the tribune thursday nov 7 1968 page is phone 6402100 today wrtfmm sgi 55 v ifit3diad c the peoples marketplace for stouffville markham uxbridge and district 27 help wanted male mechanics for flat rate shop above average guaran tee and incentive plan etc apply in person or phone service manager glen byer markham chrvslcr dodge markham ont 2971650 or 2941742 32 motor cars for sale 44 poultry for sale wanted 48 groceries meats produce for sale 54 legal notices 1964 chev impala v8 sedan automatic radio 6401667 wanted 12 leghorn pul- 2 potatoes new 100 for leis 6402369 73 lbs s935422 63 ford hardtop vs auto matic power steering radio sandiis sales service 640- 2244 services 28 help wanted female housekeeping and kit chen help live in will train 6j03061 farming wanted babysitter fridays and saturdays each week 6403639 female mc operators wanted for all shifts hcmphreycosburx plastics bullock dr markham 29 help wanted male female mature couple summer months maintenance cook ing for lovely lakeside fam ilyowned lodge modern kit chen room board and sal ary 17 miles ne hunts- ville references call coll ect 1716933 8762 or 1-716- 4734679 213 immediate openings for husband and wife clean ing team levenings carpet installers floor maintenance men shipper receiver combination janitor and bar tender call underwood building maintenance 294- 1040 30 sales help wanted male female avon calling excellent territories open for christmas why dont you call now and start selling these nationally advertised products in your own time for interview call mrs p oshea 4832988 227 real estate sales selling real estate is prob ably the most challenging interesting sales position in the world today it is a full time job we will add a salesman to our present staff we will train you if you are interested in a business where your rewards and personal satisfaction and income are limited only by your own ambitions and will ingness to work hard call fred cook for a confidential interview telephone fred cook real estate ltd 2942990 or 2971404 16 wellington st e markham ont 31 employment wanted tree cutting 6402845 professional tree cut ting phone 6401688 after 430 pm 232 alterations coats dres ses skirts etc call mrs da vis 6403171 experienced day care available in my home locat ed 9th line north in stouff ville 6403243 motherly care given to preschoolers in my home while mothers work 640- 3240 automotive 32 motor cars for sale 66 vv 1300 sanders sales service 6402241 ford bronco licensed mav 1967 8000 miles 4 wheel drive free wheeling hubs dual speeds snow tires s2250 ph 6401775 iflfin valiant st gn 1t0 hp auto rad ivsltvar- lloti mirmed nmv lives and wheels al rontlllnn si 100 i r 103690 for a car today see e j wldeman at 4stf markham chrysler dodge ltd 2941742 6403720 before you buy see our fine selection of guaranteed ok imed car and trucks 33tf giles chevolds 6401610 297 2591 40 farm items for sale wanted milk quota 390 lb for sale 2940314 for sale dried shelled corn nigh bros 6102006 45 building trades and household directory custom home and industrial electric wiring apples spies deli cious also fresh apple butter norman smith 6403787 potatoes off shaped and seconds 75c per bag we also have a good supply of no 1 table stock at reason able price phone murrav r crone mt albert 473- 2345 224 grain for sale ear corn and shelled corn ken ree- sor 8s75460 good oats for sale also baled wheat and oat straw in barn 6401775 tf wanted electric cream separator good condition reasonable price 6492509 for sale newholland silo unloader for 14 or 16 silo brown bros 887 5656 1964 pontiac strato 4door sedan automatic v8 radio good rubber very clean 2940693 for sale surge pipeline milker 3 unit 200 ft of stainless steel pipe for 2 row stable automatic washer ex cellent condition 2940594 1965 chrysler 4door hard top new motor imitation vinyl top camper tent trail er used once reasonable owner must sell 2941043 after 6 pm farm service dead y horses or i and crippled j cattle picked up promptly for direct line call long distance and ask for zenith 32800 at no cost to you call anytime 2tf ed peconi son woodvllle ont licence no 324c66 aooooooooe electrical home heating ross hethenngton phone stouffville 6402033 32tf gormley well drilling pumps installed and repair ed phone william bishop gormlev 8875346 8tf oboyles abattoir