thursday mar 12 1970 the tribune page 7 brownscombe and company family business 77 years jn ill mm mm hill hi lii mlii i iis jlij ill si est isj i li 1 1 1 1 j lila r 1 1 j i h m i fjbk fe i iy h ottf the business of brownscombe and company uxbridge has been sold after 77 years ah merchandise will be cleared in a sale that begins today peter harris mrs harold spofford left and her sister dora the store owner and manager are daughters of the late jf brownscombe who started the business back in 1893 peter harris uxbridge the well known uxbridge main street store of brownscombe and com pany will conclude 77 years of business history in the town this month a dry goods sale to in clude the entire stock of merchandise begins thurs day j f brownscombe be gan as a young man in a general store at mount al bert in 1889 later he married emma e miller of that community and moved to uxbridge in 1892 the original uxbridge store was located across the street where the old post office now stands it was destroyed by fire at one time mr brownscombe had five branch stores in northern and western ontario with a staff totalling 40 per sons the firm had its own money minted mr brownscombe was one of the communitys most enthusiastic sports fans attending all hockev and ball games along with his five daughters it was common practice for him to entertain the players later to a fowl supper and oyster stew in the family home mr brownscombe serv ed for manv years as an elder in trinity united church and was active in the businessmens class the five girls sang in the choir conducted sunday school classes and served as leaders in the cgit since 1944 dora brownscombe has served as company owner and manager she has continu ed to maintain the same family tradition of sup port for church and com munity projects parents to school bv rosemary timms claremont parents of children attending the claremont public school were given the opportunity to sit in on classes there during education week held march 2 through 6 school principal mr ward organized the program which provided the opportunity for a closer association between the home and the school the womens institute will hold a euchre march 18 in the community hall at 815 pm and a bus trip march 31 to the canada starch cooking school contact mrs barton for details the good fellowship class met at the home of mrs briggs marcii 10 with mrs hammond and mrs hamilton in charge of the program march 15 is vinity college day at the baptist church with john torrance of mcmaster university as leader fred demary and douglas barner will conduct the morning worship in the evening at 630 pm there will be a pot luck supper followed by a drama on drugs and discussion ricky timms attended a toronto star carriers dinner meeting held march 4 in bay ridges the annual scoutguide hobby show will be held in the pickering high school march 14 from 1 to 430 pm congratulations to roger weir and louise johnston married march 7 in the claremont united church with rev lin- stead officiating seamless micro mesh nylons all first quality reg 79c pr 2197 new spring styles handbags reg to 600 x87 advance patterns supphose all panly hose infants reg 600 wear linings asst colors reg fr00 vwice 77 entire stock winter gloves 0 entire stock winter coats price mercerized thread by national 300yd spooi reg 49c 3 97 reg to 65c your choice 17 all ladtes exquisite form slacks bras values to 350 off v all ribbons wi price all fixtures store equipaientreal estate for sale tailored slips by ksyser reg se 3234 600 377 slimette girdles by exquisite form values to 1300 797 gingham reg 89c yd asst colors 63c yd 70 x 90 in ibex blankets by texmade reg 895 677 nylon tricot peignoir sets reg 850 547 knitted orlon scarf long style reg 298 197 cotton broadcloth reg 79c 57 yd- crimplene 60 wide reg 650 yd 497 playtex living bra values to 800 4 77 jax panty brief sml sf 53c p- toweling yard lengths 63c kayser suphose reg 525 41 7 pair special sale hours thursday only 10 aml to 9 m new spring fashion dress material reg to 225 yd 147 1 yd orion antron yarn by holiday 2 oz ball reg 100 77 coats mercer crochet cotton reg 60c 47 flannelette assorted white reg to 79c yd 57 entire stock fall winter hats reg to 1295 97 your choice mm entire stock sweaters 20 off crinkelette twin size white bed spread lengths r 77 598 3 entire stock playtex girdles 25 off lightning zippers 6 to 24 asst colors 25 c 7 yd snuggledown pajamas or gowns by lady barbara 147 reg 598 kayser ladies briefs reg to 259 sml 197 1 pr entire stock dresses values to 4200 size 10 to 24 vi 13 17 00 sale hours 9 am to 6 pm thurs fri to 9 pm brownscombe co ladies wear notions yard goods linens 80 broad st uxbridge ontario