page 10 the tribune thursday mar 12 1970 c sified ads 60 sales reglsif r auctions 60 sales register auctions 02 60 sales register auctions sale time weather condi tions rain snow or shine weather will be fine sale under cover large large tent meals ana refresh ments served henry kahn sale manager bill walker htnry kahn auctioneers 403 sat mar 21 auction sale of farm stock implements hay grain furniture the property of farmer ball lot 15 con 2 whitchurch twp 1 mile south 1 mile east of aurora or 5 miles south of newmarket 36 head of hoi- stein hereford cattle 8 hoistein cows close spring ers 18 hereford hoistein cows all bred i 2 hereford bulls number of bred heif ers etc 22 good pigs chunks 10 pigs iso lbs mf 50 gas tractor good mecormick w6 super trac- tor oliver 77 tractor nh baier 2 vrs mh combine 10 ft selfpropelled no 82 good case grain trailer 100 bus mecormick 16 disc drill on rubber ac weed sprayer fiberglass 200 gal tank good full line of machinery- 1300 bales of hay 100 bus grain qu of furniture farm sold terms cash sale at 12 noon note furniture sells first reg johnson son auctioneers phone sunderland 3573270 gerald graham clerk 112 saturday march 21s 1970 for sale by public auction 4 room bungalow with full basement in good state of repair situated on part lot 25 con 1 east in township of uxbridge hav ing approximately 6 acre lot with same cor 17 highway 5th concession 3 miles south of uxbridge will be offered at 3 pm subject to reserve bid terms lotr day of sale part of balance on 1st mbrigage to reliable parties further particulars day of sale or apply to own ers messrs rankcll and triflletti or phone 2663133 clarke prentice auctioneer markham 61036s6 412 ing equipment a long es tablished herd using ebi unit sires with daughters from selling rockman lass ie leader kayen farm an thony etc featuring 6 bred heifers 17 yearlings and calves farm machin ery ford tractor case baler good condition bale elevator grain auger grind er mecormick seed drill 2 yrs old mecormick 2-fur- row plow 3 pt hitch disc plow 3 pt hitch disc har rows 4 3 section harrows chain harrows cultlpacker grain corn binders mow er manure spreaders back- loader saw frame blade tandem wheel wagon trail er electric brooder stove other misc items feed 1000 bales hay 500 bales straw 800 bus oats dairy equipment delaval milkers 2 delaval separator palls strainer the property of otto strehl at the farm 1 mile east of taunton ont then turn 1 mile south at bp service station on taun ton road approx 4 miles southeast of oshawa no re serve illness forces sale terms cash machinery sells at 1 pm cattle sell 230 pm kahn bros sale mgrs auctioneers 403 tue mar 24 auction sale of farm stock imple ments hay grain the pro perty of don hall lot 6 con 11 brock twp 2 miles west of derryville or 1 mile south i mile east of wilfred 30 head of hoistein cattle 11 milk cows a number fresh 8 pailfed calves a number of yearling steers heifers 2 sows bred 27 good pigs 2500 bales of hay 250 bus barley 500 bus mixed grain mecormick w4 tractor good shape case model s trac tor mecormick 46 baler waterloo threshing machine full line of machinery farm sold terms cash sale at 1 pm reg johnson son auctioneers phone sunder land 3573270 gerald gra ham clerk 412 wed march 25 clearing farm auction of 50 holsteins 20 fresh or springers 3 tractors sp combine 12 swather conditioner like new new forage harvester dion su forage wagon power drill pto spreader new pto forage blower 4 fr and 3 fr tb beam 3 pt plow new 10 mounted disc snow blower baler with thrower cultlpacker 2 trac tor cultivators also 4 surge milkers new pump 33can bulk cooler sputnik 650 lb milk quota slab silo 16x40 cpt silo unioader stable cleaner large quantities of hay grain straw 1925 an tique car good etc the property of the late jas w mckean selling at the farm located at lot 2930 con 10 markham twp being 2 miles south of stouffvllle or 2 miles east of markham on hvvy 7 and 4 miles north or 30 miles ne of toronto note this is an outstanding farm auction with an extra good herd of holsteins and new and near ly new implements refresh ments available 2 auction rings operating at the same lime terms cash sale at 1230 pm atkinson and wil son stouffvllle uxbridge sales mgrs and auctioneers 391 wed mar 23 auction sale of farm stock imple ments hay straw grain furniture the property of max bagshaw lot 22 con 13 brock twp 1 mile north of cannington mile east 46 head of hoistein hereford cattle 6 hoistein cows 2nd calf i bred july aug 7 hereford heifers calves by side 11 hoistein heifers bred since nov no of calves 2500 bales of hay qu of straw grain mf no 35 diesel tractor sedore loader dion threshing machine good mf 3furrow trip beam plow mecormick cul tivator full line of machin ery qu of furniture farm sold terms cash sale at 1 pm reg johnson son auctioneers phone sunder- land 3573270 412 fri march 27 