reception for councillor markham twp the end of a year the end of a term and the end of an era in the political history of markham tup such was the feeling of friends and civic lead ers who gathered dec 30 at buttonville to hon or retiring ward 3 councillor charles hoo ver since 1933 mr hoo ver maintained a con nection with township affairs positions includ ed tax collector treas urer clerk and welfare officer testimonials at the reception were spoken bv reeve stewart rum ble deputyreeve sid- nev gadsbv and coun cillor anthonv roman with him mr hoo ver the welfare of the municipality alwavs came first said mr roman longtime associate frank brumwell refer red to mr hoovers balancing influence on council he is one of the finest men i have ever known he said his witty remarks always a feature of sometimes serious nom ination meetings shone throuch for a last time when he rose to address the crowd of personal admirers never put your telescope to a blind eve he warned with a friendlv wink in the general direction of his hosts councillor hoover was presented with a reclinine chair and a travellinc bac from the township and the com- munitv centre board l charles hoover former ward 3 councillor twp of markham relaxes in a lovely allleather reclining chair one of several gifts received at a reception held in his honor dec 30 staff photo summer swim whitchurch twp the heated swimming pool at vandorf is now open to residents of both stouffville and whit- church everv saturday afternoon from 2 to 4 pm the program is spon sored bv the whitchurch centennial centre admission for children up to 12 years is 25c for adults 12 vears and over 50c the pool is located on slaters road at vandorf fun day stouffville the second annual family fun day sponsored by the kinsmen club of stouff ville will be held feb 8 at cedar beach park mus- selmans lake activities to start at 10 am will include sleigh and snowmobile rides hot food coffee and soft drinks in addition some one will win a brand new 18 horsepower johnson snow cruiser a s600 ticket will ad mit the entire family late fred chessman woodville service was conducted jan 6 from stoddarts funeral home lindsay for frederick chessman formerly of stoulfvillo who passed away jan 3 in ross mem orial hospital lihdsnv surviving besides his wid ow are four daughters two sons and three grand children interment was in smiths cemeterv woodville county welfare debated by markham township investigate benefits markham twp the 1969 council of the township of markham will investigate the benefits of administering its own wel fare service rather than come under the jurisdic tion of new county ap pointee h bilton mac- donald the decision followed the receipt of a letter from treasurer r n vernon outlining recent amend ments to the general wel fare assistance act effec tive jan 1 1969 the appointment of mr macdonald has been ap proved by the minister of social and family services hon john yaremko councillor charles hoov er asked whether mark ham had requested permis sion to operate its own welfare scheme he was told that such a request had not been submitted but council could take this action if it so desired at present welfare ad ministration in markham township is handled by dr fred mulholland rr 1 unionville some members indicated that there was no reason to change reeve stewart rumble warned against immediate action without investigat ing the issue thoroughly there may be some ad vantages to a county ad ministration he suggest ed i on a motion by council lor anthony roman and supported by councillor hoover it was unanimous ly agreed that the council of 1969 should investigate the advantages of a town ship administered welfare program motorist rams truck markham a 35 year old markham motorist died instantly dec 31 when his northbound sta tion wagon rammed into the side of a transport truck on hwy 48 near finch avenue barry rodgers main street w a s returning homo from work in tor onto when the accident occurred charged with criminal negligence is john burn ett 25 of uxbridge according to police the truck carrying a bulldoz er turned out on the high way in front of the rod gers auto the victim was pronounced dead on arrival at scarboro cen tenary hospital mr rodgers is survived by his widow an 18 month old daughter leslie and his parents mr and mrs l e rodgers rr 1 unionville i batteries i stolen i stouffville stouffville nolice report the theft of batteries from five newmodel cars on the lot at dick coffev mo tors main street west the loss has been esti mated at s128 will fight reeve williams pickering twp the council of the twp of pickering is opposed to regional status that would include the city of osh- awa and reeve