page 20 the tribune thursday july 9 1970 k r t 3 t jb msi jjr r 1 amiiaihijl jffjfgjj im ess wt11fht bll v 1 v j y-jjp- r ft x we at stouffville iga in down town stouffville take this oppor tunity to wish all at musselmans lake a happy summer holiday ifcjl 2jq a oneweek bible school at dicksons hill ended july 3 with an evening program in which all class members participated the enrollment totalled 143 including sisters left to right tracey megan and kim denby children of mr and mrs dan denby markham rr2 jas thomas bible school successful program dicksons hill the oneweek summer bible school concluded its program friday evening with a parents night and all classes talcing part the superintendent was paul martin the enrollment was 143 children and young people staff teachers included nursery gwen wideman carol wideman kin dergartenkaron jones sharon bruce ada ramer ruth eby grade 1 karen hoover miriam hoover grade 2 jeannette faw bridget ramsey jenny moyer grade 3 ruth grove hazel grove grade 4 margaret wideman ruth burkholder grade 5 gladys grove ann weitzenbauer grade 6 mary reesor ruth shank grade 7 lloyd wideman grades ron faw grade 9 and 10 peter weit zenbauer mr and mrs gordon t don prpuse of rr3 stouffville celebrated their 35th wedding anniversary july 6 mr and mrs desmond meed home from mission field by mrs wm sandle victoria square mr and mrs desmond meed and family arrived home after spending the past 5 years on the mission field at addis abbaba africa they will reside in the former residence of mr and mrs sn doner gormley visitors at the church service sunday morning were mr and mrs robert watson richmond hill dr and mrs carl heder king city mr and mrs king dunkerron mr milton wells king city please remeber church service is held every sunday morning during july at 1130 am with rev martin jenkinson in charge birthday greetings to earl empringham july 10 mark ottaway 14 years july 10 don boynton july 11 juanita tooley july 11 wilbur brumwell july 12 christine gee four years july 13 mrs marcus jarvis july 15 miss pat williams at tended the hodgson- harper wedding in the bethesdalutheran church unionville on saturday afternoon and the reception which followed in the church parlors mr and mrs andrew forson and cathy of cannington had saturday dinner with mr and mrs rolph boynton mr and mrs clarence steckley and laurie macdonald spent a day recently with mr and mrs lawson mumberson and miss olive glover at washago mr and mrs stanley boynton and grace mr and mrs lawrence boynton and boys called on mrs marion boynton at port perry sunday af ternoon a ladies softball team has been organized in victoria square muriel mortson is the coach attend class reunion oshawa area planning and development study 605 rossland road east whitby ontario canada 416 6683383 public hearings public hearings will be held in august and october 1970 by the regional government component of the oshawa area planning and development study oapads is a cooperative municipalprovincial un dertaking to design a regional government struc ture and a development plan for the oshawa- centred region the area under study includes ontario county the western portion of the united counties of northumberland and durham and ad jacent areas a tentative but specific proposal for regional gov ernment will be contained in the third oapads report to be published in the next few weeks copies of this and the two earlier reports will be available for inspection in public libraries and municipal offices throughout the study area individuals organizations corporations and public bodies are invited to present their reactions to this proposal by making submissions at the public hear ings a submission may be written or oral or preferably both the hearing procedure will be made as informal as possible to encourage open and frank discussion of the issues at stake it must be stressed that input to the study from the hear ings can have a significant effect on the final re gional government report the first set of hearings will commence on august 17 and will be held in resort areas to accommodate seasonal residents and any other persons and or ganizations who may wish to appear then those wishing to appear in august should so inform the oapads executive administrator mr r e sims at 605 rossland road east whitby 6683383 no later than july 31 1970 in order that a hearing schedule and locations may be established and advertised in early august the october hearings will commence on october 5 and will be held in the other parts of the study area any person organization corporation or public body may be heard in october those wish ing to appear should give notice as above no later than september 8 1970 so that the hearing sched ule and locations may be advertised by late sep tember persons giving notice of their intent to make a submission will on request be furnished with copips of the oapads reports and provided with any necessary further information donald m paterson regional government study principal by norma bloomington mr jack scott of newmarket was the supply pastor sunday rev and mrs roy langford were in toronto attending the 50th year graduation class reunion at toronto bible college rev and mrs langford have only recently returned from saskatchewan where they represented the bloomington church at conference there the sympathy of the community is extended to the family of the late mrs tranmer mary gierkink and infant son newlyweds mr and mrs ken silcox will be honored at a miscellaneous community shower july 17 at 830 pm in the bloomington church mrs silcox is the former dianne storry daughter of mr and mrs noel storry a speedy recovery is wished for mrs vera mcgarry convalescing at home following surgery at branson hospital willowdale important notice subdivision of land all personsconsidering the sale or purchase of land in ontario are urged to acquaint themselves with the planning amendment act 1970which became effective june 27th a major feature of the amendment ex tends subdivision control and partlot control over all lands in ontario this measure is designed to encourage the orderly use of lands and to help our communities meet landuse requirements for education housing pollution and other purposes copies of the planning amendment act 1970 are available on request from the ontario government book store 880 bay street toronto the planning amendment act 1970 the department of municipal affairs hon darcy mckeough minister fooo muces and i0hus tape items effective julys 110 ii inthe dairy case jablerim grade a all white fbesh medium eggs 33 d0z jus squeezed 31 cheuthucourohilua ma cheese wedge 69 mktlu soft spread arrw mttf margarine 49 vaniluwhip 39 cottagl camph spccial ciiickkkmotf iga soup mix 31 m suave hairspray 59 health beautyftids komulmhmtotokoul i0oz vcddav car 59 smw cream rinse hijveditrehhomul shampoo il 1201 m iferms tfiklablta canadas finest quality i uvivnnv red qr blue brand beefk hortribor blade bone removed lade roasts cross cut rib roast or shoulder roast boneless tender chuck steaks or zfresh ground chuck i sgneideris red hot burns or mary miles sweet pickkd wieners bologna back bacon 3jk iga choice fife aa cream style corn 2 33 iga canned coining rrnocimm eoowh hud of space cc ciltamks n0np0i0us east 10 cisan it- soms no fuvoud hui ancko10 hisistant hue 0iwh0wep him nine cup percolator and warmer easy to acquire with iga tapes 42660 fcup percolator 6 fowen 42690 warmer its percolator or teapot tighly practical and attractive item 115 folders c morton pies turkey chicken or beef 801 s pes soft drinks granulated white sugar kelloggs corn flakes case of 24 m79 0r 10 lb bag 16 0z pkg 8 99 39 0 0 fusiotue fancy peas is 39 grape juice 2 79 onion rings 29 rorutiwrauukit fish chips glad wrap lururotits allen drinks oai finer fruit cocktail nimiu cat cww nozsu up ma it a cat food baby foods 6 junior 19 mc run sua cheese logs kucud h sputsc york peanuts now open mondays 9 am to 6 pm thurs fri til 9 pm f stouffville iga main west downtown stouffville