4 the tribune thursday mar 27 1975 r- fe f31iebhtttie don bernard editor a established 188s cltarles h nolan publisher pblilbl tvtry thursday aj mmaio si stouttvlu oat tel m02mi barre beacock tororto paoa mmm single copies c subscriptkios m00 per year fa advtiln caaadatitmlirvtrt meoiber of audit bureau o circulation caoadiao 8 manager commimity newspapers association aad ontario weekly newspapers association stcood class mail registralioa number mm toe tribuaeh one at tbe inland publishing co limited group of suburban newspapers which includes the aiaxwbrtdyfockering news advertiser brampton guardian burlington post elobicoke gazette markhara economtt and sua newmarkevwirora era oakville beaver- osoawa this week and mlssissauga news- f future of dicksons hill what will happen to dicksons hill that is not a burning question for most people but those people who live in that community have a right to know that many of the homes are new ones custom built by the new school is the real answer the york county board of education has again- failed to approve expenditures to renovate summitview public school the total cost of the work would be 400000 but it is feasible to renovate an old school when in a few years a new school will be needed in stbuffvilles east end we think not putting up with inadequacies at summitview is not pleasant but a far better and more practical solution would be to wait and build a new school with subdivisions going in south of main t st arid further development- predicted for ilnorthof town jhejogicaljthingwould beto spendtniniparamounts orisummitviewand build a brand new school it may not be the best of all possible words but it appears to be theonly practical solution owners they are dream houses for at least three families yet this relatively quiet backwater community will be very much affected by jet noise when the runway for the pickering airport is operational in fact according to ministry of transport officials the aircraft will be at a height of 1100 when landing and between 2 and 3000 feet when taking off noise in that area will be very high there will not be a time when the area will not be noisie because the airport will have only one runway aircraft will be either taking off or landing over dicksons hill constantly one should not blame for moving there most moved there before the airport an nounced imagine buying a lot in a rural area and finding that an airport is to be built close by but what of the future residents there have sent a telegram to minister of transport jean marchand asking that they be given protection under the expropriation act that might be a very good thing but we feel that few people will wish to stay when the jets start landing at 1100 you can insulate your house while spring is officially here on the calender winter seems to reluctant to losen its grip as this partially frozen stream show jim montgomery earsagb this week 2 excerpts from the tribune from march 29 ims airport predicted ooe advantage of air travel we imagine is that one- will not con- tinually be embarrassed by hitchhickers while we are on the subject we may report that we heard a prominent resident of the town declare that the n day is not far away when stouffville will have to have a landing field as- every live town will have right now that would be easier to provide than houses for the many people who week to week seek to locate in stouff ville pool hall charges pleading guilty to allowing boys in the pool room at stouffville under 18 years the proprietor was assessed 2 and costs i in police court on mon- day the charge was laid by constable rusnell who had letters from parents protesting their boys being in the pool room kaitlniaivi easter wish r i may gods blessing rest upon you on this happy easter day may his loving arms protect you as you go upon yourway may his sunlight shine upon you may he fill your heart with song may you always lean upon him one whose heart and arms are strong may you walk with surer footsteps oh the paththat lies ahead may you see with clearer vision j journeying where you are led v may you feel a little7clbser v to the lordof love aifd peace may yourheart sirigout with gladness f- and your glad song never cease v a evelyn milsted- if the airport means progress then it would appear that it is at the expense of a few people that is not a reason in itself for can celling the airport but it must leave people a little sad to see the relative quiet of a com munity intruded upon sugar and spice breathless wonder takes to skiing bv bill smiley nonreturnables this may seem an odd time of year for it but im being torn between two old adages this is better than being torn between two old harridans but not much at my age of course the chances of being torn between two young harridans is rather slight as a matter of fact there hasnt even been much of a lineup of old harridans lately so i guess ill have to settle for those two old snoiiid xje banned 0ne of goes q theres no fooi like an old fool as adages go it fills the bill it is short blunt and if you happen to be ah old fool bruta i dont like that one much the other one says theres many a good tune played on an old fiddle this is also short and to the pointitis usually delivered with a wink and leer by some old fool of either sex speaking of which that is what it usually refers tol like that one better than the first though lamnot given to leering or- winking noforyearst with all the talk of recycling and protecting the environment we find it hard