jr u the tribune thursday apil 4 1974 26 help wanted night cleaner wanted sleepy hollow country club 6401664 r yvr nursery workers lor j field and garden centre full time apply immediately unionvillenurscrles hwy 7 earner oi mccowan road part time driver lor wednesday evening rennle transport tgamjf practical nurseorwe willtrain person- overr7 years of age mint be wiling to work shifts- apply in persoriiclaremonti nursing home i mile west of claremont 22 slderead between and 330 weekdays eatyi 3 quality controlled consolidated sand evgravd requires a young person cr ii or 12 lo be trained in quality control at our stouffville plant phone 640- 3022 hswj realestatea career our office wants to expand sales oriented people especially those presently qualified or taking ontario government real estate course are invited to call 6404444 or 294 5544 for in ter ivew keith g mcdowell real estate 32trucks for sale jit ford h ton j pickup- economy a 7 standard low mileage al cood s249s- 70 sodge f vi ton pickup- economoy i i autovmmo miles good concl sw9sv73 volkswagen beetle bo00- true mileage like new s209s 2941464 yi o-j- 33a trailers for sale for sale- 1972 12 foot fjayco kivhardtop trailer like new loaded with extras 1220000 or best offer phone 2944185 or 194ju6 evenings- -i- 7 jut 34 motorcycles for sa ie hondas at 71 prices also reconditioned used at off season prices altona reed and supply co ltd 6401621 certified motorcycle mechanic on duty mu 45 cc honda running condition 150 firm as is 6405180 1 yss v 72 yamaha sil 433 30 up good condition 6405909 39 farm items for sale wanted receptionisttypist opening for receptionist typist for reception desk at parkway hotel call parker or mrs wilson 831- 2121 rolling hills golf club requires the following staff for the coming season greens maintenance full time bartender part time snackbar full and part time pro shop full and part time must have own iran- sportation 2971121 or 887- 5909 li rn or rna ex perienced required for night and afternoon shift full or part time call brtsrbush hospital 640 2111 certified barley no i seed available 800 bu j5 00 bu burnbray farm 8881213 2w44 dead or crippleo farm stock picked up promptly phone collect hampton 4162412721 margwillfur -farm- under new management 24 hour service r rr5 bowmanville licence 344 c 72 y 3si service manwoman for electric lift truck required must have good knowledge of hydraulics and electrics and be experienced in toronto driving with a chauffeurs licence neat v also a plus good benefits call 445 4800 taxt drivers wanted male or female 294 1711 truck driver wanted ppty apache freight lines 640 1254 waitress waiter ex perience preferred apply cascade restaurant r farmservice- dead horses or and crippled cattle picked up promptly for direct line call long distance and ask for zenith 32800 atnocostfoyou radio dispatched trucks for better service ed peconisons ltd- woodvilleont licence no 324c67 w 34tf for sale feed corn and phone 8881055 hay for sale call after 7 6403787 waitresswaiter time days 640 1808 wanted persons with car for interesting work with large firm flexible working hours above average -car- nings phone 895 6532 welder with fabricating experience must be able to read blueprints top wages good working conditions contact a hirsch assinck bros ltd hwy 48 ont 294 0422 2w45 white rose nursery requires mature- part time sales help towork evenings andi weekends in its umonville store if you wish to earn someextra money phone 2973330 30 employ merit wanted a rations tan d dressmakmq fast service white elna sewing centre 131 mom st n markham 2vj 6800 37 tl carpentry repairs rec rooms additions trim alterations free estimates 294 5870 2w45 custom poultry killing year round call sunderland 705 357 3546 13w45 custom plowingdiscing and cultivating also corn l planting with ncwplatcless planter and electronicseed onitor mulock bros woodville 705 439 2189 4w44 day care available mussclmans lake area phone 640 5759 winoow cleaningand insidepaintlng specialize in aluminum storms fully insured 881 2986collect t tf40 30a day care babysitter- wanted every afternoon monday to friday in my home parkway twe markham 294 5790 alter y -500- vlcv slmotor cars forsale one set of- hooker headers l month fit chevy 327 lo 400 40 00 440 4804 if 41946 chevrolet impala convertible fair t condition 440 4846- f 1967 dodge monaco v8 automatic power steering y and power brakes s400 00 or best olfir 4402345 1967 pontiac auto very good running condition 1974 plates phone 887513 j 1967 pontiac auto very good running condition