Whitchurch-Stouffville Newspaper Index

Stouffville Tribune (Stouffville, ON), May 10, 1973, p. 23

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u the tribune thursday may 10 19ts 23 st sales register auctions sthis is only a partial list many more excellent items preview from 6 pm terms cash or known cheque henry milberg auctioneer sut ton west wednesday may 30 it 1 pm 80 holsteins dairy equipment complete dunmeado hol- j vstcln dispersal owned by murray don dunkeld rr 2 clarcmont 30 head registered nip registered grades dh- ia tested records to 20000 lb milkkeeper 44 can bulk tank lloyd wil son and w d atkinson ale managers and auc tioneers 2w49 auction sale thursday evening may 17 at 630 pm of dairy cattle bulk milk tank and milking equipment the property of juluis uyhegyi at lot 5 coo 3 georgina twp 2 miles east of baldwin and 1 mile south no re- itm terms cash frank bennett auctioneer 2ws0 century farm 1st auction sale for hugh and joyce mclean lot s con 6 essa twp directions approx 6 mil es west of cookstown or s mile east of aliiston on 83 hwy then north on 7th con approx 1 mile first farm west on 5 side- road on friday may 18 at 12 noon sharp the sale offers approx 7s head of good beef cattle mostly polled herefords inc springer cows bred and open heifers senior yearlings and calves reg hereford bull nuf- fied 460 tractor mf 35 diesel good tillage hay ing and harvesting equip ment household furni ture number of antiqu es collectabtes primi tives and misc items terms cash day of sale farm is sold nothing to be removed until settled for accidents neither the owners nor the auctione er will be responsible for accidents or property loss ernie severn auctioneer rr 1 aliiston 4357467 ac 705 2w50 wednesday may 16 superb antique auction sale at victoria square community hall don mills road at 18th ave nue at 7 pm furniture re fin pinebutternutt flatback 6 panes of glass ash flatback refin spool bed sleigh bed small jfb pine table 2 refin blan- fcet boxes raised panel ontario armoire 8 high spinning wheel barber chair pine bench slant- top desk early pine cab inet washstand birds- eye maple and ash wash- stand other washstands pressedback rocker slat back rocker with pine seat habitant rocker antique caned wheel chair walnut chest of drawers piano stool ex cellent j h sidechair newly caned bowman- l ville rocker wooden ice box nice horse drawn buggy coloured glass ex cellent burlington enam eled cranberry pickle cruet shasta daisies 5 horned cranberry eperg- ne cranberry sugar sha ker satinglass ewer dark green carnival vase large marigold carnival bowl vaseline basket pressed glass includ ing etched daisy and but ton compote nugget compote small pitcher with burlington mark small chip diamond i medallion pitcher flume i v water pitcher 1883 cake- plate prism and dia mond cakeplate lamps featuring com plete hanging lamp yel low with roses large collection of canadian patterned oil lamps and fingerlamps at least 12 alladin oil lamps quilted elambroth font dark amethyst base woodenware large oval butterbowl and good paddle excellent cosmos abutter print quebec maple sugar mold sap bucket round butter bowl and others china articles of flow blue gaudy ironstone soupplate beautiful cole- port biscuit jar many more pottery f e a t u r ing cornwall blue flowered crock blue decorated crock 2 port perry ging- erbcer bottles early pot tery pitcher miscellaneous 2 ex cellent quilts brass can- dlesticks brass jelly pan art nouveau bed room clock collection of primitive tools pair cloisince pieces per fect model of shailing ship mounted in shadow box frame 2 early cana dian portraits 1 24 x 30 1 in small oval frame number of pic ture frames oval tortoi- scshell etc old prints many bells wagon whe els 60 sales register auctions wed may 1 auction sale of farm stock imple ments and furniture the property of donald w spafford lot 6 con 9 mariposa twp 1 mbe n o r t h of oakwood 26 hereford heifers rising 1 year mccormick 10- 20 tractor on rubber al- lis chalmers model b tractor manure spread er mccormick seed drill j d baler model 14t n h power mower no 450 good m h side rake qu of other ma chinery 1959 v4 ton truck mason and risen piano parlour table ball feet bankers ledger desk 4 maple office chairs swiv els chair singer sewing machine cabinet model antique iron registers qubec heater qu of other furniture ladies 3 speed bicycle mens 3 speed bicycle both good many other small articles farm sold terms cash sale at 1230 reg and larry johnson auctioneers phone 705 3573270 gerald graham clerk 60 sales register auctions saturday may 26 clear ing auction for howard barkev at lot 2 con 7 whitchurch being 1w miles west of hwy 48 