thursday sept 25 1969 the tribune page 3 begin construction in 1971 of new claremont bypass road 1 million project claremont ontario county council has approv ed the construction of a 1021450 twolane bypass road to skirt the easterly edge of claremont from a point 2000 feet south of the village rejoining cone 5 at the pickeringuxbridge townline harry rammler of the county engineering depart ment said that while rati fication of the project is still required from the de partment of highways he anticipates no problem in this regard work expected to begin in 1970 will include the purchase of properties re location of utilities and clearing of land actual construction will likely start in 1971 with an over pass to be built at the site of the cnr line mr rammler said that due to the magnitude of the venture it could not be completed in one year the entire cost will not be borne by the county however in fact its share will be reduced to about 250000 financial subsi dies will come from the railway transport com mission 444800 cana dian pacific railway 28- 800 dept of highways 296895 and others 500 the bypass route is one of two plans that had been recommended for the area mr rammler said to wid en the existing brock road through the centre of claremont a shorter dis tance 12 miles would have been cheaper 1148- 300 but highly impractical since so many properties extend up to and over the a map drawn to scale shows the plan of the new bypass road to skirt the village of claremont work on the project will begin next year with actual construction to start in 1971 road allowance besides mr rammler said we hated to remove all those lovely trees while throughtraffic will be removed from the village itself claremont residents will benefit in an other way the present brock road will be im proved to the satisfaction of county engineers and handed back to pickering township mr rammler anticipates no problem with regard to traffic flow editors mail while construction is un derway he noted however that some slight incon venience may be experi enced when the new by pass is linked up with the brock road north and south of the village adequate signs will be erected to inform motorists of the correct route to reach the business area of the claremont community mr rammler concluded commend go steady policy of uxbridge council dear sir i am appalled at the sup port you are giving to the revenue properties cen- tury city promotion it is however heartening to see that the uxbridge council are demonstrating mature judgement and insight by requiring more informa tion and study of this pro ject the people of ux bridge and their neighbors will probably never know prenatal classes for expectant mothers a course of weekly classes beginning in richmond hill 7 october 1969 and newmarket 9 october 1969 at 730 pm in hygiene of pregnancy how baby grows food for the family feeding the baby the hospital stay and other subjects of importance to the expectant mother fathers are invited to attend the first and eighth classes registration now being accepted at yorkoshawa district health unit richmond hill 129 church street 8841133 newmarket 22 prospect street 8951511 stotiftville main street g401334 sutton high street 7223371 how much they owe their representatives the province of ontario has under review various alternative regional plans these have been submit ted to municipalities for discussion satellite cities rigid ruralagricultural zon ing transportation corri dors and industrial zoning are all included while the province has asked for submissions and discus sion could its municipal board in advance of an of ficial plan allow century city not likely could the official plan include cen tury city if it did i am sure questions of informa tion leakage would be sug gested by an active official opposition but suppose revenue properties are lucky or persuasive and obtain ap proval what have the pre sent residents of uxbridge to gain from the urban de velopment of their town ship perhaps employment would be available for a few who had the necessary new skills some localbusi- ness would prospeft new industries could provide assessment but the disadvantages seem to far outbalance the advantages small business lacking capital to expand could not compete with the giants in the new mass market industrial assessment would not keep pace with residential building why would major industries considering sound manu facturing manage- ment principles locate in uxbridge township are there great supplies of water minerals skilled la bour cheap transportation or excellent communica tions uxbridge is not nearly as well endowed as pickering when judged by plant location criteria and pickering has found at tracting industry a very difficult problem one in- iiiiiiitiiiiiiiiiiiiiieiiiiitiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiifiiiiiiiimiiiiiitiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiriiiiiiiiitiiiiiniiiiitiiiiiiriiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiuitiiiiiuiimiiiiiiiiiiiiiitiiiii howyour texaco home team beats the winter cold dustry which is captive to the developer will not pro vide assessment for a city higher taxes would be inevitable schools roads sewers incinerators civic buildings and staff require money every resident within miles could expect to re- drill his well every few years as the water table dropped clean streams and ponds would be of the past due to reduced flow and added pollution our already overcrowd ed road network leading to the area would be hope lessly congested perhaps a bypass road around stouff- ville would relieve the congestion and the stouff- ville merchants of their customers the artists imagination illustrates beautiful trees lakes and mansions but are these the realities of a new subdivision if cen tury city threatens bank- rupcy with the project in complete who picks up the tab when they are in trouble will they appeal for cheaper construction high density housing or aid from present ratepay ers the rural residents of pickering have been shown the folly of urban develop- ment rather dramatically by the recent assessment on their properties garden this is a new texaco forced warm air fur nace it is designed to en sure the complete com bustion of every drop of oil so you get maximum heat at minimum cost especially since oil costs you less than other fuels in the first place loam manure compost and our i star mix i williamson bros 2972087 choose from several models all are fully guaran teed and available on long easy term pay ment plans if you need one lets talk about it well see that you always have the home comfort you desire day and night our teamwork keeps the heat on don shank fuels 243 main st n markham ontario phone 2941600 home comfort iiiniiiiinniimtinietniiiituntnaihiiiimmtnniuinrmiirnniiiniiiiiniiiiiitiiihriiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiinirtiiiiiiiiiiiii tiiiiiiiiiiiiiiaiimiiiiniiiriiiiinmtimnmnitinnin it am k up more home pro tection ir one pack age at less cost with our homeowners policy call today call kenneth a shepherd 7th line box 44 markham telephone 2011562 slate farm fire and casualty company canadian hiad office scarborough ont the bypass road wiii swing to the east from a point 2000 feet south of claremont harry hooper the bypass will rejoin the brock road near the intersection of the uxbridgepickering townline north of claremont harry hooper aerial map markham an aerial map of markham has been presented to the town council by the legal firm of mingay and shibley main street paul mingay and j t shibley attended a meet ing monday and made the presentation at that time the photo printed to a scale of 500 feet to the inch will hang in the coun cil chambers perhaps a time will come when a satellite city should be built northeast of tor onto but that will be after the ontario government designates a region guar antees road and commuter service and the financing necessary for its success it is unbelieveable that the people of uxbridge would want to place their future in the insecure hands of revenue proper ties without provincial backed guarantees l d almack rr 2 claremont editors note as we stated previously in reply to a similar letter the tribune has not given editorial sup port to mass residential buildup as may be propos ed in century city we do however argue in favor of all the beneficial industrial assessment that car be coaxed into the munici pality century city in our opinion is a separate issue get your car ready for winter now with an application of unda spray unda spray is a special grease formula specifically manufactured to help pre vent your car from rusting its use is recommended by large fleet acr counts try it youll appreciate its value call 6403450 and make an appointment dont forget we have the latest equipment to give your car a complete tuneup neil patrick motors main west stouffville ltd r i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i st patricks ccm and north york knights of columbus tuesday sept 30th 1969 tarn 0shanter golf club sheppard avenue and kennedy road admission 500 entitles you to 1 car game new 1969 pontiac or cash 275000 1 50000 game 4 15000 games 14 7500 games extras at reasonable prices doors open 6 pm regulars at 750 pm other big specials during evening 1 i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i worth 320000 j door prize for a 25 colour tv j