champions visit coach in hospital thursday october 22 1970 the tribune page 17 highlands students enjoy apple day oct 14 was apple day for the grade 2 and 3 children of whitchurch highlands school they visited hortons orchards and participated in many activities there operating the cider press are left to right brian wideman suzanne chayer lid barnard bonnie burnett and virginia dandrea peter harris active in community by beatrice johnston pine orchard the passing of mrs ross armitage has saddened the community she was an active member of all community activities for many years sympathy is extended to harry ruth and family in spite of inclement weather members of the womens institute enjoyed their visit to country heritage a museum in the twp of scott and the private collection of an tiques belonging to mr and mrs ed brown following the tour president mrs doug hope conducted the business meeting playoffs in the lake simcoe softball league have concluded with zephyr taking the cup the community extends best wishes to mr and mrs mervyn summerfeldt and mr and mrs dean summerfeldt as they take up residence in their new home at campbellford bv rene rennie claremont earle pilkey coach of the claremont peewee fastball team and a patient in uxbridge hospital received the finest kind of therapy treatment possible thursday evening when visited by his players following their league championship victory over bay ridges the score was 6 5 earle confined to a wheel chair enthusiastically received the lads later the team was taken to a restaurant for refreshments earle coached and managed the club prior to his illness the team had earlier advanced to the ontario finals on thursday tonight the peewee champions the juvenile girl champions and the intermediate mens team will be honored at a banquet in the legion hall at the same time another honor will be bestowed on geraldine ferguson daughter of mr and mrs david ferguson she will receive a cer tificate to accompany a s500 bursary presented earlier on entry to york university her mother mrs agnes ferguson president of the claremont legion ladies auxiliary will make the presen tation brougham union lodge held their annual ladies night in the claremont legion hall oct 17 the dinner was enjoyed by 220 members and guests with dancing later to conclude the evening earl wilson and ron hiltz spent a few days on a moosehunting trip into the timagi district of northern ontario they bagged a big one its rack measured 46 inches at the widest point mrs loss hill and mrs ernie baker travelled to collingwood on the weekend while there they attended installation ceremonies at the ladies mr and mrs howard mcclure visited recently with his sister mrs d petch and mr petch of markdale lodge where mrs hills daughterinlaw mrs ray hill is a member a speedy recovery is wished for mrs jean hamilton a patient in scarboro centenary hospital the afternoon unit of the ucw will meet at the home of mrs wm wallace stouffville oct 28 at 2 pm mrs linstead and mrs empringham are in charge of the devotional the 149th anniversary of the claremont baptist church will be held on sunday at 11 am and 630 pm former pastor dr hf hillyer is the guest minister the soloist in the morning is mrs lome wilson and in the evening mrs ross parrot rev hillyer will answer questions around the supper table the baptist mission circle will meet at the home of mr and mrs george carter oct 26 the guest speaker is mrs ross parrot terri and traci pilkey spent the weekend with their aunt mrs petryshyn whitby correspondent rosemary timms patient in scarboro tenary hospital the annual christmas variety will be held dec 19 in the community centre persons willing to par ticipate are asked to contact rene rennie at 6492312 mr jim reesor was admitted to uxbriugc hospital last week mr and mrs everett hammond and mrs hammond sr enjoyed sunday dinner with their daughter and grand daughter mr and mrs robt flewell of markham the annual halloween party is oct 31 at 730 pm in the communitv centre prizes for costumes all ages will be awarded recent guests at the home of mr and mrs jack rennie were mr and mrs h watts toronto mr j watts downsview and mr and mrs bob budd kimberly and jim of claremont mr and mrs ken torrance and gail and miss faye mcavoy of claremont were recent weekend guests at the home of mr and mrs bob torrance lakefield don head cheer leaders ruth mrs is a cen- pre- show thirteen vivacious mary johnson bryan students have been rason bill haines david selected to serve on the jordan and ed murphy number one and reserve cheerleader teams at don head secondary school the advance group in cludes yvonne ladouceur adelina losier janet fraser lynda woodhouse roberta wirtanen liz pinnegar pam ohno the reserve group comprises debbie harris susan hughes brenda wetmore alba colucci gail moynes and winnie smyth reporters on the newspaper staff are adelina losier bruce shaver steve gerow steve lind bill binney notice village of stouffville the third instalment of taxes for the year 1970 is due on or before november 1st prompt payment will avoid unnecessary pen alties as shown on your notice for the convenience of taxpayers the municipal office will be open saturday october 31st 9 am to 12 noon r e corner clerktreasurer tax collector hunters shop at in stouffville for all your hunting supplies 7ji r- 5 main west stouffville 6402771 open thurs fri until 9 pm hnd out- at the royal bank zfw w w look for the ontario is there any place youd rather be el big red hearts 1 v rari nur taiinrlnia on our windows ontarians arc the kind of people who wouldnt be here if there was any place better vc are people who came from a hundred lands and stayed to build people with backbone and brawn and a hunger to succeed men and women whove created a standard of living in decades that other lands worked cen turies to build if we have a flaw its our chronic modesty ontarians may be proud to be ontarians and canadians they just seldom tell anyone from an economic point of view thats wrong the more people we have boosting ontario and canada the better it is and weve pot a lot to boost with in the fight against pollution for exam ple ontario has become a world leader everyone talks about pollution we do something more than a billion dollars has been invested to date to build water supply and sewage systems in dozens of com munities throughout the province weve got laws to prosecute industries that pollute the air and water loans and grants to help industries that want to do something to stop it we need a vigor ous economy of course to support these important programs and thats where you come in though our productivity has doubled in ten years and our incomes in twelve ontarians dont sit on their successes theres a demanding decade ahead full of challenges and opportunities to make the quality of our lives better yet to meet these challenges weve got to believe in ourselves which when you think about it isnt such a bad idea evcrytime you boost ontario ontario and canada get a little stronger government of ontario g john robam prime minister royal ban k the helpful bank