beef pork by quarter or side cut and wrapped for your freezer all meats government inspected we also do custom killing and curing bus 6401343 27tf 45 building trades and household directory beef pork by quarter or side cut and wrapped for freezer we also do custom killing and curing fast freezer service fretz bros harper bus 6403125 government inspector on duty full time 26tf j s taylor heating contractor phone stoufiville 6401908 furnaces- oil burners 24tf duct systems- hot water boilers alcan siding windows doors siding awnings railings water softeners stouffville home improvements phone 6401891 50tf 49 pet stock supplies kennels r koshax kennels regd labrador retrievers puppies stud service dogs boarded 20tf mr and mrs t philip claremont 6495336 50 miscellaneous wilsons well digging well drilling canadian cancer society richmond hill district unit for information regarding films talks in memoriam cards welfare and services call- stouffville 6402826 stouffville 6403808 gormley 8875525 unionvule 2971186 36tf gormley 8875240 standard tile phone 8875337 29- 1 1 dead or crippled farm stock picked up promptly telephone collect hampton 2632721 36tf margwill fur farm tyrone license 151c68 badger silo unloaders silage dis tributors stable cleaners forage boxes and blowers bunk feeders and convey ors 15tf for sales service installation call claude kerr stouffville 6401s7s 41 farm machinery a few holstein cows and heifers springing fred milne 24 abercorn rd markham 2942890 for sale 1 row interna tional harvester corn picker excellent condition used only 2 seasons 9422937 224 gale contracting home improvements general repairs alterations concrete fjoor finishing 13 church st markham 2942056 11tf artex home demonstrations liquid embroidery call tf joyce may 8526741 metro wrecking and lumber co cedar ave richmond hu1 new and used lumber ply woods 25 ton used pipe steel 3 and 4 cast soil pipe steel reinforcing rods a 2000 new and used glazed sash oil tanks doors angle iron new and used plumbing latex paint white only 400 per gal 142 elect wire rolls only 5c per ft cottage windows sliders picture windows plywoods lots of 10 quan tity disc 8 rough pine bds 8c per lin ft rolled roofing 150 per roll 5tf 8843561 vz mile east of yonge st south off markham rd i- brampton monuments rock of ages designing 42tf carl vv reesor unionvule ont 8875364 51 transportation taxis used farm industrial machines case vac gas tractor s25000 mccormick v9 gas tractor s65000 farmall h gas tractor s72500 ferguson 2furrow plow si 2500 dearborn 2furrow plow 12500 john deere cultivator s17500 mccormick 15 run g f drill s35000 mh side rake 25000 oliver mower 15000 allis chalmers d17 tractor backhoe and loader s225000 dearborn 3pt hitch blade s11000 see massey fergusons new ski whiz at rumble tractor and equipment massey ferguson dealer gormley 8875886 2972171 radio television stereohifi guaranteed repairs to all makes 14tf j hillerup phone 2943497 lady would like transpor tation to birchmount el- lesmere or kennedy elles- mere mon to fri leaving at 730 or 8 am returning at 5 pm 6402594 after 6 pm reliable taxi 24 hour service serving stouffville and surrounding areas 2tf 6402952 painting paperhanging flooring 1 years written guarfntei- rile lang service 8881928 40tl s403231 ever been paid for picking up a girl no well here is your your chance my wife requires a ride from york mills rd don mills rd area to stouff ville at about 5 pm monday to friday if you can help her out and if you want part of your driving expenses paid for call me in toronto at 4219977 54 legal notices 42 livestock for sale 16 chunks 8 weeks old call after 6 pm 2971989 hoistein springer due 2943522 7 year old gelding 16 hands quiet well mannered s223 phone 6495444 after 5 43 livestock wanted wanted 10 to 15 here ford weighing 400 to 500 lb 6492732 fencing contractor farm board rail dave king rr3 newmarket 8952818 17tf painting for a good paint job at reasonable prices call 223 vince woodhouse 6403977 water wells bored freelance boring i drilling call ralph norton 6492479 224 notice to creditors and others in ju estate of muriel lane deceased all persons having claims against the estate of the above deceased late of the village of stouffville in the county of york who died on or about the 9th day of october 1967 are required to file proof