cost high for im a depleted- and- she included i 13500 worth of books in the new budget j library stouffville council last week learned the high cost of improved library service the equest for 1975- described by librarian lynne robbins asabare bones budget came in over 15000 higher than the 1974 budget the library board is asking for 67984 of which 48563 would be paid- by the municipality and the rest by counciiby passage of this provincial grant 1 4 budget there is nothing more i according to mrs robbins can do for stouffville she told the book supply n the library is council she said tbe number of borrowers has just about doubled and consequently justifies the greatly increased budget- s t v si imnot a pessimist and not a quitter i am not a miracle worker without the support of library board chairman jim sanders asked council to consider it a basic budget and t- suggested rather thacjhink of cutting it they might consider y enlarging it torallow for the purchase of even more books theincreasedrccst per capita of the new budget as worked out by the library board would be 153 although this is a tremendous increase it would bring the per capita spending more in line with other area municipalities of seven municipalities listed only georgina bad a lower- estimated spending for 1975 and georginas was six cents lower ajax topped the list at 981 compared to stouffvilles projected 553 library board members were told the budget would be dealt with by council in closed session and mayor gordon ratcliff said he would like to have it finalized by the middle of february trustee to meetwitn parents l stouffville stouffville area parents concerned about grade 8 students attending stouffville- dist secondary r school will be meeting with trustee colin barrett sometime in february to discuss the matter mr- barrett told the tribune that parents have been concerned that grade 8 students were going to the high school instead of completing their elementary education in the pubic school mr barrett said the problem stems from a lack of accommodation at the elementary school in stouffville a meeting is to be held with mr barrett and the parents i want some direction from the parents he said although i feel the grade 8s should be back in the elementary schools- there are restrictions in available programs and playground space he added that portables might have to be added at the elementary schools to handle the grade 8 students v wj the matter was raised at the york county board of education meeting monday night and a proposal to have the board staff prepare a study on the subject was referred to a committee meeting vol 87 no 39 whitchurch stouffville markham jan 30- 1975 20 cents 16 pages april foovs day surprise york agreement ended stouffville local residents april fools day surprise this year may be discovering they no longer have a municipal dump whitchurch stouffville council voted last week to terminate the towns agreement with york sanitation ltd for a waste disposal site on march 31 the contract signed five years ago had come up for renewal or termination and council voted to terminate regional council takes 1060 raise york region york regional council last week voted themselves a 1000 raise retroactive to jan 1 ivan norton nanied f kir president omarkham ivan norton rr1 goodwood jis the 1975 president of markham fair his nomination atthvconclusioh the societys annual meeting jan22 was won with unanimous approval i moving up to his vice- president is harvey brown markham rr2 second vice- president is rogers gardham of markham and- the secretary- manager is an other markham resident gerald mann j six directors were elected i for threeyear terms they are mac cosburh morley smalley i len cooper rogers gardham kay thompson and jim travis f the six junior directors are keith -hoover- bryan arm- strongialf smith bill snowball barbarathompsoriarid marion j norton fair dates for this year have been set at oct 234- and 5 council also voted them- selyes a mileage allowance of 15 cents per mile until now there has been no mileage allowance for regional members with their new raise regional salaries amount to 8000 of which twothirds or 533333 is salary and 266667 is expense money the expense portion is taxfree markhams new regional representative ron moranwas the only member to speak against the raise he half- jokingly suggested council could take a cue from the provincial cabinetwfe9adjusglqvrjel their salariesjjy five per cent regional chairman garv field wrights salary was set at 31250mrt 1 wright will also receive all benefits available to regional employees councillors formerly received 466667 for salary and 233333 fofexpenses the agreement in accordance with the bylaw they recently passed prohibiting dumping at- the hwy 48 site after april 1 in a recorded vote coun cillors cathy joice and june button voted against the bylaw mrs joice put up a stiff oppositionto the bylaw arguing that the town now has no alternate dumping spot- cant support this bylaw the rural areas can get by by- storing garbage but the urban area will be in trouble mayor gordon ratcliff told council there is- avgood possibility of having an alter nate sitebefore the deadline he said soil tests were being done on a prospective site at that time mrs button warned her- fellow councillors theywould look very foolish tf an alternate site is not found councillor art starr said it was a joint responsibility with the ministry of the environment to finda site arid he expressed confidence one will be