page 4 the tribune thursday jul 24 1969 stou f fvi lle scen e whats going an miss renee green lon don england is enjoying a onemonth vacation at the home of her cousin leonard r b green westlawn crescent mrs verna wright and mrs kdna burgar of tor onto were visitors on sun day with mr and mrs cliff lemon rupert ave mrs charles taylor obrien avenue is recover ing from surgery in york countv hospital newmar ket mr and mrs bruce row- botham and laurel of cornwall spent the week end with his mother mrs frank rowbotham and sis ter mrs helen dewitt laurel is a school teacher in the london area mr and mrs bob weth- cral and family of pointe claire quebec spent a few days with his mother mrs j g wcthcral and aunt miss marv curtis church street north miss mary rae obrien ave is holidaying in van couver with her brother colin she will also be go ing to california on thursday members of the friendship club were taken by bus to en joy the day at black creek pioneer village and mc- michaels conservation of art at kleinburg this trip was under the auspices of the legion ladies auxil iary mr and mrs ed wil liams mr and mrs gor don holden mrs betty ac ton and keith are spending a few days holidays at the lakehead mrs alma johnston mill street returned on the weekend from a twoweek lour which took her to the west coast mr and mrs glen fish er john and elizabeth of windsor were visitors on the weekend with her par ents mr and mrs kugcnc baker rupert avenue many attend timbers reunion a reunion of the timb ers families was enjoyed on saturday afternoon when over a hundred des cendants met at cedar stone park north of greenbank for a picnic the program was in charge of robert timbers of sand- ford with mr and mrs harlcy timbers of sunder land mr and mrs russ jarvis box grove and mr and mrs howard timbers of aurora assisting mr phil roberts of newmarket was the oldest one present mr and mrs ambrose timbers of detroit mich came the farthest distance the youngest one was the baby daughter of mr and mrs morlev jarvis of markham rr mrs margaret kelly to ronto spent a few days this week with her daughter soninlaw and family mr and mrs james campbell glad park ave prior to leaving for a vacation in ireland mrs john lehman mill street has returned from a two month visit with mrs anne young in vancouver mr and mrs carl rccsor and mr and mrs harold badgcro recently returned from a three weeks visit to the west coast mr and mrs irvin gei- gcr of kitchener spent the weekend with their daugh ter audrey mr and mrs russell smith main street west slim newlovc reports that in a few weeks he will have a 4 year old pinto stallion named hill billy music arriving from the usa for stud purposes the regular meeting of stouffville municipal coun cil scheduled for august 7 has been cancelled the next meeting will be held on august 21 tribune inside four newspaper boxes have been stolen from in front of the tribune office over the last couple of months and only one re covered it is regrettable that vandals may force the discontinuance of this ser vice the boxes are of little value to anyone and there is little monetary gain as the coin boxes are con stantly attended stouff ville police are continuing to investigate in the mean time we would point out that tribunes are for sale commencing each wednes day night in town at the following locations evans variety aikens pharmacv beckers milk east end store houstons pharmacy scliclps red white shines tobacco store stouffville variety valu- fair widdifields drugs town restaurant hals hunts sunoco some of these outlets are open un til 11 pm mr and mrs w arm strong of kirkland lake were weekend guests of mr and mrs chris arm strong albert street north a very enjoyable week of holidays was spent at glen rocks on lake ros- seau by dorothy and mil dred moycr along with friends evelyn rusnell and verna arnold of toronto and mrs clarence grothier of watertown ny stella pearson of stouff ville left malton by air canada on july 9th for a holiday trip to europe slim newlove of stouff ville the well known pinto horse breeder returned from the american pinto horse breeders associa tion annual convention held last week in the usa with the news that he had been elected 3rd vice president of the asso ciation slim told the tri bune that besides the hon our he received he was al so presented with a char ter making the maple leaf pinto association a direct branch of the american association congratula tions slim scottish lass heather cunningham scarboro makes an imposing figure as she was caught by the tribune camera hea ther was competing in the dancing for 7 and under at the markham highland games on saturday harry hooper crosier reunion the 38th annual re union of the crosier fam ily was held at the stouff ville memorial park stouffville there were 52 in attendance one of the highlights in the afternoon was the cro sier family tree booklet especially prepared by mrs g samells which was available for those who wished one during the re mainder of the afternoon the sports committee plan ned a fine program in which both the young and old participated everyone sat down to enjoy a picnic supper at the conclusion of which the business period followed the election of officers were as follows president mr bob short toronto vicepresi dent mr ray munro port perry sec treas mrs len somerville seagrave sports committee mr p crosier toronto mr g crosier ajax giles cars giles trucks must all be sold chevrolet the friendly dealer giles remember 69 chevys from 2370 chev olds ltd putting you first has put us first phone 6401610 or phone 2972391 331 main west stouffville explosion alarms populace stouffville the breaking of the sound barrier bv a fastliving jet oxer this area a few davs ago alarmed residents as the sonic boom shooi buildings over a wide area almost at the same lime whitchurch tup police received a renri of a plane crash in wil cox lake the report turned out