Whitchurch-Stouffville Newspaper Index

Stouffville Tribune (Stouffville, ON), July 18, 1968, p. 2

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pe the tbiboe thursday july 18 1968 ijllinihiiiilllllllllllllllluiuiiiuiillllulllimiriliulllluiiuiiliiiuilllliiiiiiiiuililiiiiiiilillllliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiii iiiiiiiiiiiiiihiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniipiiiiiinniiitiiiiiiiiiinniiiiiniiiiii a recreational beauty spot the pickering township and rec reation department has been active for several years but its accomplish ments have become more apparent during the last two summer seasons visible proof of recent achieve ments can be seen in the community park at claremont it has been trans formed into a recreational beauty spot although we have not had an opportunity to visit other play ground sites in pickering we under stand that similar improvements are also under way at these locations claremont as a community de serves some of the praise since the park was included as part of the com mittees centennial project the re freshment booth was erected and some playground equipment added citizens young and old are ex tremely appreciative of what the township has done and the depart ment in charge of this program in claremont and elsewhere throughout the municipality is to be commended an m p speaks out william bill newman mpp is certainly no stranger to residents within the riding of ontario south which he now represents at queens park he is even better known in the township of pickering where for several years he served on council and still resides to the electorate of this area bills address on the need of procedural re form presented before the legisla ture july 12 and published in its en tirety on page 3 of the tribune will come as no surprise people who know bill know also that he is one to speak his mind for those who do not know him we would recommend that they take the time to read closely his remarks and recommendations we think they make good sense while the public is often ignorant of the reason for prolonged discus sion and debate on many issues it is often thought but seldom said that members time could be better spent by doing instead of discussing bill newman although admittedly a comparative greenhorn in the leg islature has not only observed the problem but has suggested a solu tion ontario south has a voice at queens park a voice that speaks for all of us protection for everyone stopping a riot or pursuing a ber serk man isnt a game but youd never think so from the handwring ing that goes on when the police have to crack a few heads to settle the un ruly in very few instances is anyone whacked by the police if they are con ducting themselves properly if they are doing just that they have nothing to fear too many persons seem to have the mistaken idea that the pb liceman can be abused set uportand generally roughed up without retalia tion the men in blue have a job to do and if the misbehavers cause a heavy hand to be used it is not the police who are to blame now the use of mace chemical has been introduced and again there is a great outcry the university of mich igan has come up with a study of the product which states it can be used with relative safety it has proven most effective in cooling out assail ants billies bullets and boots can be much more damaging as to bodily harm the billie for instance is only effective in close contact and then the policeman must wield it with force to get results the chemical spray can be used up to 15 feet civil rights can be a concern but it sometimes seems that with all the agitation for restrictions on the po- lice the pendulum has swung too far it sounds great to hear someone ex pounding on the rights of the indi vidual but they forget that policemen are the agents by which the rights of all citizens are defended many are all too willing to handcuff the men to whom they look for protection what would those who deplore mace expect to do when a small town police force is faced by members of a motorcycle gang pelt them with marshmallows possibly they would favor a simple request not to be too noisy while they go about their busi ness of destroying personal property iiijiiii ininiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimiiiiinii tiiriiiiiiiiiciitu tiunmiumi titiiiiuiininiinurt 1sucar and spice we need parent power by bill smiley the lazy days of summer in the sizzling heat of a midsummer afternoon one can enjoy a breath of fresh air in the shade of stouftvliies memorial park staff photo an interesting and rather frighten ing manifestation of the times is the rapidly increasing popularity of the concept of power among the mil lions of words with which we are con stantly bombarded by the mass media that one pops up with alarming fre quency theres nothing wrong with the word itself its not a dirty word we dont get alarmed when we think of such terms as power plant power boat power drill power of attorney or hockeys power play we arent spooked when we think of mental power or physical power or spiritual power the word merely de notes strength but in the way it is used too often these days it has more sinister con notations it has undertones of hatred and senseless rebellion it suggests smashing somebody or something we have been carefully acclimatiz ed