-c- ik sr a i jamks thomasassoti-tepunllshm- i v vfjfbltshedmcotliursdajty inland kobeet imecalifiland j v adtefttao director 58l5- land publishing co limited at 5 main sc s fjffisix i i wants imnority rule t this newspaper has always taken a dim i view of elected or appointed representatives who for reasons too seldom revealed fail to attend meetings on a regular basis v 4 so also do comembers who give of their j time- one hundred percent y v they show a willingness to shoulder their load and quite naturally are critical of those who dont in publishing comments of this kind the media itself is criticized so be it the elec torate has a right to know thejruth the controversy at present relates to the absence of jim wong ward 2 from almost 50 percent of council and planning meetings not itb mention other committees from uahuary through march ahd points up two the system first a candidate oftenassumes office not realizing the airioiinf of time required to do the job later he learns that with so many irons f in the fire he cannot keep pace- secondly he feels the main requirement is to v keep the fences mended within his ward this isnt so for decisions that affect the entire municipality arid all wards are made in the council chambers and around the planning table not over the telephone- or across a backyard fence unfortunately for mr wong and perhaps the town several issues of major con- sequence have been decided in his absence and on split votes this points to the threat of minority rule something that cannot be tolerated sf t irc- 1 s nnhiv earpr 6 j ect o this year marks the fiftieth anniversary of thestouffville horticultural society vvthe milestoneof historical significance will be celebrated at a special program but what does the future hold iv- t horticulture is everybodys business yet f for niost of us the interest and enthusiasm for monday april 15 in st- james presbyterian suchthings extends no further than pur own thufchiij-a- v v- backyards this should not be j t durinvitshcenturyofservicejhthis v r v community thisorganizationjiasdoneriuch to improveand beautify thetownroften with iuuefahfareand too liltlefappreciatipn v one vn records id924l974to realizethe projects i completedidunhsthislperwdjlndeed these vareafdedicatedgroupbf people who have t littlebutgiverfmuch the executive and its active membership are to be com mended iv so to commemorate the societys golden j i anniversary wed like to see the town embark on some major veriture with- the hor- v ticulturahsts takingtheleadand the com- muriity falling in line j 1 tnis would not only present a challenge fo uie organization in 74 but give the en- jfa couragenieht and incentive to carry on in the f fe years ahead s r rd ami n akd 0 n d 3 r whyv elitors ahc husbands si ro w sifey td- i- byaimithomas istouffville jsei k wt illmg to budgeandthe promised purchase shuck noincjuslaooupaw u ns rvvveagreiftevceiswithinrenand vs hbwpastlife deadline jshme two hours late goit it again j- renovations estimates prove practical j- r feemhe post officethat shouldbei whv does this haimen ajrnojane willrgue the fact thatlibrary- j f facilities hereare totally inadequate but repeatedly saying this and stilldoing nothing c by mid november could prove an t excellent compromise its worthconsidenng s again this timeisenously f ift 5fe v fi eclitors vvt- v appreciate good losers r why does this happen r jf there are t reasons but ltsnouse trying to anyone becausenobodyrcares they look on anyone working a 21 hqurclay as some kind of nut and theyre probably right r v be that as it maymostfolks puty downtheir fifteen cents every week for their v paper never once realize the blood sweat and tears hatoften goes into the operation before thfe finished product hitslhestreet the problemsive encountered over the- past years would fill a book trouble is nobodys read it theyve got trouble of their i own i c i t an exampleof mine however was its always atuesday about 2 pm it was my she repeated- jwell not theres no flame but the smoke and it smells like canyou come ii stunnedilike someone overtfier headwith a feared the worst antf my7 pictures at ragirigin- through theindows smoke pouring up through the roof everything lost totaly destroyed rl fifteen years nothing f si iwoops theres the police too late now- hell understand v 1callthe fire department icom- manded get thebabyjtoaneighbors take out what you can carry ill be there in a minute k i i grabbed the keys and streaked not really for the car j is r the distance is less than a mile but it seemeddike a thousand a j i thought of a million things whats worth saving first did insurance ahh rupert avenuesooiibe tfiere j wheeled into the laneway showering the neighbbrslawn with stones nv i kt strange enough everything looked-fnor- vmal no smoker noiflames no anything heaveda great sigh of relief and whispered tliltleprsyer w j a s jjnl insidehowever j everything wasnot normal we had no lights no televisiorithe furnahce wasoffjowas thewasher thec dryer the j stpveeverythingjimy vwife t learnedmaterfhad smelleditrouble and 7 pulled the mairswitch ti v and whata smell whew x toarts electrichad a man on the jobin he traced theproblemjoa burned out thingamumbob in the basement jcontrpl box he quicmytinstalled anewone then offered fewtworssjsf advice z x jltoverloaded he explained you just f cant 1 newjgadgetstoan old lurance premium system aridltaveall of y them at once when s and for how much coverage does it include vou do something blows xv i itents r- 5 a j fi we hadand udidboom t j r rni nnu lho isrcnliittnn hnf lnnf wifhnilt contents r wherelfwe stayi what about clothesr r the oil tank will jtexplode v i piian tltvioio tnlrmrt itian hhe solution but nbt without sacrificevtvsapoperas arebut theyre j the understanding seems to stop there in aic- jkiti ui r o j n ivjiww inline siuuciiis arcuacn in mt so manycases aaz vsecondaryscho6lsof4yorkcohtytandthe puplteacher ratio sft formula for nouiust n wi n hwmsft usfseefhs to have settled fbrthe moment establishing the number of jobs there will be ffikrald wouldjketommentontwothngsthatare anddbcs not in itself determine ho- many lpw j fat ereacconcemto meand irimvodinions studjjntseach teacher will have in a class it is a contributing factor of course in thaiit does v i fuv anv -u- xt j ij f great concern to me and