phone 887513 t 48 pontiac laurentian 4 door mechanically perfect 7327v8 will cerllly 2943352 or 4495890 t 49ipontiac parlslenne convertible power steering power brakes certllled good condition sisoo 4402615 i mt jlta chev ji ton 783 motor excellent mechanically 95- 1970 ford ranoer xlt vt i ton heavydulyj suspen- ston manyexlras 4401314 l7 oatsunpickop jexcellenticond good gas mlleageevenings40434si f fk 4w45 ijvrkfv j 3j- vit74foro pickup vi ion goodcondltton with cap will certify make olfer call after pm40sj7 fr i v- 7 hay and straw for sale call evenings 440 1529 herta seed barley cleaned and treated s5 per bushel seed brock barley cleaned and treated ex- cellent quality arthur brown sandford 152 7195 wanted post hole digger for3 pi hitch 8875982 wanted post holedigger for 3 pt hitch 8875982 wanted 14 foot wire gate in good conditionphone 440- v 3890 afler5 p m we are buyers ontario oats v 1 barley and mixed grain v master feeds- vstouffville640l892 i i 1311 40 farm machinery one case tractor 1 model 930 pne case 4 row corn planter one case6 row atrazme sprayer 294 0535 41 livestock for sale 7 calves adages dairy or beef specializing in started calves keith page uxbndge 852 4003 ii 29 chunksfor sale call 449 2915 after 4pm for saler 2 ponies one 4 and one 8 years old with bridle ana saddles 414 440 2451 l harness and blanket repair custom tack call 727 2278 j 1 1 v horses boarded all year round good pasture vwith75 acres7good barn for winter board with stalls 449 5349 tt one good fresh holsteln cowi youngtbecf clover i seed and grain alec gray 294 0498 i t registered landrace serviceable age boars open and bredgiltslowfat probes benard hood gormley 887- 5880 v i seven good chunks for sale 449 2414 v standing at stud palomino quarter horse stallion no papers 14hands golden palomino with white maneand tall now available lor breeding 449s369 h 1 y o u n c h o l s t 6 i n sprihger due soon 4403807 lorne wideman- j 45gardeninciand supplies ttir garden manure35 cents ea bu loaded free in ton lots delivery 440 2594v5- walk- behind garden tractor new 7 hp engine attachments s25000449- 5731 il -i- 47- groceries meats produce for- sale i harpers freshmeatsv halves quartersibf beef halves whole cut and wrapped fori 9our freezer- vaii rneat guaranteed v i ilnspected 4404741 or s27as j 47tf v 47igroceriesr meats produce for sate 3 vfl v beef and pork for- the freezer 6403292 acarr vreesoativvir 3jtf protective rustrrqqrlgll j1 a hwy 7 vr jl fc o courtesy cars available 5 q markham ontario 2972997 furniture coming like new rebuildirigrecovering free pickup 5 year guarantee on workmanship 6 monthly payments at ho extra chc call 29425812972055 ask for bill toromark furniture markham drafting and t design store layouts custom homes 1 landscaping- furniture design 8526856 t f 43 mp xi and trenching 6401170 whiteelna sewing rhachineageht 131 main st markham parts and services to all i makes new and used- machines for sale trades accepted phone 2946800 or 2259000 22tf triad travel i ged stonehouse 6405491 71 maai 5t manager stouffvbtexca st0uffville vi aluminum v storm windows doors shutters soffit facia eavestrough siding garage doors caulking new and old homes free estimates 6405512 ski doo and mercury snowmobiles sales service gords marine claremont 6492007 stotiffville rupp minibikes trisport j wheelers bill walls sales service barker roofing and siding ltd repairs reroofing eavestroughing k estimates 6404966 l iprumbingarid mllld heating ltd icomtech lelectnic c 1 i t formtrltwans elecibic electric plumbing s heating contractors electrical supplies brook designs builder j custom carpentry additions alterations kitchens rec rooms- free design estimating claremont 649 2839 astf retail appliance sales and service 1 106 main st north markham 2943642 gtjn carpet fx jjlcleanerss carpet boadloom cleaned inmarkhani and area satisfaction guaranteed freeestimates georgeunderwood it 2942624 m r l notice from k en f wood grand salesmaster rlease call me rs i tryhapnfp i don howsonchev olds ltd a 2135 sheppard ave e a just east of the don valley pkwyi h 491- 2000 al glenn a- phone i 2945606 t four seasons aluminum siding aluminum awnings aluminum windows railings doors 3tii xs taylor heating contractor phone stouffville 6401908 furnaces ducts oil burners hot water boilers tf4s isiktisso 640- 2612 personalized stationery letterheads j t business cards special vx personalized pens- calendars etc largeassortment of styles 71 main w stouffville rent all rent all wettlngton way rentall 2946688 we carryautt linepl