5 days only underwood broadloom presents harding hardtwist completely installed wall e wall 95 on heavy duty on heavy duty rubber underpad only sq yd the longwearing stainresistant blend of 80 per cent acrylic and 20 per cent nylon carpeting that gives you years and years of service even in heavy traffic areas like living rooms halls even stairs and still looks as if it were just installed full bales of 12 exciting colours on display peruvian copper caribbean blue harvest yellow royal plum burnished brass victoria fern antique marble e tc 3 locations underwood broadloom markham 7th concession line 100 yds north of hwy 7 2944440 mon tues sat 9 am 6 pm wed thurs fri 9 am 930 pm mills barrie the baymart plaza hwys u 77 just north of bad boy across from georgian mall 7280899 mondayfriday m 930 pm saturday 9 am 6 pm newmark main st just south of davis drive 8981800 mon tues sal 9 am pmwed thurs fri 9 am 930 pm shop at home service call 8981800 100 years of service because we are the manufacturer we must purchase all of our materials 6 months in advance because of the cold spring weather our factory is overstocked and we must turn our inventory into cash open to the public kayak is the manufacturer 2t 3 carefree aluminum dick shatto sport kayak pool steeles m finch y woodbine 7 1 ave don i leva 1 valley pkwv i feel without any doubt the kayak carefree aluminum pool is by far the finest above ground pool on the market today as far as im concerned kayak pools are the best dick shatto these words were recently spoken by former toronto argonauts great dick shatto buy with confidence dick shatto swims in and endorses kayak pools because he feels theyre the best indoor factory display showroom 7310 woodbine in markham open daily 10 am 9 pm sflt til 6 pm sun 10 am 6pm for viewing only call now no obligation and we will come to your home and help you design the pool that is right for your yard 4994700 full size pools on display hamilton s2m7i0 niagara fall s4wi peterborough hi 9451 st catharines mm9i1 london 4s1im1 all others call toll free 1-joo- 2413370 kitchener 7441931 oshawa 57m04 windsor 5533151 branttord 519 7511041 or write for free literature pacific manufacturing co division of kayak mfg co canada ltd 7310 woodbine markham ontario l3r 1a4 horn addmt cr quaker hill museum steam show the tribune thursday aug3 1973 lohblruft for your car uxbridge twp- the sounds will be chug chug chug 3d puff puff puff aug 25 when the uxbridgescoh historical society presents its second annua steam and antique show on the grounds of the quaker hill museum the location is one mile west of uxbridge town and a quarter mile north the starting time is 130 pm features will include a pre1900 threshing machine in operation steam engines gas tractors antique cars and other pieces of antique machinery activities ill extend over into sunday aug 26 the museum once the quaker hill school will be open to the public admission is si for adults and 50 for children jr plowing match uxbridgea joint coaching and plowing match for the north and south ontario plowmens association will tjke place at the farm of murry and donald dunkeld rr 2 clare mont august 28 at 10 am the junior competi tion is open to all farm boys and girls in ontario county between the ages of 12 and 23 but have not reached their 23rd birth day by sept 24 winners of the event will be selected to represent each association in the special junior and intermediate interbranch classes to be held at the 1973 international plowing match in lambton countv members of the ontario county plow- team who will partici pate in the lntercounty competition at the international will also be chosen at this junior match all junior plowmen are urged to attend the plowing match at claremonl to qualify for the special interbranch and special intercounty classes at the inter national the dunkeld farm is located at lot 32 cone 8 pickering township fire account burns council uxbridge twp a fire which flared up on lot 1c cone 5 uxbridge twp sparked municipal irritation at the activities of the people using the park property and the inactivity of the ontario county health unit reeve bob nesbitt informed dr je watt director of ochu that a fire apparently set to burn garbage on sunday july 22 smouldered and spread to a nearby stump fence later in the week the fire brigade was called by neighbors about 30 feet of fence was burned out and the township was presented with a 200 account for the firefighting service the bill the reeve said would be forwarded to the owner of the property an ethnic group who use the park for social gatherings on weekends incineration of garbage there he added was a sunday ritual and despite requests to the health unit to investigate and report on the situation there had been no surveillance do they have the right to burn garbage he questioned the doctor if they do why the hell are we payng for a place out here to dump our garbage dr watt though reasoning that his department couldnt be everywhere assured the reeve that garbage disposal and other sanitary conditions at the park would be immediately investigated now that he was aware of the complaints m morgan comuu all catiuhg faciutiis up to u5 riopu markham2941040 shopnho ctnim all work guaranteed you get what you expect here top tacv terms materials top workmanship by experts who ioke pride in doing their best mo money down cabs trucks f rame alignment expert r6fin1shing phone 29735045 markham collision services outboards stern drives the boat to see is grew for 73 gqrd5 marine ci ft19 1007 dozen corn pick this week 1iihii1fl4ljjjtkiljt t mhwwillll iliwllrtm i now beans phone 6403956 underbill farm ninth line south of 19th ave freezer orders taken i 19th ave si i markhaml airport sklar pippler sales at fsfr w30r- save up to 50 oivthis chair the latest styles and coverings sklar the leader in quality furniture peppler coffee end tables 30 discount large stock and selection peppler the name for good furniture 6 monthly payments at no charge buy the best at t0r0mark furniture house sherwood piaza markham open daily 9 9 2942581 sat 9 6