inmy opinion i felt sorry for these young boys not only sh b abnce to a iwas their coach screammg at them so were vhev darenttche play like the leafs v li r i i rts ilsiifcl i jl vi riwoitoms iimightbehelpful in promoting greater understahdihgjand would hot in furtherenflanie the situation thing of concern tofne is the almost complete s misunderstanding of the term pupil teacher ratio and its significance i say almost complete because as i see it the amount of discussion around this term lately has at leastlaid to rest the previously commonly held misconception that a pt ratio of 20to 1 fokexamplev would mean that there woufdbe ina class withone teacher i am sure that all teachers and trustees welcome this partial understanding of term however what i do find distressing is smallclasses except where therels a special t having had the opportunity to work with learning problem regardless of how riimfor testify thaytlfere is- desirable ltmay be to provide classes m v person nibre interested lhquahtj subjects that attract only small numbers of i education jinivorkacountythan he is he students can ve afford to provide uus op- combines ldeahsmvith pragmatism a trait portunity we know luwillnieanvthat jthatattimesahnoysthejdealistsand-at- othenclasses will beverylarge s othevs thevragntatists as onewho frequently r anothefalternatiyecould beisbme disagreedwithhimauhoughrarelyinpublic winner you must be loser too- thank youfor listening to my beef z f fhfvif lorraine tabbernor f v i v iv jtv v markham i editors ivote yourcbmplaint may be well- founded however it should benoted that in p winningboth thea b series cham- pidnshipsin the tournament the stouffville team also received the bestsportsmanship determine how many people will be employed v for the various jobs jhat go into the education redepioymento7peopie whosupky7th of the students such as classroom teachers support serviced withinitheschool itself rhe seems to havea facility for seeing into the ripnnrimoni h lkqnonc perhaps each schoolwill have to decide how v r many support personnel are needed in library thci guidance department or department heads librarians guidance personnel principals and viceprmcipals mother words the class room teachers and allthe support services within the school for those teachers and theirstudents no matter howdedicated i might be as a teacher i would feel hard done by to have 40 students in some ofmy classes during the day and have the proportionate number of assignments and exams to mark in addition to 1 my r lesson preparations in my ouwfclass time knowing full well that at the same time the teacher down the hall has onlytlo students in class with a corresponding outofclass aftef strongly prbmbtingthe takeover in british columbia drivers have found ofthecakinsurancebusinessthetndpj theirpaymentshigher rather thamlower i governments in both manitoba and british but some relief is offered if bine can till out a columbiahaveeggjon their faceitheir icomplicate rebate formjthebwc f prediction of cheaper insurance if only they government hasalso confessed that it has couldruii the busifieshas been dismal to cost 18 million rather than 5 million to get lsaythleaa s e businessv- sfemamtoba has been forced to announce mostdnvers find the situation rather wilbbeasked o almost 50 percent hrghcrwpremiums this brings the- v iff k very faults companies -si- j private i how do teacher aides fit into the picture perhaps using two teacher aidesas the equivalent of one teaching job wbuldbelhe best way of dealing with some the educational work load that doesnot require the qualifications ofa trained teacher ex perience proves it can work well yc shouldnt the experience and expertise o t the teachers have some bearing on howmuch work ioact- u j time the departmentheads need to have vfree if i were a teacher really interested in of classroom responsibilities to assistand supervise x jeachersi a department g havingyinexperiencedteachersobviously needsa head withmore free practicality departmental leadershipjsomeschbolsmight- work to try tomake good things happen in decided theyneed more and somejfess aanatnn sis mi aii nf hc om cnonfinuniri i quality education for my students and in my eleven yearsas a school trustee ltwasmy i j good fortune to meefmanysuch dedicated teachers- i would be mbstinterested in having some say in how people were deployed to fill unavailable positions i hasten to add that although i am nolongera schooltrustee iknowmanyofthose dedicated teachers i knew are stilparound kvmsej l yi it must be veiy evident to everyone that the amountof money available for education is limited and therefore decisions have to be made as to how it will be spent todo the best- that has the most effect bn job possible that- means that everyone is lhe schools not only of county but of alp going itohavetoilook forlalternatiyesjto ontario- afford not to explore allthe alter v present- arrangements and probably even bxistforfinding absolution uiii u- 1 iuu j c large classes xk vthesecond item of grealconcernto mefs the move tovilify and discredit the director of education mrsani chapman lku education since not all of us are so endowed 1 can we not at least recognize our good fortune in having adubhc servant iikesam chapman 3 who ms willing to workiinselfishly or our behalf f fi t v xvif mr chapman should everdecide to jorsake the public school system toset upa v privateschoolj i would wager k within five yearslargenumber of thosevery parents aid teachers who in the past months have seemed t soj willing tot blacken his name wouldbe w beating a path jo hisdoorto register jheir u children ok serve onhisstaff itotakead- ij department obviously vantage of theifquahty educationv tobe found toassst thereis hetb them than does a department filled with good 7 honour save in his own country andhis own experienced steachers can7 to house -s-mh- continue mechanism set up todeal with the valthough vitallyinterestedjin1the sad my comments might be helpful some greater understanding- iig- at the same time and since i have had the opportunitynb available to large numbersof 7 4jjj- 1 thenwill have to makesome hard decisions what are the alternatives that could be considered- ri one of them might be the elimination of 4 r- lv working on their behalfr j mm j v v mr louise aimone tvwtvaj zi s4vtnioriihill