the trffiuxe thursday nov 29 in m 39 farm items sale wanted for deaoorcrippleo falm stock pickta up promptly pbon collect hampton 4i23j721 margw11l fur farm under nw mliugemeal 24 hear servic rrj amrmanvill lkence3tc72 1511 1 44 building tiades 44 ssildhig trades and household and household directory directory we are buyers of ontario oats barley and mixed grain master feeds stouffville 6401892 farm service dead horses or and crippled cattle picked up promptly for direct line call long distance and ask lor zenith 37300 at no cost to you radio dispatched trucks for better service ed peconisons ltd woodville onf licence no 324c67 40 farm machinery teapholstery your old furniture like new forva pric of a new suite large selection guaranteed workmanship serving markham for the last 22 years in reupholstering for free home estimate call 2942581 or 2972055 toromark furniture house sherwood plaza markham f 44 building trades and household directory aaa plumbing stouffville goodwood new construction remodelling alternations and repairs pumps and pressure systems residential com mercial industrial 2941414 44 building trades and household directory bob mcneil electric 181642 58 business services j 58 business services 47 groceries meats produce for sale electrical houses farms hot water heaters rewiring and iterations rec rooms triad af itravelltdi immmm geo stonehouse mgr smr i lib 71 main st w stouffville mm mmmm hhb mm wmm mmi m 60 sales auctions register 54 legal notices apple butter new crop now in phillips grocery ringwood 6402442 47 groceries meats produce for sale combining corn 4553885 i 22 tf for sale one acorn stable cleaner used l year 250 it stainless steel cable phone 6401360 massev ferguson 35 tractor gas live pto mechanically al si 195 00 8524455 41 livestock for sale horse auction special christmas sate monday dec 3 6 pm at stouffville stockyards quarter horses appaloosas palominos ponies etc new and used tack auctioned preceding horses complete tack shop on location with dozens of special christmas sale prices on tack and horse related gift items lucky draw and special bonus prizes plan to attend our last sale of 1973 to consign horses or for information phone 16404198 w t bill simmons auctioneer simmons auction co rr 4 stouffville 2w26 i j j is your home adequately heated to save heating cost call for a free estimate don valley insulation 2973362 red brand no 1 government inspected beef sides quarters cut as you like it and wrapped for your freezer also farmers custom cutting wrapping ron hilts botcher 6492476 calves adages dairy or beef specializing in started calves keith page uxbridge 8526005 1129 for sale one used english lumping saddle one used western saddle both in good condition hoodsland stable 6402673 for sale rejistered landrace or hampshire serviceable boars guaranteed breeders john gallaughter atliston phone 705 4355485 for sale 40 weaned pigs woodville 705 4392163 erie hoover electric alterations repairs custom wiring electric heat hot water tanks new work r r 2 markham phone 6401591 1211 northern well drilling ltd wells and up newmarket 895291 2 51 tl toronto 2971397 43 poultry wanted for sale muscovy ducks and chickens for sale phone 649- 3442 44 building trades and household directory gale contracting home improvements general repairs alterations concrete floor finishing 13 church st markham 2942056 28tf pennanen roofing industrial residential flats repairs to all types of roofs call glenn 6403926 stouffville harpers fresh meats halves quarters of beef halves whole pigs cut and wrapped for your freezer all meat guaranteed and government inspected 6404761 or 8527665 4711 oboyles abattoir beef pork by quarter or side cut and wrapped for your freezer all meats government inspected we also do custom killing and curing bus 6401343 3 48 pet stock sup plies kennels professional all breed grooming 5 vears experience in this area reasonable rates pick up and delivery si 00 of f with this ad 8875956 6w25 criscoken kennels offers personalized care in climate con trolled accom modation professional grooming for all breeds with pickup and delivery 6405803 notice to creditors and others in the estate of maria josephine c08er late of the city of toronto in the municipality of metropolitan toronto widow deceased all persons having claims against the estate of the above