the tribcxe thursday may 3 1913 is school bus need not be a hell on wheels dear sir children on a school bus seemingly belong to noone the principal has seen them safely aboard a good driver has his eyes and ears on the road and traffic the parents are at home grabbing their last cup of coffee before they thunder in then who do these children belong to from three thirty to four thirty more important what are they doing during this time recent safety piles for cars and occupants require seat belts high back seats and no more than two in the front seat only a fool would allow his child to stand up move about scream throw junk or in any way endanger himself or distract the driver while the car is in motion the rules of a school are also quite clear we can expect that our child has adult supervision at all times of the day whether indoors or out our child is given a seat to himself in a spacious room with only thirty or so other children he must not run in the classroom or throw junk or scream this would endanger himself and his peers or distract the teacher however these rules are ignored on a school bus we jam nearly a hundred kids on a vehicle one tenth the size of a classroom three to a seat no seat belts and no adult supervision then we put wheels under this vehicle and move it along at forty to fifty miles an hour the kids on this moving sound box are tired and need to be physically active they express themselves in ays that no parent or teacher has ever witnessed they scream they push they shove and kick they open windows to lean out they move nxit for the purpose of hitting each other they tease un mercifully some cry- ihey chant obsenities it is a happy hating ground for the bully only a few sit quietly looking out the window to aoid being the target of this holocaust we would like to lay the responsibility squarely on the bus driver thi- would give him only the odd fleeting moment to glance out the windshield at the road and traffic the number of accidents to date remains small thanks to the bus drivers extreme care but let us not ex pect the impossible he is a driver not a supervisor then maybe we would like to place the responsiblity on the school except for frequent reminders and discussions about safety on a bus the school is not responsible for our children once they have left the school premises these unclaimed children who have en tered this no mans land belong to us thev are our responsibility safety reminders at home get mere lip service but we can demand the same safety devices on a school bus as we are required for our family car by writing our mpp supervision is a must but who in their right mind would volunteer and with cuts in educational costs we cannot expect to obtain hired supervision there is an effective on sale may 2nd to 5th while quantities last solution a school built beside a main train line and on a four lane high way solved the safety problems pertinent to their own school situation in this way the children themselves wrote the safety rules they agreed on a punishment for the violators a few- responsible older students were given the backing by parents and staff to enforce these rules and report the offenders any violation of the rules meant ap pearing before the school court also set up by the students the student jury decided his guilt or innocence and a student judge his penalty the parents cooperated it was the life of their children at stake it was extreme but the death of a child is also extreme we too have safety problems we also have older responsible students who could be instructed and trusted to be fair in enforcing the rules on a moving school bus it need not be a hell on wheels mrs man channen rr4 stouffville abortionis it murder from an article by dr and mrs j c willke appearing in the april issue i of columbia magazine condensed by cecilia broderick little kelly thorman was born in march 1971 in toledo ohio when kelly- was exactly three days old she weighed one pound kelly was born very prematurely she arrived at 21 weeks just a little over fourandahalf months into her mothers pregnancy the supreme court now permits the killing of little ones like this within their mothers up to 24 weeks gestation and beyond is kelly human marcus richardson was born at our university hospital in cincinatti on jan 1 1972 he arrived exactly 19 weeks and six days from the onset of his mothers last menstrual period 16 weeks from the time she missed her first period marcus is a completely noirmai happy child today he is the youngest surviving baby we know of babies like marcus can now be killed in any of our states and in all of the provinces of canada simply becasue he is judged nonhuman under the law at 16 weeks one can see the perfection of the developing babys fingers fingernails toes and so on this would be the earliest that a salt poisoning abortion could be done it would be killing a baby at this degree of perfection eleven weeks truly is a watershed in terms of a babys development in the womb all organ systems function a baby of this age swallows the fluid he lies in his stomach and intestinal tract extract nutrients from it to help build his body he urinates he has bowel movements and his kidneys control the volume of amniotic fluid his mother has nothing to do with that when his mother sleeps he will sleep but when she bounces down thestairsortheirisa loud noise in the room he will awaken with a start if you sweeten the fluid he lies in he will swallow more often but if you make it sour he will quit swallowing just as any other baby would at this age the baby is very sensitive to light to heat to noise and to touch we know this because of some very sophisticated experiments with closed circuit xray tv cameras be fetologist a william liley of new zealand we know that at this age if you prick him with a needle the baby will recoild with pain if you introduce a beeping noise and then prick him and do that a few times he will quickly learn to recoild from the beep knowing that the pain will follow above 16 weeks the most common method of abortion is the saline or salt poisoning abortion thje woman is laid on her back and a long needle is instrted through her abdominal wall into the fluid sac around the baby some of the fluid is withdrawn and replaced with an injection of concentrated salt solution remember at 11 weeks the baby was breathing swallowing and extremely sensitive to touch and pain he breathes in this poisonous salt solution swallows it and struggles the mother sometimes can feel this movement it takes at least an hour to kill the baby who sometimes suffers ter minal convulsions before lying still if the woman is one of the twothirds to three- fourths who are fortunate and have no com plications she will go into labour about one day later and deliver vaginally what our proabortion friends call product of pregnancy occasionally these babies are born alive babies aborted by the salt poisoning method often have a 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