harvest time festival at pioneer village sept 27 pennsylvania german festival saturday september 27 1969 1000 am 500 pm featuring demonstrations exhibits and sales x corn crop makes comeback a a wall york cty the weatherman has done a fantastic job for the corn crop lots of heat and no frost has produced fairly good maturity on corn that didnt appear to have a hope in july silo filling started on some farms last week and up in the banana belt at udora richard mehl was even combining grain corn the weather has pulled soybeans out of the fire too this last two weeks frost free was desperately needed to mature the beans there are some good looking crops around including those at oliver bales carl boyntons bob julians walter brillin- gers and lloyd doners silo filling is one of those rare jobs where its better not to hurry too much up until a good frost dries up some moisture its difficult to get corn dry enough to avoid seepage from the silo fermentation doesnt go right for immature wet corn feed value is lost with seepage and it doesnt help the walls of a silo either but the big point is that from the milk stage to the harddough stage dry mat ter yield increases by about 50 and dry matter is the stuff that counts water is cheap our staff at newmarket increased last week don stevenson a specialist in sheep and svine will cov er a wide area of ontario dealing primarily in sheep production don is from nova scotia and is avail able now for consultation we expect that special ists in field crops vege tables and farm equipment will be added at newmar ket in the next few months this is in line with the de partment of agricultures new policy to service much more adequately the needs of an industry that gets more complex every year buys trucking firm stouffville the wellknown livestock truck ing firm operated for many years by george alsop of goodwood has been pur chased bv john reinie stouffville rr 1 the transaction was finalized last week two years ago mr ren- nie acquired the business owned by bert tait of stouffville thursday sept 25 1969 the tribune page 15 ssiio buys used guns tj5j 5 main st west stourtville 6402771 oct 1st weve applied for bur winter wheat insurance its good protection and reasonable in cost consider coop boycott visitors to black creek pioneer village saturday will see sights like this at the annual pennsylvania german festival many residents from the markhamstouffvliie area will participate in actual demonstrations on the grounds from 10 am to 5 pm a boycott of farm co operatives and other com mercial farm organizations that give support to the ontario federation of ag riculture will be debated at the farmers union con vention sept 29 and 30 in london for a long time the ofu has been at odds with ofa policy otto prues ontario re gional coordinator of the national farmers union said members have indicat ed no opposition to the federation of agriculture or any other organization so long as it is financed by their own money and not through compulsory de ductions on produce and levies or grants this pro cedure has the effect of conscripting farm union members and supporters into an organization which they have long ago recog nized as outdated and ob solete he said j m ftaser spring farms holsteins streelsviffe be sure and apply for your winter wheat insurance before the deadline october 1st or 10 days after seeding whichever comes first this is your last chance to get lowcost comprehensive insurance and guard against the risk of poor crops resulting from winter kill hail flood and a host of other hazards that can drastically reduce your yields act now to protect your investment of time money and effort find out how from your local crop insurance agent hes listed below the crop insurancecommissionofontario parliament buildings toronto 5 ontario carson weeks insurance agency ltd 112 main st markham 2940722 pioneer village more than 10000 persons are expected to flock to black creek pioneer vil lage this saturday to at tend the colorful pennsyl vania german festival which will recreate har vesttime festivities of the preconfederation era the festival will be held from 10 am to 5 pm at the village located at jane street and steeles avenue it will feature demon strations of such pioneer crafts as applesnitzing spinning weaving the making of sausage butter candles and applebutter corn roasting grain grind ing and chaircaning pennsylvania german folklore societies from kit chenerwaterloo jordan- vineland and york county will take part there will also be an eightpiece ger manstyle oompah band from new dundee which will parade through the village grounds throughout the day playing its distinc tive brand of music an oldfashioned spel ling bee will be held for children at the village schoolhousc at 11 am and 130 pm pennsylvania german cooking and baked goods as well as other handicrafts will be sold by the men- nonite central committees relief agencies with pro ceeds going toward relief work and volunteer assis tance to developing over seas countries black creek pioneer vil lage is being developed as a preconfederation com munity by the metropoli tan r and region conservation authority and now has some 20 fully- restored buildings of the pre1867 era these build ings will be open to the public during the festival king match sept 27 king city the an- ual kingvaughan plowing match will be held satur day on the phair farm king sideroad va miles east of king city on duff- in street the president for 1969 is lome brown king city there are 11 compelc- tive classes plus several special awards the banquet and pres entation of prizes will take place in the united church oak ridges iff nro leasing limited tttxtruck ut rentals hourly daily weekly pickups stakes and vans r available at low kates rjddells supertest service highways 7 48 markham phone 2m2733 2972733 custom pressing altona cider mills sat only 8 am to 12 noon phone 6402589 apples bought daily american motors is on the move new cars new ideas and a new spirit of challenge for the 70s on the move starting right now thats american motors on the move with hornet the greatest com pact weve ever built a car thats designed to let you pay a little or pay a lot depending on whether you want 2 doors or 4 a 6 or v8 and which of many luxury options you choose on the move with ambassador still the only standardsize standardprice car thats air con ditioned as standard equipment this year redesigned over a now longer body on the move with a new concept addition to the rebel line the first lowcost big room station wagon on the move with new higher horsepower engines fed by ramair scoops on javelin and amx on the move with dozens of safety perfor mance and comfort features that include anti- theft lockable steering columns new twin- balljoint suspensions fibreglass belted tires exclusive safety windshields new power steer ing and much much more come on this has got to be your year to move with us let our nearest dealer show you how easy it is announcement john rennie livestock trucking is now the new owner of george aliop livestock trucking for prompt service call stouffville 6402879 trtttttttttt farmers mobile grinding and mixing services on your farm concentrates prem1xes complete feeds molasses blending 5 mobile mills to serve you we bring toe mill with concentrates and molasses to your farm instead of you trucking grain to the mill thorn mobile feeds ltd unionville 3971644 whether you buy bulk or by the bag when you buy feed you are really buying nutrients the protein energy vitamins and minerals that are responsible for growth and production when in proper balance cooperative research has developed belter balanced high nutrient density feedsthis means coop feeds actually contain more nutrients per pound than ever before you can increase rate of growth and pro duction on the same amount of feed or maintain present rates on smaller amounts of feed when you buy feed remember youre really buying nutrients get the feed that now has more nutrients per pound coop brand feed t stouffville coop 47 edward st 6401550 from uco high nutrient density feeds for ontario farms american motors fl is on the move see hornet ambassador rebel javelin and amx at these american motors dealers its a moving experience les wilson motor sales 297 moin street west stouffville 6402462