3 5 i i i i 3 i 15 late summer sale breezieseat special c specie f jrtfcft8ef vcanadian generalelectfljc clock radio cpnuninn tire compact and cool in assorted colors heres a mini breezie seat with aircooled open wire grid heavy stitched vinyl edging and convenient carrying handle a neat 14 x 16 in size approx 990809 reg 2488 19 8x30 binocular by bushncll 4hardcoated prisms 10 hardcoated lenses separate lens focus waterproof 761009 44 reg 1059 lantern with battery sealed beam morpower lantern with big 4- headlight metal parts heavily chromed with 6volt bat tery reduced 653017 51t reg 689 cooper prostyle football official size and weight lock stit ched of pebblegrain split leather triple lined save 841504 reg 649 577 special campalite plastic globebase retractable 10- ft cord plugs into pack of six 15- volt batteries extra 990886 soccer ball rubbercovered nylon im pregnated lining for added strength official size 842021 late summer sale reg 149 1 27 combination lock sturdy brassplated lock opens only when you know the cor rect combination 733915 397 135 claybirds reg 449 for target throwers clay targets equal in quality to those used by gun clubs in case of 135 750004 reg 4255 cooey 22 rifle coocys model 64 with famous winchester action walnut fin ished stock clip magazine sling swivels good value 755016 pellet rifle 177 single shot pellet rifle with break action fine grain wood stock 755086 pk 500 pellets 49 reg 65ji 1 750085 l use your handy canadian tire credit card i builtin outlet wake to music or music and alarm illuminated front dial you get convenient am front slide volume control snoozalarm appliance outlet with 1500watt capacity hand some woodgrain plastic cabinet about 11x5x4 high dont miss this 991173 mini- cassette recorder late summer sale light and compact automa tic level control with builtin condenser microphone and tape eject button ac adap ter and batteries included with earphone case and car rying strap 347506 cge fry pan 11 square with stick handle im- mersible probe control cord avo cado finish shop early 537460 sanyo 88 toaster i reg si 988 2slice model with unique cord rewind fully automatic polished chrome with woodgrain trim 2inl dust covertoast rack feature 538081 toastess kettii ab 7 99 reg s944 an award winning design in gleaming stainless steel vaporizer or kettle with automatic shutoff 534007 heavyduty timer switch reg 1539 precisionbuilt by cge 24hour repeat cycle 120240volt 528820 13 b 24hour automatic timer reg s959 2way dial setting manual a 49 onoff l5arnpi875wcapacity528812 j e in