homemaintenance equipment handy man tools droejnand browse around you maght see something youll need later on hwy 7 just two doors from canadian tire rent all rentall aluminum siding specialists 640-1891- tr fit 6401891 stbiiffviue home improvements nick r0hwer construction custom homes additions alterations s phone 6492441 tto ri h3l- experienced painfer lnterior exterior cworkt- fully guaranteed free estimates anytime 294l tf art electric for all your electrical services ss blake st 6404421r free estimates all workguaranteed h2 artistic signs trucks windows showcards l6gosetc 265 main stw stouffville 6405991 aiaa plumbing v stouffville goodwood ewconstruction remodelling t i v ahernatibns and repairs i pumps and pressure systems residential com- mercial- industrial 2941414 vkcns electric jk2 specialising in rewireofodhonies 1 alteration and repairs ol rvf farm wiring industrials commercial primary pole line work dont delay call i today 6402345 mil- v teds- appliahge i service for your appliance repairs fast efficient guaranteed service qualified government certified technicians t rebuilt automatic washers and dryers 294 0636 ialektricians ify0udlikej0 h savsa lot of legal free estimates alcan siding siding soffit fascia trough awnings pennjnen roofing indjstr r residential flats m 1 v j repairs toalltypesol roots s call glenn 6403926 v stouffville v etherington lictric rewiring repairs custom home commercial indsutnal electrical home heating 6402033 v tender should be your electrical mender tgole coritractjng homelmprbvements general repairs i- alterations- concrete floor finishing 13 church st- markham 2942056 j bob mcneil electric 99 edward street stouffville 6401642 wilsons water wells ltd sales service 8875337 i j7h dmw mmimisacxemokfi ih which we we up our bachelors qegxee 6770 2971476 ford mercury john roe j isil i stouffville oborlesv abanoiri beefa pork t by quarter or side cut and wrapped for t your freezer f- all meats government inspected wealso do custom v killing and curing k- bus 6401343 vs j7tt 48- pet stock -sup- pliesr kennels black lab pups lor sale registered 44w41j roshan kennels regd labrador retrievers puppies stud service black yellow dogs cats boarded year round accwnmodallpn claremont 6494336 56schoolscolleges private tuitionij- at mttosepttressenct in gormley music aoajn witn a fully qualified teacher of classical popular laxi on organor planoi alsochord assembly saxaphone clarinet trumpet and young group leaching lenorsinger u years experience in india t years in england j yean in canada excellent teacher anyonettaterested jn in- structlbnsptionegormley 60r sales register 58 businessrservices experienced vpaimter interior exterior 4 fcwork j- fully guaranteed frc estimates anytime f 2941278 hammersley canadiana f antiques t furniturestripping finishing dip tank v pickup sideiiyery- 1 mt albert bus4712mt res7jj316 t i rf itf45 german shepherd pups registered futurity nominated 3 months 473- 3322 male wh ite toy poodle for stud service registered 40- 2615 malteseyorkshire s terriers small puppies ckc registered shots male and lemale stud service available 223 0627 i 49 miscellaneous canadiancancer i society i stoullvitle branch for information regarding patient services films call stouffville president- m0 3244 y service to patients n 640 2624 inmemoriams 640 2826 ti21 i 53 personals 59v lost arid pound lost 2 male dogssmall black lab 5 mos old st bernard puppy will vbe together anyone knowing their whereabouts call 294 0615 t v wst poodle miniature white male answers to name fluffy childs pet lost in stouffville east end v 0 reward 640l3574v poodle founds instouff- ville phone 473 6022 i 60 asales register auctions 9 percent for 5 year guaranteed investment certificates at standard trust co corner of hwv 7 and 48 in markham 7v2 per cent on savings accounts open jo5 monday friday and also 9 to 12 saturdays for your convenience phone 294 6865 permanent hair removal edith m mccoll re experienced elcctrologist member e a o and a e a h84 8771 6 w 42 54 legal notices 6403294 294-0661- cuthbertson refrigeration and- appliance service i cair conditioning u- box 500 i stouffville ontarioloh 1l0 advertise weekly in the matter of the estate ctftdorjothy irene moyerilate of the town of whit church stouffville in the regional municipality of york deceased all persons havlng claims against the estateof the above named deceaseds late of the town of whit church stouffville in the regional mumcipahtyof yorkwho died on or about the 1st day of december 1973 are required to file proof