6 the tbiboe ttandar may 17 1973 ballantrae school fir a private pool onlj 2000 feet from building ballantrae if fire chiefs had known the location of a private swimming pool within 2000 feet of ballantrae school more of the building coud have been saved trustee norman weller told a york county board of education meeting monday night the auora member said such information should be obtained throughout the region and passed on to local fire departments it might have saved this board a lot of money if water supplies in the vicinity of the ballantrae school had been revealed in ad vance he continued the loss in a blaze may 5 has been estimated at 300000 board chairman marvin hunter agreed with trustee weller claiming knowledge of pool sites could be valuable in the future mariane gillan georgina suggested the information could be secured through the emergency measures organization markham trustee donald cousens ex pressed concern over the rash of breakins at schools throughout the county particulary in his own area in reference to this trustee ross joliffe recommended in stallation of electronic surveillance equipment he felt it would serve a useful purpose in isolated regions but director sam chapman claimed the cost would be prohibitive with respect to ac commodation at x ballantrae school site trustee john mcmurray wondered whether the old building could be replaced before 1974 he urged a start on re construction as quickly as possible mr chapman said there was no assurance when the entire school might be ready he felt however that the new section would open in september there was sufficient insurance coverage to replace the structure 100 wednesday may 30 at 1 pm 80 holsteins dairy equipment complete dunmeado hoi- stein dispersal owned by murray don dunkeld rr 2 claremont 80 head registered nip registered grades dh- ia tested records to 20000 lb mllkkeeper 44 can bulk tank lloyd wil son and w d atkinson sale managers and auc tioneers 2w49 auction sale thursday evening may 17 at 630 pm of dairy cattle bulk milk tank and milking equipment the property of juluis uyhegyi at lot 5 con 3 georgina twp 2 miles east of baldwin and 1 mile south no re serve terms cash frank bennett auctioneer 2w50 wednesday may 30 at i pm holsteins dairy equipment complete dunmeado hol- stcin dispersal owned by murray and donald dun keld lot 32 con 8 pick ering twp 1v4 miles south and 4 miles west of claremont or 5 miles southeast of stouffville or from hwy 7 go 14 mil es north of brougham and 4 miles west to farm 80 head is registered 55 registered grades dh- ia tested records to over 21000 lb milk bcas to 203 all from popular unit sires such as ormsby vg dark leader st starlite ex chieftain ex etc this herd is in ex cellent condition cows arc large n heifers ex tremely well grown many records between 15 and 20000 dairy equipment 44 can milkkeeper bulk tank sputnik milk port er surge 22 vacuum pump 1m line for 40 cows 4 surge milkers sale at 1 pm sharp farm expropriated fold ers available robert fktt on pedigrees lloyd wilson and w d atkin son sale managers and auctioneers 3w50 per cent the board learned trustees recom mended an application be submitted to the ministry of education calling for a 180pupil addition to replace the burnedout building and that d ross king be appointed ar chitect to oversee the project school bands thrill crowd by sheila mcleod stouffville you blow a mean horn mr hawley and that band of maroonjackets you hang around with at the high school sure know how to stir things up friday evening the maroonjackets of stouffville district secondary school senior band the white shirted juniors and the less formal stage band blew up one of the most en tertaining storms to hit the stouffville stage all season although in no way qualified to adjudicate technical finesse the numbers even the ones with intricate arrangements seemed to be performed with sur prisingly little discor dance the program offered an interesting selection of classical and modern music offenbach to the beatles and a sen timental sojourn into the jazz era of big band fldridge jim rehill jerry waite sat in on this nostalgic session along with other members of the stage band richard browning james alty craig waite john greshame don reesor dave herbert trudy norton jim brodie pierre waite paul gamble and leader- rumpeter ted hawley the junior band a wellcoordinated group of budding musicians started its presentation with a march that could become stouffvilles theme song airport it ended with a rip- snorting rendition of blues a gogo described by mr hawley as a sdss national anthem members of the senior band who opened the evenings en tertainment whetted the audiences appetite they also closed the program and brought everyone to their feet clamoring for more two novelty num bers held to the last like a meringue dessert topped their performance nightbeat the meanderings of a new york city policeman and instant concert a hodge podge of musical extracts the young musicians presented a gift of ap preciation to mr hawley after the concert along with a baseball bat to keep everyone in order obviously it will never be needed flutes to tubas are well under control and sdss bands will continue to respond with enthusiasm to the more subtle encouragement of their directors baton uxbridge township residents voice opposition to landfill site two youths charged in markham murder two seventeen year old youths charged with