toetkibcnethurdajune21ln wrihum 77t7t fjfjfjrjf j stouffville scene what going an h school bus debate the issue of school bus transportation will be discussed on richmond hill tv 10 thursday evening tonight mrs beadle rr 2 gormley a representative of the canadian consumers association will be a member of the panel along with a board of education trustee and a bus company owner the discussion is a followup to the meeting in st marks school stouff ville last month dance recital the village music and dance centre will hold its annual recital tuesday evening june 26 in latcham hall at 730 pm the program open to the public will include 45 boys and girls reanging in age from 5 to 14 years tonsilectomy miss marilyn sheridan daughter of mr and mrs john sheridan mongolia underwent a tonsillectomy in york county hospital newmarket monday standing ovation stouffvilles art latcham was accorded a standing ovation at the official opening of port perrys new community centre donated to the town by mr latcham and built bv bob bruce stouffville rr 3 more than 200 people attended reeve kenny in ex pressing appreciation called it a great oc casion in the history of port pern birthday retirement a surprise party was held recently at the home of peter and charlotte logvinoff elm road stouffville the guest of honor was mrs logvinoffs father mr len buckland main street east the occasion was his 70th birthday and also his retirement after many years in the employ of ontario hydro mrs buckland and other members of the family were present including mr and mrs harry barber and family elora mr and mrs laurie buckland and son aurora mrs charlotte stewart aurora and mrs alma johnson stouffville honors ba de trudy ellen cadieux daughter of mr and mrs ted cadieux main street stouffville has received her honors ba degree in physical education from the university of western on tario london park area for people open house hon rene brunelle minister of community and social services will attend an open house saturday at markhaven 54 parkway markham he will present a scroll to the residents council at 2 pm there will be a display of crafts tours of the home and refresh ments from 145 to 4 pm uxbridgc branch mr dr hendry manager of the stouff ville branch toronto dominion bank has been transferred to the toronto dominion branch at uxbridge a new manager will take over here shortly euchre hostess edna allen was hostess for a gathering of the ringwood ladies club june 11 euchre winners were jean foley 1st marion nicely 2nd elva newmarch 3rd and oscar visits parents mr and mrs gerry shaw cathy sheridan of fauquier southeast of kapuskasing are en joying holidays at the home of her parents mr and mrs john sheridan mongolia stouffville church street south will be closed to through traffic from june 15 to september 15 following councils approval of this move instituted each summer as a safety measure to protect pedestrians in the park area councillor eldred king requested that thought be given to closing off a section of burkholder streetpark drive south from the bridge cast to schclps lane also as a safety precaution he referred to the route around the park as a race track for young motorists a drag strip that might some dav claim the life of a child at the same time mr king conceded the road provided a bypass of the central core of the town for many residents and that he was uncertain of the legal aspects in volved ron gibson works superintendent informed council that 15 mph signs were posted around the park route he added that closure to through traffic would create difficulties for fire- fighting units council agreed in cautious driving on the road was potentially dangerous to people using the facilities at the park public works committee will in vestigate means of traffic control in the area build new home mr and mrs walter winn rr 1 stouffville have purchased 10 acres of land at a scenic site near lcaksdale they plan to move there with their son bill when construction of their new home is completed next spring the winn family farm is part of the airport expropriation area 19th avenue markham request replies fiftytwo thousand copies of york region review were mailed out to householders to york from newmarket on page 7 of the paper was a questionnaire to be filled out and returned no postage required to the planning department to date about 800 have been received but more are requested the co co operation of area residents is urged wedding anniversary saturday is an important occasion for mr and mrs jim mc- creight main street stouffville they will celebrate their golden wedding anniversary with an open house in the stouffville united church hall from 2 to 5 and 7 to 9 pm bikcathon pledges bikathon co- chairman colin barrett reports a few pledges still outstanding in an effort to finalize receipts all sponsor sheets and money must be handed in by a deadline date of saturday june 30 deposits will be accepted at the office of guaranty trust co 81 main street west immaculate grounds the grounds were immaculate sunday for the annual decoration day service in the stouffville cemetery rev donald pugh altona missionary church brought the message with special music by accordionist jim brillingcr and vocalist mr towe music i the way you like it for family reunion mrs jim thomas and children rupert avenue attended the pascoe family picnic at solina near oshawa sunday afternoon raise over j00 the kins m e n sponsored celebrity auction at the stouffville sales barn saturday resulted in proceeds of over 900 the money will be donated to the cystic fibrosis association bill decgan of cfrb was declared the champion in the auctioneers contest dances banquets weddings j any occasion call 6404295 john brunke i jss york university atkinson college evening degree programmes autumnwinter 197374 baxhiaor of arts bachelor of science bachelor oe arts admi nistr ation bachelor oe social welfare september 171973 april 51974 applications from nc jtudcrm to be received h august 1 minimum age for idmissir nuture student 1 sears telephone or call in person atkinson college 4700 kcete street downsvic ontario telephone 66739469a m iqp m public meetings presentation of proposed alternative routes 500 kv hydro transmission line middleport to pickering as oar ot the bht environmental study on behall ot the solandt commission to select a route lor the middieport- pickering 500 kv transmission line public meetings will be held m the region entendmg irom hamilton to oshawa