the tbjobune thursday sept 26 1968 paces councillor debates benefit of uxbridge gravel industry uxbridce twp private and municipal pit operators are digging j 10000000 worth of gravel out of uxbridge twp a year for a total business tax payment of less than 50000 councillor clark t muirhad said this week they are leaving a mooncratered band ac ross the township where with recent ontario legislation toronto may dump its garbage down our throats a professional engineer and metro industrialist who commutes daily from his uxbridge twp home mr muirhead has now documented with aerial photographs assessment analysis and engineering data his war against grav el pit encroachment which he personally took to the ontario municipal board two years ago he lost that battle but was launched onto ux bridge township council at the next election by fel low residents who share his concern about the 24- houraday gravel truck traffic denuded country side hazardous worked- out pits and deterioration of property values adjac ent to gravel works based on a study of ux bridge assessment rolls and an aerial photograph ic survey he commissioned last month mr muirhead claims approximately 4200 acres of the township is now owned by gravel com panies or is in municipal ly owned gravel operati ons this does not include land under option to gra vel firms most of the pits are privately owned but vari ous municipalities have a gravel pit site on cone 7 uxbridge twp north of county road 1a gravel pits in uxbridge twp pickering town ship ontario county whitby twp uxbridge it self the value of gravel be ing sold out of uxbridge pits can be conservatively estimated at at least s10- 000000 this is based on extraction of a minimum five million tons a year which is trucked out of uxbridge an analysis of about half of the gravel pit acre age 2000 acres out of the total 4200 acres we have established on the assessment rolls shows that 28 of the private op erators last year paid a total of 23731 in com mercial and business tax es on this basis it is es timated that commercial and business tax revenue from the total gravel oper ations netted uxbridge less than 50000 a typical 100acre grav el property in uxbridge will likely yield five mil lion tons of gravel in ten years before it is mined out and abandoned in that time the operators will extract 50000 worth of gravel which after hau ling and processing will sell for about 10000000 mr muir calculates and in ten years that operator will pay about 10000 all told in commercial and business taxes once the pit is worked out the tax revenue is negligible uxbridge twp council and planning board have spent hundreds of man- hours trying to gain some measure of control over the gravel operations we have tried in our official plan recently passed in the zoning bylaw which is nearly ready for pass ing and in a draft bylaw to regulate pit operations but there is not much chance of saving the countryside and gaining gravel operations are located on both sides of county road 1a cast of the brock road this view looks northwest toward copplns corners mcleod yee editors mail dear sir in reference to your comment on the editorial page on recent accidents at ringwood i would sug gest the highway dept erect signs reducing the speed to 30 or even 25 miles per hour in this area this is common policy in other small commun ities and it is apparent that the present 40 mile per hour limit is too fast truck drivers are busi nessmen and no one can blame them if they at tempt to save a few min utes by beating the lights a 25 mph speed zone would discourage this and would also give them time to stop in an emergency the cost of the change would be very little it would be necessary for police to enforce the law however if the suggestion seems valid perhaps it should be passed on to the proper authorities sincerely mrs frank bielby edgevale school of dance principal molly mumford graded classes in ballet royal academy syllabus modern jazz for adults teens fall term commences sept 27 inquiries and registration phone 6401492 1 i prenatal classes for expectant mothers a course of weakly clmei beginning in markham 3 october 1968 at 730 pm in hygiene of preg nancy how baby grows food for the family feeding the baby the hospital stay and other subjects of importance to the expectant mother father are invltfd to attend the flrt and eighth daises registrations now being accepted at york oshawa district health unit stouffville main street 6401334 tt mcleod yee some fair tax return un less there are changes in provincial legislation councillor muirhead says residents are concerned because gravel operators are at present under no legal obligation to restore destroyed lands or to re pair the damage