page 2 the tbibune thursday oct 3 1968 a step up ah indications point to an oha intermediate b team for stouffville this winter news of the pending entry has created a new stir of in terest among hibernating hockey fans here we hope that interest is sufficiently keen to provide the club with strong spectator support after several seasons in junior ranks this is a step up for stouffville it couldnt come at a better time while the junior team did keep oha competition alive here it never captured the enthusiasm of the people like in some communities the truth is those years of senior hockey tended to spoil fans here and anything less was considered bush league we feel confident that the revival of an intermediate team in stouff ville will mean the revival of fan in terest and enthusiasm it has to be a combination of both to be success ful little good news from queens park there has been little other than bad news from queens park for the taxpayers of ontario every day dur ing the past week predictions of higher taxes have come out of both committee sessions and from the prime ministers office as well such moves foreshadow another round of wage increases followed by price in creases which inevitably follow tax increases the constant increase in taxes to provide more and more welfare pro grams grind slowly on and the re sults can be serious in britain a purely welfare state under the wil son government there are thousands out of work who find it just as profit able to stay home and draw welfare allowances it has created a situation which has finally reached govern ment attention the matter has reached shocking proportions and hit the newspaper headlines throughout the country one of the latest unjust schemes here is to increase the sales tax to cover all goods including food and childrens clothing the plan would be to give the lower income group tax rebates later like so many such ideas they sound and look fine on paper but could prove very impractical in practice the lower income group might get their tax rebate all right at the end of the year but how does an increase in the price of food help them to manage from week to week a yearend tax rebate is never going to ease the daily predicament the idea is quite unjust when the money would finally be paid back it might even be less than originally paid and in addition the government would have interestfree use of the taxpayers funds through out the year some of the new tax proposals may be sound but this complicated sug gestion could only compound present income troubles for thousands a deputyreeve on the spot deputyreeve lawrence hennessey of whitchurch twp has called a public meeting for oct 17 in the van- dorf hall at that time he will en- deavour to defend his work on the newly organized industrial commis sion and explain his sudden dismissal from that body just how convincing mr hennessey can be will determine his future in municipal politics to be specific hes on the spot while a personal public meeting of this kind is certainly something new for whitchurch the deputyreeve had no alternative he was dismissed from the committee but the reason was not revealed when he attempted to reopen the discussion he was ruled out of order now he must hire a hall and get his side of the story across to as many people as are will ing to listen its an unfortunate chain of events we hope that the ratepayers of whitchurch will give deputyreeve hennessey a fair opportunity to speak his piece what he will say re mains a mystery but the right to say it is his privilege this much of a courtesy he has earned the country scene a stump fence on the north side of county road ia in the township of lxbrldgc once a familiar sight they are passing from the country scene staff photo sugar and spice ian is quite a lad bv bill smiley young people however fine their ethical standards have a knack of getting themselves and innocent by standers into some unholy messes herewith a couple of examples our neighbors boy ian is a good lad hes clean honest polite and law- abiding hes about as normal a young fellow as youd meet likes girls plays football and works hard at everything except school he and his gang are mad about motors motorbikes and cars occupy much of their waking time ian had a honda then a volks and this sum mer bought a convertible for 60 it runs last week his group was out cruising around looking at used cars they had no money to buy one just looking and they came across a deal no redblooded carlover could resist it was a hearse a huge black 1950 cadillac hearse it hadnt been strip ped down into a vegetable truck or something of the sort it was a gen uine readyforwork hearse complete with purple upholstery and every de tail right down to a crucifix think of the history in that black behemo years of s think of all the good souls who had their first and last ride in a cadillac in that long sombre body i dont think the boys pondered much on these things but they were hooked theyd have the coolest transportation in town and a cadil lac but what did it was the price one hundred dollars ian the only one with any money in the bank wrote a cheque on the spot the others were to come in on shares when they raised the money i dont blame them if id seen it first id have bought it as a second car for my wife it would certainly be a conversation piece and thats exactly what it turned out to be when ian drove up and parked it in the driveway and his parents found out what hed done there was some conversation all right he was told in no uncertain terms that he had made a grave error that hed taken on a stiff proposition and that this was not a motorbike but a hearse of a different color but the damage was done the menacing black hearse had been seen in the driveway the phone began to ring the neighbors started taking up a collection for flowers ths potato man who calls regularly with pro duce tapped timidly at the back door hat on his breast tears in his eyes and said brokenly i didnt know whether i should call today when youve had a sadness in the family ian was told to get that hearse out of sight he let one of the other lads take it home the latters moth er told him not to park it within a block of their house people chased him away when he tried to park it in front of their homes and so it went the rounds of the boys and their par ents it is now hidden behind the cottage of one of the families involved deep in the woods but the boys undaunted by ghostly or gruesome associations are planning some fine parties and fishing trips in it next summer when the heat is off the second incident occurred at our school this week these days teachers are trying all sorts of novel methods to make learning come alive some work some dont one of our young history teachers had carefully planned a mock trial he arranged for one of his students a girl with a beginners driving lic ense to steal his car take it to the students parking lot and try to drive it out of there at noon which is verboten she was to be apprehended in the felony by a detective the viceprin cipal questioned then turned over to her classmates for trial all went well she got the car started the teacher had it pointed in the right direction then all hell broke loose she had trouble with the hand brake or the clutch or some thing took a leap forward and staved in the side of the teachers car on the bumper of another one parked there net results history teacher has a 100 body repair bill looming one hysterical teenager felt worse than if she had stolen a car but it was a good idea this week next mon dieu mes amis the frenchspeaking nationalists