page 2 the tribune thursday apr2 1970 community spirit rekindled where theres life theres hope as the saying goes and life was certainly in evidence here saturday morning it was the homecoming of champions juvenile hockey champions and in spite of the hour 4 am the village or a large portion of it was on hand to receive them those who were not aware of the fact that the team had won an ontario title were made aware of it as a cavalcade of cars assembled on rather short notice moved bumper to bumper along main street to the arena who would have thought that a bunch of boys some with long hair too could in a single series lift a communitys spirit up by the boot straps the stouffviue juveniles have done it lets hope the fevers contagious not only in hockey but every endeavour existence often short lived there is talk of organizing a ratepayers association in the pon- derosa stouffvilles newest residential development we wish its promoters well past experiences have proved however that groups born from seeds of discontent only flourish for awhile then die a slow and agonizing death there are exceptions of course but their numbers are few an organization of this kind must take a long hard look at its objectives if its constitution is founded only on a cam paign of complaint and criticism without practical recommendations and suggestions then its doomed to failure before it gets off the ground and its executive although possibly located in one area must look beyond the boundaries of one subdivision if not then socalled pressure tactics will only tend to antagonize rather than improve relations with other residents many of whom may be experiencing some of the same problems worse even than this however is the adoption of an hostile attitude towards a council whose duty it is to serve not one but everyone cooperation is the keynote to success without it forget it before its too late stouffviue secondary school student body and the staff have so far shown themselves to be responsible and respectful of the opportunities and equipment being provided in this fine school the staff is firm and shows a belief in students being in school for one purpose only to learn if this is not their aim there is no place for them there and their place is out in the workaday world to seek their own level however all around us matters are not so bright the audacity of many students is a frightening gauge of how great the socalled generation gap really is they can quickly organize a protest on slightest provocation the situation at toronto university last week showed up just how ridiculous matters have become many people were astounded to learn that a school was being called on to provide care for children of married students whose pregnancy was certainly no ones responsibility but their own certainly not the school few educational heads are left who will exert themselves to be boss of the situation which the general public expects them to be many oldtimers can recall when it was considered a privilege to attend school at all sure there were marches then too but most were to and from classes in these backward days students had to work to finance themselves for what education they received they felt that they should take advantage of the opportunity to attend classes when they were available the young protestors have no hesitation in grasping the righteousness of their cause they dont need the background of experience on which those of other years relied for judgment they claim they know where its at whatever that might mean but it may still not be too late for we stoddy members of this less hep generation to get with it too it is possibly not necessary for this generation to provide so generously for the support of schools they dont need them they claim it is much better to spend the money on doing their own thing then there are the costly school buses who needs them why just the students in many cases a new system is being introduced whereby the student will not have to go to classes only when it suits his fancy classes could be shut down there would certainly be a sub stantial saving there we know these are childish suggestions regardless of whether these audacious boys and girls recognize it or not the rest of us have a respon sibility to see that they receive an education if they are old enough to protest they are old enough to realize they have a commitment to make the best use of the facilities provided the school board has the right to discipline if it wants to exercise it but it knows too that this responsibility belongs to the parents theyd do well to exercise it while they still have it i editors mail dear editor if charity has to have a beginning and an end then it must indeed begin at home but it cannot end there for anything that ends up where it starts goes nowhere personally i prefer to regard charity as having no beginning and end but as infinite in selecting the canadian hunger foundation for the proceeds of the hunger supper to take place sunday it was favored because it is a canadian effort and nonsectarian more im portant its sole objective is to end hunger by assisting selfhelp agricultural and food production schemes approved by the united nations body fao as this is its objective its funds necessarily go to projects over seas a family on welfare in canada is above the hunger level because support of the hunger supper is urged by various churches in stouff viue it does not mean that there is no charity at home right here in stouff viue various churches have recently formed a service wherebv anyone in need of help not expert help but just the help of a human with