1 v stouffville keith sutherland principal of or chard park public school has been appointed centennial committee chairman ji think were very for- tunate to get him commented mayor gordon ratcliff he is able and qualified for the position mr sutherlandwas actively involved in preparing for the celebration of canadas cen- tenhial year in 1967 mr sutherland hopes to hold an organizational meeting in february when the rest of the committee has been chosen various local service clubs and organizations will be represented on the coordinating committeel- v personally 1 would like to see it go for the whole year with at least one major activity a month he said youre only a hundred years old once i he said a strong interest has been shown by local residents wbo have already volunteered to help although i the centennial year doesnt begin until 1977 he sees the role jof the committee as a steering- group to set guidelines sub committees would be formed and each group would be responsible for one activity and this would be coordinated with choseii other activities by the main committee v the thing is to try and get the best possible dollar value we can he said we will have some freebies and some ex- pensive ones one way to turn people off is to keep having events that cost a lot of money some events he pointed out are naturally expensive one example he mentioned is- a parade which will cost a sub stantial amount of money because of the expense of hiring bands vj he said the committee- would try to make the best use of the people and facilities we have here in town keith sutherland vol 87 no 38 whitchurch stouffville markham jan 23 1975 20 cents 14 pages old post office unsuitable day care jbuilditig planned a fresh fall of snow can work wonders on the winter landscape which underneath the white mantel is brown and drab the snow clings to the branches of trees and makes them into something that borders on the magical john montgomery claremont association folds to wh to take 6 ver hall claremont claremont recreation association was dissolved last week and at the endofjanuary the community hall will come under the town of pickering recreation -depart- menui i v the decision came after two attempts by the executive to hold the annual meeting of the association the first meeting called fdrdec 15 1974 was adjourned when not enough 1975 people showed to elect a executive jan 15 another meeting held only fourteen people showed up the decision was made to form a claremont sports committee and turn the community hall over to the town that means the local committee will continue to look after hockey and softball but bookings for the hall will go v claremont over 25000 hasbeen collected so far for frank and judy taylor whose claremont home was guttediria prechristmas fire thatkilled their twospns recently members of jhe united auto workers at general motors in oshawa presented mr taylor with a cheque for 1241856 he is an employee of gm v alan redshaw president of theclaremont lions club- said that oyer 13000 has been collected by the in the taylor fire fund the fund raising drive ends jan 31 1975 by which time mr redshaw said 15000 will have been received cheques received after that date will be returned to sender more than 1200 has been donated through the markham uniohville lions club the markham account will be closed out at thebank of nova scotia there jan 31 since the- blaze- the taylor have beeirstaying with his parents un claremont mr taylor said that the- couple would not try to rebuild their house through the recreation depart- ment as of jan 31 1975 brownies guides and the lions club will continue to use the building but the youth club one of the main problems for the association is to be disbanded mary borland treasurer explained that the association had great difficulty finding adult supervisors for the youth club recreation director dave bass said that the young people could take advantage of the teen program at bay ridges and bus service wouldbe provided at a nominal cost theeuchre which operates every tuesday night- will continue to run in thehall until the lawn bowling clubhouse is completed mr bass said it was part of a trend in the townwhere people were- reluctant to take on volunteer tasks but tended to allow the town tofcuri various recreation programs stouffville the old post office building will not be renovated fora day care centre as planned council passed a resoultion tuesday night approving a 99 year lease to the region for a nominal sum on a one acre piece of land where a day care centre will be constructed the property located on stouffer st snear summitview school is part of the land deeded to the town by the thicketwood subdivision developers the feeling is with the grants available we might as well have a completely new day care centre commented mayor gordon ratcliff referring to a program instituted by the federal and provincial govern ments which will 100 percent subsidize new day care facilities thegranirunsout in march and if stouffvilles application t has not been accepted by then the region will ha ve to pay 50 per cent of the cost there is a possibility all the allotted money has been allocated according to mr ratcliff the suggestion to build a new centre came from the provincial authorities who were unhappy with the high cost of renovating the post office the lack of playground facilities and the possibility the post office would not provide ample roomfor all the children requiring day care the day care centre will be delayed some said the mayor but we will have a more adequate building this is worth of few months delay the resolution to lease the land- passed unanimously in council but the scheme must still be granted regional approval eiri churches support family life feeiitre stouffville v a delegation will appear before york regional councipjan 23 today to urge council to continue to provide funds for the four family life centres in the region according to a press release sent put last week a meetingwas held jan 6 by 30 representatives of the four centres