at ringwood including cat tle pigs implements hay also an extra large private collection of anti ques pine glass copper walnut iron brass bells etc etc note this is an outstanding private collection of antiques be sure to attend this sale more detail later 2 auc tion rings refreshments sale 12 noon dst at kinson and wilson sale managers and auction eers 2w49 thurs may 17 auction sale of farm stock imple ments qu of furniture the property of william burd lot 3 con 5 mari posa twp 4 miles west of little britain or 4 mil es south of manilla and 1 mile east 50 head of hereford and angus cat tle cows with calves by side and close springers 17 hereford steers year lings 14 heifers rising 1 yr 2 steers 115 pigs 17 good sows several with pigs ready to wean 20 good chunks 1 york and 1 duroc hog j d 510 diesel tractor and load er with grader blade 1- 160 hours mccormick farmall h tractor mc cormick farmall h trac tor and loader dettson snow blower new mf manure spreader n h baler cockshutt seed drill 15 disc rotary we ed cutter hydrean plow 4 furrow chain harrows 12 ft mf wagon and rack good plan to at tend this sale farm sold terms cash sale at 1 pm reg and larry johnson auctioneers phone 705 3573270 ger ald graham clerk 2w49 saturday june 2 clear ing auction for morley symes located at 71 lloyd ave in stouffville includ ing power tools hand tools ropes chains etc etc note there are a large number of items more detail later sale 1 pm atkinson and wil son sale managers and auctioneers 3w49 thursday evening may 17 at 630 pm clearing auction sale the property of james hackney part lot 11 hwy 7 mark- ham twp li miles west of markham town ou hwy 7 including ford tractor and blade 2 fur row plow 3 point hitch dc cultivator post hole digger mower ake 1 wheel trailer 14 plywood boat and 35 hp westend motor 2 grandfather clocks air conditioner snow and wire fencing and posts 5 gates pump electric fences barrels troughs water bowls bricks 100 bales hay manure pile 12 bantam chickens pool table crocks some furniture other articles too num erous to mention prop erty sold no reserve terms cash sale at 630 pm norm faulkner auctioneer 2w50 saturday may 12 clear ing auction of walnut fur niture for mrs mabel wilson at locust hill on hwy 7 3 miles east of markham including wal nut bedroom suite good 9 pc dining room suite extra good frigidaire clothes dryer 4 burner electric stove refrigera tor kitchen suite good oak roll top desk good v bed cpt chair hair dryer glass top cupboard good metal filing cab inet baking cabinet new power lawn mower ext ladder 9 x 12 harding rug good walnut par lor chair wool rug 9 x 15 good 12wiiton run ner leather rocking chair with stool to match good brass fireplace accessories 3 yd lace tablecloth quilts hb blanket taffeta spread new arm chair 2 che nille spreads bedroom lamps scatter rug white enamel cabinet no smal ler tables feather pil lows new clothes line steps no odd dishes no pictures antique trunk small wheelbarrow quilt box hose reel sewing machine new pipe wrench jars crocks window and wall brush es medicine cabinet with mirror carpenter tools- tool boxes socket set humidifer bench saw vi hp motor with stand saw chisels etc note this is not a complete list this is extra good walnut furniture prop erty sold refreshments sale 1 pm atkinson and wilson sale managers and auctioneers tuesday may 15 clear ing auction for mervin harper farm located on the 8th con pickering township being vz mile east of the pickering- markham townline or 25 miles northeast of toronto or 4 miles south east of stouffville includ ing 45 head brown swiss holsteins spring ers fresh heifers also 28 sows fresh or due before sale time and 200 chunks from 50150 15 veal cal ves hay straw mixed grain no farrowing crat es no self feeders etc note dont miss this good sale these are good cattle and pigs property expropriated new air port area refresh ments sale 1 pm atkin son and wilson sale man agers and auctioneers weight fwytchers inn nattk roundcn or wfichtmfatchchs three signs youve come to the right place to lose weight cot iho benefit ot the on and only world- iamous weight watcher organization join today ion 10 years eirpericncoard result skilled lecturers scwmiikcally advanced program snack allday plus ihreo big meals over 2000 classes per month across canada rjrf weight watchers rtptj enroll now at class listed bilow or call tht main centra 46 bl00r st west 416 96 11240 out of town call collect new class markham mondays 730 pm anglican church 19 parkway ave open house meeting attend with no obligation to join 60 sales register auctions thurs may 2 auction sale of farm stock and implements the prop- erty of ray thompson lot 