page 2 the tribune thursday june ii 1970 established lw wna s c h nolan publisher jim thomas editor noel edey advertising published evry thursday by inland publishing co limited at 51 main st siouffvllle ort tel 64o210l single copies 15c subscriptions 500 per year in canada s750 elsewhere member of audit bureau of circulation canadian weekly newspapers association and ontario weekly newspapers association second class mail registration number 0896 editorial cooperation or compassion call it cooperation or compassion perhaps a combination of both but regardless the name of stouffville has been retained as a municipal and political entity within the new region of york the area will be known as the town of whitchurchstouffville the first reading of the bill was approved in the ontario legislature june 3 on the original recommendation stouffville had everything to lose for the identity of the village as part of the new area was dropped entirely by the minister whitchurch council could have adopted a hard line attitude on this matter and undoubtedly would have won perhaps even if it had gone to a vote of the people but cooperation between the two municipalities has always been close and never was this more openly indicated than on this issue the end result of this union in name and boundaries is that whitchurch residents will continue to reside in whitchurch and stouff ville residents in stouffville who could ask for anything more call zenith 33130 if you are one of the few and perhaps unfortunate residents who live inside the northwest boundary of pickering township dont call the stouffville fire department even though your phone may be listed on the 640 exchange and dont try to look up the number of the claremont brigade because its not listed call zenith 33130 its long distance but as a convenience to customers the toll charge has been removed now isnt that a pleasant thought your home and contents may be totally destroyed but the one con solation remains it didnt cost a single cent to call long distance to call the brigade until this utterly stupid policy is changed the pickering areas of altona and atha are completely off limits to stouffville firemen unless specifically requested to lend assistance this fact was brought to light last week when stouffville submitted two separate bills to pickering for payment the one 120 has been approved but the second 230 has not or hadnt up to june 4 when the matter was discussed by village council up until a couple of years ago stouffvilles fire service extended into pickering the calls were few and the rate was low now the entire section is serviced by claremont forcing volunteers to travel 5 to 6 miles with a stouffville unit standing idle only a stones- throw away pickering council is reasonably safe in withholding payment because they know that firemen being human will still respond regardless of location or remuneration that excited call for help or that ominous glow in the sky will bring action without argument we would hope so and so should they but to establish fire areas on a municipal boundary line basis is foolhardy not that the claremont brigade is any less efficient its just too far for them to travel however until the arrangement is altered the pickering fire number is again zenith 33130 keep it handy editors i hj dear editor how long have you been living here who lived here before from where did your family originate where did they settle when has the family always been in this area these are some of the questions i have been asking residents of the century city area as part of my study to write a history when the pioneers settled their families usually took up land in the same locality and so the families expanded if anyone mentioned altona in the 1840s they probably meant the reesors the jones the millards or any of the other early settlers each family had a role and a reputation in the community as they worked worshipped and socialized together many descendents of the original settlers have remained in the area but new families have also become an im portant part of its development these families all have a story to tell such as the number of years in the community names given to their farms when their houses were built positions held by family members as well as interesting and sometimes historical incidents the purpose of my study is to collect and compile information from the townlines of the southwest corner of uxbridge township to highway 47 and the brock road although the history includes politics the economy the historical buildings the emphasis will be placed upon the families past and present because of the large number it is impossible for me to visit all the families concerned from this study century city developments will be selecting names for the streets parks schools etc as part of their aim to retain the history of the area for this reason i do not want to overlook any families when completed copies of this history will be made available to those interested since i have only until the end of july any in formation you may have and are willing to share would be greatly appreciated in talking with people many have said if only grandad was living he could have told us if we take the time now to ask and to record this information will not be lost for the future gwen do ws well rri goodwood 6403876 fire motto pickering townships refusal to pay a 230 account billed by stouffville for a fire call to altona last month must be likened to a motto on a comic float entered by the sutton brigade in the mount albert sports day saturday it read dont call us well call you frauleins too a group of students from stouff ville dist secondary school par ticipated in an immersion course in german at kettleby on the weekend the program was arranged through the york county board of education could come in mighty handy commented one enrollee especially for guys who own volkswagens sugar and spice the jobs are there by bill smiley knock our economy cockeyed temporarily but to get back to the students and their lack of jobs much of this wailing is pure hokum i feel genuinely sorry for the student who has tried earnestly to get a job and failed however for most of the others i couldnt squeeze a single tear there is a job for 95 per cent of them if they- want one but they want the job they want one like the old man has five days a week coffee breaks nothing demeaning and good pay they dont want a job they want a this year again there is a terrible panic about students not being able to get summer jobs it is amplified by the facts that general unemployment is steadily increasing that a fairly heavy recession seems on the books and that many companies are losing money or going broke my heart does not bleed for the stockbrokers and the financial wheelerdealers but the facts speak for them selves the construction industry is in the doldrums the prairie wheat farmers are in bad shape these two big sources of labor and income can dear sir i would appreciate your assistance