tiie tribune thursday mar 20 1975 9 r john bradshaws how to grow the perfect lawn first feed the lawn a why soil cannot release ex isting food to the grass until early may when soil gets warm enough result the lawn slowly starves but cil golfgreen can slart feeding yourlawn as soon as the soil starts to thaw by feed ing early you take a great first step towardsybur perfect lawn gently rake away the thatch of leaves and debris use a springtoothed rake apply cil golfgreen at 20 lb 1000 sqft note it is not necessary towater after this spring application of cil golfgreen 2 check soil hardness with pencil in early may see if you can poke a pencil four inches into the sod if not the soils too hard most food and water cannot reach the roots as soon as the soil is firm loosen hard packed soil with a rented aerator the type that re moves plugs of soil is best rolling the lawn is not usually necessary unless the roots have been heaved by excessive freez ing and thawing aerate your lawn each spring falltoofor better results aerating isveryimportant golf- course greensmen aerate greens every month may wipe out crabgrass weeds grubs a mow the lawn three days before application then rake off all dead organic matter leaves twigs grass clippings avoid using organic top dress ings like peat moss at this time since they can stop lawn doc tor working b choose a sunny morning apply a 20 b1b00 sq ft c wait three full days be fore watering or mowing the lawn then water it generously make sure you get cil lawn doctor nobody here makes anything like it i know ive tried them all those lucky people without crabgrass or grubs can use cil weed feed see below if no weeds are present use cil golfgreen lolbiooosqft 4 june may bring weeds again come othergardens from birds or from deep in the lawn soil as the first 2 or 3 weed leaves emerge apply cil weed feed apply 8 lb1000 sq ft on a sunny morning dont cut or water the lawn for 3 days after wards if you escape june weeds feed with cil golfgreen and count your blessings improvedbluegrass lawns like merion fylking green baron should also get cil golf green in early july water gen- erously after feeding but dont feed other lawns in july 5 august late summer care if your lawn shows no signs of weeds or crabgrass feed with cil golfgreen at 20 lb 1000 sq itaround midaugust if you have weeds but no crabgrass feed with cilweed 4 feed at 8 ik1000 sq ft 5s feea our iaa grass left uiei becomes eak and eas ce- fer snoamclld and intermll 7ne wrong knc of plant food too much nitrogen for example can aggravate ne problem by leaving grass tender cil winterir specially developed by cil feeds the grass and conditions it against frost damage and fungusattack it also stimulates crass to fcrm new roots and store food for winter apply at 20 lb 1000 sq ft in late septemoer or october water in generously at once weeds some tough creeping weeds may still be present then is the best time to deal them a death blow kill them any time through september with cil winterizcr weeder at 8 lb looosq ft anddoniwatenn how to spread fertilizer and avoid grassburn all these cil lawn foods are guaranteed not to burn when used correctly but how should you apply lawn food correctly 1 use a good spreader with an accurate flowselling 20 lb1000 sq ft means exactly 20 lb not 15 lb nor 40 lb for a perfect lawn you need a good spreader the cil cyclone spreader is one i can heartily recommend 2 spread on dry grass apply in the morning when the dew is olf the lawn but before it gets too hot water generously after spreading to get the plant food working note dont water in cil lawn doctor or cil weed feed until 3 full days after treatment 3 fill spreader off lawn with spread shut open spreader only when moving along lawn shut off when turning corners and before stopping 4 walk steadily at normal walking pace otherwise youll get a spotty laydown of lawn food and a spotty lawn j weed 5 spread crisscross to pre- seeds may vent 0v and missed rom areas cut the recommended flow rate in half for golfgreen lawn doctor and winterizer set spreader at 10 ib1000 for weed 4 feed set spreader at 4 lb1000 crisscross the lawn as in the diagram this covers each part of the lawn twice and each part thus gets a full feeding s- v r v w nl i walk ccriss 2 walk cross wireworms get hungry theres only one product in canada that can control crab- grass weeds and insects with one treatment cil lawn doc tor quite honestly its the best all round lawn treatment i have ever used it controls crabgrass chlckweed plan- lain dandelion annual wild grasses ants wireworms sod webworms whilegrubs and many more lawn problems to get full benefits cil lawn doclor must be applied before the crabgrass seeds begin to germinate apply early when weeds are in leaf but before apple and lilac flower buds are open it you did not use a crabgrass preventer in the spring and crabgrass plants are evident as the soil you can stop next years crab- warrhs up- grass by applying cil lawn crabgrass doctor at 20 lb1000 