their trucks do to township roads there is no control on their hours of opera tion day or night pickering twp opened a 70acre pit on the sixth concession of uxbridge and truck traffic forced one nearby resident to move out after 17 years in which the property had typical of 40 gravel pits s uxbridge twp this one is just northeast of the hamlet of goodwood been built to a value of s50000 other residents are looking for buyers of their properties pickering pays uxbridge 200 a year for use of the pit until recent years land values were low in ux bridge twp and farmers working marginal land or nearing retirement often found that gravel opera tors offered the only reas onable price for their farms but uxbridge with its scenic hills and prox imity to metro toronto is now on the fringe of de velopment says the coun cillor we could expect more population in the next ten years than we have had in the past cen tury we could have a high quality environment with permanent and stea dily increasing tax rev enue if we dont aban don a large part of the township to gravel min ing mr muirhead wants specific action from the ontario government the assessment act should be amended to permit muni cipal taxation at gravel pits on a more realistic basis the ontario high way traffic act should be enforced with regard to tonnage carried by gravel trucks on class b roads no municipality should be forced to accept gar bage dumping in its gravel pits from another muni cipality he contends that the gravel could be economi cally drawn from more remote and cheaper un inhabited lands there are millions of square miles of empty land in canada with large sources of gravel there are ex tensive regions uninhabit ed and semibarren even in southern ontario the gravel industry could rea dily move their product to market on a massive mcleod st yee scale by train and i am sure the railroads could haul gravel at lower cost than truckers most major cities in canada and the united states in fact get their gravel from considerable distances and they haul it by rail he points out uxbridge twp itself needs about 15000 tons of gravel a year for its own roads the gravel op erators in the township dont bother to bid on crushing and hauling it uxbridge twp has to bring in outside contrac tors to process its own gravel raicts imam ml is 15 11 d 314 tmkmkc1wk0u kernel corn icl i0sion situ with tomjttd sauce 0 ic1 cimdim styu cat beans pork 7 1 nylons 4 1 save on health c beauty aids deodorant right guard in 1 j i srumfoo tunurlciurlr s special is chun or c01d silvikrin 2 toolhpasfl macleans 3 m s ww- net m jumbo produce of usa canada no 1 grade cantaloupes uce of union of south oranges 5 49 snowman mushrooms m nas now available fresh ocean spray cranberries wi luuhl im kickt 10 uhit qmmitib frozen foods 59 h1ghliner haddock as batter 1 chicken chips iuf 10 iionii iiifck1ccek0i luiktr 21101 si net i 101 si york pies 4 avs j cream pies 3 1 catsup has peaches firsts t akfc s vwmnks soup this weeks iga bonus tapes mo 00 t i 0rj1hge crystals a m swifts stew st m000 sf m000 coffee monarch flour st 20fi 200 w dutch shits is i- ctunemowjt suc ii ijutchway fruits t h0ket mrs 1 01 d1h turnovers 10oz biscuits is or aim uts oa ii oi sue cusrs posts cereal ml ft smooth olmmctff peanut butter ic dunce m tea bags icl fink lotfok ikjuio detergent jacks cheese twists kerrs- ii rurours candies 2- 2 2m 2u 2 him si cis i 3 in the dairy case iga royal gold regular or nippy cheese slices svrntm0innrckment margarine icl shortening 3jl 7 si i mi i 5hi si ms i tablerite canadas finest red or blue brand beef prime rib roast 79- king of roast lb r00kfieis skinless sausage swifts premium wieners triajcuormimrosi beef steakettes in i ckbick his i hi sl hc mc his i orange juice z iff 200 i spinach mu us rr ovtri inside bacon- 2 big offers from mvov50 on roghrs icuiuby company stainless start now with a beautiful 5 piaa free for 1 folder place setting by international tit vcr company autumn leaves pattern start now and get a complete set bakery treats cherry or blueberry aw iga pies 2 1 lolstmlstirion ibf cinnamon buns 41 mmpstet s 1 otf egg twist rolls w 32 english stemware i hand cul by canadians for canadians a different piece every week for 1 0 weeks h 29 z 19 pitct iwit u so vum 149 unit j3 s- 90 v v 199 ov uwti s3 so ww out ti ll so viv 199 her i on idtol opportunity to 0cvmv1fltr your on ml of fnc quality inglnh sttmwoif itaumwily hand dtt- oi at 1 6 in the diitindivt stvollow pot in ihit itcmwarr would gfor any loblt ihit bonui olfr iron mr iga n f utt anolhtr oy of toying of toa wt fij ffollf cofr j 12 different varieties this week mm conn only swallow pattern ratcliffs iga foodliner open thursday stcuffville ontario and friday until 9 pm