Whitchurch-Stouffville Newspaper Index

Stouffville Tribune (Stouffville, ON), June 19, 1975, p. 4

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4 the tribune thursday june u 175 wh rtiune j don i 1 i i i established 1888 charles h nolan publisher rfrvisn pabkshcdvcrytlmtridaymmmiasf barre beacock ra toalo phoim mmtfo sogk copies mcjobtcripiioo mm pn- yw la advertisine manager cuadsi0elswfer member of audit bureau ol circulation cjoadjn community newspapers assedatioa and ontario weekly newspapers association second class mail registration number mm the tribune is one of the inland publishing co limited group oi suburban newspapers wbkb includes the alaxwhhbypickering news advertiser brampton guardian burlington post etobicoke gazette marknam economist and sua newmarkepaurora era oakville beaver osnawa this week and mssissauga news i some estate housing needed council members are agreed they definitely want estate residential develop ment in whitchurchstpuffville in spite of vehement residents protests they last week approved an application for an official plan amendment for a 27 lot sub division at vivian rd west of the 9th cone for a long time council has been looking enviously at the assessment gained by other municipalities in the region through allowing this type of developmen not only do they regard estate residential as very lucrative but there is tremendous pressure on them to create housing the neighbors central argument is the water table wont support that density it will ruin and rural atmosphere and the hidden costs of services will in the long run negate any initial benefits gained comprehensive testing will have to be saturday jam worse than metro who says stouf fvilleis second to toronto on at least one day a week and inone respect the former village is the equal or perhaps surpasses our neighboring metropolis what we are referring to is the nerve- wracking nature of driving on main street on a saturday the honor system method of being allowed into the flow of traffic at least hasgot to be comparable to the worst metro traffic has to offer done before any final approval can be given and this will dictate the density the complaint about ruining the rural atmosphere is totally selfish one could reply the real rural atmosphere has been ruined by the small lots already existing in the area the third argument doesnt hold up under critical examination the neighbors say they are not against development but will accept a lower density possibly five to 10 acres it is obvious if you have 27 houses scattered across 270 acres it will be more expensive to provide services than with 27 lots on 70 acres the smaller area means less roads to plow shorter school bus routes and less diffuse traffic patterns our only reservations would be putting houses in areas which prohibit them ever being economically served by mass transit a more important consideration as we continue to run out of fossil fuels but at present strict adherence to this policy would preclude development anywhere in whitchurchstouffville except the former village we would support a very limited number of estate residentialsubdivisions and would urgecouncil to keep the density fairly high or c they will defeat the whole concept of estate residential to allow maximum privacy and ensure the neighbors wont be unduly bothered the density might have to come down a fewunits on this particular site but we stronglyurge council not to bow to public pressure and reduce the density to five or 10 acre lots 1 this week t- excerp ts iy f ro m the tribune from june ii flmsv lions big night everything is in readiness for the v stoutfville lions club big street carnival and dance here next wendesday june 27th and if the weatherman casts a smile this way the town will no doubt be crammed with the largest crowd of uh- season j billy hole and his live wires have again been engaged for the dancing enthusiasts while a larger and more varied number of games have been arranged for including a bingo which will provide enter tainment for nearly a hundred i one of the highlights of course will be the twentyseven lucky draw prizes being topped off by a chesterfield suite as first prize nsugar and spice bill knocks anti- american campaign the away if rural development is to be permitted whole countryside mustnt be squandered selfishness the real curse every man for himself has become a popular concept these days within households governments businesses and schools l recently this trend has become- especially noticeable in durham region where each municipality appears to- be primarily interested in its ownwelfare even to the detriment ofothertowns for that veryreasori in fact- the town of pickering has been considering leaving durham and joining metro toronto pickering mayor george ashe has been saying is getting the short end of the stick in trie region oshawawhitby politicians in r mistaken name brings response one particular error by the tribune has resulted in more phone calls to us than any other in recent memory our mistake was to attribute work done on a banner enscribed his bannerover us is love to the wrong group beneath the picture we had credited the