john wil liams says he will take the fight right to queens park if necessary pickering had applied for inclusion in a regional area with metro toronto however hon darcy mc- keough has recommended that metro should not ex pand beyond its present boundaries mr mckeough has scheduled a meeting with township officials in tor onto jan 28 vol 80 no 32 stoufpvillemarkhamuxbridge ont thurs jan 91969 10 cents police chief plans crackdown on errant snowmobile drivers hard to catch stouffville the day of the joyriding snow mobile operator on stouff ville streets is over that is if the police can catch them since the first heavy snowfall these midget crawlers have led police on a neverending chase all over town on a road where the hazard is greatest the cruiser can keep pace but when the trail sudden ly leads across country the chase ends theres only one solu tion to the problem sug gested chief orland keat ing buy a snowmobile for the police depart ment seriously chief keating is concerned he has issu ed instructions that all regulations under the new snow vehicles act be strictly enforced he es timates the number of snowmobiles in stouffville to be over 200 and since so many meet the same description it is difficult to apprehend the owners during the past two weeks the police have been plagued with com plaints from irritated res idents whose lawns and gardens have been turn ed into snowmobile trails chief keating feels that the majority of drivers are quite responsible but it only takes a few to spoil it for many the most serious acci dent to occur to date was at the intersection of main and william streets jan 3 a newmodel boaski driven by howard graves 33 of westlawn crescent stouffville was in collis- sion with a westbound car driven by arnold tony brown 17 of loretta crescent mr graves suf fered a broken knee cap and facial lacerations propertv damage has been estimated at 51100 in two earlier incidents snowmobiles have hit parked cars but on each occasion the driver had left the scene before po lice were called the first occurred in the parking lot at the arena and the second at dick coffey motors the only person charged so far is 16 year old ai- vin douglas booth of stouffville he was appre hended for failing to obey a stop sign a collision between a car and a snowmobile on main street in stouffville sent the owner of this machine howard graves westlawn crescent to hospital staff photo wins bronze plaque stouffville fif teen year old kevin acton burkholder street stouff ville placed third in an olympicstyled speed skat ing meet at rumble pond richmond hill the competition cover ing 3000 meters nearly 2 miles included 15 skaters he recived a bronze plaque ten year old keith ac ton was the youngest com petitor entered in total points kevin placed fifth easter cantata s t o uf f v i l i e a stouffville choir com prising voices from all denominations will pre sent an easter cantata handels passion in april a practice will be held in the stouffville christian church tuesday jan 14 at 8 pm main street pileup stouffville a pileup of five cars on main street west dec 28 caus ed damage estimated at 635 but no injuries police said that an east- bound auto driven by david keeping main street east skidded on a patch of ice and rammed into the rear of a parked car owned by warren brown ninth line south the brown vehicle was pushed ahead into the rear of a third auto owned by john r weatherbee stouffville rr 3 minutes later a car driv en by james sawyer main street east in attempting to pass the accident ve hicles hit the front of a fifth auto owned by fred erick peck rr 1 king city due to the condition of the highway at the time no charges were laid on the same date a southbound car driven by william vaughan main street rammed into the rear of a parked vehicle owned by raymond pi- pher ninth line north police said that the pipher auto was in a private drive but the back was protrud ing onto the roadway damage has been estimat ed at 700 first meeting stouffville stouffville council will meet thursday tonight at 730 pm order inquest claremont an in quest has been ordered in to the death of a 19 year old claremont youth dis covered in the wreckage of his car dec 23 kenneth vernon was the lone occupant of the ve hicle that veered off the brock road and down an embankment one half mile south of claremont at the time of the acci dent it is believed that the victim had been pinned in the auto for about three hours ontario provincial police of the whitby detachment conducted the investiga tion solicitor honored pickering picker ing solicitor william g lawson has been named queens counsel in the an nual new years honors list announced jan 1 by attorney general