sq it and weeds lawn doctor will also get rid of be g i n t o poa annua and broadleaved grow ants weeds and soi inse that may grubs and be prescnt j app lawn doctor as directed in section 3 note if youre planning to re- seed the lawn in fall dont ap ply cil lawn doctor or cil weed 4 feed feed with cil golfgreen instead 6 brush away spills hose down dont leave granules of i lawn food or pesticides lying i about hose out spreader after use bradshaws rules for watering rule 1 water thoroughly just i once a week never give a daily sprinkle rule 2 put a big- empty canon i the area being watered when its 2 full of water youve applied enough move sprinkler i to another part of lawn and repeat rule 3 if puddles form you are i watering too fast reduce water i aerate lawn with fork so puddles drain away 6 late september- protect your lawri from winter i how to mow the lawn properly mower should be clean and i sharp grass makes its food in the leaf cut most of the blade i away and the grass will starve weeds will take over your lawn i set your mower blades at 2 1 inches mow when grass reaches 3 mow regularly leaving short clippings on the i lawn avoid oil spots or gas spills how to deal with some common lawn problems mushrooms lift sod and look sr rotting wood dead tree roots fcr example aerate atea soak it to 6 depth and treat with a fungicide rumps- dont roll bumps it compacts the soil lift the sod and scoop out excess soil re place sod and water it hollows are best leveled out by adding an inch of sterilized topsoii per month until surface is level birespots under trees can mean too much shade for the grass or not enough food first try feeding cil tree food once a month if after two months the grass doesnt rei- pcd reseed area with shade- adapted grass barespots in sunny areas gen tly dig out grassplants from the lawn edge rough up soil in barespot and plant one grassplant per square inch water well the barespot will disappear within a month spot renovation somelimessmallarcasdevelop unwanted coarse grasses such as tall fescue and twitch or difficult grasses such as bent mid april or mid august you can renovate these spots by burning off the grasses or weeds with cil herbex soluble granules or herbex pressurized spray do this with low light conditions at dusk or on a dull day o improve kill after 48 hours the vegetation should be dead rake it all away rough up the soil fertilize lightly with cil growall and plant grass plants or seed as for bare spots above undesirable grasses sometimes bent grass or twitch grass grow intermixed with the better turf grasses bent can be discouraged by spraying with cil lawn weed killer in mid may and late au gust follow with power raking orverticutting to remove thatch fertilize and raise mowers to 2 cutting height quack or twitch grass may be discouraged by raising cutting height to 2 and fertilizing the area with a mini mum of 50 lb of cil golfgreen per 1000 sq ft per season maintaining the perfect lawn- after one cjsv season offolasji lowing my i perfect lawn program you will have a i lawn that is tmpa 0 the envy of your neighbour- hood how do you keep it that way again its quite easy next year just follow the steps in my program for troublefree lawns remember the way to keep weeds and other pests out of your lawn is to maintain a thick carpet of grass by proper feed ing proper mowing and proper watering four hours free use of a fertilizer spreader with each purchase of lawn or garden fertilizer cash cony j i i i the garden mart lawn care centre lawns early spring 50 lb cll golfgreen feeds 5000 a sq ft for 9 49 may 40 lb cil lawn doctor cares for 2000 sq ft as soon as soil is firm feed with cil golfgreen at 20 lb1000 sq it ii grubs are a problem spray with cil chlordane ant s grub killer cil golf green or established lawns use a cil hoseend jt sprayer aerate lawn aeratcrs can be rented from most garden centers for 14- june 40 lb cm weed feed cares for 5000 sq ft -ip- july if yoj have a problem lawn ie crabgrass broadleaved weeds ants or grubs apply one feeding of cil lawn doc tor at 20 lb 1000 sq it before apple or lilac buds open if weeds alone are your problem apply cil weed a feed now oi spray with cil lawn weed killer ifcs cil lawn doctor forproblem lawns controls crabgrass kills ants grubs and all broad leaved weeds in leaf if your lawn develops new weeds and you have not applied cil weed a feed in may apply now at 8 id1000 sq ft kills dan delion plantain chick- weed and many more weeds including tough creeping weeds dont cut or water the lawn for three days j if your lawn is problem- free kee it this way with f a feeding of golfgreen at 10 lb 1oo0 sq ft cil weed 4 feed cleans out weeds improved bluegrass lawns merion nugget fylking green baron need cil golfgreen at 20 ibiooo sqft vm the garden mart former location of unionville nurseries jl 0pen 7 days a week 9 to 9 weekends 9 to 6 2972424 on the northsideof hwy n07 rorrtot button iftuemtir nurtr1 2972424 come in and talk tbour plants wfwwfjjt