to be fake and police dismissed the ru mor as the work of a crank robert symes buried monday stouffville the funeral service was con ducted on monday from oneills funeral chapel for robert charles symes son of mr and mrs char les symes goodwood mr symes had been a victim of muscular dystrophy and was in his 22nd year the service was con ducted by rev thormin and the pallbearers were dean norton george red- shaw joe taylor stan feasby ron evans and ron may interment was in stouffville cemetery besides his parents de ceased is survived by one brother walter and two sisters barbara mrs traccy and helen mrs ken lysohirka mr and mrs geo vvii- son rose avenue have re turned home after spend ing a week on the spanish riviera the trip was an award given to them by american motors it was decided that the 1970 reunion be held on june 20th at the stouff ville memorial park anyone wishing the lat est edition of the crosier family booklet may ob tain one by getting in touch with mrs g samells port perry ontario ham operator contacts down under bruce rowbotham a for mer resident who has been here visiting his mother mrs frank row botham is an amateur radio operator at his home in cornwall mr rowboth am told the tribune that he had been able to con tact another operator in australia and discovered that the australian ham from down under was fa miliar with the stouffville area and particularly the stouffville bakery mr rowbotham was able to tell his longdistance friend that his father the late frank rowbotham had for merly owned this local bakery further to this set of unique circumstances mr rowbotham discovered that the australian ham operator had been in can ada as a salesman of in dustrial instruments and the two believed they have talked before as mr row botham lias been with ca nadian industries limited for many years mrs fred pugh cone 10 north spent a week with her daughter phyllis mrs ehoy schneider and family in bloomingdale mr and mrs t cun ningham and family also mrs gordon downie of scotland have returned from a 2 week holiday at cape cod the large parking area to the rear and east of the new missionary church stouffville main st has been completely paved the improvement to the parking facilities completes the outside work at this fine new edifice and the church announced its gra titude sunday to mr har old wood for contributing the paving work garden supplies loam minurt compost and our 3 star mix williamson bros 2972087 ernest george wright dies suddenly funeral services were held on tuesday july 22 from the oneill funeral home for mv ernest george wright who pas sed away suddenly at his home 36 baker avenue on saturday july 19 1969 mr wright was in his 74th vear and is survived by his wife lovina rus nell of six months his former wile ruth fivlz predeceased him surviving are sons geo and harold and a daugh ter marie mrs roy ilo- warth ten grandchild ren and four great grand children the funeral service was in charge ol rev john hamilton of the mission ary church pallbearers were dun can white john wright ron howatt l a r r v wright jack wright and paul farrell your house plans should include ours the best plan to proteet thai new home of yours is a state farm homeowners policy the lowcost pack age of protection that pro viclcs oioader coverage foi our home and belongings md for you in case of taw- suits so tall im1ui1mci line today and find out how you can protect your new home from ihe ground up call kenneth a shepherd 7th line box 44 markham telephone 2941562 state farm fire and casually company canadian head office scarborough out interment was in sanc tuary park cemetery fi car rra leasing limited struck lflj rentals hourly daily weekly pickups stakes and vans available at low kates riddells supertest service highways 7 48 markham phone 2942733 2972733 yangtze pagoda dining lounge businessmens luncheons the famous yangtze combination plate consisting of 5 different selected quality foods if you are a chinese food lover this is the dish you must try catering to all kinds of banquets and parties yangtze pagoda tavern richmond hill reservations ph 8844278 hello stouffville youve probably heuu of us be cause weve been doing business wilh canadians for many years and were part of the traders group of companies recently we opened an office at 61 main st east next to the fire hall wed like you to drop into our office soon barry andrews our branch manager would like to ex plain some of the ways in which we can help solve moneyproblems reduce monthly payments at times you may find monthly payments are too high we under stand the problem and offer a sensible solution unite all your loans with one consolidation loan from trans canada credit for many cus tomers weve reduced monthly payments by up to 50 or more give you money in two hours there are many situations when you might need cash urgently for car repairs a sudden illness or emergency home repairs we understand the problem and we have the staff and equipment to process a loan application very quickly you could receive cash within two hours help improve your home there are times when youd like to add a room to your house get a new kitchen range enjoy colour television or finish the basement but you dont have the capital we understand the problem and for worthwhile purposes like these we can supply from 100 to 5000 or more offer sound financial advice you may find occasions when you dont know ihe best way to handle a financial problem or opportu nity and everyone offers you different advice we understand the problem thats why we choose our man agers very carefullytbey must have the professional training and expe rience lo offer sound advice to anyone without obligation were a company with a heart a company with loyal honest and dependable customers and wed like lo count you among those customers please drop in and gel to know us and our philosophy f trans canada credit 61 main st east 6404110