we have accepted because of tim idity or indifference the ideas of air power and union power and political power and lobby power and now we have black power and student power both of them with builtin provocations to violence and brutality the only one that seems fairly harmless is flower power but even this is associated with drugs sexual promiscuity and anarchy its fairly obvious that i cant turn this pernicious tide of power by writ ing a column about it but all you readers might remember once in a while that every new power group chisels away at your personal free dom as an individual and also at the ideals of peace and brotherhood for the world now after that little sermon im going to reverse my stand and come out strong for another power group its not a new one but its so feeble that it needs artificial respiration and intravenous feeding im talking about parent power this used to be one of the biggest power groups in society as we old squares well recall your parents told you to do something and in most cases you did it if you didnt you suffered the consequences these ranged from being sent to bed with out supper to a good licking if your old man caught you smok ing at a tender age hed whale the tar out of you if you came in too late from a dance even though you were a young lady of 17 you might get a lusty application of the hairbrush to the lower posterior if you got a strapping at school you didnt mention it at home be cause youd likely get another one there this was parent power maybe it sounds sadistic in this permissive age but it wasnt parents loved their chil dren then too and tried to direct them toward their own good many a clout on the ear or whack on the tail i got and deserved every one of them and loved my parents deeply today parent power is on the verge of extinction unless we can figure out something new in a hurry oh we still have a certain authority when theyre little after all a six year old probably wont threaten to run away and become a hippy if he gets a smack on the bum the kids have us on the run and they know it threaten a teenager even with something as harmless as cutting the allowance or nonuse of the car and you get a threat right back that he or she will leave home we dont want them to and ruin their lives so we knuckle under kids have been running away from home for centuries but they usually ran off to sea or off to the city to get a job they didnt run away to york- ville or vancouver to become teenage pickings for the pimps and pushers whos for parent power and how do we get it back this week next key cabinet ministers prime minister pierre elliott tru- deau has selected his 29man cabinet but in actuality only eight will be the key workers to help him construct and build his promised just society it is interesting to recall what these eight men said of the just society and prime minister trudeau follow ing the liberal convention eric kierans postmaster general who will also become the minister of communications said there is no doubt in my mind that he is the man to provide leadership for a canada which must find a renewed faith of confidence in itself and in the prin ciples of confederation james richardson a rookie in par liamentary circles has been named minister without portfolio he said after the convention in my heart and mind i see the struc ture of a new canada and i want to help build it another minister without port folio is otto lang who like mr rich ardson was successful in his first election bid he remarked that he too wanted to assist in the building of a new canada the new minister of defense pro duction and of supply and services donald jamieson said that it was not important whether an mp was a cab inet minister or not he also said im concerned about the attitude of the public and mps that if youre not in the cabinet you are a failure mr jamieson is also a close friend of newfoundland premier joey small- wood ronald basford is minister of cor porate and consumer affairs he cam paigned that a special committee should be formed to investigate pro fessional hockey in canada maintain ing that the public is entitled to full disclosures of financial deals and club workings this sentiment was also shared by prime minister trudeau veterans affairs minister is jean- eudes dube he said that french will be the of ficial language for the commons the supreme court and the quebec leg islature ry ray argyle horace bud olson switched from social credit to the liberal ranks and has been rewarded with the post of minister of agriculture- like the prime minister he was against the carter report on taxa tion to treat all grain as income jack davis was a minister without portfolio but now he will head the fisheries department and eventually take over the forestry portfolio when the departments are reorganized he said a free trade area in north america would free canada of wash ingtons influence and make canadian industry more specialized and effici ent giving canadians prosperity that would ensure the nations future gerrard pelletier is secretary of state he was one of the three liberal strongmen in quebec mr pelletier was part of a trio with mr trudeau and jean marchand minister of for estry and rural development from the outset he backed prime minister trudeaus just society and the rebuilding of the canadian constitution the new labor