the tribune thursday july k 1973 s teen pick of the week enjoys the simple things churchill i enjoy the simple things of life nothing artificial says m year old holly leitch holly is a resident on the ninth line of whit- churchstouffville near churchill the daughter of mr and mrs orval leitch stouffville r r 2 by simple things holy means activities like reading horseback riding swimming pioneer girls i and associations through her church shes the tri bunes teen pick of the week holly has always lived at churchill atten ding ballantrae public school and sdss she has one sister mavis and four brothers bennett josh andrew and mark hollys an avid reader and credits this to winning the miss hosie english award in june she hopes to make writi ng a fulltime career when the tribune called holly with several other adults and young people was busy painting the the exterior of the communitys baptist church this to her is a simple thing but so important to others who have come to know and appreciate the really good kids of the community student receives 3500 gulf oil award robert stanley ferguson of rr 4 sunderland is one of nine winners of 3500 gulf oil canada limi ted graduate fellowships awarded for the 197374 academic year a further 1000 will go as a grant- inaid to the university of manitoba which he will attend mr ferguson who was born in lindsay ontario received his honours bachelor of science in zoology with distinction degree from the university of guelph in 1972 this academic year he is undertaking a scholarships stouffvilles winners came a year too earlyunfortunately commented doug garraway of ckvr channel 3 at barrie in conversation with the tribune monday next year the four students on the winning reach for the top team will receive 500 scholarships for waterloo lutheran university summer session with tuition room and board and books all paid in addition those who ob tain good marks during the summer course will receive a 400 entrance scholarship and can win a like amount each year that he or she remains at waterloo this could mean a total of over 2000 during his or her university years hahn riding mowers available at bill walls sales service bethesda norman fretz meats caftom slanghurfni frrr orders rr 3 claremont 6403125 choice cut meats tthur fri sit mo it at stouffville v you could win your boy a week at billy harris dave keon hockey school special i in tomato sauce with beans pork 19fl oz tins for post 13oz pkg 3bar pkg holly leitch resides at churchill on cone 9 witchurchstouffville shes an avid reader and credits this for high marks in english shes the tribunes teen pick of the week jim thomas research project leading to a master of science degree in zoology the nature of the project is a study of the effects of ecological determinants on the breeding and nesting habits of the grebe a tailless bird this summer he is employed at the delta manitoba waterfowl research station at the southern end of lake manitoba in previous summers he has worked at the ontario veterinary college as a research technician on wildlife diseases and at the waterfowl research foundation as a research assistant before entering university mr ferguson received a brock district high school grade 13 gold medal in biology now in its ninth year the gulf canada fellowshipscholarship program will benefit a total of nine graduate and 28 undergraduate stu dents at a cost of 100- 000 during the 197374 academic year winners of seven 1000 undergraduate scholar ships for sons and daughters of company employees will be announced in august vacation time aida cleaners our plant will be closed from july 30 to august 11 inclusive precast concrete from brooklin concrete since 1952 contractors public utilities road builders home owners and cottagers have been using these stock products from brooklin concrete when you use products made by brooklin concrete you can be assured of quality and the dependable service that comes with experience with three manufacturing plants at brooklin newmarket and huntsville our products are available throughout a large area of central ontario call us direct or see your local dealer 4 brooklin concrete products 3 locao lo scvr vov m4i u atoo ott hi6j65sm1i yjcs ntirttl on 416u95 j373 hyi 11 mnntt ori i705lm j33 sugar crisp pink oh white lux beauty soap jack s mfg prepbiced 39c caramel corn 4 jack s mfg prepriced 39c m beer nuts 4 flavor crystals asstd flavors hawaiian punch 7 green giant giant size sweet peas 8oz cello 6joz cello 31oz pkgs schneiders or essex readytoserve smoked picnic shoulders fresh chicken legs or breasts rindless tablerite side bacon tablerite sliced mac cheese mock chicken sandwich meats dutch f b0l0gna lb or pickle pimento pkg imported new zealand frozen lamb leg roasts imported new zealand frozen lamb leg steaks triangle frozen beef steakettes 14fl oz tins mccain instant mashed potatoes dempster s mfg 4c off onion roils 2lb tin pkg of 8 special iga white paper towels 2roll awtlammwm staht fresh its sabodmoittte produce of usa no 1 grade luscious california cantaloupe salad time ontario no 1 grade local grown lettuce local grown crisp celery stalks tj produce of republic of south africa outspan navel oranges jumbo ad- wt size 12 hn mv 2 sweet and juicy heads size 24 ea doz size 112 49c 29c 79c sunlight mfg prepriced 490 liquid detergent 24fl oz plastic btl 39 special grill time charcoal iga choice pure apple juice 48fl oz tin iga v ketchup 3b jtf special iga assorted flavors soft drinks briquets iga 18inch width aluminum foil holiday farm frozen cabbage rolls hollandia 5 varieties cookies kraft assorted varieties special iga choice peach halves 14fl oz tin 7 iga regular 25ft roll box 1602 pkg 59c barbecue sauce 0 39c potato chips baby dillssweet mixed or mmg bread butter m mm 79c rose pickles 4c 1 nabob assorteo flavors colgate regular or v jelly powders 3jg 29c dental cream 13oz pkg soft dry 40 bonus pack regular or unscented deodorant aen6 winterfresh 100 ml tube 59c si 27 77c special kraft canadian process cheese slices singles k 49fefe all food prices are effective all this week stouffuille i g fl lowmtiwir jfouffvjfe pen daijly 9 a m to 6 pm thurs fri thl 0 pm main stkttt wfst stoufrvit if bu leaves cedar beach boiiontrae thurdoy at 915 oxo returning lot 1215 em