thereof with the un dersigned on or before the 20th day of april 1974 after which date the estate will be distribtued without regard to claims not then filed i a r dated this 14th day of march a d 1974 r mildredamoyer 1 f executrix button armstrong ness 5 j v 6 main street east stouffville ontario solicitors for the estate j 3w43 notice to creditors j c andothers in the estate of anni e r schneiderlate of the township of pickering in the county- of ontario married- woman deceased all persons having claims againshhe estate of the above named deccasedr latc of the t of pickering in the county of ontario married woman who died onor about the 13 th day of november 1973 are requiredto tile proof thereof with theundersigned onor before the 20th day of april 1974 after which date the estate will be distributed regard to claims not then filed dated this 14th day of march ad 1974 ivy wideman and j hallj executrices button armstrong ft ness r 6 main street east stouffville ontario solicitors lor the estate 3w43 we buy or will auction your new or used furniture free estimates stouffville sales barn 640 3813 640 2759 tf- 40- v 7 auctloneers7 i f- w d atkinson stouhville t a s farmer phone gormley i- 8875311 f v rdonburd stouhville 640 2928 t vt 7 f gauslinannis stouffville 6403079 wfwalker markham 294 4970 v tf40 auction sale- o herongate country auc tions every wed evening at 7pm- located 4 nutes north of rouge hills oh the altona rd ohno2jligh way or 1 milesquthof whitevale east aa featunngevery week good t selection bf ontiquesr fine furniture glass china brass copper and collectable a loinus every ved night and parttcipatcinone oi ontarios most authentic old i fashioned auctions wi no bid ins or reserves con signment estate selling our specially kahn auction services pfone 668 618v or v94 0j26 i tf37 saturday aprilt v f pollards ia vauctiom barn 4fcf vxm milts east oi toswkkj household baby grand piano needs tuning ilcu tt chest treczer and hoover spindry washer both avacado green and as new- chrome suite mcclary relrlgef ator and 22 range chesterfield suite i as new continental- bad dressers chests 04 drawers 21- portable tv unusual colfeeond end tables singer ireddle sewing machine good- kitchen utensllesand smallap- pliances rugs lamps etc au ol new t hd electric wall heaters and misc- articles antiques- unusual hall mirror french baroque 1 cranberry cruet liner large qu ol brass including andirons can dleholders fireplace utensils etc kerosene lamps unusual piclje cruet miniature sterling silver cake set qu ol old pictures and frames duncan phyfe side table small large clear glass water pitcher diamond and thumb print base qu ol pewter opalescent satin glass crackle glass bavaria hobnall carnival glass old bottles toilet set pieces and nundreds ol fine collectable items too numerous to mention note good selection ol above average household furniture and private collection ol antique and collectables well worthy ol your attendance sale time 1pm 7223112 terms cash- known cheques saturdayaprilt 1 pm farm sold j auclion sale olfarm equipment and antiques the property of grant hunter lot is con 4 reach twpv 1 milesouth arid j mile cast ol manchester mccormick 275 diesel tractor good con dition mccormick 3 turrdw plow cockshutt no- 6 manure spreader- in ternational side rake int 15 tooth cultivator on rubber case 3 point hitcli 7 mower 5 section harrows case hammermill 24 hay elevator mccormlck rubber tired wagonand rack stable fan cutter buggy set of sleighs set of double- harness horse collars riding lawn mower qv of lumber smgleplow cedar and steel posts r 900 bales hay 300 bales straw number of other articles quantity of furniture terms casli lloyd wilsonv ux- bridge sale manager auct ioneer tcl416 qs2 3524 1 2w44 f 4 notice to v creditors andothers in the estate of norman spang r deceased all claims against the iestatcof norman spang late of the town of whitchurch- stoulvllle in the regional municipality of york con tractoit who died on february 16th 1974 are required to file proof of same with the underslgnedon or before the 3rd day of may 1974 after which date the estate will be distributed with regard only loathe r claims of which theun- dersgned shall then have notice j t dated al the town of whltchurchsfouf fville th is 29th day of march 1974j james 0spang and larry- b v executors by their solicitor william g parsons ocbox no- stooffville v ontario lw4s woodville livestock auction sale are having their 16th annual spring stocker sale wednesday apnl17at 12 30 p mlf you have cattle to sell we would