thursday stpt 25 1969 the tribune page 7 sensational offer fidm famous rt jelect from over 1 20 masterpieces over the 5vfiixt 12 weeks in beautiful brush stroke texture with weekly coupon and purchase of s or more the expanded accommodation at green gables manor bloomington will be officially opened this sunday sept 27 at 345 pjn by dr margaret arkinstall york manor newmarket this full second time exposure at f45 portrays the beauty of the property the public is invited to attend the open house both saturday and sunday and inspect the renovations now complete jas thomas green gables manor hold open house on location this weekend bloomington dr margaret arkinstall med ical doctor in charge of york manor newmarket will officially open the new addition to green gables manor saturday with the ribbon cutting at 345 pm green gables was open ed in march 1966 by mr and mrs lewis lavine with a staff of three and five patients with the new addition the home will accommodate 40 patients with a fulltime staff of 15 plus several part time per sonnel five of the staff mem bers are taking part in a training program for prac tical nurses they will re ceive their certificates after one years work at the home and 50 weeks of evening classroom sessions in toronto participants are pat leduc sturgeon falls patricia mitchell and faith pirrier temis- caming quebec jeanette blanchette mattawa and janice dietz fergus other staff members in clude mrs devina btun- dell mrs grace feirhel- ler mrs ethel lee mrs ellen slingerland mrs morris mrs samantha edna parks mrs molly comeau mrs doris -asel- ton registered nurse and dr blair mitchell of stou- ffville the consulting phy sician the home built under health department regula tions has automatic fire alarms call systems and a large commercialtype kit chen milk and eggs are ob tained from livestock rais ed on the property and a 14 by 16 foot cooler has been built to store vegeta bles grown in gardens there floors in the building have been covered with a new seamless substance that is skidproof fire proof water resistant and repells stains and acids inlets in the walls lead to a central vacumm cleaner a thirty foot hose is plug ged into these units en- business directory licensed public accountants chiropractors legal j s delaurier dc 201 main street west stouftville ontario office hours by appointment only monday to saturday telephone 6403562 wm g parsons qc barristers and solicitors 157 main st w po box 820 ph 6402211 stoultvillc r spencer jackson chartered accountant unionville professional building unionville ont telephone 2972491 meyer iosthumus wassenaar barristers solicitors notaries country ready mix building hwy 47 po box 1038 stoultvillc ont tel 6402694 wm s baird dc chiropractor by appointment 2940701 369 slain st x marklium patterson norton mcmullen chartered accountants 1758 victoria park ave scurboroiifth ontario 7514396 ontario land surveyors dentists john c wyue fia licensed public accountant auditor office residence wylle acres mussel- mans lake kil k it 2 stoiiftvule phone 610 3144 d h black ontario ijincl surveyor 310 painted post dr corner- of markham rd scarborough ont phone office 2825283 res 2824508 dr f h darbar bds dds dental surgeon stouffville plaza stou ffville 6102227 electrical r g mckibbon ontario land surveyor 56 main st n markham phone 2943754 opticians leon rd r rosenberg associates chartered accountants 81 vniijfc st s aurora telephone 8847110 jvttcubarougfj electrical architecture industrial commercial residential electrical service 2945100 howard g mills regd optician 286 main street west stouffville prescriptions filled appointments made contact lenses phone 6403465 thomas e withers bcomm ria chartered accountant po box 192 19 church st n stou mil le ont phone 6403378 funeral directors oneill funeral home stouffville funeral director mr murray nendick continuous telephone service day or night phone stouffville 6402855 optometrists f richard black od optometrist stouffville medical centre for appointment 6103722 hours 10 am 8 pm every tuesday auctioneers counties of york and ontario a s farmer licensed auctioneer ph gormlcy 8875311 legal real estate ken clarke prentice auctioneers ph 2942419 or 643686 button and armstrong barristers and solicitors- notaries public ii r button qc j m armstrong qc ct