to understand the provincial governments reluctance to ban nonreturnable bottles there is no doubt that if a person must pay a deposit on a bottle he is more likely to keep it and return it this canbeassurred by banning nonreturnable bottles and raising the deposit on returnable ones t it the do- this raises some doubt about the deter- mination to protect our environment there is no real reason for putting it off its up to environment minister bill newman to lead the way dump confrontation looms the date js fast approaching when the town of- whitchurch 7 stbuffvilleand york sanitation j will haye the ultimate jcpn- frontatmri the cdriflictydf course is over the closing of the york sanitation dump on high- way 48 t v- a bylaw passed last fall calls for the dump to be closed by april li975 thats next tuesclay the trouble wiltcome after that date we suppose fronvallindicationsthe company will continue to operate after the closing date v leaving the town to get a court injunction to- close the bperationfrbm that will grow long involved court- case surrounding the dumps legality f the history pfthe conflict is worth repeating last year it became apparent that the company was goingto expand itsdumping at the site known as the bremner dump this was set ata certain level by theministry of the environment the company wants to increase the dumping from a present allowable level of 300 tons per day to 800 tons to that end the environmental hearing board has held hearingson the request for an increase ynfortuhatelythe boards hearings will drag on past the april l that means thaa decision on the in- crease is being considered at the same time anyway to get to the heart of the matter ive taken up crosscountry skiing and those ancient adages ride with me one on each ski they are heavy as well as old when i state that i have taken up cross- country skiing i must confess that it is not a reciprocal deal i have taken it up only once and it has taken me down more times than i care to contemplate but thats beside the point- crosscountry skiing is not for everybody though youd v never know rt on a sunday afternoon no its really a sport for us romantics the few of us left who are loners who have a fierce overwhelming urge to put our muscles and will against a fierce and alien nature even before i strapped on the skis i knew i would love it pictures rolled through my mind like a film with meinthe major rolev gliding swift and silent along a lonely winter trail slipping through thestilly woods like a shuffled rather like an old man with a double case of gout nor was the trail really lonely not if you count dogs little children and old ladies who came up frombehind shouting track and went by me as though i were standing still which i was a goodjdeal of the time stopping on a peak for a bracing solitary brandy is also a little difficult when the only peak for miles around is about eight feet high and is already populated by eleventyseven of your friends every last one of whom loves brandyvbut doesnt have any with him not to mention those woods its hard to keep them stilly when- every time you get anywhere near a tree everyone in sight shouts timberrrr i have taken up other sports like golf and curling and have learned that unless he is extremely vigilant the beginner may develop some bad habits which are hard to shake i was determined that this would not happen with skiing on my very first time out i thought i was developing a bad habit my left ski seemed to want to veer to the left and my right ski to the right this seems logical enough but itwas not conductive to skimming alongthe traiiespecially when the skis took turns falling off the boots quickly i checked the harness sure enough the chap from whom id bought the outfit had put it on cockeyed my toes fitted into it but my heels didnt even touch the skis they were dragging inthe snow right there j decided to raise cain with the installer fortunately a friend came along when he noticed that my skis seemed tb want to go in opposite directions he suggested that i had them oh the wrong feet this was patently ridiculous a ski is a ski arid a foot is a foot but he preservered sure enough the ski id had oii my right foot was marked with a large l for left and vice-vefsa- once that bad habit was resolved i was skimming along like a bird dodo i had a couple of other bad habits but i sblved them swiftly one was jabbing my ski pole into my ski instead of into the snow this tended to throw me off my stride not to mention off my feet i put a stop to this by wrapping the sharp tips of the poles in wads of foam rubber theyre not much good in snow but its a lot easier cm the skis t another was a habit of making the sign of the cross with my skis this seemedto bring- j about a precipitation or downfall i -solved- this by cutting off my skis right in front of my boots i hardly ever get them crossed any- more some people have trouble getting up hills s i dont i use the doopelganger method i hands and knees i i all in all its a fine bracing sport here j4 arid now in public print i amreadytb take qiu l fanybody over a 50meter course anyone i under four or ovev80 v x4fl there are only a couple of things i dont like about it one is my wife when i get 200 yards behind her she stops arid waits for me7 when i get to where she is on my last breath shes had afiveminute rest and takes off another thing more embarrassing than- otherwise occurs when i get off the trail and hide behind a tree trying to get the blood out of my eyes and my