non capital murder in the death of 51 year old james alfred bowden rr 2 markham are escorted from the police station at newmarket by detective sgt clifford cox left and staff inspector wally harkness bowden was found dead in a roadside ditch near hwy 48 may 2 andrew kessel and robin glen thornton turned themselves in at the buttonville division york regional police van halem photo weight watchers springspiration where second markham baptist church when may 22 1973 time 745 pm with millar memorial bible institute pambrun saskatchewan music testimonies challenge jean nidetch founder of weight watchers friday sive public refreshments will be served may 25 exten- auction sale of apple fruit growers orchards mans equip ments supplies myers double air blast and john beam boom high pressure sprayers 9n ford tractor 2 garden tractors 3 pt hitch im plements portable walk in storage cooler inter national 58 14 ton stake body truck 55 gmc v4 ton panel truck approx 2000 or more apples stor age boxes crates hamp ers baskets forks shov els garden tools odd antiques various misc items some household ef fects etc property of j c watson at part of lot 3 con 1 borough of scarborough known as 222 centennial road s sale at 1 pm terms cash no reserve prop erty sold see posters for full listings and particul ars or apply to mr wat son on premises or clarke prentice auctioneer markham 6403686 3w50 sat may 19 auction sale of furniture and anti ques the estate of the late mr and mrs lewis short will be held on the premises 1 mile south of brooklin on hwy 7 and 12 turn west on robmar st frigidalre frig and stove deep freeze gram- aphone pine chest of drawers 3 pc bedroom suite modern antique dresser bedroom suite rocking chairs chester- field suite picture fram es dishes r s ger- manycream and sugar set bisque match hold ers carnival bowl anti que tea kettles large quantity of furniture 1965 chev sedan with certi ficate good condition 1929 plymouth sedan an tique 90 restored fibreglass boat trailer and motor garden trac tor lawn mower tools hundreds of other items errs cjh sale at 12 noon sharp reg john son auctioneer phone 70s 3573270 2w50 thurs may 31 auction sale of farm stock imple ments hay straw and furniture the property of gordon mcmillan lot 16 con1 brock twp 5 miles south of sunderland or 4 miles north of greenbank and 1 mile east 75 head of hereford cattle includ ing 26 cows fresh or close springers here ford bull 4 yrs 14 yearling steers 6 yearl ing heifers 8 steers 10 months 5 heifers 10 months quantity of bal ed hay and straw 1956 chev 1 ton truck as is mccormick 434 diesel tractor and loader good mccormick w6 tractor nh 67 baler ac pull type combine 6 ft ac manure spreader 180 bu good mccormick hd cultivator mccor mick 3 furrow plow 3 pt mccormick mower cockshutt wagon and rack full line of machin ery cutter buggy dining table and 6 chairs pine baby cradle 7 pc toilet set boston rocker pine harvest table large pine table wash stands dres sers lanterns qu of oth er furniture farm sold terms cash sale at 12 noon furniture sells first reg and larry john son auctioneers phone 705 3573270 gerald graham clerk 2w51 saturday may 26 cle aring auction of house hold and barbershop con tents for oscar bell baldwin street brooklin beside bank consisting in part 8 pc dining sui te walnut quantity din ing chairs walnut planter table oak swi vel chair barber chair wicker rocker and chair telephone table and cha ir hall tree hall tn press back chairs irsa beds old phonograph wash stand dressers pine blanket boxes pine benches copper boiler sad irons spinning whe- i three signs youve come to the right place to lose weight gel the benefit of the one and only world- famous weight watchers organization join today for lqyearsexperienceand results skilled lecturers scientifically advanced program snack all day plus three big meals over 2000 classes per month across canada the main centre 46 bloor st west 416 96 11240 out 0ft0wn call collect new class markham mondays 730 pm anglican church 19 parkway ave open house meeting attend with no obligation to join liifturk ml mla iittoritt it wtiih witcitri imrutaul ik inttmxi in weickt wilt tit intuition ik 1113 all rijtti tmrrll a comtech electric plumbing and heating ltd formerly watts electric electric plumbing heating contractors retail elec trical supplies appliance sales and service to6 main st north markham 2943642 uxbridge twp a month ago uxbridge township passed a resolution to seek waste managements approval for the use of 7 acres of municipally owned property we yti lot 11 west side 7th line as a sanitary landfill site since then written opposition has flowed into the township offices and was followed by a delegation at may 14 council meeting of residents anxious to in vestigate the reasons behind the move mrs lorraine rich mond lot 5 cone 5 speaking for the large representation of property owners from the same area in attendance wished to know why the township should not continue to use the pedersen dump reeve bob nesbitt informed her that it cost the municipality 1150 a month for the use of the dump not only that he continued the operation subject to ministry of environment requirements is being run on a day to day basis we have a very serious problem in front of us i dont know of any reason for the ministry to close it down but if they do we will be given 30 days notice and where do we go from there he added that there was a rumor that