loves theatre vivian patrons at the stouffville plaza restaurant nave often commented on the neat trim appearance and friendly personality of waitresses there one of these is 16 year old laurie bell a grade 11 student at stouffville dist secondary school shes the tribunes teen pick of the week laurie enjoys her work the people are really nice she says particularly the elderly folk who drop in from lime to time lauries sister julie 18 and in grade 13 is also a waitress on the staff julie resides west of vivian at r r 1 cedar vallev the daughter of mr and mrs peter bell she has four brothers david peter joey and johnny and one other sister joanna age 3 mr bell is an owner and trainer of race horses and on occasions julie has guided one of the speedy steeds on a stint around the track julie is an extremely busy girl in addition to her parttime restaurant work she makes most of her own clothes shes a member of the schools newspaper staff and active in theatre arts it was her interest in this course that brought her to stouffville high she resides within the boundary of newmarket h s but instruction of this kind wasnt offered there so with the boards okay she joined the student ranks at sdss julie has no plans to become an actress instead she prefers to work behind the scenes in character makeup following grade 12t she hopes to follow this through at the university of gudph the tribune thursday nov i 1973 11 now appearing for your pleasure the beautiful and talented carrieromo enjoy the versatile song stylings of carrie while you dine dance at markhams luxurious golden lamb tavern where steaks sea food are par excellence 103 wellington way markham ontario reservations 2943210 i buy tribune office supplies i sixteen year old laurie bell is a parttime waitress at the stouffville plaza restaurant her heart is in the theatre however a course she plans to take on completion of grade 12 at sdss jim thomas j lower costs j if feed bought i now and stored iiiil bvth boutique table linens gifts and gadgets elizabethan house 0 main st n markham ont 2940669 opi in 6 thursday friday til pm a carlp canadian style furniture custom crafted to your most exact specifications i by aa wall york region ag rep the combines are jnaking great progress with the corn crop his fall kxcept for some fields damaged by wind jwo weeks ago field bosses are much lower man usual yields are down some with not enough rain last summer but there is still i good crop and corn can sbc brought direct from igrowers if the buyer has storage i temporary cribs jvork well and the acid treatment costing less lhat 500 per ion is quite practical for shelled corn tdirccl from the field setting i he price for wet xorn takes some figuring if dry corn is selling for 8000 a ton for example ithcn the equivalent feed rvalue for a ton of shelled corn al 25 per cent moisture would be 7170 and a ton of cob corn at 25 per cent would be worth 5445 it would be fair to subtract the drying and handling costs from the 71 70 price or the storage cost from the 5445 some allowance might also be made for trucking people often shy away from lhcsc farm to farm deals because there has to be some bargaining done and ihey arent as clear cut as firm market prices for dry grain but if a livestock feeder wants to keep feed costs as low as possible buvina feed direct al harvest time and doing his own handling and storage is his best approach lurti itefmt cabinet maker grandfather clocks ntique hardware samples on display dicksons hill 4 mn of no 7 on hwy 48 markham 2942965 m county of ontario tenders for building lot sealed tenders clearly marked as to contents will be received by the un dersigned until 400 pm tuesday november 6 1973 for the purchase of lot 1 plan m94 township of pickering con taining a brick building this property is located on the brock road at the c p r tracks in claremont tenders must be submitted on the forms available from the undersigned highest or any bid not necessarily accepted w a twelvetrees p eng county engineer county of ontario 605 rossland road east whitby ontario lin 5s6 say hello to archie at our new store in the markham shopping centre next to the dominion also at our sherwood plaza store enter lucky draw at our 2 stores for a free recliner draw date dec 23 rd 73 towne restaurant george of the towne restaurant would like to thank all his friends and customers for their faithful patronage during the past 34 years it has been a pleasure to serve you i am sure you will enjoy the same good service from the new management thank you sincerely george vossinakes tove seats what buys see them at this grand opening sale n59 m m i y blcunsbft for christmas gifting pee stratrr ir-i- auihorizcd dealer rock of ages guarantees every sealmark memorial not only to you but also to the cemetery where it is erected wa carry in stock al all timas a larga aalaction of baautiful doiigrti craftad in oranita marbla or bronxa for your choice satisfaction guarantead monumants aractad in all camatarias camatary lettaring and renovations out of respact and understanding wa rafrain from untimaly solicitations when tima and circumstancas ara convanlant will you plaatc consult us vt m membe momimtnt bulkhrct appointments or courtesy car by request stouffville monument works 113 main st west phone stouffviuc po box 235 w harm amrlca m o 6403643 peppler 5 e from bedroom suites 699 6 months to pay at no extra charge on furniture kroehler annirmm 99 plus 50 more chairs to choose from now for the first time we have appliances terms available furniture house nuw fuk i lit nroi umt m rmvt arruanii tommark sherwood plaza markham shopping centre 2942581 2942060 special grand opening at our 2 stores