4 the tribune thursday atg zj 1sh cna established 18 charles ii nolan publisher james thomas associate publisher and editor robert mccausland advertising director published every thursday by inland publishing co limited at 54 main st stouffville ont tel 6402101 tororo phone 3611680 single copies 15c subscriptions 600 per vfar in canada s1500 elsewhere member of audit bureau of circulation canadian community newspapers association and ont ario aeekly newspapers association second class mail registration number 0896 e death at the wheel no 48 is fast gaining the unenviable record of being the most accident prone stretch of highway anywhere in the district scarcely a week is clear without a fatality obviously the road is too narrow for the amount of traffic it handles but in the vast majority of cases its the drivers who are at fault not the highway the number of drivers with their brains in the seat of their pants who speed past other vehicles with no observance whatever of the solid line is fantastic we had the experience again this week of having cars pass by over the solid line one on the very brow of a hill a heavy blast from the horn slowed them down but only momentarily whether or not the extra lane planned for this stretch of road will cut down the slaughter remains to be seen in the meantime death careens along at the wheel and by the time the road has added width which is some years off the amount of traffic will have increased to an unbearable level more and more residents are expressing an actual fear of travelling on highway 48 at all only a roundtheclock patrol can provide a minimum of safety for the innocent get back to the work ethic once again that fruitpicking vegetable- picking time has arrived and once again the country has to go begging for lalourers to harvest these crops at the sae time unemployment has been reduced aiii there has been a great checking up of those receiving unemployment benefits to deter mine whether or not they are legitimate nevertheless the great rush some months ago to get on the socialist gravy train has been far from reversed the government con stantly prodded by the ndp made it as easy as possible for anyone to climb aboard the folly of this action has been apparent for months with the government promoting a new generation which found this parasite existence wonderful it is not hard to see why it is difficult to find people who will climb ladders to pick fruit or bend their backs to dirty their hands after tomatoes and cucumbers so once again we must leave the country in search of workers who live in much less favorable circumstances who are not carried away by such modern phrases as doing your own thing being aware knowing who you are or finding oneself instead they are anxious to make a dollar to feed themselves thats basic save this historic church work is already underway to reclaim and improve the cemetery site at first markham baptist church in markham it is one of several similar projects assumed by the markham cemetery board the committees accomplishments are known and recognized across the municipality we hope the restoration program will extend beyond the burial grounds and include also the church for no single structure in the rural regions of markham can be quite so editors mail dear sir good grief i could hardly believe the appearance of your editorial expressing concern over the departure of farmers from the airport site since your paper has so enthusiastically welcomed the airport from the start its a bit late to begin lamenting the cost now of course responsidle farmers will pull out most farmers around here are superb professionals who have been working this fine productive land for generations many of them must be able to plan their land use for years ahead small wonder that they will quit either to retire or to relocate elsewhere and you supporters of this airport must accept that no matter how good the tenant farmers who take over the land none is going to make the investment in outbuildings fencerows and woodlot maintenance that the owners have done by welcoming this airport you have committed yourself to urbanization from from steeles avenue to stouffville the degeneration of farm land is inevitable as has been demonstrated both by the montreal airport at ste scholastique and by our own historic as this little redbrick country chapel its date of erection is said to be 1848 one hundred and twentyfive years ago surely a landmark so significant is worth saving through the ontario countryside chur ches such as this one have become beautiful tourist attractions revered and appreciated by all visitors why not here the cost could be budgeted over a five year period until all repairs are complete with one phase of the work already started an extension of this project would seem in order eyesore century city you opted for the airport so dont carp at the accompanying side effects rundown farms impoverished landscape and another insidious contribution to the spiralling costs of farm produce the moral is people who want airports pay for them and pay for them and pay for them andrew j g patenall rrl stouffville dear sir as a change of pace from some letters you receive this incident may give you a chuckle as it did me while driving south from feterboro recently we came upon one of those familiar signs that read constructionsingle lane- obey flagman the flag ahead of us said stop and glancing in my mirror i noticed ours was the only car travelling south but ahead going north was a lineup over half a mile long they also faced a stop sign so i was prepared for a long delay cuffjal e off aj te gul chi sugar and spice high cost of travelling by bill smiley my wife cannot understand why anyone wants to travel when he can sit in his own backyard and commune with the gods im 1 beginning to agree with her getting ready is kind of a pain in the arm especially if you must have a vaccination obtaining a passport sounds easy heck j its mure trouble than getting married or dying all you have to do is fill in a form the form is slightly more complicated than your income tax then you must find someone who will i swear that you are who you say you are this 1 person is called a guarantor and can be practically anyone except your neighbor then you must obtain a birth certificate j this is fairlv simple if vou know where you were born if you dont or you happened to be born in zilch yugoslavia it can be com plex our flagman was frantically waving to the other man to change his sign to go but to no avail in