teo liaitorinis i- students 6 siickerfed agmiil all secondary schools across york county then sanctions ah additional week i all secondary schools across york county are closed this week r its another elapse in the deteriorating metamorphosis of our educational system now referred to as winter break what kind of fools does the province feel parents have become t what kind of pawns are the students for 31 days the conduct of classes grade 913 was reduced to nothing more than mockery in york so what happens the government makes its move imposes compulsory arbitration j v j v- then sanctions ah additional week of holidays- j r in our opinion normal classes at the secondary level should have resumed march i 18 rather than march 25 staff teachers who refused to resign feb 1 could have been paid a bonus for the extra five days with the 12 million saving- jn salaries during the past month the reward would be peanuts out of the pot and most we feel sure would ha ve continued on without complaint but no the minister decides against pressing his luck too far and the students are suckered again ponce image important for a time here hv stouffville public r symbolized bythe york regional police departmenrwas next to nil ticketing tactics particularly on main s street infuriated motonstsand aroused cries of protescthe sight of ah officer on foot patrol sent shoppers and shopnjwners scurrying to thestreet to see who would be next in months since however theres been a change f v z tlut department is carrying onanex- cellent safety program in- the schools the talking cruiser was set up for ah afternoon at fthe plazaand patrols areconstant all across v town 1 l complaints been replaced by commendations until fast week thats when the floodgates were opened v again z the victims this time were overnight parkers on sidestreets with authority as provided by a seasonal bylaw on snow removal however at the time of its en forcement there was no snow hence the howl its indeed unfortunate that thiskind of thing should occur relations between the public andthe police were bn the upswing s lets keep it up by using common sense pfesugar and spice editors vi vv tlie- teachers side x the whole world can crumbfe in a wefek n crumble around him at school mystudentswithoutiriyfirriiv ofyou had planned dearsicix ttvpvt nwf wequestion the boards decision to spend i aswe the resigned teachers of stouffville vttmcrri r ts m t distjictseondaryschoblreturntojipur uu mai and various local n papers7ithis 1- awayiwith murder with a substitute skipper statementcontainedpbvious errorsandwas and i fqundit necessary tojog six of them at when i was able to bellow outrage my wife tried to soothe its just to help the young folks outafter all you cant takeit with you f my response who thehell helped us out when we were the young folks what do you v niean takeit s there wont be even for a weekhis whole world starts to v anything left to take besides i wasnt sy plann just back on the job after ajweek in bed iwith the doctor as the old gag has it actually it was a particularly virulent flu i was in bed with i was so sure i was going to die thati even cancelled my curling x still weak and shaky but im glad igot back on my feet when a guy is riot on the job ning on goingjust yec whatever the rest sby bill smiley will draftjnm into the army for two years so i told him now much he could have v adding thats my first and final offerhe accepted with the equanimity for which heis noted ijretired to mysickbed j v i lying jtherein a feyeri thought icould hear his and his motherlsvriices going on and on but i wasnt sure and wasloo sick to care next morning i was told by my jwife with v j ia certain uneasiness that she had raised the as wc the resigned teachers of stouffvi taxpayers money to hand on the helm were waildwmgin aseaof i xthat was bad 1 enough worse to come son 71 ante rtatjustough so thevpdoir kid rict7condarysch901fnreturntoourv vstateitheirmatestpositiohiii the globeand v silliness theyhad discovered they could get hugh came home tosee hisbelovedparents doesnt starve u- j classes we wish to clarify some issues which mail and various lnnal nanprs tjthis ab o cnhchlnto nmr hofnrn onihnrvinorain mlorimaop tnkravl r n w m tnhu gnj miue vhave been before embarking ona pilgrimage toisrael i- the poor kidis twentysix and with his every time son hugh comes home i put both j v abilities as acbri artisthasht the remotest v j bthersjrole in the common objective this has snbt beenjthecase sinceour steducatiovwas formed in fact the di jattitudeofithejsenioradniiriistration particular the director of education h alien4ted4he majority of the teachers mt oyftypjdhmmvaqi j learning in the classroom apparently w j mess7whbhl struggied backab modicum 7f 4j wellsandtheprovincial