mtmmtwmm lnttttttttisttttttmt lnurch services wwwwja attctitif st james pre8byterjan v church- t revtcdorccob- lo am morning worship jl15 sunday school stouffville united church chvcfctdacfcets so mbbter rerjl carder babd saadayhardi3ein5 31 am easier service 11 am kindergarten good friday services 11 am christ church anglican r 00 pm stainers crucifixion presented it united church by stouffville singers you will i be welcome christ church anglican 2s4 sunset boulevard jgood friday 11 am ecumenical service easter sunday ho am holy com- inunion sunday school nursery school ifcev w f edney sector 2971634 6401461 stouffville missionary church 19 main sle rev j hamilton minister fri- 800 pm em manuel bible college chorale sunday march m ims 945 am family sunday school bus service available 1100 arm easter sunday morning worship 700 pm closing program for the childrens crusade with mr norm wyman of the open air campaigners wed 730 pm prayer and bible study fri 800 pm high school youth night youre always welcome at the missionary church bloomington r christian i gospel church mhllneat bloomington pastor rev c w sorleyi sunday march 30 1975 3945 sunday school 11 am morning wor ship subject fact or fancy theories of the resurrection wed 8 pm prayer and bible study i tuesday and fridays 7 pm pioneer girls r every christian should jbe in church on easter sunday altona missionary church rev donald t pugh pastor sunday march 30 1975 1030 am sunday school 1130 am morning worship wed prayer meeting 800 pm 730 evening service you are cordially invited to the missionary church gormley missionary church the tribune thursday mar itisis i craft group given grant locusthill the green and white craft group of locust hill has been granted 4190 under me federal governments new horizons program ontario riding mp norm cafik said last week the new grant will be used to expand furniture refihishing activities in additional space provided by the town of pickering mr cafik said program of sacred husic yx l- as v v l v latchamhall a v y monday march 31 8 pm first markhambaptist church 9th line is featuring easter music a jtii pike solola song leader clarion baker- organist dave howard trombonist mrs o simons soloist advertise weekly stouffville baptist church ifri march 27 1100 am i- remembrance service i sunday march 30 1975 t 945 bible school for all ages ll00 no need for a replay j7 pm power pastor johnson the hour of mr raymond melville united church sin une south of 19th ave rev gordon c hunter loam church schoo 1115 am worship rev eldon boettger pastor phone 8875816 950 am family bible hour 1100 am- worship service 730 pm service of easter song weekly home bible studies a warm welcome- awaits you always the emmanual bible college chorale consisting of 32 voices under the direction of wishart bell will present a program of sacred music at stouffville missionary church good friday march 28 at 8 pm the choir is made up of students at the college and will present an hourlong program of both traditional and contemporary music voice of bethel world held in the grip of selfishness unionville gospel hall 2nd street at hwy 7 lords day breaking bread 930 am sunday school and bible class 1130 am gospel meeting 7 pm wed prayer bible study 8 pm all heartily welcome stouffville pentecostal church lr5- 460 main st e f- rev- sla grant pastor 6404903 friday 645ani sunrise communionservice atwhitcliurch conservation area vv suhdayjmarck 30th- l000 am christian education hour ai00my worshipping the resurrected christ 700 gospeljrally service wednesday 800 prrd- bible study prayer churchill baptist church aurora sideroad 9 cone 7crev paul hopebjh- i minister of youth jimclubine r f 950 am- biblescliobl for all ages 1100 am morning worship dean raymer from central baptist seminary will be speaking special music our iyoiing people 720 evening service slide presentation dean raymer musically our young people wed 745 pm- prayer and bible in depth fri 7 pmyouth night ages 1325 by howard minaker although we have passed the first day of spring cooler weather seems extremely reluctant to release its hold on the country in a more rigid manner our world is held mercilessly in the vicelike grip of greed passion selfishness and hopelessnessits human inhabitants under the domination cf satan have turned paradise into a wilderness so complete and irreparable was the human plunge downward that no natural remedy could help god sent various messengers to entreat and warn the rebels tl mocked tortured eid killed them last of all he sent his son saying they will reverence my son moral turpitude reached its lowest point business directory public accountants breghmanr sharpley kusatz 5 chartered accountants 22 main st w stouffville ont resident partner s kusatz ca mo1991 m41370 memorial