auction sale of 65 head of beef cattle mostly hereford angus and durham cows calves by side 2 charolais bulls no ol yearlings mh 135 diesel tractor 1968 chev ton truck 1968 mh tractor loader ford tractor spread er plow disc harrows hay grain furniture firewood etc the property of ron comer at lot 6 con 2 geor- gina twp 2m miles east of brown hill off hwy 48 then l miles north on county road at cedar brae or 7 miles southeast of sutton no reserve farm sold terms cash sale at 1 pm frank bennett norm faulkner sales mgrs and auctioneers 404 wednesday march 25 complete murton dispers al 31 head of registered and grade holsteins machinery hay straw oats and milk- saturday march 28 auction sale of 22 head of hoistein cattle fresh cows springers milkers and 10 calves allischalmers trac tor row crop wf first class condition allischalmers b tractor standard 1954 chev truck m ton threshing ma chine with grain blower 24 new favorite ihc culti vator 13 tooth mh disc drill 13 spout massey fer guson manure spreader full line of implements deep freezer electric stove kit chen stove combination bed room furniture quantity of odd dishes antique articles at lot 7 8 con 7 township of pickering 1m miles north of greenwood mile east of claremont conserva tion park 5 miles west of brooklin the property of walter pascoe farm sold terms cash sale at 1230 sharp mount zion ladies providing lunch alvin s farmer auctioneer 8875311 404 saturday march 28 auction sale of farm ma chinery and equipment and truck including david biown 990 diesel tractor power steering 1500 hours excellent mecormick 44 diesel tractor with manure loader good mecormick super w6 tractor me cormick no 46 4 furrow trip- beam plow new allied 30 tooth cultivator new mas- soviiarrls no 60 sp com bine 10 mecormick no 16 courses for adults business and industrial training the following daytime courses will be offered at seneca colleges sheppard campus at yongc street courses commencing march 16 1970 weeks fee commercial clerical drafting 40 40 si 2000 s12000 financial assistance you may qualify for a train ing allowance under the occupational training for adults program sponsored by the department of manpower and immigration see your canada man power centre for details day program available only for further information contact associate registrar business and industrial training division telephone 2239661 seneca college of applied arts and technology 3 sheppard avenue east willowdale ontario w t newnham resident f v mlnkler chairman of the board teacher salary negotiations forage harvester 2 heads used 1 season gehl hi- throw forage blower 60 pipe hew farmer silo dis tributor allischalmers self unloading forage wagon gehl su forage wagon me cormick 46 hay baler with thrower 2 grove wagons with racks for bale thrower brady hay conditioner mal- co hay conveyor mecor mick 15 side rake mccor- i mlck 100 hay mower 7 3 pt j hlich grant 26 elevator john deere pto manure spreader jd corn planter 3 pt hitch mecormick seed prill grain and fertilizer farm trailer lincoln weld er 1964 ford 4 ton truck fleetside box good nu merous other articles note an excellent line of farm machinery much of it nearly new always been stored inside the property of meddcroft farms selling at the east farm 1 mile east of epsom or 2 miles north ana 1 mile west of manches ter or 6 miles east of ux- bridge on county rd 9 terms cash farm sold sale at 1 pm sharp lloyd wilson uxbridge and w d atkinson stouffvllle sales managers and auctioneers 413 another solution needed trustee mrs mae wild and mrs everton smith of stouff- ville spent sunday at port perry visiting their sister and her husband mr and mrs james mcdonald birthday gathering by ada steckley ringwood mrs lu- ella derosicr was honored at a gathering on the oc casion of her 84th birth day it was held at the home of miss priscilla pipher guests included mr and mrs r mckenzie of lazo vancouver is land mr and mrs george harman and mrs r burkholder stouffville mr and mrs bill jones courtney bc mr and mrs tom burpee and daughter susie mr and mrs jeff mclaughlin mr and mrs john elliott stouffville up to march 5 the salary negotiating committee of york county board of education has held a total of 18 meetings trustee arthur starr told stouff ville council thursday mr starr a member for stouffvillewhitchurch is the appointed chairman to date he said the committee had met ten times with secondary school teachers and on eight occasions with spokesmen for the elementary school staffs i feel there must be a better way he said councillor ian chapman a former school board member under the old system expressed his sympathy i wish you luck he commented on the question of new school sites mr starr suggested a lot fee charge as the only fair way he said that through this method taxpayers would not be hurt through payment of market value kathy chris and wendy