be glad to do business with you dial 705 4392101 welike toknow ahead of time so we can tell our buyingicustomers ap prox how many cattle we are to have f y2w4 i v 1 ti- saturday april6th absolutely unreserved 8th annual stock reduction sale auction sale of new and used farm equipment the property of wj lambert and sons limited massey ferguson dealers on the beaverton bypass 13 miles north of sunderland or 23 miles south of orillia 1974 equip new eouipt mf 165 psl tractor lncor srirear blade rex 3 heater forage box with 8 tonrunning gear lncor 6 ton running gear with 75l floation tires mf 7 garden iractorzmower v 1973 equlpt landscape blade with gauge wheel 3pt- ml 12 baler lilliston rotary cutter mf 39 corn planter 2 row 3p mf- 88 semi- mounted 6 f 14plowmf 37 cultivator ft pt 1972 demo mf 30 offset disc harrow 12 ft mf 125 chisel plow 16ft hotijt drag disc harrow 7 used eouipt- 13 tractors 2 j tractor loader backhoe units bale stookers sprayers plows disc farrows cultivators jseeddrllls side racks power mowers balers f rotary cutlers harnmermjlls manure spreaders com- oines elevators snowmobiles forage box mix mill i- see sales bills for complete listing- sale at 12 noon sharp- lunch available terms stated at startofsale jjl 2w44 i 1 v saturday april- auction sale v household furnlture maple dining roomv set of table chairs and hutch electric washing machine and clothes dryer deep freezer 19 cu it an tlque pull oul jchalr 2 fireplace screens night tables chest drawers full line ofvfurniturclarge quantity of carpenters tools skill saw powerjawn mower odd dishes some antique in ihetownof richmond hill turn west off yonge st on richmond st100 3 streets west 10 bridgeport ave turn north ion057 sale at 1230 sharp7 charles hardwicktfterms cash this 1s a good sale properly sold alvfn s- farmer phone 8875311 auctioneer a tuesday april9 auction sale of farm stock implements straw andmur nlture the property of bernard rosa lot 6 7 cono lthorah twp 4 mites north of cannmgtonor 2 mllest south of beaverton ofi hwy 7 12 2 miles east 26 head of holstein andlereford cows with calves by sldet bred heifers goodveal calves 3 mon holstein and 1 herefords steers and heifers rising j yr 1000 bales of straw john deere 510 dlesel tractor 1498 hrs good mci cormick maure spreader triple k cultivatormc- cormick grain fertilizer seed drill roller bearing wagon airplane tirescase elevator viking cream seperator delaval milking machine woods oat rollerqu of other machinery williams piano 2 television sets iron sap kettle double bed etc farm sold terms cash sale at 100 reg and larry johson auctioneers ph 705o5 3270 114 thursdayaprilll 11am v tcomplete bdnwllljo dispersal owned by john bonsma rr2 blackstock ont selling at the farm lot 16 jst llne twp 5 miles southeast ofl blackstockfrom hwy 401 lakewaverlyrdiexit74 north 16 miles to 1st line then cast to farm 160 head 35 registered 60 ni pgrades 65 grades d h ia tested for 18 years 21 selling rockman 19r by tayside pabst rockman 6 by rockdale president 8 by way brook sir winston 25 fresh- or springing at sale time 40 bredrfor summer and fall this is a high testing herd l with dairy test of over4 1 percent the cows are big and heifers are very well grbwn v anopportunilytolobk alter- the summer milk suppjy- thlsvlarge sale must start a promptly at 11 a m lunch 7 available lloyd wilson sale manager r v auctioneer uxbridge tele416 852 3524 ly thursday april ifj 1 1 auction sale of farm stock implements hay straw graln and furniture the property of clinton thomas lot 4 con 15 mariposa twp 1 milesouth of woodville vi mile west or 5 miles north of hwy 7 on hwy 46 vimlle west 85 head of good hereford cettle34 cows most of these have calves by side or close springers remainder 2 fyr j olds and yearlings poll bull 4yrs frompbstock ba4 balesof straw 25 ton of good mixed gralnmccormlck 624 dlesel tractor 990 hrsi good condition mccormlck b 414 dleseli tractor and loader mccormlck no 93self propelled combine 10 flnh baler no 268 mf side rake on rubber nh manure i spreader pto allied cultivator 12 ft cockshult plow4furrowl4lnbotomsj yrs roller bearing wagon wlthsleel grafnjbox l wagons and racksmf grain and fertilizer seed drill f disc on rubber geh hammer mlllfulliine ofmachlnry wcodenfelephone antique antique cupboardplcture frames lamps toliet copper boiler tables part of gingerbread clocktqu ot other furniture and antiques farm sold terms cash sale at 1130 am furnitureslls iffrstt woodville jadiesiwlll serve lunchreg anc larry- johnson auctioneers ph 7053573270 ih j i tj a rrx jat