page 2 the tribune thurxlav nov 12 1970 re hhune fjr kstabluhed isss wftim i c h nolan publisher jim thomas editor noel eiey advertising published every thuixtiy by inland publishing co limited at 34 main s slouftvllle ont tel 6102101 single copies tsr subscription 500 per year in canada 5750 elsewhere member ol audit bureau of circulation canadian weekly newspapers association and ontario weekly newspapers association second class mail registration number 089g editorial snowmobile site required an application has come before whitchurch township council seeking permission to operate a winter recreation centre west of vivian the 400 acre site would be open to snowmobiles those who own their own or those who wish to rent one by the hour or by the day we hope the location is such that approval will follow for in our opinion such an area is required it is now apparent that snowmobiling as a seasonal winter sport is here to stay but there are too few places where these machines in numbers can operate safely and legally the whitchurch site could solve this problem we are not so optimistic as to suggest that there will not be ob jections there will be even before it gets started noise complaints will follow they always do it will be councils duty to weigh the benefits against the disad vantages and reach a decision on the surface at least the proposal sounds good we wish it success a village museum in spite of reports to the contrary the closing of the present cnr station in stouffville is almost a certainty with no passenger service here at all and a switch in freight service planned for 1971 the property will undoubtedly be put up for sale if the purchase price is practical the village should buy it the cost of moving it to another site would also be a consideration stouffville should have a museum and a structure of this kind an antique in itself would be ideal other municipalities have em barked on such projects utilizing old school buildings at bogarttown whitchurch mt joy markham and brougham pickering theres no reason why the railroad station couldnt serve exactly the same purpose council members would be wise to give the idea serious consideration and make it a bargaining point when cn officials come calling next year overstepping the mark we must support councillor betty vannostrand in her criticism of newlyelected councillor merlyn baker of whitchurchstouffville for what appeared to be overstepping the mark in the handling of the engaging of a recreational director mr baker while a councillor is not a member of the committee in charge but took it upon himself to advise george warne the director selected that he should reconsider accepting the position mr baker answered councils criticism by saying that he believed he had the support of the ratepayers in doing what he did reeve burnett commented that any contact with the director should be taken through proper channels while we are fully in accord with the decision that no director should be engaged at the moment in view of the new council taking office to administer both the needs of township and town we must protest any member of council taking such matters into his own hands without council authority editors mail sir the cpr is wrong in applying for permission to abandon service on the agincourt line they downgrade passenger service and then the chief passenger agent admits making little effort to attract passengers and says you cant flog a dead horse the business is not there the globe mail nov 5 1970 expressways do not solve traffic jams they just get cars to the jams faster rail travel is the most ef ficient means of moving large numbers in urban areas in peak travel periods hearings are scheduled for peterborough court house december 1st and toronto city hall december 3rd the commuters only hope is to convince the canadian transport commission that the service is needed in the public in terest then the canadian transport commission can order the cpr to continue the service and a federal subsidy will cover 80 percent of any loss plans are prepared for action and will soon be announced i believe that the citizens themselves can demonstrate this need and secure for themselves the essential services that the railway would so callously abandon john c medcof president railroad boosters the following is a copy of a letter sent to stouffville police chief orland keating on behalf of the businessmens association dear mr keating on behalf of the stouffville businessmens association i sin cerely thank you for your co operation and assistance on halloween night october 31 according to our information this was one of the quietest halloweens on record with both merchants and residents relatively free of troublesome pranks this was due no doubt to your planning and the cooperation of village young people thank you cliff aiken president dear sir you attended the commencement exercises at uxbridge secondary school friday im sure you must have been impressed as i was of the students and their academic accomplishments as you stated nov 5 stouffville high is no rochdale the same can be said for uxbridge all parents should feel proud mrs harvey simpson the good old days a 1908 edition of the toronto world was brought into the tribune office this week the following advertisements proved interesting settlers trains to manitoba and the canadian northwest leaving toronto every tuesday at 9 pm during march and april providing there is sufficient business passengers not travelling with safety first i testing nnefeert 5efentytrti r are they compatible with union between the united and anglican churches a current topic of interest patricia clarke and jerry hames of the united church ob server november issue conducted a survey among members of both denominations concerning their feelings for each other the results follow sugar and spice fig leaves instead of slacks by bill smiley i have just got home from something as rare and delightful as a personally conducted tour of buckingham palace a teachers staff meeting that lasted only half an hour this is equivalent to building the pyramids in three weeks meetings as such are a par ticular annex in hell for anyone who has beenan the newspaper business and attended at least one and sometimes two every working day of the year ninetyfive percent of meetings are unnecessary unenlightening and unproductive they are the refuge of bores of both sexes who take out their personal frustrations by frustrating everyone else these people have their little dinkies raising points of order moving amendments to the motion and haggling for interminable times over items that could be solved in eight seconds by a threeyearold with two heads occasionally a meeting produces sparks a clash a conflict of per sonalities or ideas that light the stygian gloom i well remember one town council meeting one of the councillors somewhat tin worse for wear or something or other called one of the other councillors a gibbering old baboon a nice