lemonville united church women rather than the melville united church women forthe mistake and any embarassment it may have caused we apologize we trust that ihe message on the banner remains of primary importance to those involved particular are trying to keep beneficial development in their areas and away from pickering he says i on the6therharid oshawa- council con- insiders the benefits of regionalgovernment to be equally dubious particularly with regards to a proposed uniform water and sewer rate cthat- would in effect require oshawa r double sotha other- municipalities can have jhesame more sophisticated services oshawas mayor hasieyen suggested- the possibility of that city and environs becoming- a separate regional entity the feelings of politicians in each municipality may be echoed by pickering councillor jack anderson when he says i dont think wed have half the problems we had today if we were out of durham whether pickering would have more or less problems within metro toronto is a debatable point to soniejobservers asking for rapid residential and industrial growth is ihe practical equivalent of asking for trouble with a captialt- and mayor ashe is now indicating that the treatment of pickering within the region may be improvipgsince the began making noises about leaving durham which all leaves the possibility that the ploy was more a political move than a serious proposal in the end pickerings prospects will probably begin to improve if- and when political selfishness is no longer the rule of thumb among regional governments generally as regular readers of this column are aware there are a great many times that bother me on the whole im glad of it may i never become one of those people who are never botheredabout anything or if they are dont have enough guts to say or do anything about it the list is endless celsius temperatures those silly organs at hockey games- strident womens libbers stupid male chauvinists gutless politicians lawless unions greedy- big business chicken bureaucrats tiresquealing adolescents of any age mindless beer ads town engineers who waiit to cut down trees snotty hotel desk clerks religious fanatics ripoff artists in the social services the receivergeneral of canada most administrators most people who make more money than i do i could fill a column this should make me a very disturbed young manjjuse the term advisedly how come everyone is getting old but you and me x fortunately this has nohappehed there are so marrthingsi likethat i am usually in a state of happy balance like a fat lady going on a diet of ice cream sundaes however there is one thing in this country that gravels me thoroughly its a nasty thing spreading like a cancer as difficult to fight f and just as fatal to the people infected that thing is the steady growth in this country fostered by a small often vicious but viciferous minority ofjantiamericanism i dont think it has yet grown to un controllable proportions in the corpus can- adiensis and i hope it can be cut out with some rigorous surgeryin the right places its a creepy crawling business andthe- healthy mindean be smeared with it subtlely without evennoticing its existence its hard to pin down you can find it among educators in the press among politicians s in varying degrees of shrillness throughout the media many honest nationalists are taken in and eventually find that their pride in things canadian has been warped into -anti- americanism let there be no mistake there is no real connection the former is healthy the latteris sick this has always been a country loaded with prejudice whatever you may think a coupteof generations back the anglosaxons of thisfine free country of ours looked down their noses even though their own background was an english slum a scottish croft or an irish shanty they spoke bluntly and disparagingly of lesser breeds germans and scandinavians were squareheads italians were wops or dagoes french were neither canadian or canadien they were frogs or peasoupers everybody from eastern europe to the ukraine was a hunkie a black person was a nigger and a jew well a jew certainly wasnt jewish he was just a jew the only thing lower than any of these categories was a woman think im romancing it sounds pretty ugly doesnt it but 1 was there gentle reader and so were many of you with education enlightenment and a fine performance of those lowly im- migrants came a change in atmosphere it i becamefashionable to be tolerant a word jhathasalwaysmade ihe squirm c but not before the private schools and the law societies and the medical schools and the golf clubs had had their waspsonly barricades knocked down it was ugly in this country the grandchildren of those earlier prejudiced people showed a remarkable lack of that narrowness canada was becoming an oasis of jffeedom for the individual people todays health research stouf f ville h reports no one can predict the future but the past is always there ready to be explored examined and interpreted and it is one of the responsibilities of the research stouffville team located in the old library 6401859 to reveal the history of stouffville through a series of articles in the tribune