 oclock this is a good sale be sure to come atkinson and wilson sale- mgrs and auctioneers 2w13 roman to mefetwi markham markham- mayor toby roman will meet with provincial officials monday to discuss the towns opposition to a i time since 1968 proposed runway ex- one runw tension at buttonville expanded from airport to 3000 feet under the markham council proposed expansion the appealed jo the cabinet c property l owned by the after i airport is zoned municipal board ruledin agricultural favor of the expansion a spokesman for the toronto airways owners said that the expansion is needed to increase the safety factor at the airport the busiest canada vince ltd owner of the private busiest in the untry operation cut back on airport took its case to over all j sundays she has utitteq the omb after markham anj law reform council turned doun the sf expansion for the third ssp j2 tf aiport is violating opposed the expansion 60 sales auctions register monday august 25 730 pm hosteins complete laramay hoistem dispersal owned by larry georgina may r r 2 stirling ont lot 6 con 2 rawdon twp 2 7 miles east ol stirling 00 ridge road 40 head registered classified t r o p tested 7 very good features include anita very- good 2 5 yr old daughter by prestige of lakehurst ex with 3 yr 365d 20085m 7931 3 95 percent 172 184 as a 4 yr old she is protected to over 23000 lb of 4 percent milk anita was reserve grand champion at hastings bw 1975 she was bred on june 20 to no na me fond matt under contract to e b 1 her rock man dam has bca of 192 201 anita has a fancy january heifer by fond alatt and a senior yearling by roy brook starfhte dont miss this tremendous cow family also selling laramay telstar empress g p this 3 yr old is fancy by emperor from a very good telstarwith 5 yr 3ud 639f 3 72 per cent 3rd and 4th dams both very good empress has over 12000 lb out as a 2 yr old in 290 days and still milked 37 lb in august she is due again nov 1 to marquis roland a fancy young cow from a great family sale is called on very short notice due to illness lloyd wilson sale managers auctioneer uxbndge 416 852 3574 2w12 60 sales auctions ray is to be s 2 v ed quesneui on the m 1800 feet sso5j number 260000 perear tngthe bv 1 vsk expansion said the group dyisuv t2would gotorcourt if the councillor carol- cabinet upholds the omb bell said that she wants decision v town applies fdr loan it the airport the h rs5rf for arena purchase i register saturday august 30th auction sale ot household furmtur case tractor garden tractor 2 tv sets 2 refrigerators 2 round tables chairs davenport student desk record player oak side board oak office table and chairs old 78 records dish lamps cooking utensils custom iewelery tv stand many many other articles not mentioned at lot 31 cone 9 pickering townshipon no 30 side line 1 mile south of altona aaovmg due to airport the properties of k cumming and d watt sale at 1 p m alvin s farmer phone 8875311 thursdayaug28 6 pm formrsjuha loiselle 214 main st n markham ont list includes dining room sute chesterfield suite 4 bedroom suites 2 desks breakfast room suite bed chesterfield pine sideboard 2 rocking chairs tea wagon liquor cabinet washing machine beatty copper tub 1931 model washing machine and dryer stove fibreglass hull 25 ft by 8 ft beam exercise machine large qu of dishes pots and pans some antiquesgarden tools carpentry tools etc etc etc auctioneers faulkner and burd jamesway volumatic for faster feeding and less climbing stouffville the town has applied to the ontario municipal board for a 125000 debenture for the purpose policy and ihave urged municipalities to restrict their captial expenditures to such necessary projects as sewer and of purchasing the water systems stouffville arena v mayor gordon thief oil loose ralcliff emphasized this figure has not yet been accepted by the arena board the s125o0o is what council has set as the figure he said the purchase- is conditional on the ap- newmarket is 5 there a piggy bank thief on the loose from two- separate incidents in last weeks york regional police reports you might conclude that there is zf tfancy collen 6f3 proval of the omb and bolton ave newmarket the arena board reported having two the mayor expressed piggy banks stolen fromj some concern the her home while she was on vacation and james cameron of hunt ave2 richmond hill also had ac piggy bank stolen debenture may not be approved by the omb as they have recently adopted a tight money with the james way volumatic silo unloader you get fast- er feeding and less climbing up the silo as there are no weights to adjust no drive drum to worry about and no need to ride the auger the special jamesway floating levef threepoint suspension and pioneer power circle drive insures an even cut from top to bottom as the unloadercannbt tipor tilt or bury itself it can be changed from a silo unloader to a silo loader m a few minutes call or write for more details t melshielssons rr no2 newmarket- 4167756185 pi sales parts service- s high interest guaranteed investment certificates 5 yr 8- 4 1 2 years 3 years syearvr stouffville district credit union ltd 96 main w7 stouffville 640ffllf i cummtnsfelectrlc drlllorih wvstinqhbuse automatic 91 visherjmccuyjeiectrlc vlothesdryernew steel lrcbfeevrericfitables n a tonaljggeogra phjc j s popularmecrantcisclence j cksothrfrnijcellaneooss- sale at pm2sharpterrns s is usep cs npireasdnabilef offer reeused sglldiiinoisafet insfegtion 6403450 motors ltd stooffvilie 2972957 m murray g phillips one of our representatives n will beat the markwood motel i 197 wellington st e markham v 2 telephone 294-1431- on monday august 25th ir many businesses including agriculture manufacturing tourism construction professional services transportation yvholesale and retail trades have obtained loans from idb to acquire land buildings and machinery to increase working capital to start a new business and for other purposes ii you need financing for a business proposal and are unable to obtain it elsewhere on reasonable terms and conditions perhaps idb can help you oevtujpmehtbam i430 bathurst street downsview x telephone omvav- u york county board of iducation r 5 i v registratibn t new residents aurora king v whitchurchstouffville j if you have iust moved into this area and have not yei registered your children for school this september or have queries regarding transportation please contact theschool concerned during the week of august is to august 29 1975 aurora heights aurora senior ballantrae j mclachlan uwhite i t woedger newmarket zenith wit albert w hall g guyalt b paradine gmckelvey or bush v7j7m02 7j775i 44022jj 9420 dcvins drive oicksonhill k george street ketfleby teval dennis kinghorn a part on king senior lake wilcox nobleton junior nobleton senior oak ridges orchard park regency acres tschomberg summltview wells street whitchurch highlands r aurora high school i o mcklnnon kinacityss r w eckersley stouffville d s s a mccartney drgw williams fbradley f i t v r i if you need further assistance please telephone tht area two office ofi fjkeyork couwryv j board of- education r brethour r anderson j haskell e griffith eburlew k sutherland d duchesne j jefferli- l boadway ldobson pembleton 7272022 402ltl 7274211 7279152 im22 335115 7735111 159011 1594590 7715572 r 440 1552 7279111v 9197711 h 4401102- 727722 im1900 t- 7271107 1135312 440141j 7271111 m41122 chairman j sp director of xymi