mr and mrs ross pipher harvey jr and mark mr and mrs don mclaughlin of toronto and mrs grace sherdahl phone calls were received from as far distant as florida victoria and niagara falls mrs ken campbell was the guest speaker at the monthly meeting of the excelsior class held at the home of mrs jos fockler feb 26 she told of conditions in the north west territories with par ticular reference to yel- lowknife where her daugh ter mrs d kelly and family reside honor parents on anniversary i ss 8s prices in the same way he said one sibdivider would not be required to sub sidize another he ex plained that a new school is not always required in every new subdivision councillor tom lonergan wanted to know if the board had con sidered a policy whereby the developer would build the school and then lease it mr starr replied that such a plan was under consideration but nothing as yet had been finalized bv norma tranmer bloomington mr and mrs ted barry and family entertained at a dinner party for her parents mr and mrs edgar smalley of sandford on the occasion of their 44th wedding anniversary other guests were mr and mrs irwin kvdd and mr and mrs walter carruthers sandford and mr and mrs tom dawson goodwood sunday visitors with mr and mrs barry were mr and mrs byron lockie and family belhaven mrs ruth courtney is a patient in wellesley hospital mr and mrs norman gress brantford were weekend guests with her parents mr and mrs lew la vine i il you are cordially invited to attend si the twelfth annual meeting of h the canadian mental fe health association in york county to be held jj tuesday march 17 1970 at 830 pm 8s don head secondary school iw vaughan road richmond hill 5g guest speaker dr quentin raegrant ij address the communitys responsibility for 5 mental health sock it to whom jj preceding coffeeparty 730 830 pm rs houston for discounts 0i s 000 llvm- oimitnu d frilly reg value 75c bansmoke medicated gum reg value 198 129 geritol a multivitamin iron tonic reg value 309 259 florient air freshener reg value 149 119 houston pharmacy v l mainwest stouffville 640 2272 business directory xxttejtc bridal and dress salon 8 main st markham 2944054 over 300 high quality suits dresses and gowns must be sold now spring fashions are arriving every day so in order to make room we are clearing all our overstock of dresses and gowns at unbelievable low prices licensed public accountants bregman sharpley co chartered accountants 60 tenth line north stouffville ontario tel 460198891 9841370 toronto line ian campbell chartered accountant office and residence kr4 stouftvllic 6402932 auctioneers counties of york and ontario a s farmer licensed auctioneer ph gormley 8875311 ken clarke prentice auctioneers ph 2942419 or 640j3686 chiropractors formal gowns priced reg to 65 clearing now for 15 and up dresses and suits clearing for 5 10 15 and up r spencer jackson chartered accountant y unionville professional building unionville ont telephone 2972491 leonard r rosenberg ifc associates chartered accountants 81 yomre st s aurora telephone 8847110 sale lasts for one week only tuesday march 17 to saturday march 21 closed monday open 930 to 530 daily for this sale open thurs fri until 830 to celebrate our 1st anniversary each lady will receive an orchid and with a purchase of 2500 or more you will have a chance to win a voucher toward a spring outfit first prize 50 second prize 25 thomas e withers bcomm ria chartered accountant po box 192 19 church st n stouffvllle ont phone 6403378 john c wylie fla licensed public accountant auditor office residence wylle acres mussel- mans lake rd rr 2 stouftville phone 6403144 j s delaurier dc 201 main street west stouffvllle ontario office hours by appointment only monday to saturday telephone 6403562 wm s baird dc chiropractor by appointment 2940701 369 main st n markham dentists dr f h darbar bds dds dental surgeon stouffville plaza stouffvllle 6402227 electrical electrical architecture industrial commercial residential electrical service 2945100 tribune classified ads get results funeral i directors oneill funeral home stouffville funeral director mr murray nendick continuous telephone service day or night phone stouffvllle 0402855 ontario land surveyors d h black ontario land surveyor 310 painted post dr corner of markham rd scarborough ont phone office 2825283 res 2824508 r g mckibbon ontario land surveyor 115 main st n box 117 markham phone 2943754 malcolm phillips ontario land surveyor 175 main st w stouffviuc phone 6404031 opticians howard g mills regd optician 286 main street west stouffvllle prescriptions filled appointments made contact lenses phone 6403465 optometrists f richard black od optometrist stouffville medical centre for appointment 6403722 hours 10 am 8 pm every tuesday real estate professional real estate appraisal service estate expropriation etc steeles ave e mullken 2933460