heart out of my ears v a couple of young punks sail by and i overhear jeez it used to be stillyin these woodsbut nowadays there seem to be great v nbisygusts of wind v little do they know its pj only old smiler trying to get his breath back j ive coriieto a decision either i quit smoking ori quit skiing- anybody interested in a pair of almost brandnew crosscountry skis y y the council bylaw brdersthe dump operation waith stopping or la peak for albeit of brandy closed the problem seems to get more and- a a mjchof bread and- cheese before more complicated plunging eagereyed into the terrible hur- thebrightspotis thedetermination on- dang i along main street the part of council to have the dump closed in that respect the council has been un- characteristically strong j as for the court case only time will tell its a tough world for us romantics for- some reason the picture seldom lives up the advance notices v s i didnt exactly glide noj at first i sort of eggconojqyaft layman bme 4hoiiglit 1 rh fortke week if v i- the uving bible j i if you believe that jesus is the christ that he is gods son and your j saviour then you are a child of god and all who love the father love his i children too so you can find out how much you ipvegods children your- brothers and sisters in- the lord byhow much you jove and obey god loving god means doing what he tells us to doilandreailyj that isnt hard at allfor every child ofgodcan mm defeating sin l by trusting christ to i help him but whoi-couldv- jc2y figjit sci win this battle except by believing i that jesus is truly the son this small damat the rodanz property on stouffville rd west of rhigwood allowsthe large pond to be drained eachyiarduring the winter months in the summer the dam contains thewater providing a large pond that now i can put an end to all the wild- speculation over that brightyellow whats itlinfront of stouffvilles post office wuh easter on the doorstep it seems an appropriate time to disclose that it is in fact- a giant surrealist eggyoke erected to honor the achievements of the egg marketing 1 board i personally iriideiighted the board has gained monumental recognition at last inmy books any outfit that can accumulate eggs by the million is sheergenius i once tried to coax an egg a day from halfadozen henssp i know the frustrations that was back when i was still a raw ruralite newlysettled in stouffville territory thisrnove to theeodntry eclipsed city years when eggs came sensibly readylaid incar- tons and the only rhode island reds around werepolitical activists from the states who lived on the next block the move precipitated my husbands vision of a family living-off-the- land busy little hens scratching at the good earth and newlaid eggs for the home table somewhere in the vision it seems was a wife serenely tending the flock anyway 14 pullets were deftly deposited under my novice wing with them came a ministry of agriculture instruction book now entitled i believe fall you wanted to know about eggs but never dared ask eugene whalen- primed on this i clucked over my flock like francis of assisi scattering buz- zards of grain with stern injunctions to lay rj ffourbirds through misinterpretation j perhaps lay dead within a month rby sheila mcleod piness and harmony in the henhouse instead he became the scourge of the coop harrassing hens and henkeeper alike we detested each other i rarely appeared on the scene unless armed with a handy- hockey stick for barbara could screach to the attack like daveschultz newly releasedfrom r a ten minute major under these conditions i became a drugged performer tenationsly- highsticking spearingi slashing with my stickhand while delicately groping for eggs with the other f barbara kept hisharem of six in a con- tinual flutter of fear and for their serenity as well as my own i eventually arranged tohave the tyrant done in imnot vindictive but i j smacked my lips unashamedly over theien- suing chicken dinner andsavouredthe true j j succulence of liberation j but not even barbara could spoil the joy of discovering that first newlaid snuggled in straw small warm and brown it was more wondrous than the golden egg of myth- t relatively speakingthe golden egg might have been cheaper to produce my frail prototype cost about forty dollars what with expenditures for facilities flock and feed along the way somehow throughout our long association in the henhouse my flock and i v never did grasp the basics of eggonomy set out by the ministry the birds functioned on a quantity intakelimited output i rotathat seldom tabled their scant yield at less than a u dollaradpzen v- y l the eggs however were memorable the big brown beautiful kind thatsurreptitiouslyf one bygone another foursoon declared slipped from our supermarkets with fiftyicent ggwork odd butter in gratitudeilfedmy layerswell i themselves unfit for active egg how the loud cockadoodles of young roosters into their unproductive and voracious old age j complements the house which sits behind it on theprbperty laying- mash can sound like laughter in the the house pchd and 100 acres have been sold thejand will still morningair of thtse only barbara form part of the golf course being constructed on dadson named before the sext- revelation farmsmv v r a iv isiji retained hewas expected- to promote their crops crammed with fbufdollarabagv fcvdecrepitandgrosslyrovertuffed j iwereieyentuallyf dispatched tojthatfinal i robsting-place- in the great coop out yonder wasf no doupt the keeper had to give them a leg