thereof with the undersigned on or before the 30th day of november 1968 after which date the estate will be distributed without regard to claims not then filed daied this 2sth day of october 1968 223 button armstrong box 220 stoufiville ontario solicitors for the administrator 48 groceries meats produce for sale apples for sale talman sweets courtlands spies banana apples j m nighs- wander 6101536 i a dving man told his wife i want association members to be mv pall bearers why she ask ed you never belonged to the organization thevvc carried me this far he replied ihcv might as well earn- me the rest of the vvav the liquor ijce ne- act notice of application licensing district no 6 take notice that branch 439 of the rcl of stouffville in the county of york will make application at a special meeting of the liquor licence board of on tario to be held at the offices of the liquor licence board 55 lakeshore boulevard east in the city of toronto in the county of york on fridav the twentvsecond day of november 196s at the hour of 930 oclock est in the forenoon for the issuance of a club li cence i restricted i for the following premises royal canadian legion branch 459 stouffville any person who is resident in the licensing district may object to the application and the grounds of objection in writing shall be filed with mr h j browne the deputy registrar of the licensing district whose address is 55 lakeshore boulevard east toronto 2 ontario at least ten days before the meeting at which the application is to be heard dated at stouffville this 31st day of october 1968 e sheppard applicant stouffville ont 222 56 schools colleges private tuition tutoring available grades 3 to 8 mathematics included also high school subjects grades 9 to 11 experienced and qualified tutor phone 6402732 17tf 58 business services marshman bros floor co concrete machine and hand trowel finishing 37ti industrial commercial 6403580 6402696 call country readimix for all your concrete requirements free estimates sat delivery 30tf no extra charge stouffville 6403931 typewriter rentals a limited number of standard and portable ma chines now available at your tribune office supply store main st stouffville phone 6402100 34tf chair caning cleaning and refinishing hand saw filing up to 10 inch circular saw w greenbury 184 church st n 17tf shipping moving storage by rail air land sea overseas packing and crating modern heated storage local and long distance moving 24 hour service 14tf i call world wide shipping 8896269 60 sales register auctions auctioneers d atkinson stouffville a s farmer phone gormley 8875311 ken clarke prentice phone stouffville 6403686 reg johnson sunderland ont thursday nov 7 1963 at 730 pm important ann ual fall special dairy cattle consignment sale in the cow palace at stouffville stock yards stouffville ont selling all classes of dairy i cattle both purebred and 60 sales register auctions grade springers fresh cows open heifers and heifer calves a special feature wil be the consignment of purebred holstein bulls that are serviceable age or nearl so and carry the blood of ah can show sires farm ers wishing to increase their fall milk supply will find a number of foundation pure bred females that are close to freshening and are real producers consignors are reminded that the close springer of good quality and tvpe will bring far greater returns and satisfaction to both buyer and seller con signors are requestid to have all cattle at the sales arena by 4 oclock in order to give buyers a chance to inspect the same we wel come vour participation in these monthly sales this is a large sale and will start on time frank bennett nor man faulkner sale manag ers auctioneers phone 8s75570 or 6403s13 213 sat nov 9 antique auction auction sale of antique furniture and dishes the property of mrs julie saunders will be held in the town of uxbridge inside the agricultural building at the fair grounds love seats chicken coop chairs dough box wool winder oxen yoke franklin stove pine school bench 2 cutters buggy many many other articles of furniture large quantity of dishes no of paintings shaving mug toilet sets lamp shades frosted hen-on- the nest apple peeler milk glass candy moulds com potes oil lamps spitoon etc etc many primitive items other articles too nu merous to mention note this is a very