this is the first most of the credit for encouragement and development of stouff ville must certainly belong belong to abraham stouffer the founder of the town for shortly after t the american declaration of- indepcndance he and peter reesor led a group r of citizens still loyal to the crown north into canada here- they established small set- tlements were later become known as markhamam stouffville before the w im northi they elected peter reesor as vtheir caleb tosurvey the tlands of uppertcanada i wjrgvjk73v y v in find a suitably thls plywood replica of a stagecoach looks ready to go situated lot for their justs team of horses and the wagon will bump and jolt just settlements t like the stagecoaches of old this one likely wont move too far it is i located on the 9th line north of stouffville v john montgomery v the great majority of people are allergic to something even if its only to the great majority of other people in fact it has been found by thenational institute of health in the us that allergies are the commonest form of illness affecting abbut75per cent of the population to some degree fortunately though far fewer people are affected by the things theyre allergic to severely enough to disrupt their lives and cause them to seek medical help among foods the commonest allergens are eggs milk corn wheat and yeast other sources of allergy are insects animals dust bacteria wool drugs and chemicals but perhaps the most frequent allergycausing substances are the various summer pollens especially those from ragweed that induce that uncomfortable state known as hay fever as well as hay fever asthma sinusitis eczema hives and even headaches can all be caused by allergy the traditional testing methods which are used to find out what the person is allergic to involve dropping minute amounts of the suspected cause into the patients skin 1- once the allergen is found treatment consists either of- avoiding the irritant altogether or if thats impossible of taking a series of shots to immunize against it vv f i but says dr william van hoogenhuize one of canadas comparatively small number of physicians specializing in allergic diseases the patient has to be patient it may take as much as three years before permanent protection against- say ragweed can be achieved dr van hoogenhuize uses what he calls a- provocative testing method in which patients sniff the actual substance to which they think theyre allergic f c v by bill smiley were leaning over backward to prove they were liberal and tolerant and now all that narrowness and secret hatred seems to be channeling itself into anti- americanism people in this country talked endlessly about watergate as though such a sewer of corruption were peculiar to americans they sniggered about the antics of american leaders there was a particularly nasty type of something near gloating when the americans pulled out of vietnam there was and is a proliferating of popular articles about the americans owning canadian industry buying up canadian property lets put an end to this slimy business lets look at our own dredging scandals and lawless unions lets stop secretly cheering when the yanks get a bloody riose somewhere its not their fault that theyre rich and powerful they didnt seize our industry we sold it tothem f j france and britain virtually ignored canada when this country was abuilding we owe them nothing we could have a lot worse neighbors than the americans in fact almost anyone i can think of v antiamericanism is chiefly pettyenvy j and is found only among those who are petty and envious weretoobig for that or by david woods the difficulty he says is in knowing what problems are allergy induced in the first place for example dr van hoogenhuize- suggests that anyone who has more than three prolonged colds in the course of a year should consider the possibilityof allergy- treatment he also says that more arid more potential allergens are coming into existence notably from among the newer chemicals and food additives v s j so far as foods are concerned you can do your own allergy testing says dr van hoogenhuize simply stop eating whatever you think is causing the problem for five days then eat it by itself for one or two meals u in general most allergies are minor revolutions by the body against elements it doesnt like most them are resolved quickly and quietly but when theyre not the skin or the circulation will soon let you know itching swelling sneezing or other discomforts are all signs that its time to bring in reinforcements and this you can do by 4j seeing your doctor bib le tho ught for the week from the living bible when jesus had finished giving these illustrations he returned to his home town nazareth in galilee and taught there in the synagogue and astonished everyone with his wisdom and his miracles how is this possible the people exclaimed hes just a carpenters son and we know mary his mother and his brothers and his sisters howcanhebesogreatand they became angry with him then jesus told them a prophet is honored everywhere except in his own country and among his own people matthewl35357 vvv 4 t

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