5me h sheridan living to spring and summer days at mnmnnivxyk kwranr nretnni k vv vhvkkkk in ffllb mum 1 i u u ii i rrn xa ildr clzlzbtxrst shop feajuujajbjumraauounuopqpuuo world famous for old fashion goodness sheridan mall pickering ont cookie jar display this week at the mall visitors to sheridan mall this week will have an opportunity to see christies fabulous display of priceless an tique cookie jars located at the centre mall en- trance the following article contains some interesting facts about cookie jars grandmothers home in the 1800s was filled with warmth and hospitality both the children and adults could always count on a well filled biscuit or cookie jar biscuit jars as we have chosen to call them originally were called cracker barrels we do not know if the name was meant to include both crackers of the soda type and sweet varieties but we do know containers were devised in which baked goods were placed to keep their scrumptious taste and crispy freshness many pottery procelain and glass manufacturers m england the continent and the usa produced biscuit jars that were both practical and decorative they seem to have been a purely victorian innovation becoming popular about 1840 it was a prosperous age resulting from the progress of the industrial revolution and was a creative era in ar chitecture interior decoration and the manner of living com pared to now it was a leisurely time people discovered people there was greater in termingling and home entertaining became a way of life england at this time had gained a worldwide monopoly in the tea trade the biscuit jar became a decorative object on the dining room sideboard and a useful one on the tea tray people in all economic levels followed this social custom to the best of their ability and this is reflected in the wide variety of containers ranging from the inex pensive to costly as illustrated in the christie collection during the victorian period every known ceramic pottery factory was producing biscuit jars in england they were being made by such well known potters as worcester adams- wedgwood spode carleton doulton foley macintyre crown devon pratt and moore to name some of the most im portant wedgwood had per fected his jasper ware and was proficient in the application of bas relief cameos many of the later still in use today were designed in the years 1770 to 1785 by john flaxman and william hackwood both conceiving many of their creations from greek mythology biscuit jars were also manufactured on the continent at the same time they were basically of similar form as their english counterparts and decorated with a wide variety of designs opal glass with enamelled hand decoration body blank moulded in france decorated and fitted in the us by the cf monroe co of meriden conn signed with the wavecrest trade mark c 1898 camphor or acid treated glass with enamelled hand decoration royal flemish tm type lid impressed with pairpoint mark america c 1895 p3w i ja i jhii ddulton silicon stoneware cutwork appliques in white and blue impressed doulton lambeth mark england c 1880 r i7 va t szjwsfffjjsmjjsjfjl3j tt