property on lot 15 cone 4 had been given ministry approval for landfill but council had received no official advice of this the reeve also felt that the township acreage on lot 11 was large enough for internal use as a landfill site yet small enough to discourage regional interest when it faces the problems of garbage disposal mrs richmond relayed residents concern over the effect a dump might have on un derground water supplies and wondered what distinguished garbage from sanitary landfill councillor eleanor todd explained that the ministry described sanitary landfill as wastes deposited under controlled conditions compacted and covered in 1969 she added a study made for uxbridge twp recommended the 7th line lot for future refuse disposal because it was already owned by the municipality and topography and soil conditions appeared suitable for the purpose contrary to the delgations beliefs council was not sup porting the use of a gravel pit as a landfill location deputyreevee don jackson intimated although the township were taking material f j from a section to the north the 7 acres in question is zoned a 3 before being redesignated for sanitary wastes the issue would be open to public ob jections and it could take two years to ring the site to an operative stage council promised to v keep residents informed on all negotiations regarding the resolution and although property owners at the meeting accepted this assurance they were obviously uneasy that the matter is being left in the balance mkmbkr dkntlrist society of ontario ifmcoe touhtv denture clinic hway 4b 2 miles n of mt albert rd no charge for consultation 0 custom den tures direct to the public new dentures repairs and relines 90day mcnieyback guarantee as to function and fit 1 year free adjustments on all new dentures appointment if m jg lff o as an accredited member of the denturist society our fee schedule conforms with the ethical price range established by the society vi da el wool winder wash bowls and pitchers oth er wooden primitives scythe pellet gun tob acco cutter brass pie ces kitchen utensils qu antity of glass and chi na chrome kitchen set 23 silvertone tv vik- ing dryer kclvinator fri dge humidifier elect stove propane stove el cctric heaters barbequc and access 8 x 10 high- wall tent tools ladders baby carriage like new and many other interest ing items terms cash no reserve house sold refreshments available henry kahn auction ser vices whitby 6686189 2w51 wed may 30 auction sale of farm stock im plements hay straw andi grain the property of wallace pcgg lot 105 and j06 con 1 east gwillimi bury twp v4 mile cast of holland landing or 1 v6 miles west of sharon 24 head of good hereford and holstcin cross stoc- kcr cattle yearlings 22 good pigs chunks 700 hu mixed grain 500 ba les of hay 700 bales of straw mf gas tractor no 35 with front end loader good rebuilt motor case model d tractor n h manure spreader 130 iu good n h side rake good n ii h a v conditioner no 40 n h no 270 baler good mccormick no 91 self propelled com bine mccormick mower 3 pt g a n d y fertilizer spreader jo ft sprayer 3 pt with fibre glass tank bale elevator 32 ft on lubber chev truck dump box and grainbox with hoist sold as is rail line cf machinery farm sold terms cash sale at 1 pm reg and larry johnson au c tlonecrs ph 705 5373270 ger ald graham clerk 2w51 i thurs may 24 auction sale of farm stock and implements the prop erty of ray thompson lot 22 con 4 scott twp 1m miles east of zephyr then 1 mile south or 4 miles north of sandford 5 hereford heifers fat yearlings 5 hereford charolais steers fat yearling 55 suffolk ewes good no of lambs suf folk ram hainp ram 130 pigs including 6 sows with litters 19 sows bred 58 weaned pigs and chunks yorkshire hog pure bred excel lent strain of pigs 250 leghorn hens laying well mf 16 rliesel tractor power steering good mccormick farmall m tractor ford tractor jubilee scries sedore loader mf 4 furrow trip beam plow m h 60 combine 8 ft pull type nh 616 one row harvester ac blow er with 40 ft pipe 2 for age boxes el wagon un- loader martin wagon and grain box 150 bu mf 18 tooth cultivator gw sprayer good ford til ler mh seed drill 15 disc elevator and v4 hp motor mf 2 row corn planter knight man ure spreader 115 bu potato equip full line of machinery farm sold terms cash sale at 1 pm reg and larry johnson auctioneers phone 705 3573270 zep hyr ucw servs lunch gerald graham cierk 2w50 mei ofbroadloom m ftft 4 reg sq p to y 991 tft specie pich your colour pich your price your choice of 3749 yds of shag carved plushes commercials patterned kitchen etc open monday for your shopping convenience we have 325 yds of shags plush carved nylon ideal anywhere from your livingroom to cottage 5 days 0nlv every piece clearly described and tagged a also v rc9- biiii tab specials for your un carpeted smaller areas we have 1973 remnants which must be cleared prices from 165 so yd every possible colour size and type auctions turn to page if so v- 1- hardtwist the king of wearability choose the manufacturer from names such as armstrong-winchester- celanesemanor twist- kraus acadia twist 45 colours and 12694 yds to choose from ovir 109 yiars op 16 main st 1irvica across from annies lunch 8981800 wed thurs fri 9 am fo 930 pm mon tues sat 9 am fo 6 pm colours and lzov4 yds to choose from underwood bb0ad100m mills markham newmarket 7lh concession line markham 100 yds northof hwy 7 phone 2944440 open 3 bis