named deceased late of the city of toronto in the municipality of metropolitan toronto who diedon or about the 12th day of june ad 1973 are required to tile proof thereof with the undersigned on or before the 21st day of december ad 1973 after which date the estate will be distributed without regard to claims not then filed dated this 26th day ol november ad 1973 elizabeth wilson and merlyn cober executors button armstrong ness 6 main street east stouffville ontario solicitors for the estate 60 sales auctions register 49 miscellaneous canadian cancer society 48 pet stock plies kennels sup- dachshunds red purebred one male 1 female tattooed wormed first shot 6402412 after 6 for sale 9 pups newfoundland 8 german shepherd sloea for female s15 ea for male 8881104 cattle dog australian shepherd black male 5 months best offer 6405593 farm buildings riding arenas and horse stables pole barns loose housing and drive sheds nickrohwer construction 6492441 6401891 soffit- siding awnings trough free estimates kens electric specializing in rewire of old homes alteration and repairs of wiring farm wiring industrial commercial primary pole line work dont delay call today 36tf 6402345 al glenn phone 2945606 four seasons aluminumsiding aluminum awnings aluminum windows railings doors i 3611 brook designs builder i custom carpentry additions alterations kitchens rec rooms fret design estimating claremont 4f2lrt 4111 teds appliance service for your appliance repairs fast efficient guaranteed service qualified government certified technicians rebuilt automatic washers and dryers 2940636 tf4 whiteelna sewing machine agent 131 main st markham parts and services to all makes new and used machines for sale trades accepted phone 2946800 or 2259000 22tf markham tire sales new and used tires radios and wheel balancing trucktirerepairs wide ovals g60 raised white letters 14 and 15 all sizes blems 53895 open triors fritill9pm hwy48and 16th ave 294 6851 tf 14 registered poodles miniature black apricot champagne white and party color 45 s85 will hold until christmas 4735749 2w27 roshan kennels regd labrador retrievers puppies stud service black yellow dogs cats boarded yearround accommodation claremont 6495336 stouffville branch for information regarding patient services films call stouffville president 6403244 service to patients 6401507 inmemoriams 6402826 58 business services small engines motorcycles skidoos snow blowers etc modifications repairs tuneiips and custom made expansion chambers cail 6404730 55 tenders 55 tenders nick r0hwer construction custom homes additions alterations phone 6492441 tidy up for fall leaves eaves storm win dows pools cleaned win terized also turfing patios and rubbish removal call 294j911 lor free estimate tfh wilsons water wells ltd pumps sales service 8875337 2711 arts electric for all your electrical services 55 blake st- 6404421 free estimates- all work guaranteed detmers electric commercial industrial residential arms custom homes and alterations free estimates 6404463 j s taylor heating contractor phonestouff ville 6401908 furnaces ducts oil burners hot water boilers ti7 the corporation of the town of whitchurchstouffville notice bylaw no 6817 as amended by bylaw no 73 17 prohibits parking 1 on any street in such a manner as to obstruct traffic 2 on any roadway for a longer period than five hours of any day during the months of december january february and march of each year during the winter season owners of motor vehicles should comply with the above provisions to facilitate the snow plowing of roadways and streets the police department are required to enforce the above provisions your cooperation is requested r e corner clerk kens custom painting k decorating service srusti roller and spriy paper hanging perm wall finishes industrial commercial residential expert color matching free estimates pkonemosnt tfj teds appliance service for your appliance repairs fast efficient guaranteed service oualif red government certified technicians rebuilt automatic wasnera and dryers etheringt0n lectric rewiring repairs custom home commercial electrical home heating 6402033 ontario assessment review courtl notice of hearing take notice that the first sitting of the assessment review court for the year 1973 to hear complaints against assessment for taxation in 1974 in the town of