christian church pastor rev david barker v- 6403701 sunday march 30 1975 945 bibleschool 1100 hallelujah what a saviour john petersons challenging easter cantata easter message by the pastor 730 our evening service will be held at altonamissionary church as our choir again presents the cantata- join us for this united service good friday 1100 am annual united service he is not here but he has risen luke 246 bethel assembly of god hwyl 47 48 phone 6405555 rev howard minaker pastor sunday mar 30th 1975 1030 am easter service for all departments 730 pm- freedom and resurrection power all roads lead to bethel just minutes from where you are -v- heisehill brethren in christ church 10 am sunday school 11 am morning worship 730 evening service special evening of music featuring pascoe huntley gospel team ac- cordionistsinger poet f- tues 700 pmj- pioneer girls wed 745 pm midweek prayer service david a huntley chartered accountant 641 davis drive newmarket ont j- leonard r rosenberg associates chartered accountants 7 84yongest s aurora phone m7s720 8892741 innesgellco chartered accountants 2s1 main street north markham ontario 2972247 j 2946471 fm innes- b ccmm c a rngcll b coim c a funeral directors oneill funeral home stouffville funeral director mrsfayminton continuous telephone service day or night ph stouffville 6402855 attend the church c h ypyr choice ontario land surveyors malcolm phillips ontario land surveyor 142 main st w stoullvllle phone 6404031 optometrists frichard black od optometrist stouffville i medicalcentre k for appointment 440j721 i hours hows 10 am pm every tuday life came under the power of the great enemy death he went lower than the grave and en tered into the prison house hades on the third day the shout of victory sounded as the heavenly messengers declared he is not herehe is risen so complete was his victory that his shout of triumph included the justforueunjusttiiathe words i am he that might bring us to god hveth and was d and behold 1 am alive the great climax forevermore and have the came as the prince of keys of hell and of death as they crowned with thorns the son of god mocked him tortured him and then nailed him to a cross nevertheless the greatest reversal ever was displayed here as god made an instrument of cursing a symbol of blessing the mysteries of the event are best summed up in the words for christ also hath once suffered for sins the hearing daie change on street name stouffville the towns ap plication to change the name of cemetery lane to davis ave will be heard may 12 1975 not april 28 as previously announced residents of the road have asked council to change the name they say that the name cemetery lane lessens the value of their homes good hearty breakfast at melville united church friday march 28 1 starting at 830 am church service at 10am everyone welcome registered home ownership plan do you qualify for the latest tax saving program introduced by the federal government check these boxes if they apply to you r i am 18 years of age or older j i am a resident of canada j i do not own my home i do not own a summer cottage d i do not own aither alone or as a partner any real estate used as a dwelling by any individual in canada i did notown a home cottage or rental property at any time in 1974 if you can answer yes to all of the above you qualify for a substantial tax saving program under the new registered home ownership savings plan trustee investors group trust 280 broadway winnipeg manitoba bus for more information call g h gerry gorrell region manager 4917400 res 6404987 get your future going today syndicate limited wwtfwwvwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwtrwvwrvrtrwwwwwvrvlf ralph spademan limited 2940792 garbage collection whitchorchstouffville at your disposal at your disposal commencing april 1 1 975 garbage in the town of whitchurchstouffyille will be collected in accordance with theschedule and map shown below garbage is to be placed at the curb by 7 am on the respective morning for your area and should be contained in i regulatiohgbrbdge cans or plastic baas rr c ttr wi i f i fit is mti h ft tq49 l- jot7ih wkiday- i f iirtf jh jv s i y monday all east of railroad tracks from south boundary to point where tracks leave town on east boundary tuesday all west of railroad tracks to west boundary from south boundary north to and including bethesda road r wednesday wednesday ltr iff i sr i i v ifrf -fe-ir- i i ij t7- m v v p txjespa k if x u east side of highway 48 and east to east boundary north from bethesda road to north boundary thursday west side of highway 48 and west to west boundary from bethesda road north to and including the aurora road friday west side of highway 48 and westtowest v boundaryfromthevaurord road north to north boundary j y e9