government agree healthmv familv hadirobbel me blind- jicompared- v countyrsi m j responsibility v moreadministfativej myself hes practising to v to be one oi enough for the air fare but needed some bread for and sleeping in the holy land i almost something blasphemous about what he tdo with his pilgrimage but bit my lip- reminded him of previous loans and told j i possibility of everjcoming within hailing distance of starvation withreal trepidation i enquiredhow- much i came verynearjtot having a stroke when i learned she had almost doubled my bid which i had thought was mjtrumps i of paying interest and mort- v gages and banks i had finally got clear and jevenhad afew bucks aheadrliwas looking j around for somewhere to invest it with the might as well take the money and throw j ho tnat j mi ht have a few d6llai extra for it 9 the end of the dock as give it to him t t ofbecrwhenirarrivedatthe t mst r iv vpurltrusteelrrf mcmurray has stated l xafiatweshould negotiate inour ownball 5 fielcl nextuime forseveifmont v teachers negotiated ingbod faithwithj 5board avithoutsanyprggress aftertia i- taughtforthree f months without 1agreemeritwe requested that our negotiating p iresiiltsof the situation is the greater interest ueambecharigedassisted by members of qur m educatibh by studeritsparents and pjjpvincialjtj executive the t newteam nllipr- tavnavsr wpha m annrmattvi f he iinegbtiated ohpur behalf for two c all times keptusinformed requested bur directibnmanysutenients the media imply that we weremanipulatedin fapbliticarpowerstruggle betweenthe iibay street federation office and the provincial t government af ho time was there any such pressufe- ryy v memoers ot qurj education taken by students parents and flkbs a ijj 1 jl jlljzj44 the ewteam wve appreciatedthe bh -a- deepseated dislikeior summer cottaff es 5 r lwo months and at strong positive support given l many ywbeifflsjti mp j- j- tjtibli r u j v fi tfi and continually students tandrparents upto this time j iwbsbzf j l y w i v r i i my statenientsir4f however 6urorkhas just begum and our ymfi ii i ii vatvv 4ij- remanipulatedin cbmbined ihjbrdertb iisbswb f y v a dwth i ka itusha a h9wever just begunand our combinedjeffortsmusticontinue ihjbrderjtb producelthe best educational environment in l a p yorkcouhty v y- vl theresiffnedteachersofstouffville- vj byjiaathgaaas 31 aj t j sunday was the windiest stormiest day of 5 ti 71 j v vftf si teachers of stouffville never guess we sat down as a family group arid t talked over plans for our upcoming t strangewhat aconversatioh of this kind- cah dofor a personits like shovelling a path to the mailbox to pick up a simpsons seed catalcgucallofa sudden the snowdisap- pears j v theres a difference of opinion within our hoiisehofdas to what form a family- holiday should take andim outnumbered 7 to l mom the kids would dearly love to lease a cottage for a couple of weeks close to a iake but far from a telephone the children could swimand paddle from dawn to dark while we the parents lounge around and soak up the suur wsariy f hugh michehstillvri tdicatedbvthplcturelbbovejthefariberis resident on the same v r property the date ismarch 26vi qhnmichllxojlgiwverfather throughmostof the nightworse still the roof thesolution stop earlyandstop often leaked at least thatportipnof the roof under third and again the cost kids caneat youinto which oriewas supposed to sit and enjoy the thepoorhouserthesolution paclcalurichia scenery the heating system was such that large ldnchto sharealong the way fourth youremaihedbundledinbedtokeepwarmor accommodation can be expensivethe t sat with your head out the window tocool off solution- reserve a room in advance and ask there was no hydro fho telephone ho rh for theirfamily ten miles can l anything evena weatherworn sign marked seemilikctenhuhdredthe solution pin- washroomrpqihted a path to nowhere point a particular destination arid stick to it x in the woods j j v iand that location nowhere my only anticipated fun was in fishing i and when that outing produced nothing but a terrible sunburn we came hbme v ii i i v ii t n and we ve never been back nor will we as long as ive a say in the matter mind you id settlelfor a resort a place 1 tj i- nn that bears some vemblahce to the 20th ceh- w nut lacy all know oy now mere s no use in c t m- i asldhgfirilnevergiveint5 tury but the cost for aplatobn like ours njszzszzlil ijsk v they want anarm and a leg daf k depending solely n restaurants for jsnacksvtravdlingthatiittleextra when someone intlie back seat complains im sick route without a road v vv rv i v i but more little problems will undoubtedly crbp updesditeour forethought and preparation f c4 v vt v thisummerour destination is penn- sylvariia and brother are we prepared susan 4 u- j if fcu xri