whitchurch- stouffville in the region of york will be held at latcham hall park drive south stouffville ontario at 930 am on december 13th 1973 appellants will be notified by mail of the date and time at which their complain will be heard dated at newmarket this 9th day of november 1973 m harbinson mima regional registrar 59 lost and found 59 lou and found lost eiack labrador female spayed collar on wandered off safyrday from rrngwood and kwy 4 u 77m i lost part persian cat ray and fan lasf seen nov 31 in easi end stouffville an swers to fluffy reward pnone 6j0 35i 59 lost and found lost white and brown beagle male hound victoria square and gormley area please phone 8875880 peanuts is lost chestnut color long hair chihuahua lost friday nov 23 con 9 sideroad 32 claremont reward 6405232 60 sales auctions wed dec 5 auction sale of household furniture and antiques the property of luther watson lot 7 con 13 reach twp 2 miles west of saintfield 1 mile south or 1 mile north of greenbank 2 miles west 1 mile north 2 findlay oval cook stoves quebec heater antique sideboard pine flat back kitchen cupboard pine harvest table with drawer in side 6 pine chairs pine chests of drawers moffatt electric stove ihc refrigerator philco portable tv boston rocker 2 other antique rockers 9 pc dining room suite gramaphone banquet lamp has been cut down qu of dishes rs prussia fruit bowl pickle cruet with tongs 2 compotes 5 goblets covered butter dishes etc iron bed with brass knobs dresser wash stands beds spool type crib many other articles from this old farm home too numerous to mention terms cash sale at 1230 reg and larry johnson aiirtianv gerald graham clerk in case of bad weather sale will be held in large garage saturday december 1 at 1 pm last antique auction sale for 1973 at brougham com munity hall corner of hwy no 7 and brock rd- the sale offers appro 200 items including french bronzed urns vaseline and cranberry glass burmese lamp jacques hayes ansonia marble mantel clock rare quilted vaseline ojass vase in iron stand cranberry mary gregory tumbler other cranberry and vaseline glass marble top and tile back wash stands ref inished pine wash stands pine chest of drawers pine tables j b tables oak writing desk sets of victorian walnut chairs occassional chairs bookcase tire place tools and fenders coal scutt les stoneware foot warmers stoneware jugs odd wash stand sets cruet sets candle sticks prints and engravings mirrors china brass copper copper boilers bronze figures etc preview from 1 1 am to sale time day of sale terms cash day of sale owner and management not responsible for accidents or property loss ernie severn auc tioneer rr 1 alliston 435 7467 area code 705 selling by number 60 sales auctions register register 50 transportation taxis wante d ride to toronto for 3 school children mon to fri call collect 19201371 3w25 toys toys toys tuesday december 4 and wednesday december 5 6 pm sharp auction sate of toys and gift items at stouffville sales barn everyone welcome 2 w 26 auctioneers wdatkinson stouffville a s farmer phone gormley 8875311 reg johnson sunderland ont florreegalt pickering 2847545 wfwalker markham 2944970 herongate country auctions every thursday evening at 700 pm located 4 miles north of rouge hill on the altona road off no 2 highway or 1 mile south of whitevale on altona road featuring every week a good selection of antiques fine furniture glass china brass copper and collec tibles no reserve auctioneers note con signment and estate selling our specialty henry kahn auction services phone 668- 6189 or 294 tf2 wednesday december 5 at 1 pm auction sale complete dispersal of 125 head of beef cattle 70 cows hereford and shorhorn cross 48 big calves 30 are blondes the balance hereford 8 cows close to calling 8 holstein heifers limozine charlois bull 3 years old cows with bull since july 1 1973 this is a good herd of cattle all in show ring condition 8000 bales of good dairy cow hay 2000 bales of straw property of martin dehaan 14th con ot brock i miies north of cannington herd can be seen at the farm before the sale date to be sold at woodville livestock auction sale arena located iv miles east of woodville or 16 miles north and west of lindsay iust off hwy 46 no reserve giving up the cow business norm mclntyre and son auctioneers 705 439- 2101 2w26 sat decs auction sale of household