found he suggested an interim dumping certificate could be obtained councillor merlyn baker told mrs joice hers was the same argument as had been used since dumping started there in 1966 and he said it had come to the point where something had to be done council called a special meeting of council for last thursday and passed a resolution calling for tenders for the collection and disposal of garbage this was done as a safety precaution in case no municipal dump site can be operational by the expiry date of the contract s the tenders called for were onetender for the merged area of the former village with separate prices for collection and disposal one tender for the balance of the municipality with separate prices quoted and a separate tender for a disposal site only 1 senvice etfe ir- operis in qoodwood manager ofthe newly opened horpans knit ting co stephen milissa is shown here with a machine that turns thread into wool the business located on hwy 48 was moved lock stock and barrel from germany where it operated for 16 years rudy pantic the owner in germany is now partners with dimitri nastic a markham resident who formerly owned the golden lambtfayern- there has been some delayvin getting the- plant open as trans- formers had to be installed on all the machinery which is wired for european electrical systems according to vera nastic the knitting company will specialize at first in a polyester fiber called trevira and will later expand into wool garments sweaters dresses skirts and mens shirts will all bedesigned by themselves and made of the fiber jmrs ijastic visited canada veve1ralylintsandfheyrfiked the cburitrysomuch they- decided to emigrate i jfv z r vjohn montgomery environmental i v hearings feb 4 i t stouffville en vironmental hearings on the york sanitation dump site resume 1 10 ni feb 4 at latcham hall and will con tinue for the week fairgrounds sale cou markham town planning committee was presented with an ultimatum tuesday approve a changein zoning for the fairground site or see the deal go down the drain ira fleischmann spokesman for ira young and associates limited said the closing date on the transaction was jan 29 yesterday he said the wouldbe purchaser could no longer carry on without some committment from the municipality with three members absent including the mayor the- town declined to act on the request discussion on the issue took place in private mr fleischmann said that should his company withdraw from the deal it would likely lose the initial down payments 50000 plus other expenses the markham fair board has agreed to purchase the stanley watson farm on 18th ave east of highway 48 that deal was to close this week the board however needs the money for- the old fairgrounds to pay mr watson his 468000 a proposal for residential development on the old site at highway 7 and main st in markham has been stalled by the town of markham goodwood when kathleen may cut the ribbon officially opening the goodwood 2 charged in iga theft stouffville two stouffville men have been charged with theft over 200 and possession of stolen goods after groceries were taken from the stouffville iga store friday afternoon york regional ipolice said- that store manager jack chambers spotted a- man removing food articles from the shelves the man then infithe store without l paying for the x items edward phillip watters 34 main st was arrested at the scene after further in vestigation cliffordjohn oneill was arrested at his place of employment in markham- branch of the uxbridge public library it was an historic oc casion for that hamlet it represented a reversal in the trend of centralization that is robbing small communities of their identities the hamlet had a small library 10 years ago but lack of staff forced it to close residents were forced to travel to ux bridge or to stouffville for library service it was the library board which agreed to 5 reallocate 10000 that made the opening r last thursday possible the branch has actually been open since the midpart of december since that time 131 library cards have been issued it is open tuesday and saturday from 25 pm and thursdays between the hours of 29 pm and is situated in the old municipal offices on the corner of highway 47 and 3rd cone ckurchmdh submits petition york region a large interchurch delegation ap- peared- before the last meeting of york regional council and requested 100000 to support the four area family life centres for 1975 j rev robert mcelhinney chairman of the ybrk presbytery of the united church of canada spoke to council and submitted a petition with over 1500 signatures requesting the region support the centres mr mcelhinney v the amount requested vas only about 70 per cent of thedost but- the rest will continue to be raised through fees and the contributions of church and community groups he said the centres are addressing hhemselves to a crucial social need which is to give support and direction to families in a timewhen we are experiencing a real challenge to traditional values and lifestyles- v according to a brief sub mitted to l 1534 people were counselled by the four centres in 1974 and more than 5000participated in educational events l it would be tragic he saidif they wereforced to piill back and to dissipate through lackdf funds he told council without the shared provincial and- regional funding thathasbeen supplied for the past two years the centres would only have enough funds to continue functioning untilmid march j k in 1973 85000 was con tributed arid 