Whitchurch-Stouffville Newspaper Index

Stouffville Tribune (Stouffville, ON), March 19, 1970, p. 13

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thursday mar 19 1970 the tribune page 13 wrthum little red riding hood tales b83snr- i farmers invited county seed fair a a wall agricultural representative for york county newmarket york cty spring s here and the york county seed fair is on its on thursday today at victoria square the emphasis at the seed fair has shifted strongly to hay silage and various forms of grain corn so its easy to show exhibits now no more hand picking samples of grain show it like it is is the theme now just pick a full bale of hay out of the mow or a gallon of silage from the silo and youre in business entries are invited from all farm ers in york chemical spraying has to be the number one topic this year and the program at the seed fair is devoted entirely to it the speakers are bruce shillinglaw of fisons and paul fish our soils crops specialist weed killers will be a main item materials to knock annual grasses out of corn new products to tackle thistles bindweed buckwheat and quack grass and weed killers for soybeans will all be dealt with insecticides and fungi cides have to have a new look this year too some insecticides have been taken off the market so changes have to be made seed treatments are very important with soil treatments and foliage sprays being generally re stricted to very severe outbreaks only seed treat ment is too often taken for granted as long as there is some strange look ing pink colouring on seed its assumed that it is protected against all diseases insects cold weather and whatever the fact is that seed often is not fully treated m one time when a woman doesnthave the last wordwhen shes talking to another woman teds appliance service rri locust hill ontario telephone 2940636 folks all know the place to call to get the best ir gas01- don shank fuels 243 main n markham 2941600 a up mora home pro lection in one pack age at less cost with our homeowners policy call today call kenneth a shepherd 7th une box markham telephone 2s115s3 state farm fire and casualty company canadian head office jfthxiromh ont as it comes from the deal er this whole business of chemicals in farming re quires special knowledge and training the trial and error approach isnt good enough when a whole crop is being risked and the health hazard for the person handling them is a big factor too this is the purpose of the seed fair program march 19 it starts after lunch and all farmers are invited establish county rabies clinics york cty due to an increase in the incidence of rabies in york county during the past several months the federal department of agriculture health of animals branch is organizing with the help from local municipal authorities and with the assistance from local veterinary practitioners free rabies vaccination clinics for dogs and cats clinics in 18 locations are planned and will com mence monday march 23rd through april 2nd the reservoir of rabies infection in ontario is in the wild life population mainly foxes and skunks where the number of these animals is large dogs and other domestic animals and man are more likely to be exposed in an area such as that strict control measures are to be enforced to prohibit dogs from running at large and coming in contact with a rabid fox or skunk local authorities are required to eliminate stray and senseless slaughter ken faulkner conservation officer dear editor recently a complaint was investigated concern ing the harrassment of jack rahbils by snowmo- bilers the area in ques tion is located south or highway 7 behind the vil lage of concord in the township of vaughan there are several open fields taking up half a concession and free of houses and fences thus allowing snowmobiles to run wild upon arrival in the area the officer discovered one of the worst massacres of wildlife he has ever en countered scattered in every direction were car casses or remains of one of the sportiest game ani mals still existing in this part of the province he jack rabbit further investigation turned up 21 butchered animals that had been run over by these powerful machines closer inspection revealed the imprints of the rub ber tracks of these ma chines imbedded in the animals the snowmobiles had chased these animals to death can snowmobiles be blamed for this useless destruction of life or the cowardly attitude of a few socalled funloving citi zens unowned dogs as they are potential means of spreading infection for vaccination to be effective at least 75 85 per cent of dog population must be vaccinated however vaccination alone will not eradicate the disease there is a per centage of dogs which do not become fully im munized when vaccinated annual vaccination of dogs and cats in rabies enzootic areas is absolutely essential no real wolves in southern ontario suggest withdrawal of death bounty by edgertoq pegg claremont rjl 2 from time to time i have read reports in local newspapers of dogs and wolves running in packs in the southern townships of ontario county i have also heard of mothers who expressed fear that wolves might attack their chil dren i would like to assure those people who are still living in the day of little red riding hood that they can safely unlock their doors and let their children go outside to play in the first place there are no wolves any nearer than algonquin park and even if there were you have nothing to fear since there is no re cord of a wolf ever having attacked anyone dogs yes but not wolves it could be well over a hund red years since the timber wolf roamed in our local ity the last one sighted in prince edward county was in 1922 coyotes however we do have