the triblxe thursday aug 23 1sj3 19 w lack chambers new owner of stouffvilli iga celebrates with this o jlil f09d prices are effective au week i1wntiwn stoufhille bui leaves cedor beach bohantroe thursday at 915 om returning at 1215 pm ji t h3 sopptfcd fcjy the oshawa goup umitel supply rjepot tor progressive independents 6 v endofsummer lvalue for your 9 i 0 schneiders or maple leaf readytoserve smoked picnic tablerite skinless sausage lb tablerite wieners red haven free stone peaches lb 880 special faygo assorted flavors nonreturnable bottles soft drinks 33fl oz btls for 880 special delsey assorted colors bathroom tissue 32roll mbl pkgs sl f0r 0r 880 special valiant flavor crystals orange grape or lemonade 17oz pkgs for 880 special saico unsweetened fruit juices blended grapefruit or orange i from concentrate iga fancy fruit cocktail 2 aylmer choice whole potatoes 3 assorted fancy varieties clarks soups 9 canaoa white vinegar minute maid frozen 19fl oz tins 19fl oz tins 10fl oz tins i minuifc maiu rriuion a orange juice z iga ketchup florida 12vjfl oz tins 12sfl oz jug 1sfl oz j btls i 6 qt basket 11100 vegetable oil i monarch margarine liquid detergent iga pink lotion 880 special carnation fancy frozen shoe string french fries 2lb pkgs for 880 special evaporated carnation milk 16oz tins for just made grape lemonade or orange fruit drinks 2 64fl oz plastic jugs ideal with ice cream produce of usa no 1 grade cantaloupe i jumbo size 15 for produce of usa no 1 grade flavorful california 3 produce of usa canada fancy grade tasty plums produce c rartlett pears 5 49 produce of ri outspan oranges produce of republic of south africa outspan 7 ft doz size 112 preserving time is here mr iga has a complete line of preserving needs jars rings pectin crystals or liquid parawax etc powdered detergent iga blue 5lb poly bag 880 special stokely fancy corn or peas h 10fl oz tins for 880 special kraft canadian process cheese slices singles for 09 dr ballards burgers dog food 36oz pkg