interesting sale plan to attend sale at 1230 terms cash ample parking space reg johnson auc tioneer gerald graham clerk phone sunderland 227 222 sat november 9th auction sale of farm stock implements 2 tractors ac combine nh baler 3 ton chev truck cattle hogs goats household furniture effects etc at lot 23 con cession 4 scarboro property of george magee 1st farm north off finch ave east on west side of mccowan road sale at 1 pm terms cash no reserve c pren tice and g sellers auction eers markham 6403686 sat november 9 auc tion sale the property of winton j white lot 4 con 9 pickering on suburban road 5 miles west of myrtle at balsam tractor 2 cars full line of implements large quantity of scrap iron tools etc furniture includes mod ern and many antique pieces pine chests crib clock brass beds rocking chairs chest of drawers sideboard fireplace stoves combination tv radio and record player ma hogany cabinet inlaid coffee table many other articles terms cash sale at 11 am sharp selling furniture first followed by implements lunch available ted jack son and ted spenceley auc tioneers g wanamaker clerk 222 saturday nov 16th auction sale of first class house hold furniture 3pc chesterfield electric refrig erator several pieces of pine furniture finished good number of pieces of walnut like new boston rockers an tique hall rack walnut dishes china glassware cooking utensils fullline of household contents large number antiques at 143 yonge street south rich mond hill the property of h p charles no reserve giving up housekeeping sale at 12 noon sharp terms cash alvin s farmer gordon orr auctioneers phone 8875311 232 deadline for display adver tising is 5 pm mondays one sided win stouffville crest hardware hammer ed out a decisive 83 vic tory over mccullough mo tors in peewee action wednesday night the scorers for crest were garv green 3 darvl wright 3 jack watson lj and john mcdermott 1 earning assists were ken kerrigan 2 darvl wright i tern- wil liams 2 and jack wat son 2 mcculloughs got goals from blair bangav brian ham and howie jones while david mumford earned two assists john focklerscored late in the third period to give hetherington electric a 44tic with stouffville po lice in the actionpacked game it was a seesaw battle with neither team having a scoring edge on the oth er other scorers for heth- eringtons were bob hou- sser scot connor and john fockler with ron schell ted wood and ted assnick notching assists gary fockler led the po lice attack with 3 goals and an assist while bob headway had a goal and an assist and dorion mal- loy picked one assist blank hunts 60 stouffville in the opening bantam lea gue action pine hill auto came up with a 60 trounc ing over hunts sunoco don rennie paced the pine hill attack with three goals bob daniels had two goals and an assist with bradley nigh getting the third tally dave ham- erston had one assist in a well played and fast game the stouffville lions edged altona feeds 10 on the strength of ernie andersons unassist ed goal thursday ladies league stouffville toots taylor rolled a 253 single and a 654 triple in the oct 31 schedule of the thurs day afternoon ladies league others with 200 and over are joanne steel 232218 toots taylor 225- 253 lil baker 206206 mildred ash 241 ella ni chols 241 ev mckay 232 nelda morley 226 doris farthing 221 june ward 219 lois bartley 209 ed na lee 207 jean foley 205 opal lehman 200 lake inventory an inventory of ontario lakes is being made by the dept of lands forests to determine the present and potential capability of every lake as a fish pro ducing unit real estate fok complett 1 satisfaction i call best mm utah homaliql for fast courteous service call 447- 8 sib agents wanted with or without experience agents throughout ontario toronto york county real estate board members special anniversary service churchill church sunday nov 10th 11am rev j r boyd of sudbury soloist mr jim mcgary 1 neil rowan rolls 334 single claremont nel rowan rolled a high sing le of 334 to lead the indi vidual bowlers in the claremont legion league haroid mcconkev was the runnerup with an even 300 individual team points and player scores follow team standings howie budd 31 harold mcconkev 30 agnes fer guson 29 joe burrows 2 kay wilson 27 lloyd macgregor 26 verne middleton 25 lenora mc- kenzie 25 ivan booth 23 terry