the tribune thursday july 4 196s paes markham township officially opens new office quarters the township of markham officially opened its newly renovated office quarters at buttonville friday night the master of ceremonies was the reeve of the munici pality stewart rumble staff photo officiating at the ribboncutting ceremony was mpp donald deacon left for mer township deputyreeve he receives a framed painting from ward i councillor allan sumner staff photo in keeping with the interior beauty of the new building is the townships em ployee receptionist 19 year old linda moss here people can count it a pleasure to pay their taxes staff photo four former township reeves attended the ceremony as platform guests they are ito r alf lemasurier vern griffin charles hooper and win timbers staff photo four former reeves are platform guests markham t w p four former reeves occu pied positions of promin ence at markham twp officially opened its newly renovated and enlarged municipal building at but tonville charles hooper who served as both reeve of the municipality and warden of york county vern griffin 194849 alf lemasurier 195557 and win timbers 195153 were introduced individu ally by the present day reeve stewart rumble other platform guests included york county warden garfield wright rev martin jenkinson of headfordvictoria square architect fred rounth- waite deputyreeve sid ney gadsby councillors allan sumner and charles hoover and mpp donald deacon mr deacon cut the red ribbon assisted by mr rumble although not present for the ceremony council lor anthony roman re turned home from a two- day trip to nassau in time to catch a portion of the proceedings mr deacon a former deputyreeve credited his experience at the munici pal level for his desire to move to an even higher field he charged that only through a strong munici pal g close to fill up the needs of the people could residents both ur ban and rural be ade quately served he point ed to the continuous surge outward of the city we know that within a few years develonment will overwhelm us but we still take pride in markham townshid because we are people here and we have our own identity he said that he honed the government of ontario would be able to work in close cooneration with the municipalities in an ef fort to preserve that iden tity the deacon family es tablished its roots in markham back in 1916 and mr deacon said he was proud to call the township his home he noted the progress made within recent years he re called that in 1935 the road budget was 30000 and clerk charles hoover was paid a salary of 1500 he said that ben gayman was the lone po lice officer and was paid 100 per month he still had time to catch me speeding up don mills road one day he remem bered reve rumble informed his audience that the proj ect had not been complet ed without some prob lems he said that the po lice department had borne the brunt of this incon venience since its person nel had remained on loca tion during reconstruc tion while the office staff moved to temporary quar ters near t h o r n h i 1 1 sometimes following a meeting of heated debate i would recommend a mu nicipal work to no one but tonight is one of those occasions when im filled with pride he said the exterior design and the interior beauty of the building was praised by resident ratepayers and guests from neighboring municipalities editors mail sir it was with disgust that i read your column roa ming around in last weeks issue of the tri bune my disgust stems not from the column which i enjoy but rather from what i read therein last week these fine upstanding men of the cloth who profess to be christians when confronted by a situ ation which may be con troversial dont want to become involved it has always been my understanding that a christian is one who be lieves in the teachings of christ and does ones best to be christlike in his ac tions and thinking i challenge anyone to research the life of christ and show me where he was any kind of gutless pantywaist quite to the contrary he was the epi tome of aggressive man hood he became so in volved in selling love and justice for all that his entire relatively short life was consecrated to only that when he met a situation where someone was being unjustly dealt with he be came involved and gave no thought to whether or refreshments were serv ed in the womens insti tute hall and later a col orful fireworks display concluded the evenings program another qua ity product from brook in concrete kinq order our gasoline its never too late to give your equipmentjts don shank fuels zu main n markham 2941600 phone 65533h br00kun concrete products limited hwy 12 brookfin telephone 65s33u yonge st newmarket telephone 8ss 6781 we distill and mature our rye whiskies as carefully as if we alone were going to drink them and thats something youll discover first time you try one look for four seasons port royal and signature carefullytended rye from acadian distillers bridgetown nova scotia not others would approve of his actions as to politics when the money lenders and tax collectors were using the temple for commercial purposes rather than for worship of god he be came involved to the point where he kicked their backsides bodily from the temple along with their illgotten gains when a prostitute ac cused by the very com munity which had patron ized her was on trial he came to her defense and got pretty involved in that little caper hp dedicated his entire life to teaching and liv ing the concept of love for everyone includ ing us nuts and kooks he became so involved that these very people he de voted his life to helping hanged him from a tree and defiled his body in every way the twisted mind of man can conceive id say that was becom ing awfully damned in volved and these gentlemen claim to be following in his footsteps hah if the example they set is christianity who needs it e peters 79 thorncliff pk dr toronto 17 ont mr harley greer south street has returned home after undergoing an opera tion at uxbridge cottage hospital old colony soft drinks in cans 6 i 49 sunshine fresh fruit vegetables chiquita bananas 2 lb 29 homegrown 1 cauliflower 35c refreshing- 1 cucumbers 235c specially selected value checkd genuine bed or blue brand steak full cut round rib steaks or rump roasts lb 99 best buy save 14c maxwell house instant coffee 7oz bonus jar 119 maple leaf cryovac half sweet pickled cottage rolls lb 59c maple leaf smoked borcless cryovac half pork butts lb 79c maple leaf mild seasoned pork beef sausage lb 55c everswect brand rindless swifts bacon lb 75c maple leaf 4 varieties 6oz pkgs lunch meats each 25c ideal for cook outs lean fresh minced ground round lb 99c best buy save 24c assorted 3oz pkgs jello powders 101 best buy save 10c liquid 128oz size best buy austral brand fancy fruit cocktail 49c save 10c 28oz tin javex bleach 79 save 6c 50oz plastic whistle instant cleaner 129 1 save 6c orange pekoe red white 60 to pkg- tea bags 59 save 6c saran wrap 100ft roll 69 feature red breast spring salmon 43c save 6c vit tin best buy save 13c 16oz jar kraft cheez whiz 66c feature sunspun salad dressing save 10c 33oz jar 53 save 9c libbys alphagetti save 9c fluffo shortening save 4c kelloggs frosted flakes 19 oz tins 1lb fkgs 10oz pkg 2 for 45c 2 for 69c 33c frenchs prepared mustard 6oz jar 15 frozen food features i beef chicken turkey york meat pies 4 for 1 supreme golden 2lb bag- french fries 49c buy of the week sx brand canned midget hams 139 rjib tin where friendly people save you more schells red white stouffville open every thurs fri night till 9 pm