to plot what action should be taken an interchurch delegation will make a presentation to regionarcouncil at present the region is not committed support to the centres unless the provincial government agrees to pay half the costs the centre have funds to operate until march 1975 markham and district family life centre has recently expanded its counselling program in stouffville and a cutback in the family life service could mean elimination of the stouffville programs counselling is offered two afternoons a week at the mother goose nursery school on 10th line s beside markham there are centres jnnewmarket richmond- hill and georgfnat fivrcarmisfaap markham five cars were damaged sundaymorning when they collided otf don mills rd a total of 5550 damage was incurred in the accident a car driven by donald si ooo raise likely newmarket york regional council members will likelyvote themselves a 1000 raise when the firstbusiness meeting of 1975 takesplace this afternoon in newmarket siouffvulejuvemys according toan unnamed source the councillors stipend will go from 7000 to 8000 and regional chairman garfield wrights salary will jump from 29000 to 31250 the raises were arrived at in a special caucus meeting held prior to the inaugural meeting jan 9 earlier this month coun cillors in durham region boosted their salaries from 10000 to 11000 onethird of a councillors salary is tax free stroud 45of queensville was i southbound on don mills rd and slowed to make a leftturn onto cachet parkway three cars behind mr stroud slowed also the fifth car in the line failed to slow and rearended one car causing a chain reaction up the line the cars were driven by james booth of pickering george siniof richmond hill arid william orfanakos of gormley the driver of the fifth car barb smith of toronto has been charged with careless driving- mr sim and his wife blanche were injured in the mishap and were treated for minor injuries at york central hospital cedar valley study town receiv cedar valley the cedar valley land use study has been completed by the area services branch and hasbeen submitted to planning board councillor cathy joice moved the reportbe received commenting i would wantto- read the whole report before l discussing the recdm- rnendations councillor art starr lob- jected to the delay but was overruled byth other mem- bers we- gave people the impression we would receive stouffville stouff ville juveniles captured the north american silver stick tournament b division title in mooretown ontario on sunday -a- tired group of young gladiators retu rned home after dumping dorchester 100 in the final friday night a midnight encounter with thedcord saw the local jiives take a 21 first period lead and romp home with a 112 win old rivals met in the second game as stouffville took on- petrolia petrolia has been promoted- -to- an a classification but stouffville by i blood donor clinic jstouffvilleared cross blood donor clinic will be held this coming wed nesday v jan 29- at the stouffville branch of the canadian legion ltaccbrding loathe red cross eightjpints of a rare blowi type ab v positive is needed jforanbperation scheduledfor jgi theclinic will beopened from 230 4 30 inthe af- ternoonandthen from630 830 in the yffling took out some old spite throttling petrolia 61 a toughclubfrom watford was third oh the schedule for stouffville the locals came up with a 41 win but had a real battle on their hands goalie jack holder was superb in the nets for the victory stopping numerous watford attempts in final game rick march- man who shared the net- minding with holder came up with the shutout against dor- chester as the stouffville scoring machine set a tournament record with their 100 win the line of doug taylorpete fjtz- patrick and mike wightman tucked away six goals coach don mcbeth felt after his return that the team showed nothing but class with their display of guts anddesire the scoring for stouffville in the four games went like this fitzpatrick led the way with ten points taylor and wightman each had eightvted assinck combined three goals and four assists for seven points the line of andy leitch dave mumford and craig waite counted eight goals and six assistsvairbther this the beginning of january he saul j the study was ordered after the ontario municipal board decision to refuse an 86acre industrial development fn cedar- valley the ontario municipal board recommended the land be- changed from an industrial 1zoriirig to an agricultural land usedesignationr mayor gordon ratcliff refused to make the report public although it was received by planning board the reportvwill be fully chscussedcit the next planning committee meetingjan 30- work starts oh tavern uxbridge uxbridge will soonhave a steakhouse andj tavern v the restaurant will be in the former cochranes hardware store on brock st and is being t planned with a capacity of jxk people i work began last week on the renovations and the restaurant is expected to open at theend of february according todimitrios hioswho is setting up the business the advent of a tavern was made possible by a plebiscite last year that approved the sale of liquor with food r a- playefsshared in the sxtyfour scoring points- v an w r t v t jt itttja richmarshnian gave up one vthe local juvenile hockey team proved they are number one hold up the banner they won from left to right are jeff rdy kevin g6alwhilepartner in the nets jack holder allowed only three last week as theyvon the north american silver stick tournament b division titlelsbt sunday several happy team members here v v barrickfnanager jack watson dave mumford and petefitz- patirick vi ivri ted wilcox five kbitf biaekoui gormleypower was shutoff jforvfivehours tor150 honiesljnjtheigqrmley jarea saturdayifevening after a car skidded off don mills rdand broke a hydro pole inihalf police said-theiicar- driven by john thomas stewart 60of thornhillnleft theroad south of gormleyhe wascnotj injured hnthe mishap u vis ai ia power was shutoff from 330uo 830 hydro crews worked to put up a nevpole lmtt kua v- r