c ness ba ilb 6 main street east stouffville telephone 6403530 professional real estate appraisal service estate expropriation etc steele ave e mllllkrn 2933160 buy office supplies at the tribune abling staff to clean the building without carrying the vacuum cleaner with them the home has two single rooms 4 triple rooms 54 bed units and one 5 bed ward there are living rooms lounges a library two sun rooms arid a treat ment room a 5000 gallon reservoir has been built on the pro perty for fire protection purposes there are hoses on each floor and connec tions for the fire depart ment mr and mrs lavine told the tribune that their pol icy for patients is based on tender loving care and understanding they try to maintain a manor at mosphere rather than that of a nursing home resi dents are called guests rather than patients in this way they hope to ach ieve a stage of content ment among the people take a look at the show window display in crest hardware store on main street it is most timely for the fall season rheumatic pain get fast relief the very first day rumacaps are specially formu lated to give you fast relief the very first dayfrom nagging rheumatic pains and aches also proven effective for relieving lum bago sciatica headache and neuritic pains ask for new rumacaps a distinctive blue and white capsule of soothing comfort at your local druggists rumacaps are capsules of soothing comfort ed eproduction plus 50 savings on frames vour choice of 8 different styles 32 different designs selecting jus e right frame to suit your painting ami home can be just as important as selecting the picture now as a special bonus offer you can select from finely crafted wood frames in a variety of beautiful finishes and sites to fit each art masterpiece redeem this coupon for one 1 1 v 1 a famous art reproduction 11a1h with any purchase of 500 or more 1 st week valid only sept 22 thru sept 27 limit one coupon per family 7n the dairy case iga mild jtieese t6 m ices imft pu1m phiuoelpma cream cheese ml f10iii0 pride a sa orange juice 3nv i soft margarine sis 29 aesy uin jet puff ei fruit fuy0u 0 white marshmauows hostess potato chips pie crust mix s libbys beans k i etui ummaxia mmuokid net nt kin aylmer fancy soups chi vers jams iait dills or brud t iiittbt coronation pickles coronations dills stutokdioztiiis pie filler 2 2 2 39 55 33 69 39 39 pfle0 stmwieirtrhumrb 39 blueurrtilqc orchertkf p3wich knmcuuokmh fiunfacaps rumacaps mellow sweet golden ripe bananas 229 trtbhl uniakiu pork ifyast butt portion fresh butt pork chops 69 tablerite skinless pure pork sausage jj9 sunny morn rindless side bacon vac pak lb 95 sweet t juicy valencia adaiiacc produce of union uk a nil co of safrica local grown canada no 1 cello carrots local grown canada no 1 cello onions canada fancy grade crisp mclntosh apples d0z size 112 3 lb bag bag 3 lb bag 59 25 25 43 peekfrean tk wtt first quality pylons tprs frozen svvansonbeef tv winner m shop and save at your iga 1 iga fancy bfe aw0 a applesauce iau building a home then you should consider a sun life mortgage protection policy in this way the mortgage will be paid oft if you should die pre maturely and the house will really belong to your family you protect your home from fire and theft why not from death let me show you how easily this can be done iikinz v dauks unit munacrc rjt3 curcmont telephone 6401065 stjn life of canada quard mfm deodorant lfjt 55 mortons mac cheese 2 a 37 hsdseye awake grange orink 2 89 rupert halibut fish chips uwjsg jiakcrytrcats iga oven fresh r t0asnustefreshjoff a orange date bar 36 saw lour bonus tapes wr iga food certificates iga bonus gifts i eaton gift certificates extra 10 tapl with jtmioirioctou saran wrap tt7fta j 10 tapi i with tnuntiu toilet tissue wnrtmcouomd i ixtra 2 tapl with ocuxsnur cranberries rioovceof04jlu extra 56 tapl with ieeirmnou saran wrap blended grapefruit or orange treesweet unsweetened juices ixtra 6 tape with two- 1401 sue a j ax son cleanser i txm 6 tapl mm m0lfumust economy prunes ixtra 2 tapl mm kmttmlol cheese alora pizza ivs ixjra 2 tapl mm luncru burns wieners j ixjra 2 tapl mm oktumfe ic0e potatoes lolfllc food prices and bonus booster items effective sept 24 25 26 27 we reserve the right to limit quantities stouffville food liner now open mondays 9 cm to 6 pm thurs a fri til 9 pm