the tribune thursday sept 1j73 5 pickering ponies were tops a first place was won at the cne in the pleasure pony driver class by this entry owned by mrs fred small of claremont shown driving before the judge in the upper agree to improve the lighting dicksons hill its not traffic signals but it be the next best thing in an attempt to reduce motor vehicle collisions at the inter- section of 19th avenue and hwy 48 markham town council tuesday agreed to share 5050 the cost of improved lighting at this corner the remainder will be born by the province the decision is the culmination of a long battle by ward 6 councillor ron moran to improve visibility at this lacation plan fall planting gardeners should be making plans now for fall landscaping with evergreens evergreens transplant well in the fall says d b mcneill a horticultural specialist from the ontario ministry of agriculture and food late august or early september are the best times to plant new evergreens or move present plants however if you dont have the time then they can still be planted until very late in the season with excellent results one reason for the success in transplanting evergreens in the fall is that they start to develop new roots to ready themselves for winter by planting them now or later in the fall garde ners can take advantage of this natural process other factors in successful fall planitng are that evergreen growth has stopped or slowed considerably summer heat is past and fall rains have started if you did not complete your landscaping last spring or if there are some changes you still want to make visit your local garden center they should have a good selection of evergreens to choose from successful transplanting is almost guaranteed in the fall the lt philosopher l a bachelor j jm is a fellow llwwo ooean thini r jthe bonos of iamatrimon pav norman frejz meats custom slaughtering freezer orders rr 3 claremont 6403125 choice cut meats thurs fri sat auihokizcu dcaler rock of ages guarantees every sealmark memorial not only to you but also to the cemetery where it is erected we carry in stock at all times a large selection of beautiful designs crafted n granite marble or bronze for your choice satisfaction guaranteed monuments erected in all cemeteries cemetery lettering and renovations out ol respect and understanding we refrain from untimely solicitations when time and circumstances are convenient will you please consult us member mwmiwl fjhmft appointments or courtesy car by request stouffville monument works c4 nrm aimfic tk mark 01 cuctawk 113 main st west phone 6403643 stouftviui po box 215 i buytheaaat stouffville your best buy iga downtown sfotffrvftft tropical treat dole bananas lb 13i produce of usa canada fancy grade flavorful bartlett canada no 1 grade tasty prune flavorful bartlett g a tasty prune a ft pears se3 3 99c plums 3 99c ontario no 1 grade local grown cabbage ontario no 1 grade crisp stalks 2gf crisp stalks f 0 f 39c celery 2 39c bus leaves cedar beach ballantrae thursday at 915 am returning at 1215 pm all food prices are effective all week iga feature you grind it fresh at time of purchase ed cof see 8 1lb bag royal guest or 1lb bag sunny morn 32oz jar 91c photo in the childs fancy turnout class gary robillard and debbie bovaird from brooklin are shown in the lower photo with their win ning entry f3sokchicken legs or lb imported new zealand shoulder lb tablerite wieners tablerite skinless maple leaf sweet pickled sausage tablerite sliced cooked ham 89c side bacon 129 pure pork 89c lamb chops 89c maple leaf sweet pickled 89c cottage roll- h 1 05 sunny morn rindless homogenized peanut butter instant skimmed powdered milk iga feature ttuij starbrite liquid bleach 64fl oz plastic btl 29 iga feature qjjj choice tomatoes iga feature cl n lj in towiato sauce spaghetti 19fl oz tin 19 iga feature ci m 3 ass0rted flavors soft drinks 26fl oz non returnable btl m assorted h 1 ofi fancy m fl 4 f soups z iac apple sauce i 1 c 0j choice 4 dessert pears ketchup i 11fl oz btls 39c fjjj pink lotion 24fl oz liquid detergent 33c t3tvassorted colors facial tissue 3 pkgs of 200 25c 95c iga feature process cheese slices mild individually wbappeo regular or nippy 8oz pkg 37 iga feature regular or boston style beans with pork 14fl oz tin 16 iga feature choice from concentrate ed apple juice or fancy pineapple juice fancy frozen mccain peas frozen apple or cherry sara lee pies iga mild medium or old colored cheddar cheese iga poly 2lb bag garbage bags normal amber dry green egg or oily 49c 75 iga shampoo iga ripple regular 01 77c potato chips pkg of 25 97 creme rinse 17fl 02 btl 17fl oz btl 59c iga rippleregular or salt 4 vinegar flavored dads o cookies r preserving time is here mr iga has a complete line of preserving needs jars rings pectin crystals or liquid r arawax etc