thrust he wasnt too far off the mark but was in no condition himself to hurl such charges the offended party promptly started peeling off his jacket and offered to thrash the other within an inch of your life the other councillors and even the just like us united church describing anglicans 2664 anglican describing united church 1388 conservative 855 246 cultured 235 not included snobbish 512 168 devout 427 188 poor givers 278 108 open to change 80 512 generous 106 396 aggressive 101 316 authoritarian 750 178 shallow faith 173 818 stuffy 326 262 impatient 21 112 dogmatic 755 98 inflexible 657 260 radical 27 180 opportunists 42 410 ritualists 1384 14 liberal not included 634 livestock should take the regular service student graduate lois harrison of uxbridge secondary school was the recipient of the driver education award at the 1970 commencement exercises friday evening im particularly pleased to make this presentation to lois said gerald herrima representing the ontario federation of agriculture since we both live on the same road power less the gogo girl in len greenwoods window main street stouffville that attracted so much attention has lost her go the problem shes having her battery recharged the owner explained mayor quailed chiefly because both councillors were well into the seventies i might add that the only blood shed was verbal but that was a meeting staff meetings are not quite that bad but they inevitably produce in me a headache so fierce that only a great dollop of some sedative beverage can allay it ive seen adults haggling bitterly for half an hour over the chewing of gum where it could be chewed when it should be chewed and how it should be chewed open mouth or closed the only result was that the kids went on blithely chewing gum wherever whenever and however they could get away with it deep moral social and psychological issues are involved in a problem of this magnitude is gum bad for the teeth what do you do if you send a kid to the office he removes his gum on the way and swears angelically that it was the teachers imagination that he was really chewing his cud out of sheer nervousness is it better for the student to chew gum than to chew his fingernails down to the blood jesus wore long hair and a beard didnt he how do you counter this one a favorite by the way among male students do you say uh well uh jesus uh throw that gum in the basket or would you say ok buster turn that blackboard into an ouija board this particular staff meeting was about girls wearing slacks human experience has showed that girls will wear whatever other girls are wearing and girls these days are wearing slacks they are com fortable they can look smart they are warm in our frigid winters they prevent boys from peeking up the stairs as the girls ascend in mini skirts and they have probably contributed more to containing the population explosion than the old- fashioned nightdress anyway i expected a marathon about three hours they can wear slacks but only once a week they can wear slacks but they cant wear blue jeans nobody in my class is going to wear slacks if its all right for the boys to wear blue jeans why cant the girls and so on it was fantastic but the openly and bluntly expressed feeling of the majority was that girls should be allowed to wear whatever was in style and that was that one commercial teacher who could have been expected to come down heavily on the side of no slacks said she didnt care if they wore fig leaves as long as they were neat and tidy id like to hear what you think about long hair girls wearing slacks and all the other things that were unacceptable in our day drop a line portraits of the past kemember this bridge mosl residents of cedar grove would rather forget it the singlelane structure was badly damaged by hurricane hazel and later demutished las thomas mm i the church a service to serve us by jim thomas some folks enjoy taking pokes at the church and im every bit as guilty as the next guy but i dont believe in knocking something ive never tried and attending worship on a sunday morning is as much a part of our family schedule as eating and sleeping now dont get me wrong im neither bragging nor complaining its just the way it is and for the sake of all concerned i hope it will continue last sabbath we were there as usual filling up the back pew quite comfortably but comfortable was hardly the word to describe it in fact it felt unusually hard and from the squirms of a few in front theirs was much the same brother did we get it the pastor said he had taken the time to check stouffvilles population figures at the village clerks office and discovered the municipality in 1968 and last year had increased by more than 400 residents he noted however that church membership had during the same period decreased by seven who is to blame if its not you and im sure its not me then it must be the minister after all who else is there i feel the answer is in the attitude of the people outside the church who tend to look on it as a community service to serve us this conclusion was borne out over a cup of coffee sunday afternoon the chap seated on the next stool looked like he had just crawled out from under the covers he was sleepyeyed unshaven and ob viously anxious for an argument the conversation that ranged from the weather to the argonauts suddenly turned to religion he strongly berated everything closely related to it you church folks he said you think youre so good so much better than the rest of us as far as im concerned youre all a bunch of hypocrites i protested wondering how he had reached such a conclusion all the church wants is money money money he went on always looking for handouts theyll not get a red cent from me i tried to explain there were certain expenses to meet but he was in no mood for listening tell me this he asked what good does the church do for you for me for the town i felt that by answering would only prolong the argument so i decided to pose a few questions of my own were you and your wife married in the church i asked he replied in the affirmative my daughter was too he said but we paid for it ten dollars or so did your children go to sunday school i asked we sent them he answered until they got too old what about baptisms i enquired everyone he replied and the grandchildren too were you or the family ever ill and did the minister call i asked when my wife was in the hospital the minister called around he answered we really appreciated it too he often called at the house the first sign of a smile showed through to tell the truth we often wondered why he called he continued we never returned the compliment why dont you next sunday i asked trying not to press my luck why not he replied and well bring the grandchildren too he paid for his coffee and mine and left i dont know his name i dont even know where he lives but ill recognize his face the one with the broadest smile as the pastor said dont leave all the home mission work to the minister