disgust he waved me through and rather sheepishly i proceeded on all alone the motorists i met were blowing their horns and shaking their fists when i finally passed them they must have hated me even more because i was laughing i couldnt help it because when i passed their flagmen i observed he was sound asleep it would appear that some jobs are just too tough for some employees today hd whitehead stouffville rr 4 i ringwood retauraf landmark structure the ringwood restaurant and gas bar along vith a je property to the west has recently changed hands for a reported the site is a landmark ic the community once serving as a hi owned by the late newbury button a brother will button also operated a hotel on the northwest corner of the intersection michael gerhardt you must have passport photos taken you cant just use an old snapshot in which you look your best passport photos are an old joke they usually make you look like a zombie strangely ours turned out well we didnt pose for them because we knew theyd be gruesome so they came out relaxed beside passports and birth certificates there is a myriad of other pother to look after and you could use a fulltime clerk for a week or two air tickets money arrangements hotel reservations and whos going to feed the cat a travel agent is almost a must in these days when half the world seems to be on the move he or she can smooth a lot of wrinkles and give valuable tips on how to win at least the occasional round in the game many people go to big agencies in the city my travel agent a personable young local chap couldnt have been more helpful and efficient aside to bill mandly everything by golly had better be right after that he told me something about air fares that is almost unbelievable a return ticket to the uk can run all the way from a christmas charter at 187 to a regular flight at 626 under two weeks i shudder to think what a firstclass ticket would cost in the latter category of course a business man can write off the 626 as expenses and to the little old lady going back for a visit after fifty years that 187 special might represent months of scrimping even so something smells in the discrepancy travelling is not cheap unless you want to swim across which ive contemplated a couple of times as the bills mount only reason i havent developed the idea is that my wife is a good swimmer but only for about thirty yards id hate to see her go down thirty yards off the halifax docks and have to do all the rest on my own with nobody to tell me i was steering the wrong course not cheap good gravy just looked over the items before we even left the house air ticket 332j passport photo 3 passort 10 birth certificate 3 limousine to airport 8 britrail pass 70 those are just the basics multiply by two if youre a couple then there are the ever present extras new clothes expenses to get to city to get passports and the inevitable sundries too numerous to mention as the auction sale ads put it thats before you get on the plane you still have to eat and sleep for three weeks after you get there however ive cut the whole thing down quite a bit by cancelling our two daily paper deliveries for three weeks saved about 650 right there our britrail pass allows us to go anywhere fn the uk it may come in handy we may be riding trains all night every night to save hotel bills after were taking along an eightpound salami and six loaves of bread so we might come through i have a vague idea that this column will not go down as one of the greatest pieces of exotic travel literature ever written but it is a little hectic around here six hours to takeoff my wife is just starting to pek i have to go down and sell my soul to the bank manager get up to school and look after some itms for september see young wilson next door about feeding the cat call the boy about mowing the lawn pick up the dry- cleaning get the books back to the library and somehow in there try to have a shower and shave we might make it but i wouldnt higher than even money ill try to do better next week when youll have a despatch from the nags head middle wallop england ground 1 lets adopt a flagflying craze by jim thomas canadiens are continually being affected by crazes usually they have their start in the us and sometimes england to quickly vault across the border or the ocean to saturate the market here i for the most part such gadgets are geared to interest kids the teens and sub teens and while their existence is always shortlived the time limit is long enough to deposit a few million dollars in the pocket of the manufacturer for instance remember the debugger of the fifties that little plastic dodad that hooked onto the hood of most cars it was supposed to deflect all nightflying creatures from the windshield and while i dont know if it did just about every young driver of that day had one jj and somebody made a fortune there were crazes before that there are crazes today some are practical most are not theyre merely gimmicks to separate the boy or girl from the loose change that jingles in their jeans j here in whitchurchstouffville yes across canada id like to see folks adopt a craze that we could call all our own a flagflying craze j some already have on saturday i had an opportunity to travel through some of the rural regions of our town and believe you me our country cousins put we villagers to shame i saw the maple leaf flying everywhere some places even had two how many flags do you ever see in stoufville i admit im no more patriotic then the next guy not patriotic enough thats why i feel theres room for improvement in all of us and flying our flag is a good way to start to me theres nothing more beautiful more eyecatching than a large red maple leaf flowing in the wind from a backyard pole take a look a close look the next time you see one and youll know what i mean then do it invest in a pole purchase ai flag and fly it and ill do the same for ours is still stored away in the basement we bought it back in 1967 you know six- years ago when that great surge of nationalistic pride flowed through the veins of every canadian but we never put it up and im thoroughly ashamed but why this great patriotic appeal right now august 23 1973 okay ill tell you while thumbing through the pages of my csadin edition dictionarv inanvertentlv came across the words flag day the ex- planation for this allimportant occasion read as follows anniversary of the day june 14 in 1777 when the united states flag wasj adopted id say a little show of canadianism is long overdue