1000kkin 1974 in r both years the region and the province each gave sppercent mayor evelyn buck mayor of aurora put mr mcelhinney f on the defensive you have significant political clout evenjf you are riota politician along with z that goes responsibility did youdo any kind of survey of the problems faced by the provincial arid federal govern- ments she asked alluding to the tremendous cost of social services the matter was referredto the finance committee and a report was promised within a month rake wellaccepted chief states crime tip 127 stouffville salary increases to trustees have been well accepted by the peoplebf whitchurchstouffville colin board told the tribune this week they realize the function of a trustee is vastly different he said mr barrett said that he has attended 12 meetings in the past month and spends 2530 hours a week on school board business he added that workload should increase at salary negotiation time and when the 1975 budget is being prepared some trustees put in more time he added arid all the new trustees seeni to be taking an active part in board business trustee salaries were raised from 3000 to 6000 per year newmarket crime increased 127 per cent in 1974 according to a report by york regional police chief bruce crawford he told the police com mission that despite the in- crease an analysis of the statistics show that crimes of violence are not up to any ex tent the chief said that rape arid robbery are the only two categories of violent crime that showed an increase while y murder attemptedmurder wounding saultatid sexjjf- f crises other than rape are down- r instances of crimes against property increased sub- staritially in 1974 reflecting the overall increasethroughout the country the chief said he reported that more crimes were solved in 1974 than in 1973 although the number of convictions as a percentage were down break enter and theft- in- crease from 1973 to 1974 with number of cases jumping from 761- to 939 the chief reported that the number are still less than reported in 1971 drug and alcohol charges accounted for much of the in crease i r in my view a large number of criminal occurences which have been reported in 1974 were committed by persons under the influence of alcohol or drugs the chief said excop say drug charge threat forced resign a i ion newmarket a former york regional police constable claimed monday that he was forced to resign jan 11 after chief bruce crawford threatened to lay a bogus drug trafficking charge against him glenn percival 26 of bolton saidthe chief forced his resignation by intimating that he would be beaten by other prisoners if he were sent to the don jail- v asked ibyvthetribune whether he madevthat statement- chief crawford said absolutely hot r mr percival said he wants a full public inquiry into the in cident mr percival said he was arrested at his apartment in front of three witnesses on jan 11 and taken to police headquarters 4 in newmarket where he was questioned for several hours by the chief deputy chief wallace harkness and inspector donald hillock during the interrogation his superiors suggested that publicity resulting froia trafficking charge- might be enough to kill his father who suffers from a heart condition mr percival said in an in terview j zzsz he said he had refused three times to sign his resignation but on hearing that statement he gave in because i was scared mr percival said the chief gave him two choices toquit with the assurance that the story would not reach the newspapers or besupendedfrom therforce and charged with trafficking in marijuana chief crawford denied of fering thosealternatives when police raided his apartment they founds a briefcase containing marijuana which he himself had seized during a previous arrest mr percival said the former constable said he was holding the marijuana in sealed and labelled envelopes for presentation as evidence in a court case v admitted he made a serious error by not placing the marijuana in the proper holding room at police- headquarters but denied that he was keeping it for trafficking purposes vi am dead against the use of marijuana j mr percival said i did nothing wrong but i was scared so i resigned chief crawford told the tribune that the raid occurred because mr percival was under suspicion for violation of departmental regulations in the broad sense he said mr percival was never placed under arrest never threatened with a criminal charge and never intimidated asked if mr percival had any reason to feel he was resigning under duress the chief said none whatever mr percival served on the york force for the past three f years after a 2v4year stint with the metropolitan toronto police department mr- percival said that jn early december he arrested two juveniles near woodbridge and seized- about- 1v pounds of marijuana one juvenile is 1 awaiting trial on a trafficking charge while the other pleaded guilty to t possession of marijuana ii ikt saidthe was commended for the arrest by inspector clare penrose of 29 division irivaiighan i on janlljatleasufour detectives burst into- my apartment produced a search warrant told me i was suspended from the department and i was charged with- drug trafficking mr perciyal said two persons have presented police with af fidavits claiming he was a drug dealer he said but he insisted that he never has had anything to do with drugs mrpefciyaiysaid hisy lawyer outlined the incident inaleftef uymam lybnjfchainhanof the regional police commission he said he has received no