arthur wishart mr lawson a former township reeve and a pro moter of many worthwhile projects in the munici pality was among 122 bar risters and solicitors in on tario to be so recognized mr lawsons office is in pickering village defunct school site sells for 71500 markham twp due to the sale of school properties in 1968 the trustees of markham tsa 2 will turn over a com pletely balanced budget to the new board of educa tion york county this information was re vealed by administrator wilfred morley at a year- end meeting dec 27 property chairman el- son miles announced that 15 acres on cone 7 adja cent to the markham vil lage boundary had been sold to elizabeth walk limited for a price of 71- 500 the transaction was conducted through jack presents chain of to markham town office mayor markham the wea therman is no respector of ccrcmonv a throeinch snowfall tended to dis rupt proceedings at the inausural meeting of markhams new town council monclav those who arrived in time to ob tain a sent in the nublic eallcrv had trouble leav ing the oarkinti lot markham two reeve stewart rurnh- nvcr did make it and mavor tom rrovlhnrsi of richmond hill was late council members were sworn to office bv the clerk howard graham thv aro mavor atma walker r v albert i nmtaiv deniitvreeve harold 1 awrle and coun cillors arthur bonner dr domtd cnnlv cordon marshall and w a i t e r grieve the nravt of dedication was snoken hv rev david peasnnod of grace aiilli- can church donald deacon m 1 v presented the chain of of fice to mayor walker he praised her dedication to duty and outlined mam of the projects both in the town and in the county thai had commanded her attention through t h e ycarv mr deacon pointed to the recently opened milne dam as a venture that she had personally promoted and one that every resident in the mun icipality should share with pride i am satisfied that the town of markham is in good hands he said mayor walker outlined the progress of markham since incorporation and expressed confidence thai the trend would continue on behalf of the town ol richmond hill an on- graved gavel was present ed lo mr- walker bv mav or tom broadluusi the village ol stoull- villc was represented hv reeve ken laushwav grant company secretary two years ago the mark ham board purchased the land as a planned site for a new senior school it was later abandoned when markham village refused to guarantee water and sewerage services to the site in area 2 the last of the little red schoolhouse properties has been sold the final one at no 21 locust hill was not com pleted until november be cause of title difficulties while the township board will remain opera tive until mid1969 it will serve only as a caretaker committee markham inaugural markham twp the inaugural meeting of markham twp council will be held jan 13 at the municipal chambers but tonville the members will be sworn to office by the clerk harry t crisp at 11 am following adjourn ment for lunch the session will reconvene for regu lar business in the after noon the council for 196970 includes reeve stewart rumble deputyreeve anthony roman and coun cillors allan sumner ward 1 james jongen- cel ward 2 and eldrcd king ward 3 threecar crash driver aids injured pickering twp a claremont districl driver has been praised by both doctors and police for as sistance rendered at the scene of a serious 3car crash on the altona road north of hwy no 7 new years day heinz libertus clare mont rr 2 arrived on the scene of the accident involving cars driven by robert thorvaldson al tona and jack cogar tin- dale road stouffville mr liberlus helped place mrs thorvaldson in ins truck and drove di rectly to stouffville where she was given first aid treatment by dr blair mit chell mrs thorvaldson lost considerable blood f i om severe lacerations when her head struck the windshield less seriously hurl was her 7 year old daughter mona other pas sengers included allan 12 ronald 10 and tammy 4 months mr and mrs thorvaldson reside at the home of levi fretz clare mont rr 3 injured in the cogar auto was mrs doris cogar and a son terry provincial police con stable terry shand said that the two vehicles met headon during a snow squall that reduced visi- hilitv in the area lo 20 feet while the two cars blocked the road a third auto driven by john gil lies of bay ridges crashed into the rear of the thor valdson vehicle total dam age has been estimated at si 800 sets record stouffville in spite of the weather the red cross blood donor clinic sponsored by the stouffville branch of the canadian legion had the largest turnout of donors on record receipts totalled 187 pints the clinic was held at the veterans hall mon day afternoon and evening