minister is bryce mackasey who considers himself a canadian first and a quebecker sec ond although he fully sympathizes with quebec aspirations he has said im not a separatist mr mackasey was described by ro bert stanfield as the liberal partys hatchet man the labor minister believes can ada needs us capital to develop every province but prince edward island is represented in the new cab inet and what does prime minister tru deau feel about his new cabinet i want my ministers to have more time to think about policy and to act on policy matters on their own not to depend on information or non- information from department officials the polititians the elected rep resentatives should be spending more time thinking about legislation that is needed he said mr trudeau built his cabinet the way he won the election ignoring tradition and conventions in favor of a traditionally new look wht wrihum established 1888 c h nolan publisher jim thomas editor noel edey advertising published every thursday by the stouffvlllc tribune limited at 54 main st stouffvllle one tel 6402101 single copies 10c subscriptions 400 per year in canada 600 elsewhere member jf audit bureau of circulation canadian weekly newspapers association and ontario weekly newspapers association authorized as second class mail post office dcpt ottawa 3rflurtt better late than never ive rejoined company with mr underwood this week following an enjoyable 7day vacation that includ ed a trip to montreal and of course man and his world you see i was one of the few who out of sheer negligence miserliness or muleishness you name it failed to attend the worlds fair of expo 67 my wife has never allowed me to live it down to make matters even worse all our friends and neighbors kept re introducing the subject from may through to october have you been down to expo yet theyd ask and the negative reply would arouse a kind of wry look like your travel loan had just been rejected by the bank i tried to make amends by making three trips to the cne and travel ling twice to markham fair but it all seemed like kids stuff by compar ison and in truth it really was so long after the fifty millionth person had passed through the turn stiles i decided that by hook or by crook id venture forth in 68 that mission is now complete and my con science is now at rest m i have no intention of overburden ing my readers with a mile by mile travelogue of our trip since to most of you the whole show is now his tory i will say that the bell tele phone tour across canada was alone worth every inch of the 744 miles we travelled it tended to stir up a sense of patriotic excitement within a bodys soul that could lead to an ex cusable poke in the nose to anyone who would dare to criticize our coun try but no one did in fact during our alltoobrief stay in the province of quebec and the city of montreal we found everyone most friendly a city of separatists you say dont you believe it togetherness would be a more appropriate word on the t minirail we sat next to a couple from vancouver we jaffied like old friends across a backyard fence out side our motel we met up with folks from verdun they spoke like nei ghbors across the street first in french then switching quickly to f english it was the same everywhere we went this country breaking up not by any stretch of the imagina tion were now more unified than ever and expo 67 and 68 can take much of the credit human after all my knowledge of horses is limited oh i know a clydsedale from a per- cheron and a belgian from a shetland but when it comes to the pacers prancers and jumpers i wouldnt know a half arab from a full eskimo with this kind of superficial in terest i attended the all arabian horse show at markham saturday it has always been my honest opin ion that thoroughbred horselovers like cat and dog fanciers are a strange species of humanity for a time saturday i was even more con vinced of this but later my confi dence was shattered ive come to the conclusion that like in most every- t thing else if youre a winner the horse is the greatest but should you place last then the fourlegged filly is destined for a tonguelashing from its mount just such a thing occurred as i list ened in on the conversation between two separate riders and their steeds one at the top and the other at the bottom of the judging scale i just love you said the young girl winner proudly holding the tro phy in one hand and squeezing the other around her horses head you j are so adorable i could kiss you and she did smack smack on its sweaty giraffelike neck other admirers crowded around you did beautifully said one can i pel him asked a small child whats his name enquired anoth er whats your name asked a re porter the pretty teenager appeared to enjoy every minule of her new found fame and proudly posed while amateur camerabugs snapped pic ture after picture she then galloped away in a cloud of dust to prepare for another class in a remote section of the grounds stood another horse and rider no ribbons fluttered from its bridle and the owner held no trophy where did you place i asked last the man snorted disgustedly and then turning to his disenchanted steed he said one more display like that and yoare headed for the glue factory it was proof positive that even horselovers are human

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