22 con 4 scott twp va miles east of zephyr then 1 mile south or 4 miles north of sandford 5 hereford heifers fat yearlings 5 hereford charolais steers fat yearling 55 suffolk ewes good no of iambs suf folk ram hamp ram 130 pigs including g sows with litters 19 sows bred 58 weaned pigs and chunks yorkshire hog nure bred excel lent strain of pigs 250 leghorn hens laying well mf 1rs diesel tractor power steering good mccormick farmall m tractor ford tractor jubilee series sedorc loader mf 4 furrow trip beam plow m h g0 combine 8 ft pull type nh 61b one row harvester ac blow er with 40 ft pipe 2 for age boxes el wagon un- loader martin wagon and grain box 150 bu mf 18 tooth cultivator gw spravcr good ford til ler mh seed drill 15 disc elevator and lh hp motor mf 2 row corn planter knieht man ure spreader 115 bu potato equip full line of machinery farm sold terms cash sale at 1 pm reg and l a rr v johnson auctioneers phone 70s 3573270 zcd- hyr tjcw serves lunch gerald graham clerk 2w50 wednesday evening may 16 auction sale of house hold furniture tools dis hes antiques for mrs daisy blacker at 3 jona than st uxbridge at 6 pm dst frank ben nett auctioneer 2w49 60 sales register auctions meeday may 21 tlear- ing auction for mrs anne dowswell located 3 miles northeast oi mount albert on the scottgwillimbury townline including trac tors power tools walnut furniture appliances dis hes etc more detail lat- tr note this is an ex tra good lot 2 auction rings property sold re freshments sale 1 pm atkinson and wilson sale managers and auctione ers 2w49 wednesday may 18 at 530 pm antiques auction sale including silver pickle cruet pres sed glass cruet set sev eral silver pieces vic torian setiee cleopatra couch pine blanket box fan back rocker antique clocks pine flat back cupboard 6 panes glass each door currier ives prints royal devon che ese dish shaving mug old doll open compote dsisy and button glass fan tray opalescent blue vase victorian per fume set coronation cup and saucer and pla te parian figurines lot of old fashioned clothes blue milk glass rose bowl copper boiler an tique hall lamp blue swirl old sealers bris tol vase canadian glass carnival vases oi lamps several old books spat ter glass flower basket jugs goblets etc etc over 200 beautiful and interesting items the property of don and ju lie darby uxbridge sale to be held in good wood community hall on hwy 47 sale at 630 pm doors open at 4 pm lunch available at hall lloyd wilson auc tioneer uxbridge 852- 3524 2w49 60 sales register auctions saturday may t auc tion sale of household furniture electric refrig erator norge 4 burner electric stove findlay coal and wood stove like new 3 piece chesterfield suite antique rocking chair pine chest of draw ers square spool type table large dinner bell antique dishes glass ware cooking utensils full line of furniture and antiques this has been an old home you will find some interesting things here at lot 8 con 2 pickering twp i miles east at stop light of pickering vil lage or 2 miles east of brock road on no 2 hwy at the bunker cor- mack farm terms cash no reserve sale at 1230 sharp alvin s farmer auctioneer phone 887- 5311 gormley ontario thurs evening may 17 7 pm auction sale including large round tilt top table old english grandfather clock john shaw holborn england 1730 ioveseat in blue crushed velvet spinning wheel dash churn rock ing chairs chest of draw ers chiffonniere with mirror hall rack mirror and hat box seat large china cabinet organ stools chairs wooden straw fork old canes butter ladles picture fra mes toilet set crocks old hand crank sewing machine cow bell china glass brass and old sil ver set less knives jar diniere approx 225 items at community centre king city 1st street east of lights terms cash preview 6 pm till time of sale gord orr auc tioneer township of uxbridge south east corner 10 acres of lot 26 concession 3 frontage 6770 depth 660 ft approximately sealed tenders for the purchase of the above property will be received by the un dersigned at the township office goodwood until june 15 1973 at 430 pm this property is zoned a2 agriculture and residential and is covered with evergreen forest planted in 1931 a building permit is available the highest or any tender not necessarily accepted o s kennedy clerk township of uxbridge goodwood ontario the liquor licence act notice of application licensing district no 6 take notice that chris giofcos of the town of whitchurch- stouffville in the regional municipality of york will make ap plication at a special meeting of the liquor licence board of on tario to be held at the offices of the liquor licence board of ontario 55 lakeshore blvd east in the city of