hopkins 19 marge samarillo 18 jack bradshaw 13 high average men dave ferguson 226 ladies agnes fergus on 210 high triple flat men pete bell sos la dies agnes ferguson 745 high single flat men pete bell 325 la dies agnes ferguson 361 high triple hdcp men pete bell s29 la dies jean booth 754 high single hdcp men pete bell 332 la dies nell rowan 356 over 200 n rowan 334 h mc conkev 300 h budd 2s5- 236222 e rowe 2s4-249- 243 m samarillo 2s4-226- 221 p bell 282267 d ferguson 2s125s d alex ander 227 l macgregor 267240 j squires 263 j fraser 25s n kemp 253 l padlev 251219205 i booth 251213209 d welsh 251 p wills 247- 200 j burrows 245244 a ferguson 245211 t hadden 243 l mckenzie 24023s j bradshaw 232 j fraser 231 r slack 22s b evans 226 b howell 223201 a ros- zell 223 b wills 222203 b squires 2 is r howell 21s t hopkins 214 h pascoe 210 d hopkins 210 d kemp 209 e shaw 209 l ferguson sub 206206 b hopkins 206 l macgregor 205 k wilson 204 b macgreg or sub 200 bowlers required markham mixed lg markham persons wishing to participate in a mixed bowling group this year may still sign up with the 7 pm markham mixed league entries are asked to contact norm jarvis at 6401652 in competition this week nel rowen of the claremont legion league topped all bowlers with a flat single of 334 an other lady muriel jones of markham vets chalked up a high triple of 809 individual scores fol low markham mixed f- f brazier 750 em ly ons 717 k deficit 685 j middleton 682 n bro- die 663 w dyck 655 bob walter 648 west markham j abraham 741 p goulbourne 714 d rainy- 693 j orr 689 j delanev 683 b delaney 679 k onda 676 d binger 668 v binelli 666 b cargill 665 wednesday ladles j shannon 691 m grove 661 m cosburn 621 m barber 610 o gibson601 chesebroughponds g marshall 653 g ben nett 632 b cargill 619 ltitus 618 i milne 614 markham vets m jones 809 s forbes 686 m jones 683 v den ning 683 q bond 651 j knelanger 651 j pat- erson 642 b forbes 640 sherwood south a millett 707 a bar ret 707 m marks 687 m burrows 673 a aus tin 664c booth 648 markham chryslerdodge l thorburn 703 l james 701 s pringle 701 k white 690 d parker 670 j widerman 667 g hamilton 663 j hart- 645 m pringle 640 b- widerman 629 e detring 605 thursday ladies k craddock 658 i botham 640 l jarvis 606 p gough 605 thursday mens a thomas 733 d oiten 712 d shank 710 a law- ranee 678 h cunning ham 676 c smith 673 a rcesor 656 g bran don 654 r mcarthur 653 e jewett 643 unionvule vets j robson 645 a kirby 643 e sabiston 634 d cogar 613 crowder stars in goal stouffville har old crowder the no 1 net minder with stoult- ville juveniles appears headed for a great season he proved his ability un der fire in the schedule opener at port perry oct 30 stoultville routed their rivals 81 the stoulfville goal guardian had lo be good for his mates ran into a rash of 19 penalties at one point in the contest four players were seated in the cooler the trio of bill thorn- hill jody holden and wayne jackson looked good scoring seven of the clubs eight tallies thorn- hill and holden each fired three jackson notched one and assisted on two others gary sugclen was i he other stouftville marks man dennis romeil was the lone port perry scorer two players score hattrick stouffville in a wide open novice grime monday night birkctt in surance outscored schell red and white 64 kent wideman and bill meakes each lired a hattrick for birketts while schells goals came from gordon lehmans hattrick and wayne thompson danny glenn ken risk and bill middlelon h a d assists for birketts with john ca rru l hers and ed lcger getting assists for schells john turner came up with a pair of goals to lead merve turner con tractor to a 20 win over equipment express in a rather s i o v defensive game siouftvillc stock yards picked up a close 10 win over credit union in a scramblv same that saw mike boadivnv gel the only goal on a pass from mark fockler tops 200 twice stouffville dian- ne graves rolled two plus 200 games oct 21 to post a high triple score of 669 in the 7 oclock division of the stouffville village la dies league her one high single was 272 and the other 206 others with 200 and over were shirley wright 223 betty allen 218 audrey pattenden 215 barb cooper 214200 ruth hayncs 211 may love 201 team standings arc corner crackers 33 no two 25 no one 23 no five 19 no four 14 no three 12