the purpose ot these meetings viil be to present several alternative routes lor public discussion the public will be invited to express preferences as to the best alignment and to make recommendations for changes in routing where appropriate maps showing these alternative routes may be viewed m the ontario room macdonald block queens park toronto from june 27th29thandfromjulyt6th20tn aswell as at the public meetings information can also be obtained from the solanot commis sion 9tr fcor ferguson block queens park and at municipal otlices in the study area public meetings will be held as follows july yta 10 a m 30pm 730om 730om toronto irizj jure 8n hilton tuesday firtltorv wednesday jury am brampton thursday juy sin acton friday jury 6tn aurora monday july 9th uaex tuesday jiytoth 7 jo o m maple communy centre rj wednesday juiylttn 7 30pm mark ii scnccx ctaremont thursday jvv 12th 7 30 pm carerot puw school bollon friday jn t3rn 7 30pm boson commurwy centre fo runner rormation please can 36tt682 macdonaid block queen park martn street school the viii centennial high school 7 30 p m acton mh school 7 30pm aurora mytiands go4 club former stouffville g wed in lovely salvation army ceremon lieutenant ruth byer daughter of mr and mrs harvey byer stouffville and lieutenant ted bobbins son of mr and mrs victor bobbins katiiloops bc were married in a lovely candelight service at the salvation army training college toronto the brides attendants were evangeline byer stouffville lieut elaine becker yorkton sask and lieut pat fletcher toronto assisting the groom was brian london ont martin vancouver bc the ushers were cadet michael seniscal toronto and david lameck windsor flagbearers werelieut bichard cooper ingersoll and lieut david champ windsor lieut and mrs bobbins are presently stationed at the oak street salvation army corps visits daughter mrs ken campbell visited last week- with her daughter and soninlaw mr and mrs dan kelly at caledonia ont luncheon the stouffville branch of the cancer society is holding a luncheon thursday to day at the residence of mrs june button obrien avenue stouff ville beginning at 115 pm buy school mr and mrs graham hudson operators of hudsons florists main street stouffville have pur chased the former 2- storey public school in goodwood and plan to remodel it into a private residence returns home gary lister former teacher on the staff or orchard park public school and now residing in oro township north of barrie was a visitor in stouffville saturday and attended the invitational track and field meet at the high school b a degree steven allen wells son of mr and mrs allen wells r r 1 unionville has received his b a degree in history and english from trent university peterboro steven has now enrolled in an english honors course to begin in the fall newcomers to town mrs charlotte simmonds official greeter for welcome wagon has been busy calling on the following newcomers to town mr and mrs howard barkey 37 rose avenue mr and mrs graig olan 545 elm road and for merly of huntsvill mr and mrs arthur mason 96 glengall lane and formerly of willowdale mr and mrs jan larendowicz 528 elm road formerly of scarboro dr and mrs hugh montgomery main street formerly of willowdale mr ana mrsdonald surman 61 church street formerly of scarboro mr frank grey 81 main street formerly of ringwood and mr and mrs har mon uitvlugt 51 lloyd avenue formerly of lancaster dental volunteer dr patricia asling of uxbridgc has volunteered to serve for the month of july on the island of st lucia on behalf of the canadian dental association caribbean dental program dr aslings decision is contained in a letter to the tribune from mr g e burgman chairman of the caribbean dental program he says we are proud that our canadian dentists are good will ambassadors for canada as they use their special skills to assist others they do not receive any remuneration for their services but do this on a strictly volunteer basis principal bill duxbur guest of honor boundtheworld trip mr and mrs john curry karen dedlow are enjoying a round-the- world trip karens last card home was dated from greece theyve been away now almost three years stouffville applause lasting five minutes echoed through the auditorium of stouffville dist secon dary school june 12 a tribute to principal we duxbury anniversary party mr and mrs don anderson elm road entertained mrs an dersons parents dr and mr george macpherson of west hill june 9 on the occasion of their 35th wedding an niversary awards night whitchurch- highlands school is holding its annual awards night june 27 presentation of diplomas and trophies will be made at that time returns home mrs rhoda fournier from redlands california was a visitor in stouffville last week her first trip home in 40 years mr and mrs fournier have their house trailer located at woodland park cedar grove mrs fournier is the former rhoda van- zant and attended school here whe and her husband have lived in california 25 years the ceremony arranged secretly by student council president rita prospero the executive and form reps caught the guest of honor by complete surprise mr duxbury leaves at the end of june to take over the principals post at markham we only heard about it on the thursday said rita we had to go like crazy she presented mr duxbury with a gold wristwatch bearing the following inscription 19561973 with love the students of sdss the students of grade 13 presented him with an engraved plaque marking his 17 years as principal of stouffville high a huge card with a portrait of the school completed by staff art instructor mr john roberts was signed by all students the in scription was done by mr macarthur also of the school staff i have never been so impressed said rita the student response it was so spontaneous mr duxbury ex pressed his thanks saying the watch represented something he really needed his present one he revealed had been purchased five years before cpming to stouffville over 30 regular price for a store near you phone 7635601 iverj off i ilar p i i canadas largest dry cleaners specials effective june 20 thtu sat june 23 few things in life work os well or os checpiyi os a volkswagen oltr cteaned and beautlfuily f inisheo when coupon presented with incoming bags i coupon gooo wed june 70 thru sat june x ram i l3i ntw httmu packaging choki of shhttj on hangus ot raw atushrtoof pack aci kj7ton iihacimint mautifutir launoato and nnismf d 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