toronto in the municipality of metropolitan toronto on tues day the fifth day of june 1973 at the hour of 930 oclock in the fore noon for the issuance of a dining lounge licence for the sale and con sumption of liquor where food is available for the following premises stouffville restaurant 377 main street west stouffville ontario any person who is resident in the licensing district may object to the application and the grounds of objection in writing shall be filed with mr h j browne the deputy acting registrar of the licensing district whose address is 55 lakeshore boulevard east toronto ontario m5e 1a4 at least tsn days before the meeting at which the application is to be heard dated at toronto this 1st day of may 1973 chris giofcos esq co karfilis and goodman barristers and solicitors suite 1105 85 richmond street west toronto ontario m5h 2g2 regional municipality of york notice the council of the regional municipality of york is desirous to advise the residents of tne regional municipality of york of some of its 1973 road construction programme as follows type of construction approximate duration kennedy road island and turinng late may to early traffic movement steeles avenue lane northeast july will be maintained intersection corner mccowan road grading steeles avenue gravelling and to hwy 7 paving late may to mid two lane traffic will august be maintained don mills grading gravelling late may to early two lane traffic will extension north and paving september be maintained from sutton road to lakeshore road jane street king road to hwy resurfacing late may to early twolane traffic will july be maintained approxlr2e djt5tcrj is sjsct to change because of weather and otfr unforeseen conditions plans for the above mentioned works are on file in the office of the commissioner of engineering don mills road va miles north of the aurora road and may be inspected if so desired between the hours of 900 4 30 monday to friday clrfmd e wright chairman w r hodgson commissioner of engineering 60 sales register auctions saturday hay 19 at 12 oclock sharp auction sale of farm stock and implements 45 head mostly hereford cattle 18 cows balance calves yearlings a big young purebred hereford bull bis first crop of calves coming now cattle are all in show ring condi tion massey ferguson 35 gas tractor rear end loader massey ferguson baler almost new mas sey ferguson side deli very rake a full line oi good useful farm imple ments baled hay straw and grain skidoo and motorbike a large selec tion of modern and anti que furniture see sale bills for particulars fur niture sold first at 12 oclock then implements and feed cattle last the property of cecii black lot 2 con 10 eldon township 6 miles east of woodville 1 mile north first farm on the goose lake road no reserve farm sold terms cash norm maclntyre and sons auctioneers 3v49 thursday may 17 630 pm night sale clearing auction sale for oneills furniture at 3 main st stouffville including wal nut bedroom suite can opy bed mattress cof fee and end tables van ity desk cedar chest walnut round dinette tab le valet chair medicine cabinet roll away beds record cabinets bedroom chair electric blankets chesterfield beverage cabinets bar stools nite tables no decorator cus hions picture lights do- ityourself kits quantity furniture p oli sh no lamps pole floor swag pinup tables no head boards etc etc note this is not a complete list of the items for sale this is all new furniture as oneills furniture are going out of the furniture business sale held und er cover make this sale a must sale 630 even ing sale atkinson and wilson sale managers and auctioneers 6c sales register auctions sat may is auction sale of furniture and anti ques the estate of the late mr and mrs lewis short will be hem on the premises 1 mile south of brooklin on hwy 7 and 12 turn west on robmar st frigidaire frig and stove deep freeze gram- aphone pine chest of drawers 3 pc bedroom suite modern antique dresser bedroom suite rocking chairs chester field suite picture fram es dishes r s ger- manycream and sugar set bisque match hold ers carnival bowl anti que tea kettles large quantity of furniture 1965 chev sedan with certi ficate ijood condition 1929 plymouth sedan an tique 90 restored fibreglass boat trailer and motor garden trac tor lawn mower tools hundreds of other items terms cash sale at 12 noon sharp reg john son auctioneer phone 705 3573270 2w50 sat may 19 auction sale of farm machinery and furniture the prop erty of charles taylor lot 24 con 2 georgina twp 1 mile north and 1 mile east of udora or 4 miles south of wilfrid on paved county road a mile west case model d tractor ford tractor and sedore lodaer