in trying to locate members of the 405 squadron from its wartime era 19411945 and the postwar period 19501970 gathering of eagles from 19411945 and again from 1950 to the present day eagles have dared the call is out again for all who still dare on sept 18 1970 all eagles will gather at cfb greenwood for the 25th anniversary of the squadron during this gathering the eagles will be presented with their official colors all former eagles are invited to attend this gala reunion if you are interested please write for full details to chief eagle vp 405 squadron cfb greenwood nova scotia rg bartlett captain public information officer vp 405 learn by doing the intersection of hwy 7 and cone 10 markham was the scene of an accident friday in which a tank truck carrying lethal ammonia gas overturned in the ditch spilling the containers out on the ground in spite of repeated warnings by of ficers of the opp for photographers to stand well back one chap from a toronto daily persisted and he got his shot right in the face thatll clear out your sinuses commented the constable unsympathetically sinecure something where they can put in so many hours and collect so much loot whether theyre any use or not something where they can treat the job as an unfortunate in terruption of their fun time and something that is not beneath them this is not a blanket con demnation i know a lot of kids who slug it out in dirty tough jobs all through the hot summer months while their more discriminating contemporaries lounge at the beach hang around the streets taunt the fuzz and whine about a system which hasnt provided a readymade job for them this by the way is the same system which they constantly attack for being competitive afraid i havent much patience with this large group how many of the girls slouching around in jeans or dazzling mankind with their bikinis have tried to get a job as domestic help all over the country women who can pay for it are scrambling for babysitters floor- scrubbers human dishwashers and ironers these kids could make about 150 an hour with coffee breaks a free lunch and weekends off but this is below their dignity they didnt go to grade 12 or to university to do housework how many boys apply for menial tasks even though they often pay well shortorder cook scrubbing floors in office guildings tending gardens mowing lawns clipping hedges not many the hours are too long or the work is too hard or the sun is too hot i know recently i wanted some kids to rake my lawn because i didnt have time to do it myself i offered the job to four of my classes 60 per cent of them boys pay 125 an hour they laughed at me heartily but without malice know what i wound up with two little grade 13 girls about five-feet- nothing they wanted the money to buy clothes and worked like twin beavers did a better job than any boy ive ever hired blistered all hands right into the thickets to get the leaves filled 48 of the big plastic garbage bags any enterprising youth could make a killing cutting lawns on a contract basis capital expenditure would be about 75 he could make 15 a day without pushing himself but that isnt very glamorous when i think of my first job cleaning latrines scrubbing floors and polishing brass 12 hours a day 7 days a week 30 a month you can understand my lack of sympathy portraits from the past beautiful white swans in a private pond on the property of mr and mrs frank vanstone rr4 stouffville would attract the attention of weekend motorists out for a leisurely sunday afternoon drive and still do was thomas pollution nuts i by jim thomas im as pollution conscious as the next guy and feel as most people do that governmental action to control it is long overdue but unfortunately as in most dedicated endeavors of this kind there invariably arises a segment of citizenry who for publicity purposes or otherwise go off halfcocked on such projects to me this type of person is as bad or even worse than the individual who refuses to do anything and they dont all live in the big cities either for instance just the other day i received a call from a lady out claremont way if you want a story on pollution she said quite exitedly take a drive out the 9th concession she was gone before i could get her name or even an exact location but i decided to follow it up anyway just a few miles east of stouffville i came upon the source of her complaint a farmer with a tractor and spreader was polluting the ground and contaminating the air with a rather ripe load of good old- fashioned cow manure and brother was it potent waf ting its way on a northwest wind clear through to brougham it was quite obvious the well- fermented product had come from some stagnant box stall that hadnt seen the sign of a fork since fall a suburbanite not so familiar with such things as i would have sworn the implement and yes even a section of the field was on fire great columns of white steam rose about six feet into the atmosphere and disappeared but the odor didnt in fact it seeped into the car even with the windows and doors tightly closed i stopped for a moment and so did the farmer there was nothing else to do but go over and say hello he recognized me immediately thats the real mccoy youre haulin there i said referring to the homebrewed load hooked on behind you bet he replied first powertakeoff spreader i ever owned just got er this spring and she works real good i then explained that i was mentioning the manure and not the make and model of the machine he laughed a kind of goodnatured hearty laugh so common with country folk he then went on to explain how the property of little over 100 acres had once beenone of the best farms in the area he told how it was sold to a speculator about ten years ago a buyer obviously hoping to make a bundle out of the deal but much wants more and while the owner waited the fields grew up in weeds and the soils productivity wasted the farmer explained how he had taken out a threeyear lease on the land although he anticipated little return on his investment in the current season so thats why im soakin the fertilizer to er he said lord knows she needs it with that he waved goodbye yanked the tractor into gear hauled down on the throttle and roared off hurtling great clods of waste in all directions strange but all of a sudden the nosecurdling scent smelled sweet and the womans tale seemed trivial some folks are just plain pollution nuts procanadian as a type of sales scheme gas firms offer their customers all kinds of inducements to buy everything from baseball bats to balloons shell oil in our opinion has come up with the best idea yet one that promotes not only their companys products but also canada its the offer of prime ministers medallions with every 3 purchase bill hamilton proprietor of the shell station on main street west in stouffville is as enthusiastic over the plan as his clients and so is the district sales manager gary honey it only goes to prove that canadians do retain some pride in their country past and present