two hands and a heart may get it if it is at all possible by phoning these numbers 6403544 or 888- 1720 persons to increase the panel of helpers are urgently needed robert leach dear sir members of the york county board of education would appreciate it very much if through the medium of the tribune they could make known to community church groups ratepayers associations service clubs and the like that they are happy to attend meetings of such organizations to discuss all aspects of the boards operation education the direction it is taking and its increasing costs are a concern not only to the board of education but to the community at large members of the board would therefore welcome the opportunity of meeting with local groups wht wtibunt established 1888 c h nolan publisher jim thomas editor noel edey advertising published every thursday by inland publishing co limited at 54 main st stoultville ont tel 6402101 single copies 15c subscriptions 500 per year in canada 750 elsewhere member of audit bureau of circulation canadian weekly newspapers association and ontario weekly newspapers association second class mail registration number 0396 sugar and spice a kitten for easter by bill smiley somebody ought to do something about easter its much too flexible its supposed to be a time of rebirth and rejoicing but you cant really be swept away by a feeling of rebirth and new life when there is still a foot of snow on the ground and the wind cuts to the marrow im not knocking easter i like it i love the sackcloth and ashes feeling and the gloomy dirges of good friday when even the pubs are closed and there is a joy and triumph in the easter sunday hymns that cant be surpassed i think even by the christmas carols easter is also one of the days that keeps many of our churches from becoming extinct some primitive in stinct brings out the wayward the fallen the sinners and the easter sunday collection is the best of the year you meet old church friends you havent seen for a year and wont for another this year we were sent a manif- festation no it wasnt from the department of national revenue although it is pretty good at providing such things we had a birth in the family and were privileged to witness the blessed event an experience which must convince the most hardened cynic that god does see the little sparrow fall our kitten had a baby this may seem a contradiction in terms but she is a bare adolescent yet she managed to produce with great yowling labor pains of all kinds to answer questions explain board policy outline budgeting procedures and makeup discuss educational trends within the county program chairmen please note requests for speakers should be directed either to individual trustees or to the writer at box 40 aurora or call 8848131 8890660 or 7273141 it should be borne in mind that trustees always have a large number of board or committee meetings to attend and so may not be able to speak at your meeting unless they get sufficient notice however every effort will be made to get speakers as required mrs margaret mclean communications officer one tiny kitten i didnt think cats had labor pains but she did now i havent any use for cats but i was fascinated by the whole procedure we knew she was pregnant of course but lady cats just like lady women are rather unpredictable about the exact day or even week of the great moment she had begun to act a trifle odd its true prowling the house looking for the most inconvenient possible place to lay her eggs we caught her twice in the fireplace casing the joint but i thought it was at least a week away shewas so spry when we put her out she would leap nimbly onto a win dow sill and sit there glaring malevolently at friendly tomcats come to visit or alternately at us through the window i got home for lunch from a saturday bonspiel and was chatting with my wife make parents proud dear mr thomas one boy and twelve girls quite a handful not in the least a bakers dozen to make any and au parents proud to say they belong to you or with you i am referring to the stouffviue centurion color guard in the past few weeks you have read of the ac complishments of their captain but do you know who else is in the guard i do and im very proud of each and every one their conduct at guard shows in ontario and us is admirable they are responsible and respectful they work hard and are presently practising for two shows in new york state one being the international color guard cham pionships in rochester they are a credit to their parents and community and i feel they should all receive recognition everyone in stouffviue should be proud of the centurions members are david christie drummer bev aiken jill barber lois farthing tyrellann holden denise kamps arelene mcfadden margaret ohara maureen ohara vicki roberts allison small susan steckley and arelene yakeley mother mrs joan kamps rupert avenue in the living room boring her with the shots i had almost made pip was sitting on the best chair in the room she was acting in a rather peculiar fashion stretching her legs in all directions i remarked on it my wife agreed and went over to look at her blam too late the water sac or whatever had burst all over the brocaded upholstery with one fell swoop i snatched her up and deposited her on a blanket and bingo she popped a kitten something resembling a tiny dead dinosaur child- bride though she was pips instinct worked and she licked and licked until the infants heart began to beat isnt it remarkable how a cat will clean up the entire mess leaving her offspring sleek and shining and isnt it amazing how a mere chick of a kitten by the act of