mf no 10 baler good condition mf seed drill mckee harvester and new idea wagon with 20 ft mckee box 2 hay elevators bale stooker rubber tire wag on and rack flexible har rows mh 8 ft binder on rubber maple leaf manure spreader full line of machinery and qu of hay and straw hutch and buffet swivel desk chair sofa drop leaf table 5 pc kitchen suite beds cabinet radio 2 chairs and sofa qu of other furniture farm sold terms cash sale at 12 noon furniture sells first larry johnson auc tioneer phone 705 357- 3270 2w50 advertise weekly for best results saturday hay 19 at 12j0 furniture antiques auction sale including dominion piano west- inghouse 2 door refriger ator frost free good mcclary electric stove annex stove leather plat form rockerrecliner chair like new west- inghouse comb ination stereo and radio chest erfield and 2 chairs an tique settee 2 antique walnut chairs 12 pc set of dishes antique glass ware rogers silver ware piano stool wash stands dressers pine chest of drawers pine cupboard bedroom suite toilet set antique picture frames spool bed anti que walnut sideboard quantity of tools quan tity of dry lumber pine boards many many other articles a very fine sale the property of frank kendall in utica on hwy 1a end house south of hall property sold sale at 1230 lunch available lloyd wilson and w d atkinson sale managers and auctione ers 2w50 tues may 22 auction sale of farm stock imple ments feed and furni ture the property of lorne herb cron- sberry lot 2 con 5 georgina twp 1v miles south of sutton on hwy 48 15 head of hereford and shorthorn cattle in cluding 4 cows with cal ves 1 cow and 2 heifers bred 3 steers 2 yrs approx 500 bales of hay 200 bales of straw 300 bu oats 2 mh 30 tractors good condition george white threshing machine mh 11 man ure spreader mccormick grain and fert drill 15 disc jd powerlift cul tivator jd mower 3 pt mccormick side rake antique buggy full line of machinery small cook stove gas range 3 pc antique bedroom suite wash stand cradle ox yoke oak artificial fireplace other items farm sold terms cash sale at 1230 pm reg and larry johnson auc tioneers phone 705 357- 3270 gerald graham clerk 2w50 friday may 25 exten sive public auction sale of apple fruit growers orchards mans equip ments supplies myers double air blast and john beam boom high pressure sprayers 9n ford tractor 2 garden tractors 3 pt hitch im plements portable walk in storage cooler inter national 58 1h ton stake body truck 55 gmc v ton panel truck approx 2000 or more apples stor age boxes crates hamp ers baskets forks shov els garden tools odd antiques various misc items some household ef fects etc property of j c watson at part of lot 3 con 1 borough of scarborough known as 222 centennial road s sale at 1 pm terms cash no reserve prop erty sold see posters for full listings and particul ars or apply to mr wat son on premises or clarke prentice auctioneer markham 64036s6 3w50 wednesday may 30 at 1 pm holsteins dairy equipment complete dunmeado hol- stein dispersal owned by murray and donald dun keld lot 32 con 8 pick ering twp ivi miles south and 4 miles west of claremont or 5 miles southeast of stouffville or from hwy 7 go h4 mil es north of brougham and 4 miles west to farm 80 head 15 registered 65 registered grades dh- ia tested records to over 21000 lb mil k bcas to 203 all from popular unit sires such as ormsby vg dark leader st starlite ex chieftain ex etc this herd is in ex cellent condition cows are large and heifers ex tremely well grown many records between 15 and 20000 dairy equipment 44 can milkkeeper bulk tank sputnik milk port er surge 22 vacuum pump lvt line for 40 cows 4 surge milkers sale at 1 pm sharp farm expropriated fold ers available robert flett on pedigrees lloyd wilson and w d atkin son sale managers and auctioneers 3w50 liquidation sale markweu furniture appliances 206 wellington street west corner laidlaw highway no 7 markham ontario we have been instructed by the principals to clear the complete stock of brandname furniture and appliances to the bare walls up to 12 off all stock colour televisions dishwashers stoves fridges washers dryers sewing machines radios stereos air conditioners toasters irons kettles bedroom suites dinette suites kitchen sets chesterfields chairs recliners end tables coffee tables cocktail jables commodes table lamps floor lamps mirrors mattresses box springs etc etc terms cash or certified cheque merchandise may be held on deposit for 24 hours sale starts thursday may 10 at 900 am open daily from 900 am until 900 pm saturday until 600 pm sale conducted by norman bloch and associates toronto ontario wellington wat

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