who have gained power in quebec face a very difficult problem in at tempting to protect and promote their language and culture their almost feverish attempts to make quebec a onelanguage state are of course aimed at building dykes to protect their frenchspeak ing island from the tides of assimila tion in the sea of 200million eng lishspeaking north americans to do this quebec must cast off any kind of bilingual cover but in so doing it isolates its five million french canadians drives off econo mic investment from outside and en sures quebecs continued isolation the result is to restrict the abili ties of its people to compete in the english dominated world of modern commerce and science quebecs rejection of the kind of bilingual policy which had been held out as a goal for all of canada means also that the english majority in the rest of the nation will stiffen its re sistance to bilingualism if quebec cannot accept a bilingual canada how then can the rest of the country be expected to do so just as the settlement of the west was left to migrants from ontario and across the sea so also will the frontiers of the future be manned by other than french canadians there are already signs of this in montreal where to the horror of the quebec establishment attempts to make french the dominant language have so far met with failure the fact is that montreal is still as great an english bone in the throat of quebec as it ever was this partly accounts for the emotion of quebecs cultural affairs minister jeannoel tremblay in declaring that both employers and immigrants should have to work and do business in the french language this position in the main support ed by the late quebec premier dan iel johnson contrasts sharply with the views of prime minister trudeau by ray argyle the prime minister genuinely committed to a one canada policy which respects the rights of citizens to the language of their choice be it french or english views que becs drive toward a onelanguage state as both deplorable and mis guided he has said our position is that we hoped that rather than withdraw privileges from the english minority in quebec the privileges would be given to the french minorities in other provinces the english rights which ottawa can protect in quebec are only those built into the bna act these are limited to the protection of english in the legislature the courts and the statutes of the province the language bill which the que bec government will announce short ly is expected to contain certain pro tections for english rights the most important protection however is in the field of education not in laws respecting language and quebec is committed constitutionally only to providing schooling for pro testant and catholic faiths there is no law that education has to be in english as well as french this is why the montreal suburb of st leonard has become a battle ground between the languages the roman catholic school board there has decided to phase out english as a language of instruction year by year starting this year with all- french grade one englishspeaking parents including many italian immigrants who realize their future in the new world depends on their mastery of english have pulled their children out of school and are refusing to pay school taxes unless some kind of a reasonable ompromise can be worked out there is no doubt that quebec will indeed become a frenchspeaking only state but the results will be as disastrous for french canadians as they will be disappointing for the rest of canada wht wribunt established 1888 c h nolan publisher jim thomas editor noel edev advertising published every thursday by the stouffville tribune limited at 54 main st stouffville ont tol 6402101 single copies 10c subscriptions s400 per year in canada 600 elsewhere member at audit bureau of circulation canadian weekly newspapers association and ontario weekly newspapers association authorized as second class mail post office dept ottawa mr i buried treasure by jim thomas our eldest daughter holds a mem bership in the stouffville public li brary the cost is a very nominal twentyfive cents per year where else can one obtain such a wealth of reading material at so small a fee naturally we encourage her to ob tain books on a level with her age and grade shell curl up on a chair and read by the hour on occasions shell go over the same story so many times she can repeat it page by page by heart most of us dont read enough and most of what we do read has very little literary value some of us dont have the time many of us dont take the time a couple of weeks ago while my wife was temporarily indisposed in hospital at newmarket daughter susan recalled that a book she bor rowed in august was already ten cents overdue i gave her the okay to return it plus some money to buy a small gift for her mother some thing to read will be fine i said pick out anything you think she might like she wrinkled her brow and shrugged her shoulders in ob vious signs of confusion okay dad ill do my best she replied i fully realized that i should have offered some suggestions like mc leans the ladies home journal or chatelaine but i didnt and it was then too late ordinarily the walk to and from the library plus a popsicle treat takes about one hour she was gone nearly two and as she plodded up the front walk i learned the reason why she was laden down with books there must have been a dozen there were so many on the shelves i didntknow which to choose she explained the store man said we could return the ones we didnt want im pooped i lifted the load from her saggingarms and the front cover of a partially bared bosom hit me right between the eyes i tried to pick the ones with the prettiest pictures i hope mommy likes them she said inno- cently i suggested that each would first have to pass my personal inspec tion there were true story my ro mance confidential confessions true experiences and so on and on while the policy of this family newspaper does not permit the spell ing out of the suggestive subjects the photos within left little to the im agination i took the time to read only one and stuffed the remainder under the mattress it was then and there that i made my fatal mistake my wife returned home on the follow ing wednesday and displaying an endless amount of vim and vitality embarked on a room to room house- cleaning bee on thursday as might be expected the hidden literary treasure was uncovered she con fronted me with the evidence when i returned home late from a meeting that night fortunately for me i had a witness but unfortunately her tes timony had to wait until morning daughter susan set the record straight im now completely in the clear but i offer this word of friendly advice to all fellow married males if you insist on reading true stor- ies or true experiences but still avoid confidential confessions take a copy with your coffee down at houstons every morning but never take it home take that dear jim i am an rc and i read your boy oh boy column of sept 19 with interest please do not take this as personal but i might suggest it is far better to be a careful cath olic than a careless protestant sign me patrick michael ouch dear jim like warren beach of siloam i also can recall many thresh ing experiences in the early days both steam and gas ill never forget one day we were threshing wheat in a barn near garibaldi in uxbridge twp there were about ten men tramping straw one young lad tossed a wasps nest into the feeder you never heard such hootin and hollerin in all your life two of the hired hands ran out and never came back sincerely mac ferguson