giving birth turns into a complacent mildeyed smug mother nursing by the hour with her motor going on all cylinders we were as delighted as she was and had a glimmer of that feeling grand parents must have when the first grandchild arrives what really shook me though was my wifes reaction normally if anyone drops so much as a crumb a bit of ash or a drop of coffee on her precious furniture all hell breaks loose and theres her good chair with a great stain on it and she tosses it off as nothing she became all soft and motherly and was heating milk and tucking in her kitten and lifting it on her hand to look with the inevitable accident i year in canaaa j canadian weekly n association second j dear mr thomas heart month in canada is now over and on behalf of the canadian heart fund ontario division please accept our sincerest appreciation for your co operation and assistance during our financial campaign in february our objective this year was 1000000 and although all returns are not in as yet we are quite hopeful that our ob jective will be attained maybe sur passed without your willing cooperation in communicating our needs to the public the canadian heart fund would not be able to express such an outlook heart disease is everyones problem and again our thanks for helping us bring to the public attention that research should be everyones responsibility ontario heart foundation miss esther m richards mm amine keeping the home fires burning portraits from the past beginning this week the tribune will publish pictures out of the past but still not beyond the memory of most residents today remember this date it is sept 8 1961 the official opening of stouffvilles new 370000 main street the reeve of that day kenneth w wagg addresses the audience jas thomas blliaihbhnilmamnilmimubhiahibhmbbha by jim thomas a supporting spectator contingent estimated at 800 ecstatic fans ac companied stouffvilles juvenile hockey club to aylmer friday for what proved to be the championship game of the year i was not a member of that mass migration a fact some folks may con sider strange but i had good reason for remaining at home three in fact and im glad i did first unlike most village residents good friday is not a holiday for me its the same as any other friday in a work- aday week mind you the old town was pretty dead the main street a prover bial morgue but then who can predict what might occur be prepared i always say secondly having reached the ripe old age of forty ive got to watch that pressure gauge that could blow its cork under excess nervous strain i have a history of congenital hockey fever that gradually worsens with the advent of spring playoffs knowing this two other younger and stronger tribune penmen were assigned to the aylmer beat even with them the excitement took its tou one is still fighting to survive thirdly i was at the arena as the players their girlfriends and ac companying fans boarded three buses en route for a date with destiny as coach jake harman took a lastminute head count of his boys i cornered him for a departing comment whats it going to be i asked bluntly four straight or back here on tuesday this is it he answered quickly were going all the way tonight i knew he meant it but lacking his kind of optimism i made arrangements for a phone call at the games end at 1130 it came loud and clear we won we won it was 43 or was it 54 im not sure but anyway we beat em by a goal should be home in two hours see you then click the conversation ended but the homecoming hurrah had just begun i immediately called the reeve and the wheels of organization were put in motion assistance was requested from the police stouffviue whitchurch markham and the opp at oak ridges fire chief walter smith sounded the alarm and volunteers jim rennie and lloyd jennings responded but it takes more than three police cruisers and a fire truck to make a parade it takes people we kept two lines going continuously and the response even at two oclock in the morning was amazing not a single person thats right not one expressed resentment at being roused from a sound sleep thats what i call community spirit the communications system didnt end there we agreed to stop every car on the street both coming and going its surprising how many folks are on the go at 2 am here again the cooperation was one hundred percent or almost two or three roared right through possibly fearing some kind of armed holdup one couple all the way from montreal stopped expressed their congratulations en francais and drove on the anticipated arrival of the team was set for 215 a wild guess mind you and a mighty poor one the boys stopped to eat somewhere between aylmer and hespeler throwing the horntootin schedule two hours off base the players bus pulled into ringwood at four the long wait failed to deter the en thusiasm the procession stretched out more than a mile and the noise vas deafening bedroom lights flashed on people peered out through parted cur tains some stood out on the street while others joined in with the cavalcade of cars down to the rink it was a great conclusion to a great series for a great bunch of boys a little whoopdedoo on main street even at four in the morning seemed a fitting tribute to an ontario championship team our first in 18 years years to those however who resent such midmorning shenanigans and there were some we offer no apologies we did it because we felt the occasion warranted it and we hope some day the same good fortune will come to town again but dont blame the police and dont blame the firemen if you must castigate someone the reeve resides at 62 park drive no th iii