these animals came into ontario from the south about the turn of the century in no way is the coyote a wolf nor will it mate with one they arc not livestock killers as some people believe sel dom taking anything larg er than a rabhjt i have been reassured of this by ranchers that i have spok en to in saskatchewan where new born calves arc dropped on the prair ies unprotected and miles director unionvilie at the annual convention of the ontario nurserv trades association held recently at the skvline motel tor onto mr david petrie of white rose nurseries li mited unionvillc was elected to the board of di rectors to serve as chair man of the research com mittee an invitation to all farmers and their families special door prizes all the pancakes you can eat latest farm equipment movies all day mr and mrs farmer family come and join us have a feed of pancakes let us show you our appreciation for your business i we have arranged to have a delicious pancake feed all you can eat for you and your entire family youll see all the latest ih farm equip ment including tractors combines balers and tillage units there will be movies all day i and for the luckier ones special door prizes to take home come and join us well be only too pleased to serve you i tuesday march 24 1000 am to 5 pm at chas richards and sons limited hwy 47 stouffville 6403830 plcaslnc you 1lmso ii away from any buildings as clever as it is the coy ote has never learned to climb over poultry fences nor does it run in packs to menace deer farmers in prince ed ward county were alarm ed last year when their sheep were killed sup posedly by wolves as re ported in the kingston whig standard a lab oratory was set up and 16 animals that had been shot were brought in fif teen of these were coyotes and the other was des cribed as some sort of hy brid dog autopsies were carefully performed by game wardens stomach contents of the 15 coyotes showed that nothing had been eaten other than ro dents traces of pigskin and wool were found in the dog once again prov ing that coyotes are more beneficial than harmful when brush wolves as they are sometimes called arc scarce a female may choose a dog as a mate this is where trouble be gins the offspring known as coydogs will sometimes turn to killing livestock coyotes teach their young to catch grasshop pers then rats and mice groundhogs and other ro dents in the west they help to control the des tructive gopher roadside kills provide them with carrion thus keeping our ditches and streams free from additional pollution no animal is more gentle to humans even when cornered or trapped it will not fight back but cringes in terror it is difficult to under stand why the coyote is so misunderstood and so mistreated being shot trapped poisoned snared wolves on the prowl in southern ontario dont believe it says kdgerton pegg claremont rr2 he recommends the death bounty be removed and a bounty placed on its head a news report on feb 27 lold of one being hit at least twenty times on lake simcoe by ski- doos before its battered body ceased to function a disgusting incident to say the least ten percent of farm crops in ontario are des troyed by rodents each year we arc told a news depatch from yugoslavia last year reported that more than fifty percent of the food there was eaten by rats and mice the ex planation given was that foxes and other predators had been killed off we dont want this to happen here but it will if we con tinue to give our preda tors little if any protec tion surely the lime has come when the bounty on coyotes has long outlived its usefulness and should isseseeee be removed thus allowing do a job that mankind has this beneficial animal to been unable to do do you need your income tax prepared call james a deacur cost accountant tax consultant bookkeeping services 6401988 or 9641370 line north now in stock delicious chocolate rabbits chocolate eggs etc fiatwei ut0n3 ingush ucorice cm allsorts 3i99 kraft cheese singles best buy green giant fancy quality 12ox tins mm l niblet3 brand corn 51 best buy sara 12c- raspberry or strawberry wagstaffe jams 55 save 10c allens 2mi glm jor applesauce 39 save 8c plain or salted isoz kgs luestoh crackers 39 best buy brimfull fancy quality tomato juice 27 save 20c sx midget i zoi tin canned ham save 17c orange or grapefruit 48ox tins from conwntrot pm1trv shelf 31 st m saw iw dccouto colouu km iathmom viva tissue 699 tea 4i vumi iofw ulck good mat mci margarine 31 na m vauxi orr pack hi the tea 69 ww w vsnnoots cat food 599 io jk vaiui of f pack domestic shortening 3 5 rutvmt catm caumch 11 ot hunkt munch iwvrm wuatrtlt quaker cereals 47 liaihrlh vuui u oft iamko t ac t uukct tim ajax cleanser 45 ua mi aiuei n orr f acx in wor m glide starch 55 no sum not vm mirage j119 saniflush tot bowl oeimr 49 inciai net hculu m action mmt peps0demt 3 99c usterine antiseptic 69c bromo seltzer sb 59c runnci ito a whtii roasted coffee 79 katuml ms a wwii 0 av instant coffee 79 ntoaat rooo mn uccami juummt french fries 49c ami suxmmt cmoiv llfttui ctuvt sara lee pies 79c canada dry mjx 01 match gingerale orange root beer wink qt size 4 for 95c specially selected- grade a plump juicy wm chicken 39 burns fully cooked dinner hams ij1 9 k4kmto wmu 0 mm hmf leg 0 lamb 69 schneiders famous sozkc1 v mm a tmmm dutaav 4jh mm fe m a am m t t r r crrojsass zsv mali nr lamb a basket 39 rib lamb chops 59 xai tern mcmumo ot nvmo fresh fruits- vegetables grapefruit 10 97c hot house c cucumbers tor 3 j ontario no i carrots 3 lbs 39c we ore large enough to serve you on d small enough to appreciate you v free parking at rear of store stouffville red white foodmaster free delivery open thurs fri nights til 9 pm

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