furniture an tiques early canadian rare pieces dishes chinaware glassware ornaments utensils small electric ap pliances pictures paintings various home effects garden and lawn toots misce llaneous atricles etc property of theodorus dick vanderzoort on factory st s in village of whitevale pickering township sale at 1230 pm terms cash day of sale no reserve property sold see posters clarke prentice and don burd auctioneers markham 6403686 2w27 antique auction sale wednesday december sin at victoria square com munity hall oon mills road at 16th avenue beginning at 7 pm this sale will feature many items of good primitive furniture some reimished some as found pine sideboard 2 spool beds victorian buffet with unusual leaded glass door many types of rockers and chairs at least one set of chairs oak table washstands dropieaf table e welch gingerbread clock in running order much more also our usual selection of excellent patterned oil and lingerlamps bracket lamp with reflector 2 miniature lamps small railroad lan tern many items of china and pressed glass cakeplates compotes 2 canadian goblets glass candy dog etc blue flowered 2 gallon crock and other pottery pieces wooden ware also many other articles to be collected on our trip east preview from 5 pm this will be our last sale until the spring terms cash or known check henry mi i berg auctioneer sutton west saturday december 1 1073 inside auction sale of household property and other items the property of h manthau lot 24 con 6 tast on 7 th con 1 mile north of aurora sideroad very old pine furniture some antique rockers chairs tables piano tvs chest of drawers furnace fan and pump 4 hp motors china cabinet beds floor burner propane stove dishes plumbing material round mirrors new snowmobile and used snowmobile many other items too numerous to mention free coffee or tea served sale at 1 pm cec st ickwood auctioneer 2w26 hi time to give the greatest gift of all give now we buy or will auction your new or used furniture free estimates stouffville sales barn 640 3813 4402759 2tf monday dec 3rd auction sale of tools lawn mower oil tank some fur niture etc the property of mr and mrs halstead to be sold stouffville sales barn iust prior to the horse sale terms cash note sale time 5 pm norm faulkner auctioneer sat dec 1st auction sale of farm stock implements hay straw grain and furniture the properly of mrs alex sandy brown lot 5 con 7 mariposa twp 2 miles east of manilla and 2 miles south or 1 miie east of cresswell 75 heads of hereford shorthorn and holstein cattle 28 cows with calves by side remainder yearling heifers and hereford and charolais bull 12 sows several with pigs 1 hog qu of hay straw and grain case 430 diesel tractor 1800 hrs mc cor mick tarmall model m- tractor case model s tractor mh no 101 tractor and sedore loader n h manure spreader n h hayliner 268 baler m h binder 8 it on rubber ex cellent condition with pto new idea mower m f trip beam plow 3 furrows full line of machinery 2 ponies both spotted saddle and bridle antique wooden pump and log antique rocker 6 pc toilet set toilet pitchers parlour table ball feet antique clock large good condition round dining room table cut down for a coffee table antique large brass flower pot approx 2 ft high by 2 ft wide dishes antique jardiniere qu of other fur- niture farm sold terms cash sale at 1130 am sharp furniture sells first cresswell ladies will serve lunch reg and larry johnson auctioneers ph 705 3573270 gerald graham clerk jewellery auction tuesday december 4 8 pm assorted rings watches and iewellery items aurora community centre auctioneer col hf johnson iufuij whits elna j 3 super stretch reinforced stretch multiple stretch portable super stretch overlock stitches for that viery personal gift mlr on ctftud ftrernonftlf ktbncetcd brmg rd lffcd it ptmontm throena kltm bvntn htr vgna- bu diomamj poim fd venobl pruw u9n ditch tmntj f mbidrytrtht 30yrvn complete portable sugg list price 5299 ti c1e0ii hums w otchatgex run ihdlc iv i 131 main st markham ont 2946800 6012 yonge st willowdale 2259000 give a portrait this christmas nothing is as much appreciated every portrait is a handmade product created with great at tention to every detail give us ample time to make good por traits for the finest in portraiture call for appointment now markham photo main si 294418 a i lanntf 4birkr